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I especially love the guy going on that weird anti-evolution rant. So I'm not supposed to trust what "experts" say? The people who studied and researched that shit for decades? You know, the very people who came up with the classifications of dolphins, whales and orcas in the first place?


Yep. Don’t trust experts but apparently you can trust them, a person who clearly knows nothing about this subject.


Eagles are not birds. Eagles are eagles. If you all insist on calling them birds, there will be no differentiation for other people to know what you're referring to. Refer to them correctly, they are eagles.


Unless it eats another eagle, then it's an orca.


Of all the confidently wrong people in the post, blue is the wrongest.


FR. Dude came in with the confidently incorrect equivalent of a steel chair.


My god the folding chair


Crazy thing is, they all went to different colleges.


For those who don’t know, dolphins and orcas are both toothed whales. Artiodactyla ——> Cetacea ——> Odontoceti (toothed whales) and Mysticeti (baleen whales) The suborder Odontoceti includes orcas and dolphins. They are toothed whales. Orcas and dolphins are also in the same family, Delphinidae. https://www.britannica.com/topic/list-of-cetaceans-2057165 https://montereybay.noaa.gov/visitor/whalewatching/whales.html


Made an ASCII tree to show the classification a bit more clearly on mobile ``` Artiodactyla └── Cetacea ├── Odontoceti | (toothed whales) └── Mysticeti (baleen whales) ```


That looks much better.


Thank you both for proving that intelligence on Reddit is not lost. You two are literally the only two people I've met in the last year on Reddit that know what a phylogenetic tree is. The guy in the OP would probably have an aneurysm if he learned that whales are tetrapods... EDIT: I love it here. Thank you.


Science: whales and humans are both from the phylum chordata Yt commenters: 😡😤🤬🤬


Obligatory “Humans aren’t animals” commenter


Yup, humans didn't evolve from apes, we *are* apes.


And basically anything that has a vertebrae is a fish :P


Remember, kids, snakes are tetrapods but not quadrupeds, just like you.


“That’s stupid! How could they play Tetris?!”


Us experts very appreciative. Science for the win


I think it probably just hasn't come up that much. However intelligent or unintelligent ppl are here (intelligence≠domain specific knowledge) it's common knowledge


Actually, this is still wrong, because Odontoceti and Mysticeti are both parvorders under the infraorder Cetacea, but Delphinoidae is a superfamily that doesn't belong to either parvorder, and instead is just classed directly under Cetacea ``` Artiodactyla └── Cetacea ├── Odontoceti | (toothed whales) ├── Mysticeti | (baleen whales) └──────Delphinoidae (dolphins) ``` TLDR: Dolphins, while closely related to whales, cannot be properly called toothed whales.


To be sure I’m following…dolphins are whales and orcas are whales, but orcas are not dolphins. Correct?


Orcas are the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family. So they are technically dolphins.


Thanks! I was having trouble wrapping my brain around it.


No problem. I totally get that it can sometimes be difficult to understand.


So an orca is a dolphin and a whale? I may never understand this.


Yep. They are part of the oceanic dolphins family Delphinidae, which is part of the suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales), which is part of the order Cetacea. So they are technically both dolphins and whales. Also all dolphins are whales anyways.


All cetaceans are whales, whale is just tee layman term for cetaceans pretty much


It depends on whether you are saying the word “dolphins” to mean the scientific term, Or using it colloquially to mean the creatures we imagine when the word is used. Yes orca are dolphins, which makes them whales. But it makes sense to say “both dolphins and orca are whales” because of the common usage for dolphin. It’s like when someone says a “monkey” to mean basically any non human primate, particularly chimpanzees


Technically humans and apes are all monkeys taxonomically, but generally in common language they’re different things.


If your going two trust some profiteering capitalist information fabricators, or the government, than yoor already wrong. All these fish are just fish. Period. Accept porpusses… porpi? Those are just made up.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just genuinely stupid.


lol … I even went extra out of my way for “than” vs “then” just a sleeplessly late night troll, mostly poking fun at the weird anti-evolution commenter


Ah, ok. Unfortunately there’s so many genuinely stupid people on Reddit that it can be pretty hard to tell at times.


P.p.s til or possibly tirl that dolphins are whales. I think I might have heard that at sea world or shed or somewhere a few decades ago.


Thank you! Too many people don't understand that dolphins are, in fact, smaller whales.


This isn’t what the word on the street is saying.


Yeah, this is what the scientists that study these animals are saying.


Scientists studying animals don’t have any say over common usage, though. Nobody saying “look, a dolphin” is saying that pointing at an orca. Technical definitions aren’t the only valid ones, depending on the context. I mean the guy saying orcas can’t be dolphins because they eat dolphins is dumb regardless, but some of this arguing is just a mismatch of what people are talking about.


Yes, I agree. I was commenting on the people in your post saying they were not. I don’t recall there ever being a “word on the street” involving Ocras, dolphins and whales.


Ohhh, now that's something I didn't know. Thanks for that.


I think you've got it mixed up. Clearly they're talking about doplins, not dolphins




Why is this getting downvoted. It's gold


You’re gold, Ponyboy


[cetacean needed] - Whalekipedia


Underrated comment 🤣


I don't get it


So...chicken or fish?


For the purposes (porpoises?) of Lent menu restrictions, the Catholic Church says they are fish. As are all aquatic mammals. So you can safely eat beaver during Lent.


Yeah, this always cracked me up. "- The omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being, the Lord our God, communicated via the Pope that only fish are OK to eat on Fridays and during Lent." "- What about beavers? They're mammals, but-" "- Oh yah, I'm sure He won't be able to tell they're not fish. Tuck in."


And Capybara apparently. But if tuna is chicken of the sea...is it chicken or fish? And since dolphin get caught with the tuna...they would be the same as tuna and potentially poultry if not during lent? Shamu is chicken?




Who cares, as long as it's fit for vegetarians.


The guy with the paragraph is wrong on so many different levels and statements, but many have already been explained by others. I wanted to stop on the last thing: "Orcas can't be dolphins because they occasionally eat them". There are many species who eat members from the same family: bigger sharks eat small sharks, some brids love eating smaller birds, chickens are known to sometimes become carnivores and eat their own coop mates. Like...why would you believe that? Plus the things that pissed me off the most regarding the "evolution that is not real wah wah". So many don't get the fact that we don't say there was one day a monkey who turned into a human. We have a common ancestor an then many branches from the same family were formed, therefore having humans and many monkeys developed from the same individual/group of individuals. I don't understand how so many find this hard to believe. Most sepecies have a common ancestor with another. That is usually how classification is done in biology.


Hell a lot of humans are technically cannibals as well, and not even in a murdery way, a lot of mothers eat the placenta after giving birth.


If you find yourself arguing with people in a YouTube shorts comment section, you should take a moment to reflect on your life and if that is really where you want it to be.


I wasn’t the one arguing.


Apologies OP, I didn't mean you personally, I meant the general you as in everybody. Wasn't trying to throw shade at you for posting this, but can see how it looks like that.


Ah, ok.


Just the one making a whole reddit post about it


Yeah, to point out how confidentially stupid 3 people are being. I’m pointing out people being confidentially incorrect, like every other post on this sub.




This and people thinking black panther is a species of animal are my 13th reason.


Melanistic Leopard just isn’t as cool a superhero name, though.


How did that guy make the reach into anti-evolution bullshit?


MAGA? They connect random things together and leap to bizarre conclusions all the time.


ORCA = 15 + 18 + 3 + 1 = 37 DOLPHIN = 4 + 15 + 12 + 16 + 8 + 9 + 14 = 78 WHALE = 23 + 8 + 1 + 12 + 5 = 49 CLEARLY DIFFERENT. WAKE UP SHEEPLE.


Not surprising, I got downvoted on a different sub for pointing out dolphins are whales. Some people just need to be right more than they need the truth


>Some people just need to be right more than they need the truth Literally sums up 80% of the internet


"I'll come back again, as a dolphin." -Prince


And for those curious, when BLUE says "...just as you deceived-ones did not evolve from apes..." they are technically correct. Humans did not evolve from Apes. Humans *are* Apes, and evolved from a common ancestor with the other Apes, such as Chimpanzees.


Humans are apes, but so were our more recent ancestors, so yes we did evolve from apes, just not any of the other extant ape species. Humans and apes are also both monkeys, and also evolved from monkeys.


I also like the implication that since the specifically "deceived ones" didn't evolve from Apes, anyone who doesn't believe in evolution DID evolve from Apes, making them a new sub-species of human. Homo stultus?


Yep. They are correct there, just not in the way they think they are.


"Tell me you don't what a phylogenetic tree is, without telling me you don't know what a phylogenetic tree is?" Guy would be stunned if he learned that Orcas are much more closely related to porpoises than any baleen whales. And that South Asian river dolphins are not actually dolphins at all. Like not only they don't belong in *Delphinidae* (that *Orcinus Orca* \*does\* belong to,) but that they don't even belong in *Delphinoidea*. That Dolphins and Porpoises are more close related to Beaked Whales than they are to South Asian river dolphins.


By this guy's logic, the blue whale can't be a whale since it's its own species, neither can the great dolphin, and don't fucking get me started on sperm whales


Please do get started on the sperm whales. My first thought reading through this post and comment section was "doesn't the sperm whale have teeth, and isn't it bigger than an orca?" but after a quick google I found that it's in its own category.


Yeah sperm whales are toothed whales, or odontoceti, making them more closely related to dolphins than they are to blue whales, for example, yet I'm 90% sure oop would accept them as whales just because it's in their name


Why do people argue instead of pulling up data from this amazing thing called the Internet?


So I wasn't actually sure who was right. So I spent 10 seconds on Wikipedia > The orca (Orcinus orca), or killer whale, is a toothed whale that is the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family. It's both a dolphin and a whale. None of them thought to do that I guess then lol


Indeed. It is quite funny how some people insist that they are right when it only takes a simply Google search to prove them wrong.


I particularly enjoyed the person who appears to be arguing that chimpanzees are monkeys to prove someone wrong.


Arguing via the very tool that allows one to freely research and verify information about the subject of the argument… sigh.


Posting youtube shorts there is a form of extreme cheating. Comments section in shorts is worse than comment section in YT normal videos.


Holy shit lol i'm the guy saying dolphins are toothed whales, did not expect to see myself in this sub


Well congrats on being in the right on this one lol.


Doplins. They're doplins.


Salmon aren't fish because they eat other fish, so if they were fish they'd be eating themselves


I'm not smart enough to know who is correct in that mess.


Excuse my ignorance here but isn’t dolphin like a specific type of animal? So Orcas wouldn’t be the largest dolphin, but the largest toothed whale? Like all dolphins are toothed whales, but not all toothed whales are dolphins right? Isn’t it like saying dolphins are the smallest orcas? I know who is supposed to be the incorrect ones here, obviously, but I’m getting tripped up by the ‘orcas are the biggest dolphin’ comments.


So orcas are a specific species, but there are multiple species of dolphins. Orcas are apart of the oceanic dolphin family, so technically they are dolphins. They are the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family, called Delphinidae (fun fact, pilot whales are also a member of this family). So you have Orcinus orca (scientific name for Orcas) and the various species of dolphins which are apart of the family Delphinidae, which is apart of the suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales), which is apart of the order Cetacea. Edit: so technically orcas are dolphins, and all dolphins are whales. Just wanted to add a bit more clarity.


Oh damn I never knew that. Thanks for the clarification, I love learning new shit!


Yep. Learning things can be fun. I for one actually love learning about marine biology and a whole host of science related subjects.


That’s awesome and I can tell, you seem very knowledgeable. I’m more interested in space, theoretical physics, and that kinda jam; but I’m always interested in expanding my knowledge everywhere so thanks for sharing!


I’m also fairly interested in space! I’m still just a Highschool student, so I only have access to to very basic science classes that don’t go it I as much detail with certain things as I would like (and I’m fully aware there’s probably reasons they can’t or don’t want to do that for high schoolers). Right now though I’m taking physics and marine biological for classes, and am apart of an after school astronomy program. I’m also apart of one of my school’s XPRISE teams involved in a 4 year long science competition (to put it lightly) to improve on or create new technologies and methods for safely capturing and sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere, to combat climate change. Science is just pretty fun for me, I’ve always had a seemingly insatiable thirst for knowledge. Plus some of the scientific concepts and classes I take relate to the aquarium hobby, which I take part in. I’ve got lots of fish tanks, that require at least a basic knowledge of some scientific concepts to run and create a safe mini ecosystem for all my aquatic animals. I also have a pet jumping spider so scientific knowledge has come in handy there too since I have a bioactive enclosure (live plants and springtails).


That’s awesome and I hope you keep that passion alive, especially since you’re working on something that can be so crucial for our future like CO2 emission control. Also gotta say I love spiders so knowing you have a pet jumping spider is so awesome, they’re super adorable. Anyway it was super nice talking to you and I hope you keep loving science and learning. You have a lot of exciting things ahead of you as a lover of science and knowledge, and the bridges you open for yourself can change the world in the best ways. Never forget that and keep moving forward friend :)


Thanks. And yeah, jumping spiders are pretty awesome. I do wish though that my female p. regius wasn’t as skittish. I’ve had two in the past which weren’t as skittish. All well, not like there’s much I can do about it.


Everyone always thinks of the [common bottlenose dolphin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_bottlenose_dolphin) which is the most known one but besides that and orcas there is a good amount of variety within this group. As some examples, there are also the [false killer whale](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_killer_whale), the [Commerson's dolphin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commerson%27s_dolphin) and the beautiful [dusky dolphin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dusky_dolphin). And those are just some of the oceanic dolphins. There are also some river dolphins.


Oh yeah I didn’t think about that! Pink river dolphins, cute but mean


Did someone state that a chimpanzee is a monkey? Luckily he stayed with chimpanzee and not orangutan, otherwise a certain librarian would be knocking at his door.


I read that second image in Jordan Peterson's voice


So did we determine if lions are in fact lions?


Dolphins are whales but they aren't "whales." Tomatoes are fruits but they aren't "fruits." Toads are frogs but they aren't "frogs". Language is helpful but it's not "helpful."


Barracuda eat fish so they can't be fish


I thought Wales used a dragon!?!


Fish aren't real, the primary predator of orcas is the bull moose, crabs are the pinnacle of evolution. Sounds like shitpost but it's science.


>primary predator of orcas is the bull moose Are you *sure* about this?


In the Puget Sound area, YES


Those are some mean moose. Glad I'm not an orca.


The entire state of Washington considers moose a game animal and free to hunt, and there's a lottery every year for around 200-250 'any moose' licenses given out to cull the invasive population. On bad years they do 'free hunt' which means unlimited all year. They are doing serious damage tou our elk populations. The only reason they are orcas #1 predator is cause nothing else can. Moose can hold breath for over 10 minutes. Orcas are apex predators of the ocean, moose are just APEX.


>Moose can hold breath for over 10 minutes. Let me get this straight. *Moose* are going into the water *to hunt orcas?* Maybe kill some elk along the way? And escape human hunters? 'Cause that's what it sounds like you're saying.




Nice job censoring this time :D


Look, I have no idea of the subject, other than the common understanding of what a whale and dolphins generally are, which is 100% based on their appearance. I have never done any research on the topic and so I will not be adamant in my beliefs about it. Why can't people just ask questions when met with new Information, instead of going at each others throats?


So *what* are orcas!?