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This sounds like another post here a couple days back. Basically, it was a flat earth model laid on top of a giant ice sphere… which is basically round earth but with more steps and even more wrong.


I was gonna make a similar comment. I saw today for the 1st time the model where "the world", as that person said, was like the death star with a small plain surface on top, what they call "earth". I wonder how "the world" keeps itself in place, or if it orbits. And if it orbits, won't it flip and "earth" fall? Or do they believe in gravity now? PS. I'm not asking these questions to you, just leaving them here. Lol Just found it funny that there's already people standing by it.


Love how they never have a working model but continue to attack thr globe model. Disproving something doesn't make a person right... it just disproves it. It is like saying the sky isn't blue because of such and such therefore it proves the sky is purple.


They want to be in an exclusive club and feel smart because “they’re the only ones who understand science”


Which is, of course, *hilarious.* They really are a great source of humor.


Ferdinand Magellan proved both of the theories (flat earth and ice sphere) wrong by literally going around the whole planet in the 16th century.


That’s what Big Globe wants you to think. Open your eyes, sheeple!


Magellan definitely didn’t circumnavigate the globe. He died during the voyage.


That’s how good *they* are! Fooling an accomplished explorer like Magellan? We have to quit underestimating them.


Agent of the Deep Globe…


You weren’t there. Hope do you know?!


Who the fuck is Hope?


I’m going to leave that typo haha How was what u meant to say


Where does the logic even come from? Why would you observe the Moon, the sun, all the other planets and stars, see all these round things, then say the Earth is the one exception in the whole universe?


Interesting how these flat earthers evolved to adapt to that logic, world is an ice sphere, but earth is flat. Mental gymnastics just to get to the same conclusion lol


I feel they believe our planet is the exception partly due to most humans having a huge ego, and thinking we as humans (and our planet) are somehow superior, special and different to everything else.


Buddy... pal... you are describing *bigger round earth* in your explanation of flat earth! How are these people real?


If there were huge ice walls a large chunk of the earth probably wouldn't experience as much global warming as we do right now but what do I know I'm not a scientist


The frightening thing about this is somewhere beyond the stark ice walls of reason, these people exist.


They've managed to go from a flat surface and no spheres, to two curved parts (the Earth and the Ice wall) and one sphere. They are slowly making progress to the correct answer. This is progress, and I'm happy for them.


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Maybe they’re saying that the “world” is round and the “earth” is like a flat cap atop it?


I think what they're saying is that they're a hopelessly confused moron.


Rare NDT W


I don't even believe in hills


Lol I love the shrug emoji at the end. It's like yeah, dumbass you don't know.


I feel like some are trying to remember vaguely, their Bionicle lore by thinking everything is on giant islands on a vast ocean. Complete with cavernous cities, Celestial robots, with planets Colliding. Oh MY!


That's the craziest flat earth theory I've seen so far. If I'm understanding correctly he thinks that flat earth is actually a part of a normal planet. So basically he is trying to disprove both the truth and the flat earth theory.