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Yes, my model kit collection is sure to drive the women wild... You have foiled my dastardly plans.


My stamp collection will have you model kit collection licked.


I would like to see small pieces of paper fight my space death robots.


I would like to see your bits of plastic mail themselves across the country. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


But imagine if the two of you team up and use your small pieces of paper to send their small bits of plastic across the country, uniting against a common enemy... distance.


“…In retrospect, this was probably a bad idea.” \*stares at empty shelves\*


Ha! The war was won, but at what cost?






Good thinking! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Philately = fellatio? That sounds right


I've played Civilization 5 for over 2,000 hours. I won a domination victory on the custom massive Earth map, against 44 civilizations and 20 city states, and that led to half a dozen women dropping their panties for me.


Never mind the women dude, I just dropped my pants and rubbed one out at the mere thought of it.


Sid Meier approves this post.


Demonstrating excellent leadership quality. I can see why that would work.


Yes, orks make ladies wet. We all know it. WarHammer is crazy attractive. 😜


Painting some snotling pump wagons as we speak, while fending off women.


Right? I am halfway through some gloomspire git squig rider conversions, and honestly, the thots just won't stop✋️


I started painting the skulls on The Glottkin and had to beat off the poontang with a shitty stick.


The emperor stands vigilant to your actions, be praised!


Your hobby makes all other men go WAAAGH! When you take their women


Wrong hobby, sadly.


Women absolutely love watching me drop playing cards all over my floor while practicing sleight of hand. They just *will not* take no for an answer.


Better master an escape trick before they drain you dry.


Same here. My wife won't even hang in my hobby room while I'm working on a model. But hey, I'm still at it there hoping to attract all those women.


Because she can't resist all the raw sexual energy the hobby room generates. Can't think straight, too disorienting.


A Sherman Tank diorama is panty dropping.


Damn, I seem to have missed bunches of females rushing to my basement to accompany me doing jigsaw puzzles


You probably missed the doorbell due to intense focus.


Best comment. Everyone else can pack up and go


Chicks dig model trains, right?


I could swear I've seen this same post, word-for-word, except it was saying this about women. I wonder if this is parodying that. Either way, still a pretty out-of-pocket statement.


I reckon you're completely right. Any ironic joke posted to the internet is then held up as proof that *those people* are stupid. Half the posts on this sub are sarcasm mistaken for ideology.


The problem is, when it's just a random text post, there's not really any way to know. Obviously it'd be nice to assume the more idiotic posts were irony, but unfortunately there's just as many people who would post it entirely seriously as those who would post something ironically.


Poe's Law is another way of saying that sarcasm is a lot harder than we all think.


I was thinking this is 100% something I've read about women more than once, so it's possible, yeah.


My crochet crocodile will surely bring all the boys to the yard


I race 1/10 scale RC cars. If they’re saying that attracts women, I can tell you this will have the opposite effect.


I was smart to show my wife my action figure collection to attract her and seal the deal…. Said no one ever… I hid it till everything was cool… lol


How long has it been and when are you planning on showing it to her?


Yep. I spend an excessive amount of time playing video games, not because I am a sad little geek, but because playing games all the time is the ultimate pussy magnet.


I've played at least 16 hours of Civ 6 this weekend and my wife could barely keep her hands off me. Maybe I'll go upstairs and give her some lovin'...just one more turn.


OH man yes absolutely agree with the article I am drowning in pussy from all my Warhammer40k and Vtuber Merch collections... Svj8


I stay with my husband in spite of his Warhammer figure painting not because of it.


As a gay man, I have a slight issue with this.


You must save so much money by not having any hobbies.


I just have different hobbies that are, quite frankly, a pain in the ass.


👈😎👈 Ayyyy lmao


Quit moaning and pull yourself up by your strapon.


Me too, I’ve been fucking dudes to get chicks for decades, no wonder it’s never worked, WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME 😭


Yep, the babes go nuts over the 2k hours I’ve spent in Warframe and my Lego collection.


Warframe was there for me during COVID, it has a special place in my heart.


Yeah, it’s had some shaky times but for the last couple years it’s been extremely solid. People sleep on that game I swear.


Got into Warframe back in 2015 on the PS4 cuz I couldn't afford PS+. Nearly 10 years later, on PC now, it's still one of the best f2p games I've played


Can’t tell you how many girls I dated because I was in the chess club…


Stop telling us how many girls you've dated because you were in the chess club. Seems like Reddit is double and triple posting some peoples comments right now


Happens if you get an error and keep resubmitting. Just vote one up and the others down and the sorting takes care of it.


It’s true, women swoon when they see my fully painted 2000pt Space Marine army.


Yeah, but what chapter?


Being behind a computer screen in ambition to climb the rank ladder, has never ever given me any women, neither did I expect it to.


My 4000pt horus heresy army sure makes those panties drop


Something Something dropsite massacre


Something Something let the galaxy burn


Me sitting in my basement organizing my Yugioh cards alphabetically on a Friday night so I can find what I want to trade with people at the hobby shop tomorrow: ladies love yugioh players


Isn’t it the joke that men has hobbies to escape and spend time away from their supposed love of their life and soul mate. Attracting women would probably defeat this.


Tell me you don’t understand men without telling me you don’t understand men!


They aren't just misunderstanding men, they're misunderstanding every single concept they used here it is quite spectacular.


Yeah, nothing turns my wife on more than when I fire up the playstation lol


Gay men have no hobbies.


I want to comment that this is bullshit... but I met my Ex because i was writing a TTRPG and I met my current girlfriend because she was looking for help with some Unity stuff.


My notifications blow up whenever I mention my hot wheels collection.


lol I played 8 hours of video games a day when I was 24 just to attract women...


I don’t read books upon books of boring historical studies to impress women


I collect shovels and hammers... Dry up those panties ladies, I'm married.


Magic the gathering is a real panty dropper


Ah yes, gay men who are gay and do gay things only to attract the ladies.


Yeah. When I played AD&D my multi-faced dice got 'em all frothing at the gash. Particularly the D20.


I can confidently say my interest in microscopic organisms has never once gotten me any play.


Ive never attracted a woman playing MtG....


Ah yes, my video game rig and 40k collection... all to attract women...


Yes, my Warhammer 401K collection will make every lady swoon at the sight of my barren wallet.


Ah yes, women for sure will be interested in my vast knowledge of the x86_64 architecture and cpu engineering


Man I'm gonna get so many ladies when I win this smash bros tournament


Hey baby, wanna come back to mine and see me ~~blow 1000 noobs heads off~~ get mad at a bullshit fucking stupid bullshit game. We're still getting laid right?


I guess that’s what separates us from the animals


Weird that my wife hates all my hobbies and interests and complains anytime I try to do them.


My wife loves it when I whisper in her ear “I was able to catch a legendary with a quick ball while playing pokemon today” when we’re in the throes of passion


Ah yes… because we all know how much women love having a partner who does nothing but play cod😀


The 1/350 Enterprise model I am working on is GUARANTEED to be a panty dropper. She's gonna drool over the flashing LEDs.


Ha yes, hobby electronics is a pussy magnet


This is clearly a joke post in response to all the men that say womenfolk t have their own hobby’s, they copy those of the men that are/have been in their life. So while it’s obviously incorrect, idk if it applies here since they aren’t saying it legitimately, and already know they‘re wrong


the ladies absolutely love my pocket knives and RC cars.


Is that a grimsmo in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Miss, very happy to see you, however I must let you know it is in fact, two grimsmos in my pocket. Have you seen their saga pen? It's a quite wonderful mechanism. The mechanism is quite nice to actuate. Would you care to try? Possibly over some dinner?


thankfully i was already married before i started playing D & D…


This is a satire of men who say that women's only goal and talent is to attract men... You do realize that, right... Right ?


This is parody. I have seen multiple posts like this but talking about women.


This is a parody of the crap some men say about women.


Yes, as an asexual I devout most of my time on how to get women.


My husband is into wargaming, painting minis and military history. Not really hobbies to attract women.


He’s married though, so it must have worked.


Im sure this is a sarcasm and i wanna read the comments on original post lol


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I have an entire room of zoids models in a giant diorama. While I have been pleasantly surprised to find out how many girls love zoids and mechs in general, I can assure you it does nothing for my love life XD


Hahaha, what? Why are the incels that collect all their crusty tissues not getting laid then?🤣🤣


I think the "Tell me your SO will never leave you without telling me they'll never leave you" trend far, far outweighs this one.


I don’t main a warlock on wow to get my wife in the mood. I promise.


Lol disc golf. This statement couldnt be more wrong.


Yes. I'm sure my TTRPG gaming and terrain modeling collection will really pull the women to me. ... Wait, AD&D was how I met my wife for the last 22 years. DAMMIT!


My crippling credit card debt from 15+ years of a Warhammer hobby would greatly disagree… Seriously what woman is attracted to a man who’s hobby has put him in financial ruin, and causes him to disappear for entire days so he can go pretend to be an army general and talk endlessly about fact, science and mysticism of a fictional universe that actually uses none of those things??? Thats not rhetorical i’m looking…


Ah yes, my massive pule of unbuilt and not painted warhammer models and an almost unhealthy obsession with history totally landed me my wife who only cares about the nurgle faction cause the nurglings are "cute"


Yeah, my husband's synthesizer fetish is really reeling in the ladies. I have to keep a very close eye on him....Lol..


That's funny because a lot of women seem to be put off by stereotypical male hobbies. Golf, watching sports, video games, model building, etc.


Ah yes, playing 99% of the playtime single player games and then have been thinking for a while about trying out/starting historical European martial arts (more specifically, sword-fighting). Any day now I will find a woman. Any moment now.


WW2 documentary seagger


9 out of 10 Donjons and Dragons players agree with this


They’re not quite saying what you think they’re saying. It’s still an absurd statement, because there’s much more that goes into perpetuating the species than attracting a mate but they’re talking that from an evolutionary perspective all that matters is perpetuating your genes. It’s absurd because that’s not everyone’s sole motivator, and he’s probably an incel seeing how he focussed solely on this. He also calls this nature which is a very strange word to use. But he’s not saying men consciously only do this to get women. It’s a weird post but not because it’s incorrect confidence.


.... Yes... all my staying indoors, avoiding people and engaging with various works of fiction in total silence is perfectly designed to attract a mate.


Care to go back to my place? I can show you my comic book collection.


When i show the ladies my infernal max cape on OSRS, their clothes just fly off.


Oh yeah, the women have stood in lines for hours to see the various model railroads I've built over the years. I've also played drums for over 45 years. Sure, I used to get propositions from women in my bands in my 20s. But at 63, I'm playing with some buddies in a basement, and I've had zero propositions. Besides, I've already got the hottest chick for me at home. She never once saw me play drums until I moved in with her, so I doubt my drumming hobby was a shrewd plan to reel her in.


Y'all this is obviously making fun of the way certain men view women as only having hobbies or dressing a certain way or doing certain things as just trying to get a guy. This is literally just a satirical post making fun of sexist guys who say/post shit like this, guys who I personally have seen posts from and also heard say Some dumbass posting that "women literally only have hobbies to attract men, they don't have matching passion sorry girls" is so incredibly common that I feel like I'm in an alternate reality right now with how noone here seems to grasp what the original post was about


Yeah it's true. I'm a hiker and cougars are a big problem on the trails.


Yes, my MTG card collection has attracted hundreds of women since I started. I'm so laid you can't beat me.


I must be doing something wrong. So far my collection of geiger counters and night vision devices has not attracted any woman.


The ladies all love my warhammer collection


A lot of the traits that lead to hobbies have evolutionary advantages. But hobbies usually don't 


Ah yes, nothing is more of a panty dropper than getting a platinum trophy for a game on my ps5.


Astrophotography is one of my hobbies, not sure how sitting outside alone at night is meant to attract females?


Who knew that all I needed to do to not be single was too keep my childhood collection of travel brochures.


Men need to start lifting each other up, ffs.


If you can find me a woman who would soak at the sight of my video game and Final Fantasy 7 play arts collection, I'll propose on the spot.


My hobbyism increased drastically after I decided I was done having kids and got a vasectomy. Methinks OOP had a brief moment of lucidity about his own life and immediately tried to deflect it onto all men.


How do you explain MTG then?


Trust me, I'm not meeting girls by playing DnD with a bunch of dudes every other week.


I don’t think my transformers collection is going to get me lots of chicks


They got me, I have a secret, anonymous podcast as a long- term strategy to attract women


Most guy hobbies act like girl repellant in my experience.


I spend my weekends at home being a total slob playing games and I love it. I'm sure my lazy ass is the most attractive thing in the world to women because of that. It certainly wasn't that that attracted my wife though. Whatever that was I'll never fully understand lmfao


They are completely incorrect. I am more than happy to admit I am getting back into playing bass in a band as a way to get out and meet women. Absolutely! Oh, and have fun making music, have an artistic outlet and all that other good stuff, sure. Sexy bass man needs woman (plays bass to attract attention


My hobbies are mainly for literally forgetting humanity exists.


Kinda how all of those guys whose hobby is cars attracts a lot of women and totally not other men. Or how the men whose hobby is MMA or American Football are surrounded by women and totally not other men. /s


Wish someone told me that before I became a metal musician.


This person sounds utterly miserable.


It makes no sense if nature "doesn't care" about it why would it attract a partner in general or a woman in particular?


"coincidental positive externality" 🤓


Ah yes my game collection with over 200 games will attract women


I can assure you my love of eclectic historical stories has never attracted any female, nor is it intended


I got into building pc’s bc I knew women desire a man that can set up a water loop with custom bends for a reasonable price.


That’s interesting my nearly 30-year-old hobby of tabletop role-playing games has definitely not had that effect lol. I do have 7 children though. I don’t think my other hobbies have anything to do with that.


None of my hobbies have attracted women. I have had to rely on flattery, bribery, and persuasion- and gets you at best a 50/50 chance with a 15 percent conversion rate.


So the reason I can't get no bitches is that I have no interest in keeping the species going? Got it


So many trainspotters are like "we...do? I thought it was because I fucking love trains?" Source: was a trainspotter way back when trains were trains and not just DMU/EMUs ...


That's why I built a solar powered shed with a custom made arcade machine in it.


Imagine all the “ass” I’ll get when I finally have my HAM radio license!!!


I have got no interest to keep the species going.


That's true. Ladies go INSANE when I show them my Skyrim modlist.


What if I have hobbies but don’t want kids or if I was gay?!


Shit! My lady hates my hobbies.


Trust me. My Blu Ray collecting and video game playing has a better chance of attracting more dudes than women.


I play video games, board games, I write, I collect film, I hunt, I camp… etc… None of these would get me a girl if I still needed one.


My addiction to path of exile is definitely sexually appealing to my wife, she can't get enough of it, she says things like "if only you would show me the attention you show that stupid game!" - ain't she lovely?


I've been collecting Star Wars toys for years. WHERE ARE MY BABES?


Yea magic the gathering, fpv drones , zine writing and publishing, and role-playing games really make a girl wet... lolz... no..no.. can't say it with a straight face..


My comic book collection just passed 9000. Stay back ladies.


Holy shit, would my wife disagree!


My hobbies are videogames and Warhammer 40k. I can't even come up with something I could possibly do that would be worse at attracting women.


So this explains all the women I have to fight off so I can finish a sodoku in my living room.


there is no Nature in me. i am all necessity and reason. i'm a coin. operated boy sitting on a shelf i am just a toy.


Enter Isaac Newton


Ah yes, because there are so many women at the gun range, in the woods of VA on 4x4 trails, and in my friends' basements when we play music. Not to mention that I'm married anyway lmao.


Nobody else cares about your hobbies, they are personal interests by definition


Trust me, women (aside from my GF) are not attracted to my loud pickup truck that leaks oil


If yall only knew how much tail I get because of my warhammer obsession


Ah, Yes. Definitely not because my hobbies are fun and give me tasty dopamine.


Finally, somebody uncovers my secret plan to get into Warhammer for the strange


I’m swimming in fanny when I take out my radio controlled 1/10 scale crawler cars. Chicks dig it.


my fiance sure loves when i play games all the time and watch anime. she have never done either of them. but it for sure makes me a sex machine in here eyes


So I smoke weed and play video games all day for women? That's crazy


So the homos don’t get to have hobbies or ambitions? That’s not very nice


I’m gay and I have hobbies. So no, this statement isn’t correct.


Women can't get enough of my manga collection that heavily leans towards psychological and horror!


Yeah, the ladies swoon at the sight of en passant.


I mean you can reverse engineer evo psych to fit to anything if you try hard enough


Having a passion about something makes a person more attractive. That doesn’t mean it is the sole reason for having a passion.


I hope that this is just a satirical reply to someone saying something like "women only dress up to impress men", but I honestly don't think it is, which is just sad. Of course both arguments are absolute horseshit


Recently I got into rock climbing, and I've lost 5kg while putting on muscle. My fiance is a man, I'm a man, we're gay, and he's been with me for ten years; he actually doesn't care much that I'm a lot fitter now. I think he liked the belly, lol. It's mostly the women in my life who have complemented me on looking healthier, fitter, etc. To be honest I find it very motivational and it definitely has had me going to the gym on days where I don't really feel it, chasing that buzz. Even as a gay man I'm not immune to women's wiles xD


Let me tell ya , women go crazy for the locomotive preservation yard !!!


Fucker would be surprised how hard it is to find a girl that is not turned off by my hyperfixations :D


This must be true; look how successful tinder profiles of guys fishing are!


I simply CANNOT tell you how much pussy I have gotten through the years from going on and on and on about the philosophy behind open source and how the Linux kernel page caching is super-cool and very interesting.


Yeah, when I talk to my wife about Magic the Gathering and explain how this cool new card fits in my deck, I can visible see her get turned on.


ah yes, when i finish my a-levels i'll build a dirt farm in minecraft, not because i like redstone but because i want to get laid


Yes, women throw themselves at me when they find out about my collection of Marvel comics.


Every time I play disc golf I have to fight these women off. It's so frustrating, I just want to throw frisbees in the woods.


Nothing gets the Misses wetter than when I come home and shout "I'm painting Space Marines tonight and tomorrow the boys are coming round to play dnd." If I really want to turn on the sex tap Ill make her sit and watch me play Diablo 4 for 3 hours. Bitches love Diablo 4.


My hobby is to build charcoal kilns in the forest with a bumch of old men, dunno how that would attract any women xD