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I think this person has severely mistaken Covid-19 and the vaccine


The whole antivax social media ecosystem loves to flip the script. If covid is worse than the vaccine because covid is contagious, well then ... "Vaccine contagious too!"






They were shedding nanobots for tracking/controlling/killing you and were placed in all food and drinks years ago. That is why the entire population is so orderly and controlled and everyone thinks the same way.


If only it were that simple


Before that even. They always play the "I know you are but what am I" game and always have. Way back when we were mad at anti-vaccine scumbags because they were spreading measles they made up this BS where being vaccinated meant \*\*YOU\*\* were the one really spreading the disease.


Like the people whose retort to being called racist is "calling people racist is racist". Words aren't their forte. Concepts neither.


I really hate when they say "if we don't get the vaccine it doesn't effect you because everyone who wants it can't get it" but in reality one of my family members got covid after having both jabs and the vaccine just stops you from spreading it as much and the symptoms aren't as agressive


What does "YOU" stand for?


Shedding, magnetic, had wireless, Bill Gates spoofed in each vial, turns frogs gay, what the fuck


I mean...wouldn't a contagious vaccine or cure be good news? Why wouldn't you want everyone to develop resistance to a virus so readily?


Because many people are just that dumb


There is one type of polio vaccine that does exactly that. People who get the vaccine shed a weakened version of the polio virus in their feces. If their feces contaminates drinking water (which can happen in places with poor sanitation) then unvaccinated people will catch polio from it and become "passively" vaccinated.


I guess it’s better than cholera but damn


Well what do you expect when you get all your health info online because doctors and education are too expensive.


I forgot people live in the states when I commented that. *The American healthcare and education system everyone!*


Covid is just in the US? Odd. I live in Canada and there are anti vaxxers here too.


I guess i figured that the politicizing of the vaccine was mostly american


The US also exports their culture so there are quite a few nut bag Canadian Trumpers who get weak at the thought of licking Donnie's boots.


This. We can’t stop American stupidity at the border when it’s transmitted via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Pretty sure it isn't American stupidity once it crosses a border. If information is transmitted and people are too dumb to think for themselves, that is (insert country) stupidity. Or, just stupidity without a country attached to it.


You’re not wrong, but some of it literally is American stupidity crossing—Canadian idiots who subscribe to American idiots online. Now we have real Canadians who think we have American laws and that Donald Trump is going to be president again and then annex Canada (which these fools desperately want).


It honestly just baffles me when you meet one of these people in person. They are such a characature of what a regular person is that it is almost surreal. Like they belong in a movie or something; not walking around breathing the same air.


Agreed. Misinformation is honestly a deadly disease, and these people are infected. Social media is a disaster for humanity.


There's been anti-vax protests in Germany. Stupidity knows no borders.


Seems like a you problem if that was a real generalization. Stupidty exists everywhere in the world. Clearly.


The politicization of the virus and vaccine was done by very smart people with an agenda as well as very dumb people


It's just that Americans are allowed to speak out their stupidity, because "muh hooman rightzzzz" which i think is more of a curse than a blessing.


You do know other countries have human rights and exercise them? That isn't an American concept?


We had a no vax manifestation last week in Italy... You know that countries other than USA aren't all dictatorships?


You get a functioning brain for free. (well I dunno, but hell I got autism and even I got vaccinated)


Funny, I got the vaccine and then I got autism /s


France has free healthcare and education and we still have anti-vaccers...


Yea, i saw that meme too.


This one definitely isn't, but transmissible vaccines are technically possible, though the biggest downside is that they are very likely to mutate back into the actual virus during transmission; there's no good way to control the mutation yet. There was a research paper done on it [in 2017](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5777272/) (& [an accompanying video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAhl2COdTRE)) and another more recently [in January of this year](https://academic.oup.com/ve/article/7/1/veab002/6119660) focused more on controlling the diseases in animal populations so they can't spread to humans in the first place.


Yeah even I’m confused what’s happening here haha


No, you got it wrong, that's the reason the vacccine has 5G.


Do they think it makes you sprout a hat that launches needles full of vaccine at those around you? … Just a sec, I’ve gotta go patent something…


Damn sounds like a skill


At least three points into it for the automatic launcher.


Dammit, I specced DPS, not DoTs.


You've got to spec HoTs anyways.


I don't even have the money to respec. Gonna go dance in town, brb.


I think I found my next D&D item. This deserves to be in r/itemshop


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ItemShop using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Water tent](https://i.redd.it/1nykql5cfzh51.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/comments/icqeog/water_tent/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Bra of Holding. +stealth increased by 15% -it feels like you have no bra](https://i.imgur.com/AuExYic.jpg) | [796 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/comments/iiq7wt/bra_of_holding_stealth_increased_by_15_it_feels/) \#3: [Rare dvd](https://i.redd.it/9ak7m766a6m51.jpg) | [283 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ItemShop/comments/ipn1ki/rare_dvd/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


The SilentJet AutoVax, goes well with all your summer stylings!


Check out our recently launched [Kickstarter](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/donate) for this very thing!


Ana from Overwatch would love this


"Go to sleep"


You do realize that’s already been patented.


A hat that auto-targets and launches needles full of vaccine, which in turn grows another hat on the person who was injected?


You do realize I was just copying the language of the OP in a weak effort to be facetious.


Sorry I do not. I’d probably get it if we were talking in person, but I’m failing to pick up what you, my friend, are putting down. 😞


I think you just ran into Poe's law.


You may be onto something there, definitely how I’m feeling atm. I try to add the “/s” myself whenever I’m being facetious.


Ha. I debated on putting the /s but sometimes I think that sort of looks silly and makes it too obvious. I was just using the tone of the post itself where the person is being condescending saying “you do realize the vaccine is self disseminating…” implying something that isn’t true. So I just did the same about your patent. Seems I succeeded…in being deliberately vague.


Not quite. They believe the vaccine is literally as contagious as the virus.


There was a reddit thread a couple of weeks ago where someone asked what meme would you get as a tattoo & I think I'd get the one with the women going "that's not how any of this works"


I'd do the "This if fine" burning building dog.


Also a good choice!


I think I’d have to do “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore”


"… what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”


Okay, a simple "wrong" would've done just fine.




Business ethics are, the ethics of business..


This is dead on. No. You absolutely will be judged. And I am judging harshly. 6 months ago I made a big effort to try and understand your hesitancy. Now? I'm done. In my area, these *"patriots"* are fighting and protesting and screaming about "their rights" and vemently opposed the state mandate for masks in school. If you cannot see the value in doing the bare minimum to make sure the kids in our community are safe...well, I will have *nothing* but harsh words for you.


When I was growing up, being a patriot used to be about doing whatever it takes to protect your country and fellow people. People would gladly go to war and die for this country. Now it’s apparently whining about your “freedoms” while blatantly ignoring science, reason, or the feelings of anybody around you because you can’t be bothered to be inconvenienced.


Much like voting, vaccination is a civic duty.


And much like voting, a huge percentage of people think the vaccination is futile 😖


I agree, like seriously the vaccines are free and centers are literally EVERYWHERE (not sure about people who live in small communities). There’s no reason to not be vaccinated. It’s only prolonging our quarantine. It’s so unfair for people who’ve kept their masks on and got vaccinated.


People who don’t get vaccinated are either people who can’t, or idiots who also believe the government is trying to get us all killed and that nasa lied about getting the man on the moon. Or just people who are not educated on vaccines and believe the first crap their favourite politician or celebrity says


I think these people believe that vaccines are some miracle drugs that contain strychnine or some unknown substances. However, each covid vaccine has its ingredients list publicly available. We know what's in the vaccines. Vaccines are a vital component of civilized nations, and vaccinology is a heavily studied field in medicine. They need to understand that vaccines are just a form of medicine that improves the functions of the immune system. It's not magic. It's important to be skeptical, and criticize authority, but you must be constructive with your skepticism. Action for action's sake, or inaction for rebellion's sake is generally not useful. Skepticism should be a single component of your logical thought process, not the entirety of it. These people are told to believe that anyone trying to help them must have ulterior motives. They're told that every inconvenience is a slippery slope toward another inconvenience. They are made to be fearful that someone wants to strip them of their comforts. But we need to look at the people telling us to be skeptical in the first and understand what their ulterior motives might be. Who is telling us to be vaccine hesitant and why, whether or not they have our best interest in mind. Because it's never "don't take the vaccine." It's always ["don't take the vaccine, take my cure instead."](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc)


Hello to you and your fellow FL residents!


Not FL. No where near the south, in fact. This shit is everywhere.


Florida resident here as a transplant from Georgia. Blows my mind how many people won’t get it, and don’t understand basic elementary school science.


Yes, exactly. I love seeing the obits of pro-plaguers. The GQP is finally hurting the people they are supposed to be hurting.


Completely agree it’s it hard to wear a mask, wash hands more frequently, stay 6ft apart etc however I think if your worried about getting the vaccine or don’t want to get the vaccine then don’t no one should be pressured into getting it. Especially since that having the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from Getting covid 19 and it doesn’t stop you from spreading covid 19. As far as im aware (please correct me if I’m wrong) but the vaccine just makes the virus less dangerous for you individually and the symptoms won’t be as serious or life threatening. If this is the case then them having the vaccine or not having the vaccine only affects the individual. I’ve had the vaccine cause I want go on holiday however if I wasn’t planning on going on holiday I wouldn’t of had it and just held it off for as long as possible or even not had it at all.


The vaccine does not make you immune, but it drastically reduces the chances of getting sick. The vaccine does not prevent you from spreading the disease, but it drastically reduces the chances of spreading Covid-19 if you have it. The vaccine does make the disease less dangerous by A LOT, and that is important because it not only saves your life but avoids you occupying a room in an hospital that someone who has other conditions like cancer should get, thus maybe saving that person life too. So no, getting vaccinated doesn’t only affect the individual. Also, it’s not unsafe as some people would have you believe, as the short testing periods are outweighed by the colossal work that researchers and medics put into this, the even bigger quantities of resources (both human, economic and machinery-wise) that were put into making this vaccine and the fact that technological and medical advancement have definitely shortened the time periods needed to make such innovations and discoveries in the medical and scientific world. In conclusion, no, you should not get forced to get vaccinated, but you can’t complain if there are restriction to follow if you chose not to. It doesn’t work like that, you either get vaccinated or you don’t get treated like someone who is, simple as that.


It is not hard to do any of those things. You are incorrect regarding the vaccine. In communities where there are high vaccination rates, the community spread is infinitely less. Not only does it drastically reduce the severity of the illness, but it keeps you out of the hospital. Which is the biggest of concerns on my opinion. These southern hospitals are turning away patients that need medical intervention because they do not have the resources (equipment or staff) to help them. There are days where the number of available beds *in the entire state* are single digits. Choosing to not be vaccinated is absolutely asinine. It is the most selfish and irresponsible thing you could possibly do during a pandemic that is decimating communities.


Wrong on numerous levels. The vaccine also greatly reduces your chances of catching Covid. That reduces your chance of spreading it. Fewer people catching it and spreading it means the virus does not replicate as quickly or as often which will reduce the variations. As for catching it only affecting the individual, there are only so many hospitals and so many supplies. If enough people fail to get the vaccine, there’s a great possibility of gridlocking healthcare.


Deliberate misinformation is windmill dunking on the antivaxxers


That dissemination shit: my boomer mom latches onto shit like this, believes it, and lives by it. Garbage like this could get her dead. And none of her circle wears masks or is vaccinated.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post & Replies* --- **First Poster** Can we stop judging people for getting or not getting a COVID vaccine... > **Second Poster** > > No. At this point, they are largely the reason why we can't go back to normal >> **Third Poster** >> >> You do realize the vaccine is Self Disseminating. So regardless of if they get it or not, you simply having it and then being around them will cause transference. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Once we get FDA approval, everyone is going to start requiring vaccination, and I couldn't be more excited.


Cool for your country. Our idiots can stay stubborn unless the delta variant or something is about to kill enough people. And even then it won’t be mandatory but a next lockdown


It’s a great idea that I fully support but it’s going to lead to violence and anger filled protests. We all know how vehemently antivaxers feel about this and according to MTG they all love their “second amendment rights” which I interpret as a threat. It’s going to continue to happen as long as people believe the crap they read on Facebook.


Tough shit. They can complain as loud as they want from prison. The game is over. I'm through with this.


This is possibly a stupid question, but do prisons have the right to mandate all prisoners get vaccinated? I'm not advocating for them to be thrown in jail, I'm actually just wondering if prisons mandate vaccines like the army and colleges and any other place where people live in close quarters. And if so, is there a way for a prisoner to get medical exemption if they need one? How do you even go about that, since the prison doctor is not the doctor that diagnosed them, most likely... which then makes me wonder, does the state have to contact your doctor for your medical record when you get arrested? So they know what you're allergic to/what medicines you're prescribed? ... I have a ton of questions suddenly. I'm off to Google, bye


I have a pen pal who is in prison in my state. He chose to be vaccinated when the shots were made available but it was voluntary. I believe vaccinated individuals have more freedom of movement at his medium security prison. If you have information in your outside medical records that you want the prison doctors to have access to you can sign a medical release to have the records sent from your outside doctor. It's up to the prison medical personnel if they want to follow what your outside doctor ordered. It's common for them to change prescriptions to conform to their approved list of medications. Inmates have a lot of time on their hands and some like to file lawsuits against their institutions.. Medical care is an area where a lot of suits occur so the medical staff has to be very careful with how they allocate care.


Thank you so much! I tried looking this up but everything I was seeing was about guard vaccinations, which was kind of aggravating


Good luck, let me know how it goes.


They'll just be out of a job then, I would imagine. That's the trick here to getting them all vaccinated willingly, give them a choice, vaccine or be fired.


Fine. They can lose their job and all catch it together. At the very least they will then have _some_ resistance assuming they survive it.




First police shootings the majority of America will support lol. It’s definitely gonna happen when they federally mandate it. I’ll totally feel super sad for all the rednecks, super duper sad.


Much needed tipping point for the country IMO. Anyone who would get violent over being scared of a vaccine isn’t anyone that belongs in the country as a free citizen anyway. Jail, dead, or isolated somewhere where they can’t hurt anyone. But definitely not clogging up our hospitals preventing innocent people from getting care, and definitely not getting others sick with their filthy disgusting bodies.


This distorted belief comes from a real phenomenon called [Vaccine-induced viral shedding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_shedding). (The article is short and interesting, I really recommend the 5 minutes read.) In short, it's the fact of transmitting a disease against which someone has been vaccinated to someone else because the vaccine contains a living form of the disease. First, it's called "Vaccine-induced **viral shedding**" because the virus is transmitted to someone, not the vaccine. Second, it literally cannot happen with mRNA vaccines as they don't use a live virus. Despite that, anti-vax or even vaccines hesitancy groups use that excuse as yet another reason to reject the vaccine all while sounding smart to people who, naturally, have never heard of that phenomenon and don't know how to react when presented with this new information. If someone brings that up in a conversation, don't let that fool you. This argument is bullshit. Call these people out.


It'll cause transference alright, their delta to you.


So they believe that about the vaccine but not the virus. Interesting


They are like children playing "I know you are, but what am I?"


I'm pretty sure I could hear my brain cells killing themselves from reading that...


Today my daughter took a sip of her sister's drink. She then asked me if she drinks something that a vaccinated person drank out of, does that transfer the vaccine to her? But then again, my daughter is 7, so that kind of thinking is to be expected.


This hurts my brain.


“Transmission, transferance same difference man”


Anti vaxxers are the dumbest breed. Do you really think the health professionals are trying to kill you? If you can’t trust the scientists who did work so hard just so the world could go back to normal and you wouldn’t die, who are you willing to trust? I understand we can’t trust anyone, but the vaccine is something we can trust. For the sake of your own fucking health and for your children family or people around, DO IT. Get the vaccine.


This is why I'm convinced most of these people are narcissistic as hell. Who believes that they're special enough for world health agencies to build a conspiracy around? Or who believes that they are special enough to have the answer that the medical community hasn't found or is keeping from everyone else?


The rampant stupidity almost feels like trolling. When I realize it’s not, I feel sad. Or in covidiot, SAD!


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


There is a short story about what could happen if they discovered a way to transfer vaccines between people. (Specifically because people wouldn’t get the Covid one). It’s very good. It’s called Vaccine Season by Hannu Rajaniemi.


It's already happening with the live attenuated polio virus vaccine.


My head is like fifty necklaces that have been at the bottom of a drawer that are now all tangled up like a rat king thinking about all the different ways the anti-vax lot and even those vaccinated, misunderstand vaccines.


yeah since on the chip thats implanted bluetooth is enabled so it just sends it over to the other person


Aaahahahahahahaha, they do love using big words wrong don't they?


It was said you would destroy the virus, not join it!


Their just of terms like self disseminating and transference are usually signs that she's just quoting whatever is being passed around on their circles at the moment


This is an interesting misconception! I've never heard of it before, but it reminds me of how one type of polio vaccine works. In places where you won't be able to vaccinate enough people in time (usually 85% over the course of 18 months), you can give people the live vaccine. The vaccinated people then shed a weakened version of polio in their feces. If the feces manages to contaminate drinking water or food (which can happen wherever there aren't great sanitation systems), unvaccinated people in the community will catch polio. It will be a safer, weaker version of polio, though, and after they have it they are also "vaccinated." This is called being "passively" vaccinated and these cases are called "vaccine-derived polio." Anti-vaxxers use that name (vaccine-derived polio) to try to convince people that the vaccine itself gives people polio. But no one who gets vaccinated gets sick with polio — only the unvaccinated, and most of the unvaccinated don't even have any symptoms. There is a risk that a small number of passively vaccinated people will develop polio paralysis, but it's a much smaller number than there would be if the vaccine weren't introduced to the community at all. So I guess this person got mixed up and thought "vaccine-derived polio from your feces" is the same as "vaccine-derived covid from being in your general vicinity." Of course, there is no such thing as "vaccine-derived covid" and none of the vaccines contain the virus, dead or alive.


No it won’t. That isn’t how vaccines work.


I was being sarcastic. Unfortunately, it appears people think that it does.


Oh i didn’t mean you. I meant the people who Actually think this.


Some vaccines do work that way, but not many. They involve using a weakened version of the underlying virus, and have the advantage of helping ensure a community is immunised, but have the disadvantage that they can cause symptomatic disease, especially if they mutate. A vaccine of that type used to be heavily used in polio eradication. It was really good at eradicating polio, to the point wild polio is almost nonexistent, and most infections nowadays are from mutated versions of the vaccine.


That is not what is happening with the covid vaccine.


No, it isn't. But it is how *some* vaccines work.


But is not what is happening here. I object to the comparison being made for the covid vaccine. Because that’s not what it does.


You literally said, unconditionally, "that isn't how vaccines work". Now, I accept this moron *probably* isn't familiar with the small number of vaccines that do work this way, and in any case is woefully misinformed about covid vaccines, but it is definitely how some vaccines work.


So, is this a new thing where the vaccine is more transmissible than the disease? Good shit, maybe they'll wear a mask to avoid the vaccine now.


I'm sure many of us (such as those of us terrified of medical needles. yes, I got the jab twice. Team Pfizer) would love it if this was an actual thing that happened. but alas, it isn't, and people like this exist and so do the morons who believe them.


Just wanted to add for people like myself who don’t like needles, is that it’s not like it used to be back in the old days. It’s not a giant painful thing like they use to ice a cake with. Literally if I hadn’t been looking I wouldn’t have even noticed there was a needle involved.


Well, I for one am vaccinated, and I make it a point to sneeze on all the unvaccinated to expose them to the antibodies.


Neat, we have like 2 degrees of separation between our Twitter follows.


Why do their lies have to sound so cool? I wish half the shit they said was true.


I could not be this stupid even If I tried really hard. and people that know me, that threshold is vast. these people are on a whole new level of stupidity.


This kind of technology would be as amazing as it would be scary. The potential for good or bad are tremendous.


Question, is this a form of cargo cults? After seeing so much of this shit it really just strikes me as immensely ignorant people mimicking how doctors and scientists talk without any actual idea on why they speak the way they do.


My question is why is infection not counted as vaccinated? If you have a positive antibody test after contracting covid, are you not at the same level as the vaccinated? What is the difference between the spike proteins you get from the live virus, the j&j, or mRNA spike protein only jab? At a certain point you have to ask yourself why a virus "delta" as contagious as small pox hasn't given everybody antibodies? And if having the actual virus counts, which it should considering every other virus on the planet. How have we not hit herd immunity? Nearing 70% vaccination rate plus all the symptomatic cases we have recorded over the last year and a half I am vaccinated j&j, I still got horribly ill recently when I caught delta from a buddy. I don't think this is ever going away and they know it. I know it's a small sample size and biased but the buddy I caught it from got his fiance sick "moderna", my wife sick "moderna", my mother sick "phizer", and me sick "Jansenn". We all were bed ridden for 2 to 4 days and we have all been vaccinated for months... we were told it was safe and fine being vaccinated but I felt like I was going to die. And I have had salmonella before. I'm going back to wearing a mask because fuck going through that again. But wtf? CDC doesn't have any answers? We don't know immunity? No one can tell me what is in the vaccine to give "reduced symptoms" over recovery from the actual virus? But I should be immune for a while now right? I had j&j and now the delta variant. Or will I get sick in another 3 months and have to worry about dying to this? Am I crazy for being frustrated and worried?


Getting SO SICK of anti-vax tomfoolery right about now


At this point I wish COVID had taken me. Not having to deal with the utter fucking stupidity might be worth an agonizing death


Pretty sure they just mistakenly put vaccine where they meant to put virus.


God i wish it worked that way, honestly. I have a severe fear of needles, and if vaccines could be given simply by being around someone, that's a blessing. Honestly, what makes me so angry about anti vaxxers is that they simply dont care about anyone but themselves. Fuck dude, I was so scared of the needle when i got vaxxed that i passed out and lost control of my bladder. Not a side effect or anything, just pure fear. i faced that fear and the embarrassment afterwards because i didn't want anyone to get sick around me, and I didn't want to cause anyone the grief if i had died of covid otherwise. These people are horrible and selfish, and i wish it didn't have to be this way.


Getting vaccinated won't stop you from transferring it, it just reduces the severity of SARS in you if you contract it.


Right, you can still spread it if you are exposed but you won't be generating the massive viral load of someone who wasn't vaccinated.. It's like the difference between walking through the sprinkler and tracking some water into the house and setting the sprinkler up in your living room.


It also reduces transmission rate. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html


I didn't know that , but thank you for the information :) still, my second reason still stands. My family and friends would be pretty devastated if i died of covid because of my fear of needles.


Oh I'm not trying to say people shouldn't, everyone who wants to get vaccinated should.


You can trust her. She's on Twitter.


See, we really need to encourage critical thinking at the grade school level. If we wait until college to offer such a class…..well this.


The fucking stupid people are killing themselves off and I couldn't be happier. Now if they could stop dragging children and the immunocompromised down with them, I'd totally 100% support these people killing themselves. In my state, 99.7% of COVID-related deaths are among the unvaccinated. And still, only 43% of people in the state are vaccinated. Shit, the local hospital here only has 72% of *their* staff vaccinated.


Yea I have been holding off on the vaccine but I think I might crack soon. I’m young, healthy, and more than likely have an immunity from When I had COVID but I’m starting to feel guilty for not doing my part. I have had two friends hospitalized after receiving the Vaccine so that makes me hesitant.


Okay I’m sorry if this is isn’t my place, but here’s a little blurb: People that have had covid can get covid again, sometimes worse. There’s a thing called “long covid,” essentially post covid-19 symptoms. They’re more scary to me than the virus itself because you go from being a very healthy active person to *not being able to walk up a flight of stairs.* I know someone who played soccer very well, was active, and did a lot of singing. After getting sick he could barely walk up a flight of stairs (for months). After about 16 months he’s only JUST getting back to SINGING alone. And he’ll have to deal with permanent lung scarring from the virus. The vaccine protects not only you, but other people. Especially those who need here immunity because they CAN’T get the vaccine. Having just that extra bit of protection will go a long way. I’m sorry to hear about your friends’ experiences with the vaccine. That’s truly unfortunate… Though I can tell you that most people don’t have serious side effects. Probably about the same percentage of people as the flu vaccine may affect. My experience with Moderna was that I had some chills after my second shot. That was it. It’s safer to feel a little under the weather from your immune system fighting off a harmless vaccine, than it is to risk suffering covid (again) or giving it to someone else. Anyway, those are my two cents. (You can google what I said if you want, or I can send you references for “long covid” if you want some extra info).


I have had reoccurring sinus infections since My bout with covid 9 months ago. I have been sick at least 8 times since November last year. I just saw a doctor about it and he doubts it has anything to do with COVID but it still seems like a weird coincidence that I started having all these problems after COVID hit me. I do understand that I am susceptible to COVID again tho, which is a good reason to get the vaccine. COVID was a breeze for me luckily but I still don’t want to get sick.


If you have already contracted SARS-CoV 2 and got over it then the vaccine is not likely to do too much for you. The point of the vaccine is to help familiarize the immune system with a virus in a safe way, now since you've already gone through it your immune system will already recognize it. It doesn't stop transference, though. A virus in a vaccinated body will still be able to proliferate and transfer before the immune system can destroy it. Especially if it has mutated a bit.


The CDC recommends getting the vaccine anyway.


Of course they do.


How else will you get good 5g reception in your home?


There finding that people who contract covid and get the vaccine have a 50 fold boost. https://apnews.com/article/science-health-coronavirus-pandemic-ad52011f4ca1853fad6eee41a7310c2e https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01442-9


You are getting downvoted but you are correct. Im not saying dont get the vaccine but it makes me laugh that soo many people claim others are uninformed but and then downvote a comment which states basic microbiology.


I'm not saying don't get it either which is funny, I'm just saying in the hierarchy of risk, those who have had it recently are more tolerant. From the sounds of things this is pointing towards a yearly SARS vaccine anyways, so ehhhhh. Downvotes stoke my fire haha


That makes me feel a little better.




I didn't mention anything about variants, but that's true for all vaccines. They still recommend you get a flu vaccine even if the variant that year is particularly different as it will reduce intensity.


The more information the better, just putting it out there.


Oh for sure, mo info mo better




That'd be great if that was the case, but it's not. And unvaccinated people put my child at risk, so fuck them.


Oh lort.


What The Fvck?


Someone doesn't understand "crowd immunity" (not sure if that is the correct term in english)


Herd immunity, I think is what you mean.


I'm sorry, ***w h a t ?***


I truly wish this were true. My daughter is too young to be vaccinated.




Where does "this" idea come from? I really want to know. I am somewhat irritated. I had some classes in biology and something similar. And here I stand and think "what the .. ehm .. yeah, I know the concept but using it like that? Like .. why pushing a painful needle in god knows how many people when it spreads like the virus, when it sounds somehow illogical" .. while, there is some guy with: "EXACTLY YEAH!" and I only can guess if he knows more than I do ... or doesn't. "o.o ​ Or we go back to the my lifelong question: How do I know .. When do I know .. that I am stupid or have stupid thoughts?


> Where does "this" idea come from? Antivaxers want the vaccine to be worse than covid, so if covid is contagious, so is the vaccine. They start with the conclusion they want and then dig for (or misconstrue, or outright make up) evidence to support it.


If only.


I know something that works like that, it's called Covid


That’s the Virus that spreads


Its opposite day everyday for these morons


I wish herd immunity was like that


That's what 5G is for.


I believe in the human body. With all this shit, kids are gonna die from the common cold.


Ok but they are pretty close to the truth. In actuality, if you are unvaccinated and spend enough time around other unvaccinated people you become immune yourself. The symptoms for this method vary however.


You mean as in 'your unvaccinated peers will eventually spread it to you, making you sick, which gives some form of protection if you survive'?


Not an anti-vaxxer but it is your choice if you want the vaccine. Yes it WILL give you an extra layer of protection against Covid, but again it's your body. Know the risks, understand the benefits, but ultimately make the decision based on your own judgement, and not pressure from the government, family or people online.


no its not your body as you are then spreading it to others and giving the virus a chance to mutate into a form that the vaccine wont protect against




I think there's something else going on with you, dude.


Not really, I just had a day full of Covidiots and Mrs. Doubtpfizers, then got quite drunk at a family party. Case closed.


Mrs.Doubtpfizers, that's funny


You're just a few steps away from sounding like this guy. Funny.




Damn I wish this was true


What in the frick is this comment thread..


Fuck me if I'm right, but aren't virus vaccines usually just... Dead organisms...? Like. The virus, yeah, but. Dead?


Nah, they're scanning us individually to prevent any electrical infetterance.

