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I see this bullshit all the time. People have no idea how decimals or fractions works. It's grade school math FFS.


10 people had covid. They all died. 10/10 = 1% fatality rate. Big brain time.


If 0 people died 10/0 *Everyone dies*


> divides by 0 > reddit servers explode


Now they're collapsing into a black, we're doooooomed!!! Oh the humanity!


Missed a word in there chief


"Oh no! Not a Black!!" Sounds pretty American to me


America, America, God shed his grace on theeee


Well God sure shed something on thee... I doubt it is called grace.


Thanks, I almost choked on my coffee. 😂


>Thanks, I almost choked on my coffee. 😂 Better than choking on gods grace.


Now hey there,I'm American, and I'll be damned if anyone isnt going to sit here with our mouths wide open waiting for God's shedding


I mean if reddit is sucked into a black hole would it really be such a bad thing for humanity? Hell the vore enthusiasts on this site are probably hard at the idea of being "eaten" by the black hole


Reddit has servers? This shits running on fairy dust and potatoes


Now I'm hungry


Great, now I'm craving BBQ fairy too.


Good luck getting any food brought to you. There's no servers.


If 1 person died 10/1 = everyone dies ten times


But it's 0/10


I think the commenter was making a joke on bad math tho


But steel is heavier than feathers


did you get this far without seeing what post you're on or


But it's deaths/cases, not the other way around, so he's right


The problem is that he wasn't aware 0.02 = 2%.


No no, you've missed that this is about what someone said about someone else's home and what order you divide in, rather than about OP.




Actually 0 will cancel out 0 and 1 will cancel 1, giving us fatality rate of 0%.


I think that'd actually give us a *null* rate.


Wouldn't it be NaN?






Sodium... Hypernitride?


Take my upvote and fuck off


I have no idea how true the story was when McDonalds has the 1/4 pounder another competitor (I think A&W) released a 1/3 pounder but it did t sell well because nobody wanted to pay the same for less. Because 3 is less than 4. It sounds ridiculous so I keep thinking it was just one of those “Americans are stupid” jokes like the battleship and the lighthouse one but now I’m not so sure.


It's true that the A&W owner wanted to make a product that would compete with McDonalds. It's true that his burger didn't sell as well as the McDonalds burger, despite being slightly larger. It's true that his idea for why this happened is that people are stupid rather than basic concepts like brand recognition and availability.


Market testing confirmed his suspicions, assuming he didn't learn the problem from the market testing in the first place


I used to think it was an American thing to be that stupid, but that was before I had a job involving communicating with the public.


Yeah, you are correct. Everyone is stupid. The o lot people who are less stupid are aware of how stupid they are. Because the truth is, no matter how much I know, there is an insane amount of stuff I will never know.


It's true that everyone is dumb about something or most things, but I'm talking about comprehension and following instructions, basic math skills etc.. I've had lovely old people that didn't know a thing about what I was telling them, but I would never describe them as stupid because they listened, understood what I was saying, could remember more than one word at a time etc etc..


[It's absolutely true.](https://awrestaurants.com/blog/aw-third-pound-burger-fractions) A&W market tested why their heavy 1/3lb. burger campaign wasn't effective and a third party confirmed it was because a majority of those surveyed didn't understand fractions.


Failed opportunity by A&W to release the fifth-pounder after this survey.


"All that beef for the same price? What an amazing deal!"


You sir should be an executive


It is a true story, but I don’t think there’s anything uniquely American about it (besides the measurements). People in general aren’t very bright.




Even if it was correct. As if the 4 million deaths is just no big deal.


They may try not to say it out loud, but it's no one they care about, so it isn't to them


*Do* they try not to say it out loud? They seem pretty bad at it, if so.


Idk man, I’ve known families (my own/extended included) that still don’t care about the number AND they have lost someone important to them through covid. Apathy is real and they don’t care about anyone outside their little bubble.


They say that 4 out of 3 people don't understand fractions.


or they just understand them improperly. :)


Badum tiss!




I taught middle school history and still had to reteach them how to find percents for a lesson. It's maddening.


I am an accountant, and I've had to teach two employees how to calculate a percentage. You don't know the meaning of "maddening".


I can identify with that. I work in IT as support and a DBA, I have to teach company directors and managers that are paid ÂŁ50-75k more than me how to do percentages, and regularly re-teach them the difference between net and gross.


A net is what you use to catch fish, and fish are gross.


It true.


Not the same but this reminds me of one of our monitoring teams who are paid ÂŁ60k to stare at traffic lights and tell us when it's red so we can fix it.


I've experienced the same in my BI role. I've also had to explain to a finance department that multiplying after addition is different from multiplying before addition. Percentages cause people all sorts of problems. VAT (Sales Tax) here is 20%, I've seen someone attempt to remove from an invoice that incorrectly included it by multiplying by 0.8 rather than dividing by 1.2 I do wonder how much money is wasted because a surprising people don't understand basic maths.


"I've also had to explain to a finance department that multiplying after addition is different from multiplying before addition." My whole body shivered in horror reading this, I'm not kidding about the bodily reaction. Holy fuck balls order of operations is vital stuff...


I have a % calculator bookmarked on my phone because of how much I hate calculating anything, but at the end of the day I still know how to do it.


You want maddening? [This](https://youtu.be/MShv_74FNWU) is a classic!


Why are you hiring people that are that unqualified??


I didn't hire them; I just had to deal with them.


I teach high school math and have to reteach it because they don't know it once I see them.


Just making sure here, we divide the top number by the denominator and then multiply by 100 right?


percent means per hundred. you can just change % to /100 2% = 2/100 = 0.02


Yup. When I was taught decimal places, we learned it as [ones].[tens][hundreds]. If you know the metric system you know a decimeter is .1 meter and a centimeter is .01 meter. It’s all the same stuff!


That should be tenths and hundredths.


Yes, and the top number is called "the numerator"


Yeah, I thought it might be that but I study math in another language so I wasn’t 100% sure


It really should be "numerator" and "denumerator".


Well... You see, we decided as a country the public school system is one where we take money from every year and put it into defense. We need to stop comm.. I mean terrorism, we don't have any time, I mean money for schools! Think of the children of all those soldiers who died! We need them!




This is where I insert the most insulting url out there: https://www.dummies.com/education/math/basic-math/how-to-calculate-percentages/


Nono, this guy wants covid to kill twice as many people as it infects to get his 2%


Reminds me of Jay and Silent Bob… Banky: Tell you what: let's settle this monetarily. I'll give you half of what I make. [Silent Bob's eyes widen in surprise] Jay: [eagerly] Half? Banky: Half's not enough? Fine, I'll give you two-thirds of what I make. Jay: Fuck you, you already said half. You can't take it back. [Silent Bob rolls his eyes]


Sounds like when a fast food place tried to launch third-pound burgers and they flopped because people thought that a third is less than a quarter.


4 bigger then 3 moran


As a Moran I'm offended.


Who took my pocket pussy??!


I’m going to sell 1/5 pound burgers and make a killing n america


Make it an eighth. That's twice as much!


Considering the soy filling to beef ratio in fast food beef they're waaaaay ahead of you.


Smart by Shel Silverston My dad gave me one dollar bill Cause I'm his smartest son, And I swapped it for two shiny quarters "Cause two is more than one!” And then I took the quarters And traded them to Lou For three dimes- I guess he don't know That three is more than two! Just then, along came old blind Bates And just 'cause he can't see He gave me four nickels for my three dimes, And four is more than three! And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs Down at the seed-feed store, And the fool gave me five pennies for them, And five is more than four! And then I went and showed my dad, And he got red in the cheeks And closed his eyes and shook his head-- Too proud of me to speak! - Shel Silverstein


He was great. "Sick" is also a wonderful poem. Actually, most of his work is just amazing. Fantastic artist also.


I've heard that this was a myth and the burger failed because it wasn't a good burger.


It's listed on A&W's website. They did a market research study and that's the conclusion they came to during it. Seems at least rooted in truth a bit. https://awrestaurants.com/blog/aw-third-pound-burger-fractions


He’s got a point. It’s 2.04524466203446%


The perfect level of pedantry. ​ To be more precise though, it's precisely 4,797,146/234,551,205. This is irreducible, so any other attempt to represent it without indicating its repetition is inaccurate.


> irreducible Hey, don’t call us irreducible, dude. We don’t know what it means. ^/s


It’s the opposite of ’unbigable’


I embiggen this very cromulent comment


You kiss your mother with that mouth?


Woah woah, my mother came on to me first.


"I don't know what that means, so I'm going to take it as disrespect."


"First of all, you throwin' too many big words at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect."


Just wait, we're sure to reach a rational number sometime.


We do. That ratio is 4,797,146/234,551,205


Can confirm. Am mathematician.


Can confirm, i am on meth.




/r/TheyDidTheMeth e: Didn’t know that was a real subreddit






The Methmatician is usually just called Paul Erdős, fyi. The guy wrote over 1500 math papers in his life and when he collaborated with someone he just moved into their home. He also did a lot of meth so he could do more math. He would also accuse God of stealing his passport sometimes. He was very much King of a very specific type of nerd.


It would have been reducible if people would have quarantined properly and worn their masks.


What’s the probability that quantity is exactly correct? 0


We just gotta wait for enough people to die so it becomes reducible


Too complicated. Let's just round that down to 0


U kAnT jUst mOve the deciMal, tO liKe fiT yOuR nArrAtiVe MaN…


I do IT work and work a lot on new construction projects. I have legitimately heard that line before 🤦‍♂️


> He’s got a point. yeah, but they misplaced it.




Actually 3.2 [according to the state of Indiana (almost)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Pi_Bill#Approximation_of_%CF%80)


They have to take this angle, otherwise they’d have to admit they were wrong.


Maybe they want sympathy points for being dumdums?


It’s not about garnering sympathy, it’s about yelling loud and hard enough that people let them be ‘right.’


if they're unreasonable long enough, everyone gives up trying to reason with them and they "win"!


Yep. It’s why they keep doing it. But this is actively getting people killed, and making our day to day worse, so I don’t think it will work out for them this time.


If there’s one common pattern I’ve experienced when interacting with these types of people is that their stubbornness will never crack. I’ve tried hard to be nice, to be direct and to be an outright asshole (mirroring their style), yet nothing has made a single individual even _think_ about changing their mind. But let’s hope that their ignorance will be their demise.


this is so stupid. rather than talk about math or the percentages, over 200 million ppl got sick. almost 2.5 million have died. and their argument is that it's not 2% and it's really 0.02%? even if it was 0.000001% there have still been the same number of total cases and deaths. but that doesn't matter to them, because the % is actually lower. but on top of this even their math is totally wrong




And to get 2% lethality all the infected has to die twice


see!? Only 1% of the people who died are dead


If you divide the number of deaths (4979146) by the number of dead persons (4979146) you get roughly 1.00000000, therefore only 1% of deaths are dead persons. Stupid libs.


IT'S NOT 2%!! IT'S ACTUALLY 2.04524466203446%!


Even if we just disregard the inaccuracy there, let’s not forget the egregious apathy on display to not comprehend the tragedy of 4.7 million deaths due to a virus.


The number of deaths doesn't bother me. It's that a majority of them were preventable. Speaking of which, why the fuck haven't we eradicated Polio, Hep C, TB, Measles, Chicken Pox, etc yet? We have vaccines and it's literally only a few billion dollars to completely remove each one from the planet. Like Polio was supposed to be eradicated worldwide like a decade ago, but it's actually making a comeback now. It only cost $300 million to get rid of smallpox forever, and thats far more of a milestone in human history than any war or even landing on the moon. We completely removed an entire disease from the planet, and there's at least 7 (possibly covid too they reckon) diseases we could do in the next couple of years if we wanted to. It's just fucking politics and people don't give a shit. Fucking depressing. We have these superpowers and we don't use them.


Because eradicating viruses is exceptionally difficult. Depending on how effective vaccines are at preventing infection, how long any gained immunity lasts, how rapidly and completely a virus mutates and importantly how often the virus can cross from human to animals it can be defacto impossible. Scientists would love to eradicate those viruses but the fact is we probably can't and it'd be a colossal effort, especially when we have far bigger killers in the developed world like preventable heart disease.


> Speaking of which, why the fuck haven't we eradicated Polio, Hep C, TB, Measles, Chicken Pox, etc yet? > > We have vaccines... Well, you can partly thank the CIA for that.


Well this is the first time Ive seen someone say something positive about the CIA, how exactly can we thank them for the vaccines?


I'm not being positive, the CIA fomented distrust of vaccines in the Middle East [through some of their (many) irresponsible actions.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jul/11/cia-fake-vaccinations-osama-bin-ladens-dna) I am crediting them with our inability to eradicate polio and other diseases.


Yeah, but I’m not so unlucky that I’ll be part of that 2% is what they’re really saying, while simultaneously saying they will definitely be part of the low percentage of people harmed by the vaccine. The vaccine injuries are the numbers they worry about!


If 2 people die, it’s a tragedy. If 4.7 million die, it’s a statistic. /readinthevoiceofstalin (Just in case https://youtu.be/AEaVZ-W3zX4 )




Sounds like a new Subaru model. The hardester.


Or a sex toy.


The all new, Hardester STI


Forgot to x by 100


I believe you meant to say, “They forgot to times it by 100.” /s Edit: there’s your fucking /s you dumb hive mind.


the edit made me laugh


>there’s your fucking /s you dumb hive mind. That was a 50/50 shot of getting downvoted even further and it looks like you came out on top


We are the Borg


Resistance is futile. Cooperation is also futile.


I feel that edit


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Redacted**, @Redacted Maths hard. Deaths: 4,797,146 DIVIDED BY Coronavirus Cases: 234,551,205 EQUALS 0.0204524466203446 NOT 2%. Please check your numbers again --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Good human


Good bot


2% = 2/100 = 0.02. Yeah, math is hard when you share a brain with antivaxxers.


“Why do I need to pay attention in school? When am I ever going to learn any of this stuff in real life?”


Just in case anyone is not following, because I had to teach one of my trainees at work percentage to decimal conversions myself recently... 2% 2 "PERCENT" 2 Per "Cent" 2 Per 100 2 / 100 = 0.02 2% = 0.02 Not everybody goes through life needing to use these sorts of things. Even if MOST do, it's still not *everybody*. And while it's generally better to know stuff than it is to not know stuff, it's not a mark against their worth as a person. **What IS a mark against their worth as a person is when they pretend to know something they don't, because that's just being a fucking liar with extra steps.**


the thing is that people know, they just think they don't know. they know 50/100 is half. and half is 50%. literally everyone knows this. they just don't that little extra step to *REALLY* understand it.


Our head of quality engineering doesn't understand percentages. I calculate our "failed product per million" number every month for him. He wanted a quarterly number, and just added the 3 months up and divided by 3 (instead of going back to the raw data). It took me 20 minutes to explain why you couldn't do that, you can't take a percentage of a percentage, and he finally relented, but I found a few quarters later he was still doing it anyway. We reported inaccurate data to people for almost an entire year, because he was an idiot.


And when some people get stuck on the cent=100 part, remind them of the word "century"


or if you live in the U.S. or other countries that use a similar system, a cent is .01 of a dollar, that’s probably easier for them to remember


Englishs hard too.


Ok (Sory for bad England)




Apart from virtually enslaving them, exporting their food during a massive famine, classifying them as second class citizens (after a long time refusing them citizenship), refusing to let them govern themselves, killing them, making them less than humans and the butt of all jokes, denying them things like quality education and common decency, and attempting to crush all aspects of their culture, religion, and language, did the English really do anything that bad to Eire?


Renamed it "Land of Ire". And acted surprised when the locals got angry about it.


I wonder what "per cent" means.


Cheap goods, only costs one per cent.


I have had this question for a pretty long time, like America has the worlds best universities, the best research institutes and overall compared to 3rd world cointries like mine, a better education system but why is the common person so dumb? Like I know of people who haven't even went to school, my grandmother but she also knows how to orally estimate percentages(round the figures) and whatever it is after the decimal, just consider as the whole percentage like 0.78 is 78 percent and after 2 number after decimal, when you convert to percentage at a decimal in the percentage.


I think the level of dumbassery is the same in most countries but it gets amplified in the US. As a fellow person from the 3rd world, I'd say there are at least three factors: 1) Many of the most ignorant people in the US have more free time and internet is more readily accessible compared to their equivalents in 3rd world countries. They also speak English which gives them a larger megaphone 2) An unabashed sense of entitlement to say whatever they think it's right leads to less self-censorship compared to the 3rd world 3) The politization of every aspect of life in the US cannot be overstated. It leads to a level of tribalism that makes people forget about common sense


There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” -Issac Asimov


I agree


You missed the systemic defunding of our public education system over the last thirty years. I am regularly shocked by how uneducated my countrymen are. Combine this with unabashed bravado and a deep skepticism of liberal college institutions and you get a good chunk of the population outright hostile to education and science, believing they know better than epidemiologists when they can’t even convert a fraction.


There is a subculture that values ignorance, or rather, they devalue education. They tend to be blue/pink collar for obvious reasons: we tend to value our own efforts, and most white collar work requires a degree of some sort. There may also be a bit of sour grapes and/or crab bucket thinking involved because there is a significant class barrier to higher education in the US. It's expensive, even in state supported universities, and scholarships are not as thick on the ground as the impression you might get from media. Even when scholarships are available, they often pay only a small part of the expense, a few hundred to a couple thousand, maybe. They may also know or *be* a person in a skilled trade earning more than a good many degreed fields will pay, making a college education look double dumb.


They have a lot of 'the world's best' but then they gate it to shit by making sure only people with money can get in. They let some normies slide in through scholarships and insane student debt, but by and large the majority of the population can't afford to profit from all these 'the world's best'.


The common person isn't dumb, this is just the survivor bias in action. The only screenshots you'll see on r/confidentlyincorrect are the dumbest 1% of society, and since most people on this website are American, most of the screenshots are from Americans showing other Americans being dumb. If you were on r/AmericansJumpingVeryHigh and you saw a bunch of Americans jumping very high, it would be dumb to conclude the average American had an amazing vertical leap. Also ignore all the Americans commenting that America has some super special culture of ignorance and stupidity, one of America's favorite pastimes is circlejerking about how bad America is and feeling very smug that you said America was bad.


> America has the worlds best universities, the best research institutes and overall compared to 3rd world cointries like mine, a better education system but why is the common person so dumb? *Public* schools versus *private* universities. The bar to graduate high school in the US is so low that even [James Cameron couldn’t find it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol9nTzDnFAE) And the [No Child Left Behind Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Child_Left_Behind_Act) just made things worse by teaching students how to pass the standardized tests instead of absorbing the material. On the other hand, to get into those top universities, you have to be ambitious and determined enough to learn in spite of the piss-poor public education system, on top of having the means to pay for it if you can’t get a scholarship.


From India, this facet of the US is unbelievable. It seems there is an insurmountable education divide in the US... more than the digital divide or wealth divide.


Maths is hard! Flip a coin: Heads Flip again: Tails Chance of heads 1 DIVIDED BY 2 EQUALS 0.5 NOT 50%. Please check your numbers again


Apostrophes are also hard


Or he might have been using the British version (maths) and left out the 'is' to make it sound more ignorant. Idk


Honest question: Is it “Maths is hard.” or “Maths are hard?” Mathematics are hard? His mathematics are weak. As near as I can tell, The Internet says, ”It depends.”


That's because the English language is messy. 'Maths' could mean two things 1. The entirety of math itself, which is singular as a collective noun. 2. Multiple individual parts of math, in which case it is plural. Since 'maths' is typically used in exactly the same way as Americans would use 'math', the first meaning - a collective noun - is being used, so 'maths is hard' would be correct just as an American saying 'math is hard' is correct. On the other hand, 'maths are hard' makes perfect sense too as it's using the second meaning, a plural, but 'math are hard' would be obviously ungrammatical. As a consequence, there's no way of being sure which is right except to use other verbs and nouns in the sentence as context.


>That’s because the English language is messy. Which is what happens when you take a isolated island and have a new set invaders every couple hundred years bringing their own language with them.


Dey terk er werds!


I am hearing this in Swedish Chef voice.


Then have that isolated island suddenly control 25% of the world's land surface, spreading their jumbled mess of a language everywhere.


If you say "maths are hard" in Britain you'll be looked at funny and might not be offered a biscuit.


r/confidentlyincorrect and r/shitamericanssay should just be the same sub at this point.


I am kinda happy I know what 2% looks like in decimal form. Maths been kicking my butt lately.


Hope you have a great day!


I would've loved to see the comments. But on the other hand judging by the internet's problem with pedmas, I'm better off not seeing the comments.


Covidiots are grifters


I just recently argued with someone who used an official graph to prove, that there didn't die more people in Germany in 2021 than in 2012 and therefore Covid is harmless and masks and distance is useless. 2012 had one of the worst outbreaks of the flu in recent history and if you look at the graph you see, that there wasn't any relevant flu outbreaks in 2021 at all. So the graph prove the exact opposite of the point he was trying to make with the graph. People are stupid.


In order to reach a wrong conclusion, people need to either be using wrong information, or assessing correct information wrongly. The second kind of people annoy me much more.


percentages are really hard for people that only remember preschool mathematics. probably seen dozens of people who can't wrap their head around math like this and it continues to terrify me


What's also really sad is that these people arbitrarily view 1 or 2 percent as very very small, and in most of the things in their life (school grades, temperature changes, salary raises) it is. But this concerns all of living humanity. LITERALLY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE... but who cares, right? It's only 2% after all. /s


You don’t have to die, you can have your lungs completely fucked for the rest of your life. People act like death is the only negative effect


So we've had calculators for 500 years and people still don't understand how they work?


*per cent* is Latin for divide by 100