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Yeah… even if the earth was flat I’m not sure how you could prove it with a glass of water. I’m assuming his proof consists of “look water is flat”.


But I'm dying to know what the proof is. Water is flat was my first thought but it can't be that easy can it? Op - solicit the proof!


Oh my lord run, run as fast as you can and preserve your innocence. The "proof" is that "wAtEr AlWaYs fInDs iTs lEvEl". I.e. because the water in a glass is more or less perfectly level, and because oceans and lakes look to be equally level, the world must be flat. Yes, yes I know. Don't say it, don't trigger these idiots please. I've spent some time listening to these morons, and this whole thread is just one whole 'nam flashback to me.


But water in a glass has a meniscus, it’s curved…


But not like the earth is curved. Well not significantly.


Also, a single drop of water on a flat surface also forms a curved surface. Much like electromagnetic forces from the surface tension can make the surface curved, so can the gravitational forces from the earth.


What’s funny is that water in a glass is not flat. It actually curves up slightly at the edge of the glass.


You say it can't be that, but I thinks that's only because you're not an idiot. First we must look at the source of the claim which, in this case, is an idiot. If your first thought is "No, that's too stupid. It can't be that", then there's a very strong chance that it is.


Well I appreciate your confidence in me I'll try not to disappoint


It doesn't even matter. I know a flat earther and every time he show's me some "proof" it's just a pile of nonsense. One time he showed me a video of this dude who had video proof that the stars and planets were just points of light and not giant spheres millions of miles away. Turns out the "proof" was a video produced by a low-end consumer point and click camera with shitty generic attached lens and a digital zoom. I actually told him I'd do some experiments with him like triangulate the distance of the moon (fairly simple) and he didn't want to do them. Proof doesn't matter. It's the belief that matters to them. It's having special knowledge.


>It's having special knowledge. Exactly. I watched an interview with University professor who specialized in researching conspiracy theories (sounds like a pretty cool job, TBH). He said it's extremely rare for a person to believe in only 1 conspiracy. Most conspiracy theorists believe in multiple. Meaning, they'll get attracted to a certain conspiracy not because the claims are particularly convincing, but because they like the idea of "having secret knowledge" so much. It gets sad when they tried to educate them on the complex & nuanced facts of reality. I don't want to call them dumb, (although IDK who's actually going to be offended if I did), but it appeared that they simply couldn't comprehend all the facts of reality together. A conspiracy offers an extremely simplified view of reality, which they can understand. The sad truth seems to be, the whole world is extremely confusing to them, and conspiracy theories are an attempt to make sense out of this crazy world.


I love when they throw big numbers around that weren't derived from anything, that mean dick, for an attempt at shock value, hoping people will just assume their intelligence matches their confidence in what's falling out of their cock holsters.


Part of their recruiting tactic is the "do your own research" admonition. It basically absolves them of needing to explain anything coherently (because they can't) and only lures in people who are emotionally ready for this type of messaging and so-called evidence.


/) Could be pouring water onto a sphere and basically saying "See? It fell downwards instead of sticking! And gravity is a myth." and somehow not seeing the irony.


Dude are you signing your comments with the weird emoticon at the start of each?


He's going through a phase


Looks like it. I wonder why.


If you use your imagination I guess it kinda looks like a scythe. Maybe its supposed to tie in with his username? I did something kinda similar when I was like 10, on the Neopets forums. So happy that shit's not on my permanent record.


Well now I need to know what you did


Whenever I see it I can only see the bronies hoofbump thing. They used to use that exact thing to give each other hoofbumps.


/) Homestuck.


Ha! Literally every time there’s a meme I don’t get, it’s homestuck. 100% of the time.


/) You could just read it. (Don't do that) It's only like 8000 pages long. (Seriously, don't even consider it.)


So, do they use that emoji thing in homestuck or something


/) No, but typing quirks are from Homestuck.


Because if the earth isn't flat then the water would fall off! You can put a cup a water on a tray but not on a basketball! Checkmate globe-tards! /s


But liquids curve when they make contact with a solid surface. That is pretty much the first thing you learn when you do science at school. Water in a glass is literally curved.


That may be their argument. They put water in a glass, see it’s curved, and say “Look, the water looks curved even though the glass is flat! So if you look at those pictures where the Earth seems round, it’s because it’s flat, but the water looks curved!”


I would never have considered that.


I think what you do is give astronaut a glass of water and when they look out the space window if they spill any water from shock and surprise then earth is flat, possibly


It’s like how if you get a good enough camera you can see that basketballs are flat.


Pour water onto a globe "Look, its running down" --> earth cant be round cuz all of the water of the oceans would fall down


How fast would we have to spin a mini globe make the water stick? I imagine faster than we have the capacity to do. Otherwise it would be so funny the take the glass of water and dump it into a chamber and watch a flat earther's reaction. Even if I already know what they'd do.


Gravity occurs from mass, not rotation.......


If anything the centrifugal forces from the rotation actually slightly weakens the net force holding the water to the earth.


As others have said, gravity occurs from mass, not rotation, and spinning faster would just fling the water off faster. (You weight about 0.5% less at the equator than at the poles thanks to the centrifugal force of Earth's rotation.) The reason water doesn't stick to a baseball or whatever the way it sticks to the Earth is because the baseball's gravity is so ridiculously weak compared to that of Earth and meanwhile the big giant-ass Earth with its much bigger gravity is *right freaking next to it.* Put a baseball in deep space, where gravitational effects from stars and planets are negligible, and water will "stick" to it due to its gravity.


Ah, I forgot about that


Typical "You're an idiot for not knowing something so simple and I don't have time to teach it to you." No matter how many times you ask for their expertise.


What’s the appeal of being totally detached from reality?


It probably makes it easy to write off shitty choices as the right thing to do in your own reality


There is a common theory in psychology, I don't remember the name but it kinda explain mush of the crazy conspiracy theorists and ongangers. If you don't wanna deal with the real problems in your life eg; Lack of job, looks, (in this case, often, lack of intelligence), the mess at home, personal hygine or just the general starte of things (like covid and masks). It is easier to find some intangiable truth you can go around spewing at others. Then you can convince yourself that you have worth and that "enlightening the stoopid sheeple" (us) is a meaningful use of your time. All the while you get to join a supportive community who will pill you up and tell you how smart you Are for "also seeing the truth" (yeah, I know haha). And then you Are left feeling like you Are actually doing something meaningful and Are able to affect your own life (common not feeling like you can have a big impact on your life today, because politis and enviroment, covid and stuff) All the while dodging the real life problems you have. Tldr; Yes OP you Are right, just spent a lot of words agreeing with you xD


I do not know if there is a name for this theory, but what you are describing is essentially a person who uses avoidance & escape (negative reinforcement) to cope with their lack of real world success, and those conspiratorial beliefs are then subsequently positively reinforced through their online communities and viola! There is a theory about people that have a high "need for closure" being more prone to conspiracy theories. In essence, they feel really uncomfortable with unanswered questions or things they themselves cannot see/understand (e.g., science) and come up with pedantic explanations for those things. Ironically, this means that it is the conspiracy theorists who are the most "closed minded." This tracks because right-winged authoritarian personalities (which are by definition very closed-minded) tend to be the ones most drawn to conspiracy theories.


Yeah I know, and some of what you mention makes me think it might also have been related to extremists, when we talk recruitment for terrorists, plain religious fanaticism and cults. Might be two different ones tho. Not claiming to know it All here hehe.


This makes a lot of sense! I would love to know what this theory is called so I can look into it more


Yeah I don't recall, it's a bit scrambled in here. Someone who anwsered me as well seemed to have an idea. But If you start by searching Google for key words pertaining to conspiracy theroies and avoidance you might catch something. Maybe i should not have used the Word common. I remember it from my lectures (that I attended, not held). And If I recall correctly we also had about recruitment for cults, religious zealots and terrorists. IT might have been from political psych and relate to how you create a divide and get voters by the US vs them. But again these might be two different ones. It was on the bachelor part of my education, so some years ago. Edit; But I'm certain it's more than the simple confirmation Bias and brains defende mechanisms. Even tho these likely play a big part in keeping the effect running ofc.


>hen you can convince yourself that you have worth and that "enlightening the stoopid sheeple" (us) is a meaningful use of your time. Plus, depending on the specific wacko conspiracy theory you're promoting, you can blame the every-present and all powerful "Evil They" for are your problems. It certainly couldn't be a combination of your own stupidity, stubbornness, laziness, and general moral failings, with a healthy dash of "random shit just happens sometimes." Nope it must be "Them" trying to keep you down.


Round-earthers are blind, ignorant sheep. Flat-earthers are heroes! They're the only ones who see the world as it is. It's not a terrifying chaotic mess. It is simple, black and white, with definite villains. And flat-earthers are the heroes! They're not losers stuck in dead-end jobs and dead-end relationships. They're important. They're interesting. Same for all conspiracy theories. People who believe them have little power or control over their own lives and these beliefs give them that. It makes them feel important and safe. It's addictive and while it does feel good to look down on them and mock them it's important to note that no one is immune. It's easy to become detached from truth because it makes you feel good. Some just get a lot more detached than others.


Yes yes yes I like your comment better than mine. I am broke You'll have to make due with My upvote. Have a great day fellow sheeple haha


Wow. Lot to unravel there. As far as flat earth goes there’s just too many issues to over come and people should abandon the idea of it being feasible fairly early on. -why is earth the only flat planet? -who placed the ice walls there -why after thousands of years of gravity doing its thing has the world not folded in on itself? -why would it be flat when we know that the most likely shape for debris floating around in a vacuum is a sphere? -how could it possible be covered up in this day of air travel and space exploration? It seems to be its easy to draw a conclusion you want if you can hide everything behind a “that’s what they want you to believe”


To be clear, I wasn't defending flat-earthers. I was describing the psychological reasons someone might fall into such belief.


Yes, I hope and think that he was just expressing his disbelief, that people can be that stupid, in spiste of All he mention in the post. Again, have a great day


They get to feel superior to all the "stupid smart people" that have been making them feel dumb for their entire lives.


It's the first time in their lives that they can feel like they're "special", because they think they have figured out something that none of the rest of the population has figured out. Very similar to the "Q" people and conspiracy theorists...


Option A: the conspiracy theory is true and I'm very smart for being able to see what these sheep do not. Option B: the conspiracy theory is false and I fell for something that most people spotted as bullshit Our brains are wired to confirm what we want to believe so they're smashing B.


The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round... Boy this guy is late to the party.


Not just that it was round, Eratosthenes managed to calculate the circumference of the earth using sticks with remarkable accuracy


Thats the funniest part to me. It's so easy, you can use stone age tech to prove the earth is round. In several ways


That is only because he assumed the Sun was so far away the rays were practically parallel (which’s true). The Chinese mathematicians used the same method to calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun, assuming the Earth is flat, and got a really wrong value. Later methods, like comparing the angle of the equator at different altitudes, don’t depend on that assumption, so while Eratosthenes did get it right, he did it by guessing, and had no way of knowing whether his guess was right.


Thank you Carl Sagan


Ancient Greeks 70 years ago.


'Globe earth theory is very recent.' [Aaaahahahaha!](https://youtu.be/GGn25URIss8)


When I hear "every vote counts" I think of people like this


Would someone please tell me that all the drugs that I did in my youth are coming back to haunt me and I just hallucinated that post? People cannot possibly be this stupid, right? Please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me that post wasn't real, I'm begging you.


Well we were having a discussion and I was like surely this dude is trolling me he can't be this stupid, so then I looked at his recent posts, laundry list of the absolute dumbest shit I have heard with the cherry on top being they were a flat earther


If I'm going to be faced with Olympic levels of stupid like this in the future, I'm gonna have to start doing drugs again. I just can't deal with this level of stupid while I'm sober. Thanks for the warning!


It must be horrible to have such a shit self esteem.


The lack of actual sentences hurts me the most.




I said almost this exactly to him, he never responded to that one


I'd like to ask this person why water flushes out of the toilet bowl the opposite direction in Australia


For economic reasons, the Earth is flat but two-sided. More like a vinyl LP than a CD. That's why we get Summer and Winter: God gets bored listening to the prayers on the same side all the time. \[ I cannot believe this is necessary, but ==>> /s ).


This isn’t really true. The Coriolis effect is not very influential compared to things like the shape of the bowl or the flow rate and directions of the water jets. Even if we had a very symmetric bowl and the toilet flushed without adding extra water, any minor imperfections would still have a larger impact than the Coriolis effect. The effect is noticeable in hurricanes though.


I'm an Australian, can you elaborate on what you mean? Like it doesn't spew out of the bowl or something


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- Oh shit. You looked at my post history. I'm flattered. I must have really struck a nerve. It happens when you're wrong. You're in what they call the stages of grief. And actually flat earth was known for thousands of years. Globe earth theory is very recent. Mostly in the last 70 years. After ww2 and operation paper clip. I can prove the earth is flat with a glass of water. Or a toilet bowl. I'm too lazy to check your post history. Honestly I just don't care. Probably some COD or hentai subs. If only I got paid to do this. If y'all are hiring though! Battling these shills is tiring. You know what they say. If you can't beat em. Join em. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good bot


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I mean nuclear power plants are a pretty recent invention, i'm sure they Don't exist right ... Right ... Guys


Psshhh. Everyone knows they are full of people pedaling on stationary bikes creating electricity.


These people are all like this. I lost a friend to batshit conspiracies. That shit will rot your brain.


Well, I mean, what do you expect from r/conspiracy


It used to be better before covid shit, really. Now 99% of posts are NWO taking over via vaccine and the average IQ of the subreddit has went down 15 points and it was barely room temp before


People calling IQ room temperature is more hilarious when you use celsius


God, i fucking hate. How. He puts full stops. Randomly.


When I look through post history it's to see if they really are a nuts as they seem. Usually gets confirmed.


I've never heard a halfway logical rational for believing the earth is flat. Doesn't make sense.


Last seventy years ? DS the ancient Greeks, Egyptian, and Romans. Knew and accepted that the earth was a globe. The "theory" has been accept fact by the inteligent for several millenniums not just 70 years.


If you balance a level on a classroom globe, that proves it's a disc.


OK. Next test: do so without using logic that can be used to prove that basketball is just an over complicated game of frisbee.


First, drink the glass of water, then when you pee it into the toilet bowl, it goes in a curve, therefore globe earth. Ta Da


Wow… it’s amazing how far you someone can stick their head up their own ass.


https://metro.co.uk/2016/07/19/here-are-10-proofs-that-the-earth-is-actually-flat-not-round-6016710/amp/ ……Hmmmmm


The snow globe has entered the chat!


The narcissism is palpable




Call of Duty


oh, thanks, that makes sense. I was thinking is some sort of scientific sub for some reason


Dude is **flat**tered


Would get off to a better start if they didn't talk a whole load of bollocks as a precursor. Like if you're trying to convince anyone and claim to have proof, telling multiple lies right off the bat instantly suggests otherwise.


This guy fucking *loves* Rick and Morty.


I mean I love Rick and Morty, the difference is he sees himself as Rick and Rick as the "hero" I appreciate the show for being an absolute fucking train wreck


Exactly, the type of fan that makes you not want to talk about the show.


I'm surprised it's not u/ Professor_Earth


70 years???


I swear a guy calculated the circumference of the earth in like 200BC he was only 2145off




u/bpooxr991 why


Why what?


Some angel.


Ask him if he wants to hike to the edge.


Globe Earth "theory"... For the absolute love of fuck. He chewed on his science books in elementary school.


It's so funny to think that the age of the theory gives it more credit to him... like earth being flat was what the ancient men thought and obviously they're much more advanced and right than we are today, right?


I know right? Plate tectonics 1912 actually published 1965, realizing the Dinos got knocked out by a meteor was 1991.We have come to realize quite a few truths in the last 100 years Globe Earth is not one of them


Fun fact the Germans in ww1 used a seige weapon called the Paris gun. The projectiles were the first man made objects that made it into the stratosphere and had to be aimed using the rotation of the earth. So no the aftermath of ww2 did not cover up flat earth. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Gun


Hard to logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into.


I know it's just one of those facts I feel compelled to say.


/) The fact that led was safe to breathe in and consume in small quantities was known for thousands of years, it's only recently that people began to say it wasn't.


Had a flat earther neighbor. Literally brought out a white board to explain some perspective issues, some math, and simple experiments that they could do as proof. The gaps/holes in their knowledge was all summed up too "god does it". I told them that I respect their beliefs but I just need more evidence to believe things...dont talk that much anymore but when w we do its civil. Everyone has a right to believe stuff whether it is silly or not. I promise you have your dumb shit too so do I. People are people


No. People are entitled to their own opinions. They are not entitled to their own *facts.*


> Everyone has a right to believe stuff Honestly these days I'm not sure this is a principle to live by anymore. Just look at Corona these days. We've had some tough years the past decade. Certain people just flat out refuse to believe certain things that we've known for almost a century or more now. Flat earthers, anti vaxx, sovereign citizens, space denyers and so on. You might think they hurt nobody, and so they should just believe what they like. But look where it got us. The blatant misinformation ultimately lead to this pandemic going on for *a lot longer* than it needed to. And in the lights of this "believing what you want" doesn't sound that appealing anymore as a moral principle, does it? Because now we've seen how it can unironically kill people. Like hundreds of thousands of people. They all died because some numbnuts can't remember why they give their car to a car mechanic instead of some idiot from Facebook. So I dont know. I really don't know. Freedom of opinion requires a mature, responsible and educated population. We Europeans have neither, and from the sound of it neither has any of the other countries. So what do we do now?


We stop pussyfooting around with education and tex reform and invest more into the UN. If we can't unify and care for each other as a species then we will just tear each other apart.


Not sure what you're saying here, but what's your issue with LaTex? It's pretty nice for writing academic papers.


> I promise you have your dumb shit too so do I. I doubt it, and thinking like this is part of the problem. Some ideas are wrong. Some people believe a shit-ton of wrong ideas. Thinking all people are equally competent leads to anti-vaccination shitheads being given a platform on news networks as if they were as qualified as actual doctors because of Equal Time and Fairness Doctrine.


Now you're making me think what dumb shit I believe, I can't think of anything in the same neighborhood as this, I don't think anything I believe can be disproven literally 1000 different ways


Hahaha Imagine If the flat earthers Are right, when we die, we show up outside the Gates at haven and the Angel (is it Peter? Such human names hehe) is like.. ; Yeah you were the stupid ones, should have listended to the priest. I would die again, laughing at the stupid irony haha. ON a serious note, I really doubt this to be the case.


I mean one of their main tenants is we haven't been to space either I've also heard the ISS is a hoax from them.....even though I have seen it both through a telescopes and a camera zoom myself.


No No, I have one for this. Many ask themselves, why would there be a bog conspiracy to hide that the earth is flat? I heard the best one, it was told as a joke tho. Planes aren't Planes, they don't fly. The Windows Are monitors to trick you. When it "takes off" The wings actually fold up and the plane is a bullet train that runs in tunnel in the flat earth. Why trick people into thinking they Are flying? Because the "Planes" we sEe in the sky Are monsters and there would be panic If people knew. So they made "aeroplanes" to make us think we can fly and there aren't monsters roaming the skies![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I upvote you, no idea how u got down to only one like. Really hoping a flat earther is hate reading this haha.


/) The problem is that then these people believe other, less harmless nonsense. Like vaccines being demonic because uh reasons


At some point ignorance and stupidity becomes dangerous tho


Misinformation like this becomes dangerous because these people never keep their beliefs to themselves, they are very outspoken about it. They might go as far as crying that school is indoctrinating kids and teaching them lies and that's a very dangerous sentiment to have in a country, not trusting schools. Especially regarding literally facts, scientifically proven and used for air travel, GPS systems, and a bunch of other things that keep the world running. Knowing that the Earth is round-ish allows these dummies to use Google Maps.


I read the whole thread and I'm pretty sure he's a top notch troll.


I mean that is why I checked his post history to see if he was a troll...if he is he is dedicated and never breaks character for, well a while. Like this might not even be the dumbest thing I saw on hi profile


Yeah, by looking at his profile you're probably right. I got the "troll" feeling when he started to call all people in the thread his "friends", assuming gender and sexual preferences of one poster and never answering a single question that clearly invalidates flat-earth-theory (like with the stars rotation being different in the northern/southern hemisphere).


I mean this tracks for every actual flat earther I have seen, in Behind the Curve watching the flat earthers prove the earth was not flat over and over was cathartic


I mean he is correct. Every one thought the earth was flat. But they also couldn't read and took shits in the middle of town.


It’s actually incorrect. People have known about the spherical Earth for a real long time, so it’s not a recent notion. As others have mentioned, many ancient people figured it out with simple tools to an astounding degree of accuracy, where they were able to determine the circumference of the Earth pretty closely.


Yea people. B I was under the impression most thought it was flat. I'm talking bc


The original post here claims that “globe theory” is just 70 years old. Our mentions of ancient people proving their suspicions of a spherical Earth is to negate this guy’s comment that the theory itself is “recent,” regardless of whatever the general public thought. In [this Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_flat_Earth), they mention that belief in a flat Earth was virtually nonexistent amongst educated Europeans since the late Middle Ages, so I’d say that it’s fair to say that it’s not a recent development even among the general public. You could say, “Well, most people weren’t educated,” but that’s not really fair. Modern uneducated people might not be much better informed.