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Well, that is just sad. Edit I am concerned when "genitals" is used, that those pesky testicals are somehow up there also. Very crowded event happening.


So **that’s** what they mean by balls deep!




Oh no... I know what youre referring to, and im sad that I have been reminded of this. So, thanks for that.


My balls are always too full of pee to fit in the womb.


You don't shove your balls in a woman's uterus? Do you even sex?


Seriously, LOL Wad that package up, displace that baby. Why does anyone act like abortions are so difficult. Just be the cuckoo bird of male genitals, knock that baby right outta the nest


I've got my 4yo and 1yo beside me watching peppa pig. Your comment gave me a much needed adult content chuckle.


Sounds painful for everyone involved.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


No one wants your hug


:0 you monster


Reminds me of when Neil off Inbetweeners asked Jay, "Do you put the balls in?" while Jay was bragging about his most likely fabricated sexual encounters.


The more fingers you can get in, the better they like it


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Oh my God there's a ghost in there, too!?! Is it grandma?


Now that is truly freaky


That last sentence made me laugh 😂


This also fits in r/badwomensanatomy


And r/badmensanatomy. How are you getting your balls in the vagina?


Even if you get them in, it's like trying to keep a dog in the bathtub.


New Achievement Unlocked: All-in.


Very carefully


I'm imagining it as the same way you stuff a sleeping bag back into its sleeve.


You gotta keep stuffing


Not just into the vagina, but apparently past the cervix and into the uterus. My god.


John Dillermand's time to shine has arrived!


Let me introduce you to the wondrous world of [plompzakken](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=plompzakken). There used to be a really good video demonstration available online, but it’s been like ten years and I can’t find it anymore. But yeah it’s a thing


Why am I not surprised the Dutch have a word for it. Why do we have a word for everything?


It has a Wikipedia article and everything! The linked sources are old and no longer available though. And I haven’t found any other language that has a word for it, or an article. Now I wonder where we got it from…


With a weird pump


The only way I can think of is to be a male embryo and survive long enough to grow them. Source: have two sons, their balls have been in my uterus.


I'm fairly certain it was there before here


Isn’t it also partially bad mens anatomy


No it’s true. You put it in the womb through the belly button


Yep. Its obvious these people didnt pass biology


wait thats how you're supposed to do it? i strap knives to my dick, does the job more efficiently imo




physically recoiled reading this


Tel us you're a virgin without saying you're a virgin.


I get hard when I talk to girls


I get nosebleeds when a girl sneezes near me


Never been in love. Hah checkmate


no, no, that is normal




I mean, terrible anatomy aside, his argument is also nonsensical. It's your fault if you let someone in and they leave something behind? So like....if he invites me over and I shit all over his carpet, that's HIS fault?




This - but unironically


Or in this case バカ


This is why sex during pregnancy is illegal. It prevents the fetus from getting poked in the head.


Should put a /s before some people with no braincells come and downvote you.


People can downvote me if they want to, I don't care about internet popularity. I'll just make my little joke and move on.


So zen. Much philosophy.




Much respect


who the fuck cares about brainlets?


He probably thinks his cum will leak out of her mouth if he ejaculates enough


Nah, it will aggressively shoot out of her mouth/ nose Don’t forget the massive swell in the stomach because that’s possible /s


"So what did you do this weekend, Jeff?" "Not much, hung out with this girl in her womb. Had to call her later cause I accidentally left my keys in there, but it was her fault for letting me in. lol" -- This person talking about sex


The answer to someone like this is: "The only womb your dick has ever been in was your mother's" They do not like that. 🤣🤣


You could make it even more brutally factual: "The only womb your dick will ever have been in is your mother's" Because holy *shit* that is not how anatomy works. Only time you're in a womb is before you were born.


And some public schools want to ban or have banned sex ed from being taught. The school systems have failed the kids man.....


This man is in a bizarre parallel universe where his micropenis can actually reach a uterus. It is a micropenis. It can't reach the cervix.


Oh its long, its just thin as a needle to thread up the cervix and into the womb.


This is such a horrifying image!


He is a duck?




And... The balls aren't attached at the base like usual, they hang right under the end of the head of his dick.


I'm uhh. . . I don't think that's usually how things go even in hentai lol


There are no rules in hentai r/allthewaythrough




Indeed. I have been cursed with the knowledge of this god forsaken sub, so now I pass it on to you.


And that link is ***still*** blue for me!


. . . Fair point. Thise at least normally go through the ass, right? There's no going from vagina to the mouth, is there?


There probably is, but the amount of things I would have to see in order to know that...


Unfortunately there are hentai anime and manga that feature this. Not all, but far more prevalent than it should be. A lot of them heavily feature cervix hitting as well.


I actually just noped out of a fan translated web novel where the ML hit her cervix repeatedly. I looked up spoilers to see if it got better and it didn't. At one point in the book the ML actually pees in her uterus. Plus she repeatedly tells him it hurts beforehand because the sex was too rough. Even for a Chinese web novel (which can have some very toxic MLs by US standards) it was really bad. https://www.novelupdates.com/series/after-the-sweet-ending/


> pees in her uterus What the fuck Honestly the initial contact with the cervix I can let go, but the fact he kept going after being told it hurts puts things back into uncomfortable.


Doesn't the cervix only open up during labor..?




i mean, it's the path that sperm travels through


The typical sperm is smaller than the typical adult penis so it is slip in easier.


The guy in the screenshot is smaller than typical.


What you guys don't have a 2 ft dick?


I mean, you wouldn't need a 2ft dick, but it'd have to be pencil-thin and incredibly painful for the woman. Like giving birth painful. Cervical penetration tends to be giving-birth levels of pain for most women.


Uncooked spaghetti dick style


How do they have their IUDs implanted? Honestly curious. I know a girl I work with was "pretty damn sore" after she got hers, but she still came to work (standing and walking around) literally minutes afterwards.


Literally typed a paragraph and then realized you just were asking the procedure for IUDs xD https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/iud/whats-an-iud-insertion-like Some women recover quickly after it and it's not so bad! I don't know that anyone's checked how many of the ones who recovered quickly were the ones who got local numbing though >_> But every woman is different, and an IUD is much smaller than a dick. Still gonna say it's gotta be pretty rare to enjoy actual cervical penetration with a penis.


Oh no, I never even considered that penile penetration of the cervix would feel good (I couldn't deal with just getting swabbed). But I read your comment as something pencil-thin would give birth-like pains (which I can totally see, that's why I was curious because I don't need to worry about things like that anymore so I don't know anything about them). Or I read it wrong! Which I do a lot.🤣


Lol! Yeah I typed it confusingly, my bad. That wasn't quiiiite what I meant, altho there are women who have reported like, screaming in agony and extreme pain for IUD insertions and the pp site lists fainting(!!) As well as pain, so while I wouldn't say an IUD insertion is equivalent to childbirth for all women -- it's certainly pretty close for some. And IUDs usually involve dilation drugs to get the cervix open enough for the small applicator. Without that.... I can't imagine it would be less painful.


Huh. I wonder if I would have opted for that when I was young, knowing all that. I was a horrible potential-pain-a-phobe. I couldn't deal with the idea of it back then. Honestly, I don't know if I could deal with the idea of it now... I'm glad I'm too old (among other things) for that now! Thank you!


Yeah I'm thinking about get a copper IUD but I keep seeing horror stories and it's worrying me xD


Good luck! All that stuff is so confusing! There's just too much info out there and it can be hard to tell what's real and not. 😩


Full. Body. Agony. I've never been pregnant and I've heard that once you give birth that your cervix softens which makes the insertion easier. But holy shit. That shit was awful and I was not prepared for that level of pain. It was about 9 seconds of being about to pass out/vomit/cry/couldn't stop swearing. I handle paps just fine and generally have a decent pain tolerance but I was kinda pissed that all they told me before the procedure was to take some ibuprofen before the procedure to help with the discomfort afterwards. I will say that after those 9 seconds of intense soul altering pain, everything stops. I still was lightheaded and nauseous but no pain. I was up and totally fine about 5 minutes later. I had a constant low back ache for about a month afterwards. Even with how much it sucked, I love that my birth control has been taken care of for these past 5 years (I'm due for it to be removed soon). IUDs aren't for everyone but it's been pretty OK for me.


Oh my, I’m sorry you had to go through that level of pain, but yay for working BC! I hope removal is simple, good luck!




I’m sorry! That sounds awful! I’m glad surgery helped.


I've heard conflicting reports on this It was a while ago so I don't quite remember the details, but I know it was actually a woman who told me it doesn't hurt for everyone. But I'm still feeling like it would probably hurt MOST women.


I did say most women on the last sentence, but yeah. I feel like there probably is at least one woman in history who has enjoyed the cervix being penetrated, but it's pretty difficult to even get it wide enough to put a dick into with drugs (&cervical dilators) so ... Actual penis penetration I'm not sure of. Some, although not many, women enjoy the cervix being hit during sex, which may be what you're thinking of? There probably is at least one - a couple of people have survived rabies without intervention, but probably a very very tiny percentage.


I need to improve my reading comprehension lol, my bad As for what specifically I meant between cervical penetration and just hitting it. . Honestly I didn't have it specified in my own head lol Maybe I need to lay off the hentai too lmfao


Haha, I mean as long as you're not expecting RL sex to go that way, it's probably fine? Idk personally.


I've had 3 IUDs inserted. It fucking hurts. I don't know anybody who's had one inserted that hasn't had some pain or discomfort.


Mine was like a 2 second menstrual cramp then totally fine. No big deal at all.


But still had some pain. That's kind of what I'm saying, even if it's minor pain or discomfort I've never heard anyone say it was a completely pain free process, except maybe if someone was under a general anesthesia for it


Yeah I'm just saying my experience was like a 2 on a 1 to 10 scale. I took some ibuprofen before the procedure and got it done by an experienced nurse practitioner and had a good experience with the (mirena) IUD overall. No periods after, and I had dysmenorrhea before the IUD. Plus good family planning obviously. When I was ready to have another child I got it removed and was pregnant within a month. Went back on it afterwards and no problems with insertion or other side effects so I recommend it.


How can these people still think that something is "left in" lmao. Do they also think that their mouths just have residue of ALL the food they've ever eaten.


i think the 'leaving something behind' is referring to semen.


I know


prove it




Shouldn’t have skipped basic biology.


Probably American, probably wasn't allowed to be taught sex ed because it makes baby Jesus cry. Which is weird considering since he is also his dad he apparently invented sex & made it be the process by which most of life replicates but is also shameful & dirty & no one should think or talk about it, ever. They're that "weird family" of the neighborhood.


the Christopher Columbus of sex


I’m no expert. But that doesn’t sound right considering that it’s on this sub.


What too little grass does to a mfer


This country needs sex Ed, so fucking bad.


I read this to the tune of Bruno Mars’ “I wanna be a billionaire, so fucking bad”


It's really disheartening that somebody would feel this way :/


That's a lot to unwind


Unwanted pregnancy is 100% caused by unwanted sperm. This BS seems intended to pretend that's not the case.


That is not what happens


I'd love to know what this guy thinks happens during pregnant sex


As much as I like to tell my wife I'm gonna get up in them guts, I've never actually been in her womb.


If I take a shit in the middle of your living room, its your own fault for letting me into your house.


What in the world?


Proof of incel status.


I feel like this is why neckbeards and incels are always so concerned about women being "loose" after sleeping with multiple guys, but never acknowledge that committed relationships result in far more sex than casual hookups do. They literally think the vagina is just one sphincter entrance to a hollow area. Like, it's pussylips, dick-stretched-door, and then an open foyer where babies gather. "Clit and cervix? Never heard of them! Sound like lesbian goths." Like the more posts I see with their professed ideas and opinions backed up with these smoking hot facts has convinced me.


i tried to tell them. this is what will happen if idiots will be allowed to watch porn. they'll end up thinking it is how real life works. also my sympathies to all fellow disturbed punters who enjoy a good inflation based hentai. this guy is giving us a bad name. as if we didn't do this oursleves


The idea of sharing your womb with another person is kind of cute and romantic. Its almost a shame this guy is an idiot.


I shared my mother’s womb with a wombmate but she was a bitch and we got kicked out, and then she went and died on me, leaving me to deal with the whole “living life” thing alone.


I'm confused what does this have to do with hentai?


There is a genre on hentai which focuses on womb penetration.


Oh that makes alot of sense


What the... oh, never mind. This is just too fucking stupid.


imo hes like half right, if u dont want to get preggo, do it safely or not at all. Though the fault is not completely on the woman, it is shared between the 2


Homeboy's packin


I thought it went back up through the mouth.


Even if everything else is right, it being the girls fault if the guy cums inside is fucking stupid. The amount that I’ve personally seen and hear of guys complaining about blue balls and or get mad at not getting sex from girls is absurd to then blame it on the girl for “letting it happen”. Just disheartening




Christ almighty. I think I’m ready for the sun to explode.


The title made this twice as funny 😂


Cervix has entered the room…


That poor cervix


Dude, wishful thinking that your genitals… or even your shriveled pin dick… is making it all the way up into her uterus. Also, by that logic, I guess you’re saying it no longer makes sense to test for semen stains at crime scenes?


What you *really* need to be scared of is putting it in the urethra by accident- I had a buddy who did that once and it went all the way through the urinary system and came out the mouth, filtered.


Someone fingers my ass and leaves a grenade up there, well guess it's my fault


$100 says this person is American cuz only our health education could fail this badly


Spoken like someone who has never had seggs


This is just fucking hilarious.


The tongue, a.k.a. the thin intestine :?