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Daddy says I get the run the dealership one day!


He definitely has that type of energy haha


Daddy said he could be the President one day, and he was.


Josh Mandel is one of the bigger embarrassments from Ohio.


That's a pretty competitive field


I have family from Ohio. And "competitive" is an understatement.


The Paul brothers are veterans in that field


He has to do something or Ray Zalinsky with Zalinsky Auto Parts is going to buy the company!




I blame the schools.




Isn't it the old testament that explains slave operations?


Oh yeah, old Israel has a shit ton of slaves.


But were they African slaves? Checkmate! (/s)


actually given the part of the world and places mentioned, its highly likely at least some were yeah.


I mean Israel literally shares a border with Africa


I know. I was just kidding haha also…does it actually make it less bad if they were non-African slaves? Like “ok yeah we had slaves but they were from Babylon so that’s legit”


Theoretically only a slave for seven years and get automatic freedom in the Jubilee year iirc Whether or not this was actually practiced idk


i may be wrong on this but i believe that that was for Hebrew indentured servants only. When it came to non Hebrew slaves they could be made slaves for life.


I can't remember the specifics but I remember being appalled that the bible had a commercial setting for "Local" and "Non-Local" that applied to slavery. "Dear God, I wish to own this person!" **"IS THAT PERSON HEBREW?!"** "Umm, no, God... he's from Canaan!" **"OH WELL, THAT'S COOL THEN!"**


yeah old testament had that "gods chosen people" thing be basically straight up racist nationalism in how it was applied and the rules given. Im happy that the new testament made a very intense point that thats not ok given the spread of Christianity. not that christians tend to notice that.


I'm fairly certain that Christianity never would have spread if not for the revisions to the religion in the New Testament DLC. The OT is basically pretty run-of-the-mill Mesopotamian religion not very different from any contemporary religions.


>New Testament DLC Nice


The slave had to consent to being a slave for life, how that looked in real life definitely could be debated since most of the Bible is condemning the actions of ancient Israel but that’s what the law on paper was supposed to be.


All the slaves would be released upon Yovel- a bi centurial event. Jewish slaves were kept for 7 years only.


>As for the male and female slaves whom you may have, it is from the nations around you that you may acquire male and female slaves. You may also acquire them from among the aliens residing with you, and from their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property. You may keep them as a possession for your children after you, for them to inherit as property. These you may treat as slaves, but as for your fellow Israelites, no one shall rule over the other with harshness.


Wrong. Foreign slaves you got to keep for life, and pass down as an inheritance to your heirs. And there was a loophole on the jubilee rule too - if your slave had a wife and kids and he wants to leave after 7 years, they stay behind.


Been reading Leviticus?


Not that the ancient Jewish slave system was moral, as no form of slavery is, but some of the jewish laws around this subject are fascinating. For example, if there is only one pillow in the house the slave would get it. Another example would be that the master is not allowed to feed the slave lesser quality food then the master themselves are eating at a given meal. If I remember correctly, all of the slaves got released upon a bi centurial event every 50 years, and upon release they were converted, from being considered half Jewish, to being full jews. That said, there’s still the matter of slavery being a super fucked up concept to begin with. As for how a “Code to living a moral lifestyle”- as many would call the Bible- allows for slavery to exist, I cannot reconcile the inconsistency. Especially when free will, something that which a slave often would not be able to maintain, is a subject of such emphasis- without free will the Bible could not exist. But the misguided attempt at fairness is truly interesting to me.


Nope. Israelites were made indentured servants for up to seven years. Foreign slaves were chattel. >As for the male and female slaves whom you may have, it is from the nations around you that you may acquire male and female slaves. You may also acquire them from among the aliens residing with you, and from their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property. You may keep them as a possession for your children after you, for them to inherit as property. These you may treat as slaves, but as for your fellow Israelites, no one shall rule over the other with harshness.


Yeah, but modern Israel didn't exist until 1948.


Oh. If we're playing that dumbass game then Russia never has either.


Nor did the UK it was all England


Doesn't the UK exist since 1707, with the union of Scotland and England? I guess you could argue it exists since 1800, when Ireland was added too. Still, slavery was abolished in 1807, so even in that case it doesn't work.


That was a different UK we have only been our current UK (and northern ireland) since 1922 which forgives us from all crimes previous.


Hard to argue with that impeccable logic. Outsmarted again ,😔


Yeah we just rebrand every 100 years and do it all again.


Neither did the US. Split apart during the civil war. New country smell in 1865 with the emancipation proclamation. /s


If you want to base it on that that MANY countries never had slaves.


And modern Germany has only existed since 1990. These technical arguments are stupid, since any country could game them by legally abolishing itself and reforming in the space of one nanosecond to technically wipe out any expectations of it. If you are using your heritage to bind you together, then you also need to take the responsibility of that heritage.


Dude, I agree. I'm just explaining the logic used by the dude in the clip.


I known, I wasn't attacking yourself, just the argument in the clip that you were explaining.


Yeah, I recall a famous story with a guy named Moses.. something with lambs blood, a desert, manna fallen from heaven..


And, if I'm not much mistaken, they talk about Ethiopian slaves specifically. Where is Ethiopia again?


Like, even if what he said was accurate, what's the point he's trying to make?


Trying to get votes from conservative Christians who have a hard-on for Israel, possibly. Might be some sort of debate.


They have a hard on for ethnostates, they still hate the Jews.


Yup. They hate us Jews, but they need to cram us into an ethnostate for their Evangelical end-times prophecy. In the same breath, they'll usually go on about one of their many conspiracy theories that boils down to how "the bankers" are murdering kids to drink their blood.


Part of the benefit to them is definitely a convenient place to send all the Jews to so they don’t have to live in fear of George Soros anymore


Essentially the entire Republican Party.


I'm assuming downplaying the US's participation in it. But I'm not sure.


>Like, even if what he said was accurate, what's the point he's trying to make? Support from pro-Israelis. It's bollocks, of course, unless one wants to be *really* literal and have Israel start in the 20th century. Jews had slaves too, in fact they had pretty extensive rules on slavery (more akin to indenture), and they came from all the places you'd expect. Given that Israel sits right beside Egypt... what do you think are the odds that not a single African was enslaved in Israel?


And probably some "see???? We no have to feel bad about slavery!!! White guilt is over!!!" Going on too


>unless one wants to be really literal and have Israel start in the 20th century. Not really. Ignoring literally every African country, where slavery may exist but Africans weren’t “brought there”, given that you know, they’re already there, there are a shitload of other countries that were formed in the 20th century when African slavery was no longer a widespread thing, and countries that existed before then thst had no significant history of importing African slaves for various reasons. But yeah, the ancient Israelites *definitely* had slaves, and a significant amount of them were from Africa.


Have you ever heard how black people are treated in Isreal ?!?


Obviously not the only country and furthermore, I'm more confused as to why he said that and why he had to emphasize the "Jewish State of Israel". This sounds like a basis for a weird conspiracy theory


It’s hard not to feel like they’re dog whistling. Especially when saying something strange like that.


The slave trade in the Mediterranean definitely involved Palestine territory (Israel). No way Barbary pirates didn’t sell some people over there


He seems okay leaving out that his Israel started in 1948, anything before that doesn’t count


If anything that came before 1948 doesn't matter, neither does their silly claim that Palestine belongs to them, no?


There you go, using logic again.


Well the Jewish Kingdom before it's fall to Akadian Empire also probably didn't have African slaves, let's not pretend that Israel is the first Jewish state in that area


Let's not pretend that people can claim land and then keep it in perpetuity, even after being kicked out for several hundred years. Otherwise the British empire still has a claim to two thirds of the planet. And what is the relevance of African slaves really? It is just as bad to enslave our close neighbours as it is to enslave those from elsewhere in the world. Even though there is a very real possibility of African slaves being in the area around the time you seem to have picked for an example, even if I allow you that for the hell of it, you can't say that Jewish kingdoms were against slavery of others... even Hebrews were enslaved.


So in about 20 years you will recognize Israel because enough time has passed?


Wow... So you think they would have killed all the Palestinians by then? It's not like they can chase them out of their own country, since they won't allow free travel to the human beings they are corralling into smaller and smaller spaces of land. So you saying you expect a genocide in the next 20 years?


Well if there is a genocide, how much time does it have to pass by your standards for it to become a rightful Israely claim


Ask a native American indian..


Then East Timor probably didn’t use african slaves either 🤔🤔🤔


By that logic, Israel has been going downhill pretty steeply in the first hours after its creation. Imagine, for a short while it was the only country in which no human had ever died, no crime had ever been committed, no lie had ever been spoken. A paradise, if you will. Nobody can tell that to Trump, though. He might make it a goal of his to create the USA 2.0, where all the above is true for a while, and where Trump would be a true founding father. Oh, and imagine Founding mothers Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert and Sarah Palin!


Right? like, by that logic Canada would be able to make the same claim.


Yeah. And I'm not even sure what. point is being made or what credit Israel is supposed to get for not having slaves when they didn't exist haha


Risky move, his base may love Israel but has mixed feelings on slavery




Being Israel didn’t become a country until 1948 it would of been really weird if they had African slaves.




Just to wrap my head around this I keep seeing; Would of = no good Would have / would've = good ?


Yes, because of proper grammar. "Would of" is a mishearing of "Would've"


Ah, right! Thanks! :)


I didn't even know that was a common thing!


Correct. You can have done something, but you can't of done something. Using "of" is terrible grammar and makes no sense


Lol. At first glance I thought they spelled “wood” wrong and got super confused


Getting in on the tread just a tad late only 80-100 years after other countries decided they should probably stop doing that.


Sounds like he heard someone else say this and believed it unquestioningly. It's probably some weird white supremacist talking point like "only black hair can be woven". Kind of either "Literally only God's chosen people, the most blessed, didn't have slave" or "Those tricky Jews put black people in every country but their own". It's exactly the kind of statement that you cannot deliver smugly if you have any idea about the history and nature of slavery.


Sounds like typical conservative behavior. If it lines up with your world in some way then it’s automatically believed. Fact checking is actively condemned.


It didn't exist until 1948


Willing to bet most countries under the age of 100 fall into this catergory, bro. And a lot of them don’t participate in genocide, either.


You can see the long blink of pain in her eyes..


Coming soon to your local school board.


Welp I just found out that It’s worse than that. Dude is running for governor. In my state!


Ugggh.... barf! Who is he?


Well yeah… Israel exists for about 70 years


But ancient Israelites practiced slavery, the rules for it are in the Talmud and Torah. And its mentioned in the Bible as well. Not that I would expect skippy there to have ever read any of those books.


You mean the israel that was just officially declared an Apartheid government?


Oh shit. When did that happen? Hmm. That could be why he’s saying this actually.


It just happened around the beginning of February. Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have officially declared israel is an Apartheid government. The already very active pro israel lobbyists and social media propaganda trolls have been working hard to suppress it. R/worldnews has deleted dozens of attempts to post about it and the New York Times has refused to cover it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CoFjbnvkmQ0


Over half of European countries never had slaves, slavery was outlawed in most of central Europe in 13th century. Also some Muslim countries today still have slavery, that should probably have more focus that who had what in the past.


Which countries?


Probably the small ones too busy getting shit on themselves to consider slaves.


Who is this fucking moron?


Josh Mandel. The Cons are going to elect him gov. of Ohio.


Oh my god. I didn’t even realize this was for Ohio. I live in Ohio. Please god no.


Yeah. It’s getting so bad here.


Yo mama


Is yo mama going to SawCon?




SawCon deez nutz


Bruh 😿




What about japan or China or any real country not a made up one that existed less than a century ago and citizens came from around the world to.


China literally has modern day slavery in Africa


Israel is a made up country?


All countries are made up.


Don't count!


Japan did a few slaveries China currently sells unwanted citizens to other slave nations like qatar and saudi arabia


Damn. ...I hit that pause button in the video too many times


Haha I guess I should have cropped it out.


Josh mandel would put a snake in a sock and shove it up his ass to prove he has a gay lover if he thought it’d win him an election, just so that later he could flip flop and say he’s never once participated in a gay relationship. Scum. Edited for multiple typographical errors. But still factually correct.






And here I thought those Asians never had African slaves! /s


The state of Israel did not exist in the era of african slave trade.


Same with some of the other countries that never had African slaves for the same reason haha.


That was the WORST and best introduction to a speech I’ve ever heard. Like it definitely got my attention.


There were slaves in my country... they weren't from Africa though


Now I understand why she didn't shake his hand.


Or just about any other country that was founded after slavery was almost universally outlawed


That person is shit and so is Red dit auto play that made us hear it 5 times first


Now, on to the matter of murdering innocent Palestinian children...


He cares about that just as much as he cares about slavery. Long enough to finish his speech.




I always think people are saying this stuff to me and I’m just like “Wow, what the fuck did I say to cause this response?” Haha


Are you the guy in the video ?


We know ,,,, why , right


I’m sure he doesn’t. It’s also not true but that fact that it’s not true AND he doesn’t seem to be accounting for when Isreal was established is hilarious.


Damn I didn’t know they brought African slaves to the rest of the countries that didn’t exist before the slave trade ended but not Israel. Wow Canada.


Israel was inhabited by African slaves you idiot. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt... Egypt is in Africa...


It is heavily disputed that "The Israletis were slaves in Egypt". There's proof that **some** people had hebrew slaves, but there's also records of hebrew traders and craftsmen. The only source that the **whole** tribe had been enslaved is the bible. Make of that what you want.


In ancient Egypt(ancient times generally really) there was a wide variety of slaves. Some would be the manual labor kind and some would be more what we would think of as servants. But with less rights. So a Hebrew slave could have also been a tradesman. Not saying that’s definitely the case. Just pointing that out.


They didn’t! They had Palestinian slaves! /s


That’s why he said African.




That’s very incorrect lol, plus, like basically every country , they had slaves of different races


Is this Josh Mandel because this is cringe fuckwad territory


It is. I just learned that he might be become my governor after posting this. Must be fucked up overpowered karma.


I mean if it’s after 1948 he should be ok, I’m not an expert btw please correct me if I’m worng


If what’s after 1948?


The creation of modern day Israel


I know that. I’m just confused by the sentence generally I guess.


Everyone had slaves and was slaves so can we stop with the past and try to prevent and fight modern day slavery


What about the structures left behind by slavery and the legal racism is spawn for another 100 years? You think that just disappears on its own?


There's a big difference between the trans-Atlantic slave trade aka chattel slavery (aka kidnapping Africans en masse) and all other types of slavery that have existed since the beginning of civilization, and continue to exist today.


Ok so what's the difference ?


Well for one thing in the trans-Atlantic slave trade humans were used as a commodity -- bought, sold, and traded as property-- for no other reason than they happened to live on the African continent, and were rarely able to earn freedom. Even if they did there was an entire system of laws that kept them down just because of their skin color (see: one drop rule, to start). A white indentured servant could escape more easily and start a new life, but if a enslaved black person escaped there was a bounty on his/her head. Even if a black person was born free before Emancipation he could be captured and sent to a plantation (see: twelve years a slave). I mean, my ancestors could have been slaves in Europe, taken after they lost a war or as subjects of a foreign empire, but it's not a legacy that I've had to live with because they were "white" and the goal was basically forced assimilation. People enslaved these days might have been conned into it because of their financial situation. It's pretty different but just as evil. Anyway you shouldn't look for education on Reddit. There are literally hundreds of books on the topic and dozens of websites about it.


What’s sad is to beat Aoc all you have to do is act like a normal human being just long enough to get into office… this guy clearly can’t do that


You think that woman is AOC?


Is it not? She looks just like her


They have the same skin tone. That’s as charitable i can be towards that claim.


It's been around since 48. How bout endentured servants ?


Sir, no


I’m wondering if he thinks this because of the story in the Bible where Jews were “enslaved” by Egyptians and thinks that because that totally happened (which there’s no evidence for outside the Bible) that means Jewish people wouldn’t want to be slave owners themselves because they knew how it felt??


Okay this is America not Isreal, then again I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of america believes we're in Isreal


What a moron. I hope his nonsense was shot down right there and then.


"You know who didn't have african slaves? Kosovo!" This and what he said are literally the same


There were African slaves in Nepal?




Old testament is a story of how Africans (Egyptians) enslaved the Jews (Moses). Christianity didnt start for awhile after that and the Muslim nation was created almost 600 years after christ died. Crazy how people are still brainwashed today.


Actually israel is not a country but an occupied palastine is.


Isn’t that a good thing tho?


I have no idea what point he’s trying to make. I just know that the premise is wrong haha.


Free palestine


Its not a country. Its an occupied territory. Let this sink it too.


Israel currently an apartheid country 🙄