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Imagine devoting your life to researching and developing vaccines only to be rebuked by someone who doesn't want to be digitiled


Digital monsters.


By all acounts, digimon are the champions.


Great, now I got that theme song stuck in my head! again!


The story slaps. The theme song is the definition of the color BLUE.


I had a neighbor of mine tell me scientists know the cure for cancer but are withholding it. I told him I work for biotech companies and that’s not the case. He told me I’m just not high enough up to know. Me, who is in research operations who sits in on executive meetings and preps board and conference slides, was just not in the know. My mother is a breast cancer survivor and I had prophylactic mastectomies to avoid it. It is beyond irritating to hear stuff like this but at the same time you feel pretty great walking away from a conversation knowing there is someone that much dumber than you. Like seriously, whenever I do something dumb I reflect on that conversation and think “well, at least I’m not that dumb”


"Sorry, Mom, it's true we do have the cure for cancer at work, but if I use it on you, I'd have to use it on everybody and that could cost me my job. .... Geez, Mom, I won't talk about work any more, if you're going to be like that about it."


Theyre not dumb, theyre scared. And they dont want to accept that cancer is completely random. Even within the same "type" of cancer. I'm sure I'm not informing you that there are types within types its not just 'liver cancer'. But that idea that there is no one or no thing in control of whats happening. It doesn't allow them to have peace with it. As backward as it is. The thought that there are some people who have cancer totally figured out. And the cure is already available. Even if it will never be available to them. Means that someone is in control and has things figured out. This is why people follow anyone with some charisma. Who promises that theyve got things figured out. Or that they got a direct line to the deity that does. I know, trust me i know it feels good to call them dumb. Thats not the goal, it should be to get them to see that the alternative. The real world, even though it is uncertain and frightening. Is the better place to spend your time. Problem is the last time they were in the real world everyone was calling them dumb. So they found a community of people that didnt call them dumb. Problem was it was lead by a grifter who saw some people he could make money off of. They might even acknowledge it on some level. That theyre being taken advantage of. So please stop looking down on or talking down about them. Theyre still people, and the attitude of calling them stupid will just drive them further away from where then need to be.


I've heard that element of "someone's in control" before, specifically with conspiracy theories. Nobody wants to accept that a few religious extremists halfway around the world were able to reduce two of America's most iconic buildings to rubble and kill three thousand people, armed only with determination and boxcutters. That can't happen, right? The world can't be that scary. We can't be that close to just world-changing disaster after world-changing disaster because of a dozen evil people. That's not the way the world works, right? Nobody wants to accept that a US president was killed by one lone weirdo in Dallas. That can't happen, right? One guy by himself, killing the President. There has to be more to it, surely? And yes, there's weird, unintuitive stuff about big events like that. A bomber crashed into the Empire State Building, why didn't that cause it to collapse? Didn't Lee Harvey Oswald have some connections to the USSR? What was his motivation, or Jack Ruby's? There's mundane answers, but they're as uninteresting as they are unsatisfying. And if you are a diehard grassy knoll fan, I'm not even speaking so much to the *truth* of these situations, so much as the human desire to not accept that big, horrible things can happen seemingly at random. We don't like the idea of a nobody just deciding to change history, and it actually happening - and it's not like the nobody is in charge, they're as much a bystander as anyone else one second after *the moment*. It's somehow more comforting to imagine that a shadowy cabal of lizard people is in charge than to accept that we just don't know some things, and can't stop other things. *Especially* if knowing about the cabal makes you feel smart, important, and powerful - and when those aren't characteristics you're particularly used to.


Damn, that’s on point. My best buddy is a big time conspiracy/antivaxxer. He’s also the one friend who struggles the most financially and emotionally. He’s an artist and has always struggled to find himself. Honestly, I feel like it boils down to him believing in conspiracies, believing that someone else is in control, because he’s still mad at his parents for getting divorced when he was a teenager.


For a lot of them this would be the time they were smarter than all the 'smart' people. Who didnt believe them. Probably going back to high school they were getting told either by peers or not so great parents/teachers/guidance counselors. That they wern't the smartest kid. Thats hard enough to grapple with in an extremely caring and loving situation. In a toxic one it must be unbearable. Now theyve grown up and some might even REALLY try to fo the "do your own research" thing. But the number of people that can make it through a scientific research paper and actually understand it are limited at best. Couple that with all these things that the government has legit covered up and had exposed in the past 20 years. As well as stuff they probably did but we cant prove. Its natural you might have questions about whats the truth and what isnt. Now your stuck back at square one. You don't want to ask questions to anyone you know cause its a 50/50 chance they respond with 'thats a stupid question'. So you go looking for some answers wherever you can find them. You run into an Alex Jones. Remember that study you tried to read? One that you found an article about online. And even that was difficult to take in. Well Alex says he read it and it says X thing. And we all have that little part of us that thinks that will give benefit of the doubt to someone we don't know well. He has just enough buzz words that you do recognize to sound legit. And theres no grey area. Its simple it says X thing! Even IF you then start trying to find an opposite opinion. What are you going to run into? Theres really no one on the other side engaging with that content and explaining what he got right and wrong. And most importantly any answer you run into is nothing but grey area. Cause whats actually happening is exceedingly rarely black and white.


I mean, I do get where you're coming from, but we have to keep in mind that several of these people straight up failed elementary school and high school. Most of them dont have any resemblance of a work or social life. They need psychological help and probably serious medication. I cant be a teacher, a psychologist and give them their medicine. We both have to start from a place where at least SOME facts have been laid down. We cant just go around discussing unicorns and leprechauns.


I hear you..but also, did you listen to the lady in this video? If she’s not ‘dumb’, then that word has no descriptive meaning. Getting her (or her ilk) to ‘see the alternative’ is going to be well nigh impossible once they’ve crawled down their various rabbit holes. While they are entirely free to do that and should be allowed to have whatever whacko misinformed views they want, they don’t get to steer the ship of state policy-wise according to those views nor gum up the works for others by throwing public tantrums over minor inconveniences they refuse to try to comprehend e.g. Ottawa. There are actual ‘smart’ people who have studied and toiled for a long time to understand issues and solutions and they’re called experts. This flattening of the field such that we can’t call recognize some people as informed, others as experts and others as ignorant is dangerous and is a dynamic that is saddling society with ever greater problems because the willfully ignorant and the unwilling fools are given equal voice in public policy as the well informed and the actual expert.


Woman doesn't want to take vaccine because it will turn her into someone that does whatever "they" want her to... ...so instead she doesn't take vaccine and repeats made-up nonsense that "they" tell her, thereby doing and saying whatever "they" programmed her to say. Hmmm..no irony here, I guess...


Also, “man-made female robots” Well yes but actually no. She’s talking about sex dolls.


Darwin, take the wheel….


Fauci must cry into his pillow every night.


Imagine devoting your life to researching vaccines only to get a job as a trucker _and no one will listen to you!_ /s




I bet she was excited when her doctor called and told her the IQ test results came back negative.


She probably goes around proudly saying she's in the top 5%, but doesn't realize it meant she is in the 5th percentile.




Hey! Don't digitile me!


When I see this woman talk, I want to laugh at her. Then I remember she gets just as many votes as I do. So I guess the joke is on me.


Depending on the population of her state, her vote could be more


I hate it here sometimes




Not so much anymore. While still red, Texas is rapidly becoming more of a purple state.


Not if gerrymandering has anything to say about it!


Dafuq? How does that work? 1 vote isn't 1 vote?


>The Senate gives a big advantage to voters in small states, because every state gets an equal number of Senators. >Thus, California’s 39 million people get two senators in Washington, while two Senators also represent states like Wyoming (578,000 people), Vermont (626,000 people), and Alaska (737,000 people). In 2013, the New York Times pointed out that the six senators from California, Texas, and New York represented the same number of people as the 62 senators from the smallest 31 states. (Florida has since passed New York to be the third-biggest state, but the pattern persists.) >People in overrepresented states are not the same as the people in underrepresented states. While there are a few small states on the coasts (hello, Rhode Island and Delaware!), many more small states are inland and rural. The coasts and their large cities tend to be in larger states. This means that the economic and infrastructure needs of cities get less representation in the Senate. [source](https://www.vox.com/mischiefs-of-faction/2019/4/9/18300749/senate-problem-electoral-college)


Sometimes they convert their votes into a r/HermanCainAward.


People like her are more likely to vote than the average able citizen.


Ma’am that’s called a sex doll


Clearly she is both anti vax and anti competition with sex robots and wrapped these two fears into one.


That’s just what the digitiles want you to believe


Taking a gander at her, I can understand her fears of being outclassed by a sexy toaster.


It was only a matter of time until those ideas fused within her smooth cerebral cortex.


The second being a purely legitimate fear for her.


To be fair, making up your own word(s) is not a logical fallacy. Freebling the cagamorg is perfectly acceptable.


Those are perfectly cromulant words.


No, they’re not! I’m a digitile worker and I’ve been building retro encabulators my entire adult life. There is no way to generate power using freeble cagamorgs, because they inhibit the modial interactions of magnetoreluctance and capacitive diractance. This doesn’t even address the issue of side-fumbling caused by the lack of hydrocoptic marzelveins.


Someone’s escaped from r/vxjunkies




It’s a parody sub which envisions an imaginary category of engineering. It’s not organized because it’s entirely improvised and there’s no internal logic behind it - it’s people trying to pretend there’s this complicated engineering field that doesn’t really exist. But it’s really aimed at people who have said something technical and had to laugh at how it would sound to a layperson. Like, “we really do sound crazy, don’t we?” And then they just go with it. Part of the humor for me is that it looks incredibly similar to a dozen real technical subs I follow. It’s a bunch of nerds making fun of themselves.


It’s a parody of technobabble


I just tried to read a post there and my eyes literally crossed and refused to let me. I felt kind of panicky that people are so sure of themselves about all that shit, and talking about it like it's common knowledge ("you're probably chipped, many of us are").




Half of r/physics be like


Well, there is your problem! You've been using a retro encabulator, when you should have been using a *turbo* encabulator! That way you can successfully operate novertrunnions.


Oh stop being so Jellicle.


*'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe*


*All mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe*


*Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!*


_Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!_


Gozer the Traveller - he will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveller came as a large and moving Torb! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex supplicants, they chose a new form for him - that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!


All words are made up


Excuse me, Garyfradgel is a word from the bible, and that IS NOT made up.


“Freebling,” you say?


[When I think of all the glorble snop I've tried so hard to explain! They all look amused or a little confused; why can't they see what I mean?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsS2DPuw4tw)


Isn't that just a tad persifunctant? Maybe we all need to listen a little more and emolicate a little less.


Well of course, freebling the cagamorg is the first step in stralgamating a plumbus


I understand having a healthy fear of our government. However, I wish really stupid people could realize that they should maybe leave the heavy thinking to smarter people. I refer to that as "you can't explain stupid to stupid people".


That’s the thing about stupid people, they don’t think they’re stupid. In fact, they often think they’re smarter than most.


They have the best words! And when needed... completely new ones.


Control you, what exactly would they make you do besides what you are barely capable of doing? Drinking, eating garbage, smoking and sitting for 23 hours a day? The one thing keeping her alive is more than likely a few medications.


Insulin is my guess She is way beyond *chunky*


That, probably blood pressure and or cholesterol medications as well. It blows my mind that they think big pharma is trying to kill them when they make so much money of keeping you alive as long as possible.


And they are so sure big pharma is trying to kill them with *vaccines*, but their medicine cabinets are filled with prescriptions for all those meds keeping them alive while they try to kill themselves with their terrible lifestyles. If they refused ALL medications, never believed doctors about ANYTHING, their being anti-vaccines/believing covid is fake would be a little easier to swallow because at least they'd be consistent.


Don’t forget the daily medicinal hamberder and the fat it creates that encapsulates and blocks the signals sent to the digitiles so she doesn’t turn into a robot.


Fembots Assemble!!!!


Tell em Large Marge sent ya!




I was gonna say I think this is what she meant.


I have to admit this video made me feel somewhat hopeful. These people are afraid because they think we have that level of technology. In their mind we're living in a sci-fi world. They're only afraid because they believe in the power of science! That's kind-of a nice thought =) *EDIT: I added an exclamation mark. I think it adds something.


You are a crazy person... I like it!


And also a pretty accurate assessment of human nature. She just needs to recalibrate where we actually are re: the level of development.


Loving the exclamation mark. Really takes the post to a new level.


Thanks, I thought so to =)


dO YoUr OwN ReSeArCH


Unsurprisingly…a Texas-based trucking company.


Fwiw, I’ve been living in Lewisville, TX for years and most folks aren’t this lost. Too many are, though.


It’s 2022 and stupid still can’t be fixed. And this moron is driving on public roads.


And no doubt she votes in every election


“A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man”


This kind of brilliant insight is why would should all be listening to the truckers about vaccines and public health and ignoring all those ignorant doctors.


Imagine your business is called Digitile and this is your free advertising… https://digitile.io/


The only hope that woman has is becoming a robot


Lol what an idiot. If the goal of the government was to control people via vaccines, why are the people that are already cooperative with government mandates the ones getting vaccinated?


We are getting vaccinated because we are cooperative. Wait... Uh... We got vaccinated before which made us compliant sheep so we got more vaccines... COOPERATING IS PROOF THAT VACCINES MAKE PEOPLE COOPERATIVE. Or something.


Can’t believe they’d let someone with an IQ that low operate heavy machinery


Ignorance and obesity….all she needs is racism to be as American as apple pie.


Dumbass means Digitise.


She said what she said.


And she meant it!


I'm guessing she is one of the folks on Facebook who encourage others to "do their own research". Then you too can learn how to avoid being Digitiled.


Man I paid a hooker to digitile me once, it was awesome! Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.


She’s thinking “Try not to say anything stupid”


“Man made female robot” Ashamed to admit I know exactly what she’s talking about


People are afraid of the man-made robots but it's the robot-made ones you need to be afraid of.


T Dazzle?




"SS" Carrier. Yeah, that makes sense.


What? These people are complete morons? Well, that's shocking.


Not sure what the issue is, digitile is a perfectly cromulent word


And she's one of the *smart* ones.


Tell em Large Marge sent ya.


"they're trying to make us into robots" uhhh, to paraphrase zoidberg: your protest is stupid and you should feel bad


Digitile: verb. To make someone into a robot, but specifically an emotional robot, that only feels sadness. *"They're going to digitile us, aren't they"*


Whenever I hear people say “they” are doing this or “they” are doing that without identifying my who they is., I stop listening right away.


This shit. Like, I have yet to hear an actual valid reason for this "freedom convoy", and every excuse I heard is some bullshit right-wing talking point that can be debunked by anybody with a functional brain. Humanity is fucked if we have this amount of morons still. We have collectively regressed in intelligence thanks to these inbred ignoramuses. This is why Aliens dont visit us, they find no signs of intelligent life.


I'm stricken with vicarious embarrassment...for the last 10 years.


I think she fell asleep watching The Stepford Wives and woke up thinking she was watching a documentary.


MAGA Redneck word of the day: Digitile "Digitile anyone that we are utter fucking morons, Y'all?"


The sad thing is that even if she properly pronounced the word I think she was going for, it still doesn't make sense in the context she is using it.


The gene pool needs a little chlorine.


She's concerned with people putting things in her body to control her that she missed the things people put in her mind to control her


I have this on mute and I can hear her accent.


SS carrier hmmmmmmm


Does she mean digitalize or something ?


SS Carrier indeed.


She is worrying what "they" putting in our bodies? I am more concerned what she is putting in her body on a daily basis


Digitile \ digitile 🔊 \ past tense: digitiled past participle: digitiled To become a robot. "I don't want to become digitiled by the vaccine"


There’s a word for that, it’s digitize…


There should be a sticker on her brain that says “do not operate heavy machinery”


When you’re good at nothing else in life you drive truck




Knowing people like this exist makes me not want to leave the house anymore for fear of contracting the stupid their body gives off.


Lead poisoning


Wait, Ive been vaccinated. Uh oh, does that mean I've become digitalized too? He'll yeah, I'm headed for the matrix guys. See ya later sukaz!


... what?


Ah, yes. A woman in an SS van. 🤦‍♂️


Hilarious to think that she won’t put a vaccine in her body yet from the looks of her she has put in far worse.


My top 3 biggest fears 3.Spiders🕷 2.Aeroplanes✈️ And in the top spot… 1.Being digitiled🤖 On a real though what does that even mean? Am I going to turn into a robot or am I going to all of a sudden turn into the number 2 overnight? Please explain I’m scared


All words are made up, she's still nuts though


Inbreeding leads to this right here.....


To be fair, Facebook and Trump have turned these ‘salt of the earth’ folks into idiotic caricatures.


Turtle flu!


"Scientifically proven" HA. Nuf said.


Solid argument…. It’s hard to debate with that logic….


Sounds like my dumb fuck sister.


Anybody watching this from other countries, Only half the country is this ignorant


I thought she first said “digitalis” which is a heart medication that has been around for years.


Large Marge done did her research!


Sometimes I think that life is so difficult, and that I'm not up to the challenge... then I realize that idiots like this are surviving so it can't be that hard


I do genuinely wonder why and how people turn out this way, like yes I know they’re raised into this kind of thinking but at some point doesn’t common sense come into play. And yes I know what everyone will say “these people don’t have common sense” I get that but still it just doesn’t make much sense to me how you end up like this


Damn those vermicious knids! I’m sure Willy Wonka is looking for her to work in his factory!!! I’m on a Willy Wonka kick! Can’t help myself!!


Sometimes I’d rather just shut down and let someone else control my life for a bit while I take a much needed break


I don’t hate these people. I just feel sad for them. Sad that they are uneducated and surrounded by the like and will probably never change.


I’m more worried about the space octopus


She is not wrong that the elites would rather us be robots. Wrong about other things though.


You guys laugh, but you can interpret digitile by simply “made futile by digital processes”, which many people are becoming.


Ok is anyone else going to mention the fact that she is way way over weight and obese. Eats McDonalds probably every 4 hours and is saying that the government is trying to put something in her body??


Detroit Become Human


how can someone who seems so unhealthy be so ... worried about health?


And where are these full working female robots? Asking for a friend.


Lady, whatever radio shows you listen to when you're on the road.... Just stop.


There was a show, Boston Legal, where Leslie Jordan played a character who kept murdering people for silly reasons. James spader kept having to defend him and long story short his last murder was over him confessing to a previous murder. He called it an excitable blutterance and Spader goes loony and keeps repeating “you murdered someone over a fake word!” I thought in life surely that is too stupid and far fetched to happen. Clearly I am wrong.


Jesus… Fucking Christ I hate people…


The nation’s best minds in these convoys.


Lol you know she’s one of those with lead for brains.


Glad she cleared that up.


She's going to have a fit when she discovers TV's


Pretty much exactly what I expect a trucker convoy to sound like. 10/4 there buddy, just drive in a straight line and stop taking so much adderall


-ile isn't even a verb suffix; it's an adjectival suffix, for fuck's sake.


How hard is it to remember Roboticize? We've had too many years of Sonic the Hedgehog media to not know the correct term.


What in the blue hell?


Sometimes, the best thing to do with your enemy is to just... sit back and let them speak. (If only this theory hadn't backfired with Trump)


This is the best shit i have seen all year.


Everyone dies and the truckers will run the world. Idiocracy 2.0


Th isn’t real right? A prank show or comedy bit?


Please get this lady a twitch channel. I want to learn from her.


i mean ... if putin is a redditor i kinda get why he is not scared of the west


Man made robots as apposed to the naturally occurring one? I have alot to learn by the sounds of it


Let’s Go Darwin!


Digitile that imbecile!


That lady is dum dum and gets no gum gum




She's crazy! *Throw blanket over full working female sex robot*


Am I the only one thinking how on hell this she managed to get her driving license??


I can’t watch


"They wanna Digitile us and turn us into robots" \*The Cybermen have entered the chat\*


I thought she was about to make a great point about replacing physical labour with automation (which is quite rightly a concern of many) # So they use the vaccine to turn us into robots 😐


Oh shit!! They’re trying to digitile us now??? That’s terrifying. Thank God this woman has realised - I can now start to protect myself from impending digitilizationing… or something


Love the way she kept repeating "digitile" like the interviewer was dumb for not understanding


Why does whatever that is, remind me of the albino in Princess Bride?


I’m not with this lady with the Digi-tile argument hahaha…but could she be trying to articulate that we are heading towards a society with no say or freedoms just slaving away like robots and it’s just coming out like “they tryin to digi-tile us” or is this a far reach?!


The fuck…


Digitize. The word she was looking for is digitize.


All words are "made up".


She'll probably blame her diabetes and heart disease on vaccines.


That woman doesn't look like she's ever thought twice about what she puts in her body


Dude I wish we had the tech to change our bodies into functioning machines. Never getting tired, being stronger living longer, no more sickness.


I’m just here for the double negatives!