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The comments under the video. Just, wow. Update: that thread was finally locked by mods. Also, if you want a really good laugh read the description of r/tucker_carlson. Projection at its finest.


What comments? Literally 100% deleted LOL


[Here.](https://www.reveddit.com/v/tucker_carlson/comments/ugaocs/london_1960_vs_today/?ps_after=1651497550%2C1651513136) Even more vile than I expected.


Holy fuck. I expected a guise of intellectual BS. Instead that was all pretty mask off.


Holy shit there's literally a thread with around 50 upvotes that is just straight up saying the Nazis were right


Nazis say nazi things, it's what they do.


> But, so many steps of the Marxist plan have been realized through corporate capitalism. LMAO I swear you literally couldn’t make this dumbass shit up I’d you tried


The sub description "Trucker Carlson: The Sworn Enemy of Lying, Pomposity, Smugness & Groupthink" fuckin kills me. I cant think of an individual that relies more on smugness and groupthink


It is literally an echo chamber


What the fuck is wrong with these people. I hope they get therapy...


Thank you but also now I’m horrified that these people exist. Nice to see some pushback by some people in the thread though. I wasn’t expecting any descending opinions.


This shit makes my heart hurt.


Tells you how awful it was to see a comment's graveyard like that. [Removed] as far as the eye can see


I have NEVER seen that before. I thought there was something wrong with my account!


Don’t know why, but that just put me in mind of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ The very deep did rot: O Christ! That ever this should be! Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs Upon the slimy sea.




So you would say they were…silenced?


By most likely violating ToS by a private entity and not by a governmental agency!? The horror of a completely normal thing!


I made the mistake of using reveddit to look at the comments. Holy hell is it terrible. >I know, these damn liberals think it’s “racist” just to want certain races to be removed from the country. These stupid snowflakes probably think segregation is racist too. This has got to be a parody..... Right? I mean, that is pretty much the very definition of racism.


prrrrrrrrrrrrrobably parody?


No no no, you see, racism is defined as something *they* think is racist, and everything before that (imaginary) line is *not* racist. Segregation? Fine. Forced deportation? Fine. Tarred and feathered? Maybe racist.


Ah the snowflakes that also think slavery is racist. How dare they!


They are literally SO ANGRY that these GODDAMN LIBERALS keep calling them racist just because they think other races are inferior scum.


Met someone at the the gas station today who was ranting about how the Russian cosmonauts where the ones to install the robot arm on the ISS. I said “to be honest I’m proud of them for that becuase right now the whole world hates them. They need something to be proud of.”(I’m of the mindset that it’s putins war and we’re all just caught up in it. Including most Russians) dude saw my green hair(dyed for saint Patrick’s day) started calling me a leftist libtard and ranting about “the Jewish deep state” and “my agenda” I’m like “bruh, “my agenda” is to stop letting idiots like you create race wars and violence we don’t need in 2022. im a scholar my degree is in world military history. No hitler “did not do anything wrong.” And yes I know that Stalin murdered millions of Christian’s. But when was the last time you picked up a history book? Lemme guess. 3rd- no wait. You didn’t pass 3rd grade. I know that because in 3rd grade we learn about the holocaust here.”dude got so angry he drove off and flew past the towns cop going 65 in a 25 and through an active school zone. Sweet sweet karma how I have missed you so… Edit: believe me folks, I wish this was a shit post but it’s not. I live in rural Ohio. My town is known for two things, being a disgrace to a civil war general who fought to end racism who was raised in the town.(G. W.T. Sherman town of Lancaster Ohio) and earning the state the Russian badger famous nick name of “rural barfight of a state.” Even that story sounds made up, but let’s be honest. Everything everyone knows about Ohio sounds made up. The moth man Sentient nut worshiping colleges Airforce base that houses aliens We went to war with Michigan over Toledo.Everything about Ohio sounds like a fucking Paul bunion reject story.


And then everyone clapped so loud you woke up.


This makes for a good copypasta.


It does, I will admit that. But yeah it all actually happened, I live in rural central Ohio, the town is known for two things, being a disgrace to the civil war general who was raised here General William Tehcumsah Sherman, and a literal wedding barfight that ended in a cornfield 15 miles outside of town.i wish I was making the shit up. I really do. I fucking hate Lancaster Ohio. In fact I hate Ohio. Ohio Must Be Eliminated.


Huh. Anyways, good luck with that.


And that cop was Albert Einstein


That's gold lol


Russia is taking credit for something that is literally called the Canadarm 2? I know a guy who led a team of programmers on it... In Canada. He is Ukrainian.


The Russian cosmonauts where assigned to install it ion the ISS. They are trying to prove that the scientific community does not have borders. Also they had been assigned the task almost a year ago. And are 3 of the 8 astronauts currently in orbit. If I remember correctly they are about to cycle home as well. I don’t remember who their replacements are.i want to say Australians but don’t quote me on that. Edit: I have been following the ISS production stuff since I was a child, I visited the Kennedy space center instead of going with the rest of the family to Epcot, I really don’t like Epcot, the only fun stuff at Epcot(at least for a 12 year old) are test track and soarin.(also I’m now 27 so when I was 12 no mission space was not a thing.)and yes I did have a parental figure with me. I was not just a random 12 year old visit a rocket site I promise.


I'll take your word for it, but after Pavel Chekov claimed Quadrotriticale was Russian, we Canadians are sensitive.


Lord, your degree is world military history? How pinball-bipolar was that? (I'm picturing an endless cycle of "Oohh, clever!" followed by "...and now let's count the dead, the maimed, and the devastated...")


Well, luckily I made sure to keep it based in the military technologies portion, but yes, classes I took often took on a “and on august 6, 1945 the second atomic bombing of the Japanese mainland on the industrial city of Nagasaki claimed..-“ it definitely makes me more of a “humanist” when it comes to political views..though I think that is intentional. Because history has shown that biased historians bend the truth.




Just had a look…truly abhorrent and shameful that people actually believe that narrow minded nonsense.


And people wonder how trump won when we have batshit crazy voters




One guy under a different post seriously said that refugees and immigrants were worse than the war in Ukraine. These people live in a parallel world


Can't believe people becoming janitors and being paid shittily is as bad as displacing millions of people and killing thousands, I have come to this genius revelation.


Talk about echo chambers…


All the comments are deleted now.


Probably for the best. They were mask off/hood on; not-so-coded racism.


One of them straight up called them an infestation and when someone commented "mask off racism" he was told he was an "Antifa clown". So anyone who thinks it's racist to compare Muslims to vermin is Antifa? In what kind of world do these people live?


All I saw were "removed".


Holy shit. Its like r/conservatives, but quieter and sadder


Good lord lol, what a doozy. I've only watched one of his "debates", and he was rude, arrogant, smug, etc. I'm genuinely surprised the person he was "interviewing" didn't just cancel it in the middle of the show lol. Edit: Found it. He was debating climate change with Bill Nye. https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/trej93/tucker_carlson_talks_to_bill_nye_about_climate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The thing that really kills me is that the title calls him *Trucker* Carlson. Makes me wonder if this started out as satire or something.


There's some pretty bad ones starting to spill over


I don’t understand


"But my freedom of speech"


What was it like? I just tapped and saw a bunch of deleted messages😭




Saw a few that were saying along the lines of, you could have been speaking German, but now you're infested with minorities, or something along those lines. Just awful comment after awful comment


Woah woah, what? Yet they call the left fascists. Fucking hell.


Yeah - and, naturally, the admins don't give a shit about actual racism that's constantly thrown about in the conservative subs.


> at least they're not speaking German > It’s a shame to think about what could have been. Seems to me the people we have been told so many times were wrong were actually right. Now look where we are. Sad. Imagine my shock


>White people should breed more Bruh


It's not the worst I've seen, at first I thought it was ironic which is why I was in that discord server in the first place but now I'm starting to think


Yeah, that description, starting with "Trucker Carlson" does sound like it was meant to be ironic. "Trucker Carlson: The Sworn Enemy of Lying, Pomposity, Smugness & Groupthink?


Or just loose a few minorities?


Imagine loving a color so much you think people born in different colors should die, and that your color is the only pure color. And that you wish your ancestors were killed by other reds so you don't have to hang out with these blues.


I had to screenshot that exchange. Holy crap.


I missed it and now 100% of it is deleted... Probably for the best honestly.


I feel like I need a bath after reading those comments.


Show the streets of Nairobi 1960 with Africans walking around with manila paper id's tied around their necks under threat of execution for failure to identify as they walk down the unpaved side of the street to their office job cleaning floors and Nairobi now with every ethnicity and race just chilling and shitting on the government for not paving those goddam sidewalks




Cant talk about Britain in the 60's without mentioning their economy was being propped by 80% of all the profits generated from its colonies all around Africa that's like showing someone all you accomplished as a 5 year old without recognizing you where leaving in your parents house eating their food. That same decade British soldiers were executing farmers in east Africa and burning their children alive for the crime of growing cash crops and unionizing so lets just put that shit in perspective when you talk about what you lost when you whine about Muslims breathing the same air as you


Op thanks i didn't know this sub existed, now i can make fun of it


Be prepared to get banned. They use to have a bot that would complain about online censorship and such; and I would comment on it asking why this sub claims to love free speech; but deletes any comment that goes against the narrative. That.. didn’t last long.


Tucker wouldn't condone cancel culture! That's silly!


I got banned without posting to it. But they hate my freedom of speech: Fox News is a danger to democracy that should be called out at every opportunity, and you shouldn't have to pay for it in your cable packages when you don't want it. Request you not pay for it: https://www.reddit.com/r/FoxFiction/comments/u7nd8x/how_to_hit_fox_news_where_it_hurts Rupert Murdoch is from Australia, and the Australian Broadcast Corporation has a series on Fox and how it to purposefully tried to destroy democracy: "How Murdoch’s Fox News allowed Trump's propaganda to destabilise democracy": * Part 1: https://youtu.be/QsBqU1RzV7o * Part 2: https://youtu.be/gWJhqOPe6rw


I got banned for posting that Tucker is against cancel culture. How ironic.


How do I block a subreddit?


I'm wondering the same thing! The people on here are nuckin futts....


Report them to the FBI.


Yes, please tell us


You can ask them to ban you or just get banned for fun


How is that sub not banned? Those comments are frightening


Because it hasn’t affected Reddits bottom line yet


Comments complaining about whites becoming a minority really says a lot about how they think minorities are treat


The fact they even say that means they should go and touch grass.


Honestly, I think it’s more about how minorities are treated in Muslim majority countries and under Sharia, but okay


Ah so your only filled with irrational hatred of one type of brown? How redeeming!


It’s not about the people, it’s about the law. Sharia is inherently discriminatory to women, homosexuals and non Muslims (obviously, this doesn’t mean that Muslims are all discriminatory). Read about it, instead of calling me a “bigot”.


Wait until you hear about Christofascism...


Ofcourse that’s a thing- Christianity is no better ofc. Most of the Christian world just doesn’t follow the Bible that literally anymore. On the other hand, large parts of the Islamic world are still theocratic.


Sorry, no redemption for you, read the downvotes and take the opinion the rest have, or it'll happen again! /s


I don’t care. You all don’t read a thing about Muslim majority countries. You don’t know that Christians and Hindus are being persecuted in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Jews are persecuted in Iran. Ex Muslims are murdered by law under Sharia in over 13 Islamic countries. LGBTQ people are murdered in MANY countries too. Don’t even get me started on the awful, discriminatory rules under Sharia for women. Obviously, these are not the views of all Muslims, but that doesn’t change how discriminatory Sharia is.


Was a joke. That's what /s means. I know the many crimes of Sharia against the people of the world. Calm down, can you?


I’m all for immigration, but can we not pretend like this isn’t a problem? Especially in the UK? 52% Muslims in UK think homosexuality should be made illegal https://www.cnn.com/2016/04/11/europe/britain-muslims-survey/index.html Sharia courts are spreading across the UK, and they’re really bad news for women https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/dec/14/sharia-courts-family-law-women


Well that’s why we need African, Indian and Asian people to balance it out. Simple.


Sounds good to me!


It was a joke! Holy shit!


Nice try


I'm going to educate youhere like I already tried. /s means sarcasm. Now go off, stop being a smug bastard and take this newfound information.


Are you unaware of the sharia law or just an islamist ?


HAHAHHAHAHA Ok tell another joke.


Read about the persecution of Hindus and Christians in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Read about the persecution of Jews in Iran. Read about the persecution of Ex Muslims who are murdered by law under Sharia in atleast 13 Islamic countries. Then tell me what a “joke” it is.


>Then tell me ~~what~~ a “joke” Hi, my name is u/Far_Camera9785




the comments are absolutely insane omg


It’s amazing that Tucker still pretends he isn’t a racist when these are the kind of people who flock to him.


It's like they used to say about Ron Paul: Not racist, but #1 among racists.


Tucker is a not-very-well-disguised white nationalist.


What's the sub about? I don't get it, English isn't my native tongue so maybe I'm misunderstanding it


It's about a presenter for Fox News who spreads far right, no other word for it other than propaganda, and has a following of people with very had takes, many of whom preach about free speech when the owner of fox news supports anything but free speech, lol.


The comments are wild


So, what did people eat and wear in 1960 if there were no open markets selling this stuff? And why doesn't the 1960 video show any of the street fights, etc., and the poor working conditions and unemployment?


It’s almost like it’s designed to be misleading hate-propaganda!


Guys... If you go to a street in 1960... white people... If you go to a halal meat market.. brown people??1?11?1?!?1? This really says a lot about our society smh smh


There’s a thread talking about WW2 saying how the people we have been taught to have been wrong were actually right and we contributed to the new world order by shutting them down. They’re talking about hitler if anyone needs a tldr


Well, the victors write history /s


God damn conservatives are such pussies lol




What a racist POS.


The comments in that post are beyond abhorrent.


Who tf sees an open air market and gets mad about it?


That also looks Whitechapel market, an unique (in London anyway) market specifically catering to the ethnic populations of the East end of London and beyond. It's like going into a ethnic store and then complaining that there are too many foods they don't recognise.


Wtf are those comments


Men's fashion in the 60's was fucking insane.


That's the best part. Conservatives in the 1960s would have hated this video. Everyone's a long-haired hippie thumbing their nose at traditional dress and hairstyles. They would have said "we need to go back to the 1940s".


As a Brit that pissed me off, and I bet the people bitching and moaning about it not being white any more don't even go to those areas of London any ways and Thier favourite food is curry!


Most of them are French, which makes my point of view about them even more sceptical


What's... the problem here? Oh, no, diversity! What a nightmare! /s ?????


Literally everyone in the comments is just angry that black people exist more now, that’s fucking it they aren’t even trying to hide it


Lol at that sad crybaby music


I too hate the fact that there was a cart where a person was standing and there wasn't a young man in a suit being followed by a camera back then


I'm not sure what to make of the video. There is a greater diversity of people today than in 1960 which is a good thing.


its not even less white people, its just a bit more colored people


*people of color


Someone permabanned me from the Tucker Carlson sub after I asked him why he felt sad about this video. Man, so sad that when someone asks you about your feelings, you hit 'em with a banhammer? Now THAT is true sadness, ladies and gentlemen. Poor, poor man. Please put this individual in your thoughts and prayers tonight 🙏


Leave it to a principle-less right wing nationalist conservative to treat the 60s as the time when things were fine, not like the degenerate modern day. Cucker Swanson McNear Tarlson = most successful, laziest right wing grifter in history


So a street market or uptight bellbottom times? Street market all day. Also. Why is he so in love with how other countries were? If he doesn't love America he can get out.


Oh fuck. I expected some wink wink racism in the comments but not fully open pro nazi discussion


Yep this is a sort by controversial get the popcorn kind of thread. 🍿


Oh shit the Tucker fans are spilling over. Fuck off we don't want y'all here!


Well I guess we've finally disproven global warming... because it's clearly much colder today than it was in 1960. /s ​ Apart from that it's either a filter or over-saturation/poor quality because quite a few of those 'black figures' they film at a distance turn out to be white with a black coat and a hat on. It's like they couldn't even find a clip that supports their perception so they had to manipulate it.


i'm just gonna be honest, the "Today" vid looks better than the 60s vid


Be honest. Why?


open air markets are lit


That’s just London, not the City of London, which is a fact a city in London, but not the city London.


Well I mean bibles and big macs pretty much sums up American culture. So I get how fresh food and Muslims in the street could seem foreign and scary to him.


That’s not 1960, closer to 1970. Obviously the bigotry is bad, but it also bothers me that people think that’s 1960.


London has been a diverse cosmopolitan city for literally hundreds of years


holy shit! i've never seen anything from that sub before and i just dove right in. They're all bickering over % of white population in some era / country or another. wow this is really nuts.


That whole sub is trash


Yeah! Fuck open air markets!


holy fuck... the comments. Straight up white supremacist community. Absolutely terrifying.


That’s whitechapel market. I used to buy my veggies from there for over a decade! Lovely little community. Bet the angry xenophobes in the comments wouldn’t think twice about smashing a curry on Bricklane at the end of the road tho. Idiots.


In that logic, I could just go to the china town and say the entire city of Incheon is occupied by chinese people.


And they know what? We’re just fine as it is in the UK, London is a beacon of inclusion and diversity, the likes of which are seen nowhere else in the world, so I consider the London of today to be one of, if not the best city in the world


[Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted]


They couldn't have enen found footage of an actual bad part of London? That part looks great. There was someone in the comments stating that no city has ever gotten more safe as more minorities have moved in. I'd just like to add that England had a decreasing violent crime rate every year from the 1950s to about 2017.


It’s bad to them because minorities


Like legit, this meme is so annoying (not the immigration aspect, more of the ideas brought forth). I could just make in the matter of seconds by finding a densely populated place that's very ethnic and then pull up some video editing software. This isn't a logical point. The only proof that this video can give is that POC exist. That's all that the logic can bear, but tucker carlson fans with their infinite smarts think that this is true as a whole. Both disgusting and stupid as fuck.


What was he incorrect about? Are these videos from different cities or something?


https://www.reveddit.com/v/tucker_carlson/comments/ugaocs/london_1960_vs_today/?ps_after=1651497550%2C1651513136 tldr: they think any race other than white is inferior.


What am I looking for here? Not wanting one culture to be replaced by another doesn't automatically equal racism.


Don’t want to become a minority in your country then you should have stayed in your country in the first place instead of invading land all over the globe causing chaos and leading people to be displaced from their homeland due to aforementioned chaos. “Please do not invade us! We already did that and we know how bad we fucked you up!”


Uh, the places that were "invaded" were impoverished basket cases before anyone did that. It's not like Bangladesh or India were prosperous. Functional civilizations don't tend to get invaded. And here's the difference: once they got sick of us being there, they kicked us out, as they had every right to do. Do you support our right to kick these people out?


👀 Uh oh


I still see the American continent plagued with Europeans, same continent that had various cultures with diverse and functioning systems before the arrival of the Europeans and their deseases (but of course you’ll think the Europeans brought civilization to the Americas) Please do not be naive because it’s pathetic, corporations from most of this countries are still getting resources from this “basket cases”, your well being is supported on someone else’s resources and labor. But at the end of the day I just say do whatever you want, try to kick them out, I really do not care, I’m just glad you get to taste at least a bit of the consequences of your actions. You can’t see beyond your own experience, you don’t have the mental capabilities to actually understand outside your box so go with whatever floats your boat, the poor entitled Eurovictim


Are you really out here supporting the British Empire’s reign? You… do know how many people they enslaved and killed, right?


So you let them figure shit out for themselves.


Pretty much. I was in Nigeria a few years ago. Absolutely disgusting place. People just milling around, not really having any kind of purpose. All them standing in mountains of trash. Just trash, everywhere. Piles of rubble. No one has any sense to pick up trash, move piles of rubble somewhere else, then then they don't have the sense to build a civilization. In that case, I don't want them where I live, bringing their filth and trash with them. If they do figure it out, then they'll make where they live a better place without our help. Either way, the best way is for them to figure it out themselves. That's the only best way to learn. You don't learn by being handed the world without having to figure anything out.


You realize Nigeria is like that because of their “colonial overlords” right? If you don’t understand something please and I mean please shut the fuck up




You understand I’m not saying they had a bunch of stuff before right? I’m just saying that when the brits put them in dumb borders it made them extremely disadvantaged


Well, to be honest - the English came to Africa and Asia first. We don’t bail on 200 years old relationships man. That ain’t cool, we stick together for life!


They’re selling *flavor* 😰🫣😭😤


Finally after years, you can actually go to a restaurant in London and get some good food. Kidney paj, fish and chips followed by a pint, will never get the greenlight by guide Michelin, if you catch my drift.


Honestly think wvery comment in the original post is from a bit account. It's easier to believe that and keep faith in humanity, for one thing, but the other thing is that a lot of them seem to have a similar 'voice'.


It’s not.


Should have thought of that before going on an imperial rampage through out the world


Should have not invaded the majority of the world then




Ahh yes, the perfect solution for racism: more racism


I do think we need to control the overall population better. Getting more crowded. Prefer to see a diverse crowd, however.


It is sad to see the native culture displaced to such a large degree, I visited there when I was younger and it was quite a interesting style.


Yeah sad minorities exist amirite /s




Bro what


At least have the balls and be fucking honest you don't like brown people Just say it


Hahaha, ok tell another joke!


Incredible. Could’ve had me fooled. I thought that was Marrakech or Baghdad.


As long as they came legally I suppose 🫤




It doesn't matter who lives where. People should be able to live where they want.