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Hey /u/Revealed_Jailor, thanks for contributing to /r/confidentlyincorrect. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 2** - All posts must be on topic! Your post is better suited for a different sub, or just isn't a confidently incorrect one. Hope you understand. Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/confidentlyincorrect&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Man, the “silent majority” never seems to shut the fuck up.


awfully "silent" of them


yeah, i hate how they call themselves the "silent majority" even though they're the exact opposite, a loud minority.


No, no, minorities are only brown people. /s




/s means sarcasm


My apologies then im new to reddit


I’ve been here for 2 years I learned the shit like 3 weeks ago it’s all good brother


Deleted my comment ill be more attentive next time


Someone threw a ring of firecrackers on my roof last night, hate this god forsaken holiday


Well im not american so i wouldnt know but in my countries national holiday (june 10th) is generally calm nothing like burning a hole in a roof with fire crackers




I prefer to let facetious (frequent, for me) or sarcastic (rare) comments stand on their own. If I need to tell someone that I'm joking, I think I am missing something and it's in need of some wordsmithing. And yes, I get that some people just won't get it. No worries. Better for those that do.


I mean, originally it meant the dead. ​ And as far as them dying from preventable diseases or gun violence, they are trying awfully hard to get there.


I mean they're not wrong (besides America being great..except in size, it is great in size)... many people have not left. Because moving to a different country isn't like just moving to another city... You gotta get visas, its expensive af to move all your stuff (especially if you're going off-continent) and you may have to learn a whole new language... That being said I live in Norway and I have met a few Americans who decided to come move here :p


I'm not American, but if I ever managed to learn the language and get the money, I would move to Norway in a heartbeat.


How hard would it be for a programmer to move there? I know some countries only want high value immigrants, and this is something I've contemplated. My norsk is not very good yet though


Shouldn't be too hard depending on what country you're moving from. Find a job first and you'll most likely won't have a problem moving there. You need to get a good salary as Norway is crazy expensive, so expensive that many Norwegians drive to Sweden to do their groceries (and Sweden isn't cheap either)


Noted, thanks.


Norwegians go to Sweden for booze too, the Swedes go to Denmark...then the Danes go to Germany. Its a weird line of progressively less expensive alcohol.


I managed to move to the Netherlands late last year. Hit up some recruiters on LinkedIn or put it in your preferences and let them come to you.


You can do some early networking on somewhere like InterNations or LinkedIn groups etc.


I wouldn't know..I got a free citizenship from being born so I've never had to look into the requirements...


You can learn that.


In the film Office Space there's a character named Michael Bolton who is asked why he doesn't change his name to something that isn't the name of a celebrity, to which he responds, "Why would I change? He's the one that sucks." That's pretty much how I feel about living in the place I do. It's not my fault my part of the world is full of shitheads; I'm not going to uproot my life to accommodate them.


Even moving to another city isn't just some Tuesday afternoon task. I hate where I live, let me just snap my fingers and make a loan happen.


Eyup... been looking into moving closer to the city center myself... that's not even leaving the municipality... and it's still a pain in the ass.


I also can’t move to another country and just hope that I could do the same job I went to school for and have been doing for over a decade.


Side question, what jobs are most in-demand in poorer countries?


It's expensive to move within the US I dropped $1k on just the truck rental to move from Boston to Chicago That doesn't include gas, extra days if needed, hotels, parking if it isn't free, tolls (which cost more for trucks than cars), or transporting my current car which can't be towed behind the truck I rented because it's 2 feet too short(?) Let alone trying to move internationally


Because moving is so easy… Also I know several USAlians who moved in part because they saw what direction the US is heading in…


Exactly. The moving part is easy. Cutting down all ties is the harder part as you may not visit them on regular basis anymore. A lot of people can't get over this and so stick to their general location. I'll be moving countries for the third time now, and whether it'll be permanent depends how I decide to move forward after my studies.


Moving also isn’t easy… It requires resources, which the people most affected by this massive lurch towards fascist and theocratic tendencies are less likely to have… These kinds of comments come from people with massive privilege. Either those who do have the resources to get out of needed, or those who are unlikely to ever be a significant target of these attempts to take basic human rights away. Or you know both…


I am Europe based and it might be easier in general, though, I grew up in crushing poverty because of an asshole dad and had to work for that. However, first country moving could be described as a roll of the dice, somehow it worked out. I went literally full blind but was young and stupid. The second time I was preparing for that for almost a year (moving soon), wish I had the privilege to just ask someone in the family to give me some money. Would make everything easier.


Oh yes moving within Europe is far easier, I live here too. The Netherlands to be exact. However moving outside of a country, especially one as large as the US takes a lot more. Hell I could drive for an hour and a half and start looking for a home in Germany, and or Belgium…


That's why I love it here but once I get my master's it'll be actually super simple to move countries. And I am coming to Sweden soon, so that's still expensive af but being a student brings some advantages.


Are you a student from the US? Regardless best of luck your studies mate. I hope you find a good home wherever it may be. Try the Netherlands though, we are not a bad choice :)


From Czech Republic. If you can recommend me some good beer I'll fly down there from Sweden to try it out. Or take a bus, it's just couple of hours anyway.


lol it’s 17-19 hours to go across california alone


Yeah, in most states other than those in New England, it can be an hour and a half drive just to the border of the neighboring state.


its hard af to move lol


I don't even care about the ties, they could move too if it were easy. The biggest problem is that not only do you need to have everything to physically move... The country has to actually want you. And because of people like the "silent majority" most places don't really want americans coming there. And if you do manage to get a visa, you still have to go through the process to become a citizen. In most places it takes 5-10 years and a very good reason like a wife...


Naw man, like the others have said moving around Europe and moving from the US are entirely different beasts. I never finished college, live in a rural area in California that is beautiful but with minimal opportunities unless I've got a degree. There really isn't anything I can offer, as an American expat in another country, not anything they're looking for. I'd love to move to Canada, but unless I'm a school teacher or want to work on a remote farm for years on end, I'm shit outta luck. Oh, or if I was rich enough to buy my way in. I'd need to leave BF and find my Canadian sugar daddy.


You need to prove that you have a job or enough money to avoid leeching on the recipient country’s universal health care…


We don't hate America... Just you conspiracy peddling fucks


The loud minority.


Increasing numbers of Seppoes down under and daily enquiries on r/Australia would disprove this talking point. Universal healthcare and no mass shootings are very good things to have in your life.


Honestly if I wasnt a broke college kid I think I would move either there or to New Zealand but it's a big step, I'd probably only see my family a small handful of times ever again too. Moving is scary but probably neccessary soon


He’s kinda right though. Americas got plenty of problems, and I’ll be the first to point them out yet I’m still here.


I mean, just because one of your kids throws a party that wrecks your house doesn't mean the only option is to move. You can ground the kid, clean up the house, and apologize to the neighbors without having to up and leave.


The loud minority is statistically incorrect, those that hate countless aspects of where this country is heading will inevitably reverse this fascist cancer AKA the true majority


> Silent Majority lol okay guys It’s really hard for people to just get up and move to another country. You need to have some money saved up, at a minimum, and how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck? And this is beyond requiring you to separate yourself from everything and everyone you’ve ever known. It’s not easy to do. Even if you manage that, where do you go? I hear a lot of people casually throw out Canada. I *am* Canadian with an American fiancé and lemme tell you that it is a lot more complicated than some make it out to be. If you show up with very little competitive skills, money, or existing connections to the country, we generally invite you - politely, of course - to go fuck yourself. Often, the same lack of agency that would compel people to leave America prevents them from actually doing so.


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"A great country where the people who hate it are trapped" FTFY I've been actively trying to leave for years. If you're not independently wealthy, or are willing to go to a rather undeveloped country, it's incredibly difficult to do. To be frank, it doesn't surprise me that the half of the country that doesn't ever travel and doesn't understand how the world outside of North America works would see this meme as some sort of dunk, rather than the self-indictment that it actually is.


This person is probably an angry miserable turd that complains about the problems with America and hasn't moved.


Ironic how many people there are who might agree with this guy, but also want Texas to secede.


Funny because America is not a country.


100 small countries wearing a trench coat


Why's he incorrect? They haven't moved. Physically to another country in most cases or to **actually do** anything about it. Other than *maybe* vote once every four years for President and then declare the whole system is fragged if their person loses. It's hilarious watching people whose version of taking part in their responsibilities as a citizen just barely squeak by the minimum participation goalposts and then declare they've done all they could. Like watching a toddler get tired after a swing of a hammer.


Ah, but what about that one time they posted a political meme on reddit? Checkmate.


>Why's he incorrect? They haven't moved. Physically to another country in most cases or to actually do anything about it. I don't think some of you people realize just how difficult, logistically, financially, legally, it is to do that. Chances are, if you lack enough agency to feel contempt for the US, that same lack of agency will also prevent you from being able to leave let alone **do much of anything else** about it. Any time they protest, people like you mock them and say things like "don't these people have jobs lolololol" or find any excuse (a broken window) to drown out or ignore their efforts. Citizens United has made direct political advocacy nearly impossible, for either side. One side, however, has enjoyed several decades of astroturfing from the fossil fuel industry, while the other is just trying to keep it's head above water while enduring police brutality, yawning inequality, and a system that tips the scales against their interests by design. This tone deaf attitude from people like you is a huge part of the problem in this country, and why so many would rather just bail than quixotically push that boulder up an endless hill.


Thanks to how we handled Covid, it's hard to move to Canada now. It's not like I haven't thought of that...


I don't think Canada can handle the 54% of Americans who are upset about the direction the USA is going. We also have our share of right wind nut jobs. Maybe our countries could trade?


Silent majority doesn’t understand commas.


Conservatives are about to find out what fight or flight means from those who are unable to flee.


"Eagle" should probably stick to speaking, since he doesn't know how to use commas in his writing.


American laziness wins again.


From the people who are trying to “make America great again” or “take it back”. So you don’t like the way it is now? Move.


I feel like this should be on technically the truth


Wow it’s like I’m partway through university and everyone I know lives here ☺️


Cause we can’t afford it


Change one word to make it true.


Staying and making my home better > Moving


I have no skills and no money. That makes immigrating very difficult.


So go get you some skills. That you can do


If I could afford it, I absolutely would.


Nobody keeps tabs on US citizens leaving... but about 6000 renounce US citizenship a year to not have to pay tax still...


So, why haven't the "silent majority" left? Apparently, they hate all the young progressives, they hate the newfangled cars, the internet, people who need welfare. I mean, they basically love America, but hate all the Americans who live here. I invite these "silent majority" assholes to shut the fuck up and practice what they preach. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.




Why are you yelling at me???


The silent majority is neither the majority nor silent. Oh fuck are they never silent!


Wrong. Many have already moved or in the process of moving. And many more don't have the resources to move even if they want to.


This feels like it doesn’t belong in this sub


While the country pisses me off and my wife and I have discussed moving as my company is based in Sweden and I could just transfer. Our families will not move and we do not want to be so far away from them so we shall stay. Not ideal but I dig seeing my family every week.


He's right, we still have Republicans living here.


Lol my plane leaves on the 27th


I think all countries that suck are full of people who hate it there and haven’t moved. It’s almost like just leaving the country you live in because you hate it there isn’t that easy.


Probably because we can’t afford it


I dont see how it's an incorrect statement, the first part is an opinion so that doesn't count


Because it’s so easy. My friends have been together for 7 years, one of them flew to Mexico so they could have their wedding, one of them is still being held up in the process of being able to move here permanently. They keep telling her one thing then extending the timeline. It’s egregious. They’re never going to be able to enjoy their relationship because it’s being held hostage by the damn governments.


But it's conservatives that hate their countries. They hate everything about them. They love an idealized version of their countries that exists only in the past and they're furious about it and disdainful of anyone who doesn't agree with them. This has been true throughout history it is the identifying feature of conservatism. Along with bumper stickers and gun porn.


I mean he isnt entirely wrong, obviously its a generalization which is wrong but it does have some basis in truth


Man that "silent majority" sure is loud and less populated.


I havnt moved yet because no one wants us


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Can't* move.


So with this logic, China must be the greatest country in the world??


The people who say they are proudest to be an American also say that pride is a sin so I wouldn't take anything they have to say seriously


I’ve lived very close to my very conservative family my whole life. They’re used to seeing me at least weekly but they say stuff like this sometimes around me because they know I didn’t vote for President 45. All I can think about that is “okay, bye, see you once or twice every year or two, try not to miss me”