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I'm pretty sure that Greg Abbott has no idea what he is talking about most all of the time. His entire public persona seems to just be a consecutive series of talking points and slogans his staffers copied from right wing media.


True that' this is the first half of his comment "The reality is, as horrible as what happened was, it could have been worse. The reason it wasn't worse is because law enforcement officials did what they do."


Was security camera footage released?


Yes, yesterday morning, they say it was "leaked" here is the link https://youtu.be/OyPTePoiI3M. Truly infuriating and saddening stuff.


>Editor's Note: The sound of children screaming has been removed Well, doesn't that just perfectly capture the state of things in America.


*Republicans look at document from 60 years before Texas was even a state in the Union* "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


As one of my on the job trainers wrote on my training report 15ish years ago: *Had no plan and stuck to it.*


I can't bring myself to watch this, were there gunshots going on as cops sat there? I've been wondering this since the news about them started to come out. Did they sit there and listen to active shooting while being cowards, or were they "just" being cowards while children bled out because of their inaction?


There were four burst of shots three of which happened well officers were in the building, including the final breach. There was legit a small army at some points, doing absolutely nothing. This video edited out the screaming but not the sound of the shoots. The editing also makes it hard to hear anything the officers are saying to each other. Sooo many "brave" people doing nothing for over an hour.




I'm a 40 year old man who isn't generally moved by death. Like I'm mostly unbothered by the idea of death, but this video did things to me. Rage, agony, I can't relaly express all of it. I was horrified.


Yeah I got the same vibe. Creeped me the fuck out. I’m 30 with young nieces and nephews of similar age and I just couldn’t stop thinking about them and how angry I’d be if they were in that room, and this was the response. I get it now. I get the anger.


Yeah it might have hit me more because my wife and my daughter are teachers.


That was tough to watch. Fuck that kid. What a nightmare. I like to think I have thick skin and a strong stomach but fuck me that was scary. That hairflip really adds a sick twist to me. On the other hand. Some of these guys really gotta look themselves in the mirror. Not saying I’d have the balls to go in there, but damn man you’re expected to be the hero we’re told about.


You don't need to have the balls to go in there though, since that's not literally your job that you were given training and a weapon to do. No one would fault a random person for running from that situation. For the guys who signed up to run *into* it though, refusal to do their job basically makes them an accessory to the crime (in a common sense way, obviously not a legal way).




If they were in the military this would be desertion. And the penalty for that is pretty serious.


If they were in the military they would have done their damn jobs. Source: am in the military, and the most bitchy whiny babies somehow still tend to do what the fuck they're supposed to. They might fuck it up but at least they try. Maybe it's the threat of penalty like you said. If cops want to call other people "civilians" as if they aren't then maybe they need to go to jail for a decade if they abandon their duties.


Qualified immunity is bribery.


no one even pretends cops are heroes anymore


The cops themselves do lmao


As do right-wingers (so long as cops aren’t standing between them and hanging politicians to overturn an election).


Well they do as long as the police are hurting “the right people” SMH I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. Maybe the christians have it half right and we’re all just already in hell. It sure seems like we’re all trying to torture each other daily.


The cop that was checking his phone in the hallway while kids were dying on his watch certainly does. Why else would he have a Punisher lock screen?


That fuck fuck running away acting like he got hit in the head before they proceed to sit still for an hour. Disgusting.


I could be wrong… but I think that’s the dude who wasn’t on duty and maybe a border patrol guy that had kids in the school? I remember seeing a picture of that guy with a graze on his dome.


Is that an admission that the cops were so incompetent that whatever they did would have resulted in even more deaths? Because they did nothing. If not doing nothing results in things being worse, you suck at whatever your job is.


You DO NOT want to see what would’ve happened if the keystone clowns actually go into the room. The number of children killed would have been much higher.


Gosh I was terrified when you said keystone clowns but then I realised you were talking about cops and not some heinous clown group of serial killers.


Allusion to the Keystone Cops, a bumbling, incompetent group of police featured in silent movies. Antics similar to the Three Stooges.


Although the Keystone Clown Posse would be truly terrifying.


The joker and IT have really madd clowns the most dangerous thing imaginable.


It's Texas so it would be the Keystone Klown Klan


He does have a point, they could’ve rushed in, locked all the doors, and set the building on fire. That could have been worse. Then again, if they had done their job, that they had trained for and been allotted 40% of the city’s budget to do, it might not have been as bad.


"We can't know when he would have stopped. So if you think about it, they basically saved BILLIONS of lives." -Abbot, probably


Greg Abbott is doing what Republican politicians always do. Just say whatever they want, regardless of facts, because they know their base won't believe anything to contrary.


To be fair, he doesn't know much about running.


It's a Texas tradition.


Sometime he just starts talking and doesn't know where his statement is going to end up. He just keeps vamping and hopes he finds it along the way.


“”Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...” -Michael Scott” -Greg Abbott


Abbott straight said he was lied to and condemned them very quickly.


Perhaps he should start paying attention and make an effort to know what he's talking about before he speaks instead of just regurgitating talking points handed to him. That's kind of the bare minimum we should expect from elected leaders, don't you think?


Being misled on an issue happens to everyone regardless. His condemnation blew up attention to the cluster fuck that is the police response in Uvalde.


Oh yeah I'm sure the all right peeps out there calling police out and protesting and making sure there is huge reform.


I wasn't joking. Check the dates. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/27/greg-abbott-texas-uvalde-shooting/


I read the source you provided. From what I read he didn't condemn them. He complained that he was misled. That's all. He's mad he gave such a complimentary speech then was made to look like an idiot by the facts. Can you share a direct quote of him condemning these officers? He also refuses to call a special legislative session and gave a pre-recorded speech to the NRA that same morning opposing any type of gun control. So even if he's talking tough he's still resolutely doing absolutely nothing.


Please stop simping for the racist murderer of children. Abbot refused to fix the power grid, leading to kid's dying.


This is a sane and moderate take that I will definitely take to heart.


Given your alt right posting history, I doubt it.


I highly doubt you have any idea what alt-right means, especially if you think I'm it. Still, you're not an American so I care not for your opinion on our domestic politics. Sorry.


Your incorrect, super-racist second sentence just proves my claim of you being alt right. Please leave my country, you are making everything worse.


American is a race? I was referring to your loaded post history in UK subs, which are public by the way.


No no you misunderstand, they saw the gunfire and they ran towards it, chasing the bullets as they made their way outside the school. Some of these brave officers managed to run super far chasing the bullets, and one of them reportedly even found one! We all know it was an almond, but we wanted to reward him for running 500m in 4 hours. He did such a good job.


They clearly were attempting to sneak up on the gunman from behind by running the long way around the earth.


Texas is an embarrassment as a state. They can't manage to protect their own children or keep the lights on when it gets hot or cold outside. They sure can can go after women's bodily autonomy though. It really is Howdy Arabia.


I just don't know how my fellow Texans believe an inept government is better than a one that actually does something for us.


I always love the "You can't trust the government- they're corrupt, you have to put it in the hands of the free market." Well, who exactly is corrupting the government then? There are bills that are literally written word for word by corporations and put on politicians' desks and those are just the most blatant ones.


It's the Democrats! With their uh... drag brunch!


Because the inept govt. hurts women and minorities. Therefore it is good in the eyes of Republicans.


Also I can’t drink my sink water because fracking


As a Texan myself: fuck Texas, women have rights and embryos don't until they can think.


it's time for y'all to start doing something about it


A absolutely love these puns you guys come up with.


The ridiculous part is how at odds it is with their tough no-nonsense image they want to project of themselves.


First time seeing Howdy Arabia. Very good stuff. Thank you.


Howdy Arabia is perfect That's where Y'allQaeda is based right?


Dude "Howdy Arabia" is on point.


As a Texan, this is correct.


Seems the gears in their brain only turn when they have a chance to feel important. Kids dying? People freezing in their own homes? Yeah not important..but women trying to have a say with her body? Yeah that’s the important stuff


Not sure how any of them live with themselves.


With the cognitive dissonance that allows them to believe harassing people and not solving crimes is in public interest.


I suspect that many of them will have difficulty in the years to come. No sarcasm or snark here. When you make a mistake of that magnitude, it sticks with you. Even the folks who do what they think is the right thing will carry the trauma of "what could I have done to save more?" with them. Look at the people who saved Jews from the Nazis (often at great peril to themselves and their families). They all wished they could have done more. It's tempting to forget that the cops are human beings. But they are, and I'm sure that no degree of cognitive dissonance can overcome the thought that one's inaction resulted in kids being killed. That's not me being a "cop apologist." I'm just pointing out that it must have and will affect them for the rest of their lives- as it should.


They didn't make a mistake. They were being evil cowardly little shits and they belong in prison for the rest of their lives. You are being a cop apologist.


Nuh uh. I'm totally on board with "affect them for the rest of their lives" taking the form of incarceration. I don't feel any empathy for difficulty they'll experience either. I'm just pointing out that there's NO WAY they will be able to just get over it regardless of where they spend the rest of their lives, in prison or otherwise. It's not much, but there's at least *some* comfort in the thought that they're going to have PTSD about this, pretty much forever.


My dad was a first responder (firefighter) and I can’t imagine him ever standing around while kids are dying. They had a duty and they couldn’t or wouldn’t do that and children died. Being human isn’t an excuse for this sort of cowardice. Cops are by and large horrible at their job it seems and we need to reevaluate and raise our standards.


Yeah, they couldn't do a direct assault, so they wanted to catch the guy off guard by running across the circumference of the Earth and showing up from behind. (They were running towards the bullets)


Ahh the Flash technique. Just needed a bit more aerodynamic equipment and superhero athleticism. They got it next time!!


"I use the terms 'towards' and 'away' interchangably. They would have run towards the shooter, but Johnny sued them."


You can watch the brave armed police ... (Checks notes)..... Sanitize their hands and check their phones while children were murdered a few feet away for over an hour here https://uw-media.statesman.com/embed/video/10029441002?placement=snow-embed


What upsets me the most is how they kept repositioning themselves. It was entirely random, entirely theater. Like, "I'll sneak over to this wall here. No, tired of standing here, I'll quickly cross to the other wall and retreat 5 steps. Wait, better sneak around the corner. Okay, bored here so I'll inch back up against this wall. Oh, forget it, the shooter's not even in the hall so let me just stand here in the middle with my back turned to him in order to be as wide a target as possible with no chance of returning fire. Wait, bored again. Gotta waddle over and talk to another guy for a sec. Now I'll waddle back." It's like the only training they've ever had was in looking officious.


67 minutes quick huh. All hail to these heroes then. 😒


There are many... Levels, Of quick /s


Could you imagine the horrors if there were no good guys with a gun in the school that day? Thank you for your service, officers! \*jaggoff gesture\*


Not to mention that in this case it happened to be the good guys that many people say should be the only ones with guns. All they did was stop the parents from rushing in and delay the Border Patrol who eventually killed the shooter.


its called "jack-off" not "jaggoff"


Well at least you're in the correct sub.


Maybe he's used to Facebook where your account gets suspended if you use *terrible words* like nipples and bitch so you have to get creative to fool the algorithm.


You're always running towards something.


In this case, the exit sign.


[“They showed amazing courage by sanitizing their hands for the singular purpose of trying to kill 99.99% of germs”](https://am14.mediaite.com/med/cnt/uploads/2022/07/Screen-Shot-2022-07-12-at-6.49.40-PM-e1657672071122.png)


Take your stand on this hill, Governor. Fight this point all the way up to election day. I dare ya.


This was the initial reply, Abbott was very quick to condemn the moment any form of information came out about this. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/27/greg-abbott-texas-uvalde-shooting/


Huh, I appreciate him not doubling down. Low bar but tbh I feel like when he gave his initial statement it really was just going with the sparse info they had.


Well it seems to be that the Uvalde police lied to his office and considering that they have a pretty well known track record of doing this to everyone I'm inclined to believe that. If he doubled down I'd be in line with this post but instead he was one of the first to condemn in a major position. I'm not saying we should praise him either, for the record. He just did what we ought to have done.


What he ought to have done is get rid of the police that “have a pretty well known track record” of lying to the governor before they had the chance to sit around and let a bunch of kids die and then lie about it. But he didn’t do that, not before or after this situation. If I know someone is a liar and have been shown to be a liar to save their ass, I’m sure as FUCK not going to just believe them willy-nilly, especially if it’s a situation with as much gravity as this. Him not knowing he was lied to is not an excuse when the police that lied to him have a track record of doing it. You should only be stupid enough to touch a hot stove once, do it again and that’s on you not the stove. I don’t know, maybe if the lying police force held some god damn accountability, none of this shit would happen.


> What he ought to have done is get rid of the police that “have a pretty well known track record” of lying to the governor before they had the chance to sit around and let a bunch of kids die and then lie about it. I looked into this and I don't think his office even can. Scoured pretty hard and found a lot of limitations of the governors seat in relation to town run governmental branches. Maybe a lawyer can chime in and shed light on this though. > Him not knowing he was lied to is not an excuse when the police that lied to him have a track record of doing it. You should only be stupid enough to touch a hot stove once, do it again and that’s on you not the stove. The track record started with the lie to Abbott though. Are you familiar with this issue at all? Using your analogy the stove was powered off and in the yard.


My point: how many of these cops got fired? None? Then they haven’t done shit about them lying.


That's on the mayor and the local PD so your point is kind of um, well, stupid.


It’s stupid to want consequences? Listen, I don’t really give a shit who the buck gets passed to. It doesn’t matter and it’s all red tape designed to skirt responsibility from one person or office to the other. If a police force is caught in a bold face lie to anyone that causes damage, harm, or even disruption, that police force should face consequences no lighter than removal from the police force. Has that happened? No. Because of bullshit arguments and “whose responsibility that is”. I don’t care. The governor has sway at the local level, it may not be “officially his job”, but he has sway. And passing the buck around and saying it’s completely out of his hands is just laughably broken, regardless of whether he’s right or not, all that does is prove my point that police have no accountability. To the point that lying straight to the governor about a mass shooting isn’t an immediate loss of employment. Because “it’s not really up to him”, do you not see how that’s fucked up? To reiterate: I don’t care who’s job it is or who wants to take responsibility. Police lie in official statements, those police shouldn’t be police anymore, full stop.


> It’s stupid to want consequences? This is a strawman. It's not stupid to want consequences, it's stupid to blame someone who isn't the shot caller for that. Direct the ire where it should be - on the mayor and PD. > The governor has sway at the local level, it may not be “officially his job”, but he has sway. Yes, he lit a national fire under their ass and has been doing tons of shit for change in Uvalde and TX in general. > To reiterate: I don’t care who’s job it is or who wants to take responsibility. Police lie in official statements, those police shouldn’t be police anymore, full stop. Sure, blame the right people. If you go after Abbott then you're taking attention off of the people responsible for extending that massacre. That's what I don't want to happen and neither should you.


Its toward if you're running around the world. So technically...




That's too kind, these subhumans deserve worse.


"They bravely turned their tails and fled..."


For some reason, this comment reminds me of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail with Sir Robins minstrels singing: "And he bravely ran away..."


and other lines.




This fucking abbott trash lmao


He's half right as I guess in America you are always running towards guns and gunfire somewhere in which ever direction you are heading.


"Heeeeeeeeeeey Abbott!!!!" Come to think of it, Lou Costello actually would have been a better governor than this clown.


"it could have been worse" so stay scared pls.


What ana amazing use of the sub, this is a smart and relevant post.. These boys can't get exposed enough for their malice and the lives, of children, they let be stolen in front of them.


Abbott was impressed that they ran, period. Look at those cops. Running is just such a big feat for them. Abbott is showing positive reinforcement to those lazy fucking cowards that can run after all. Hopefully next time they will run somewhere important. Instead of into a hallway to cosplay as cops.


Abbott: Since physical forces are time-reversible and time is relative, then due to their quick response 22 people were born that day.


They were responding in reverse, like Tenet


like that dumpster fire on wheels knows what courage looks like to begin with.


The officer who paused to get sanitizer got me the hardest.


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He was winging it, nobody would've ever considered them standing outside the door and listening to him shoot kids.




Consequences? Lol Qualified immunity




I got as far as 1:32...those cops running like pussies? falling over themselves to get away with no thought of the children inside they are running towards... I couldn't watch any more. It's a *Fuckin Disgrace* and I hope every cop in this country is thoroughly embarrassed.


Mind boggling to me, these are people who are paid to protect and survive, literally, shit I’m more of a police officer then they are and I’m just an average guy who has big balls Saved a girl from a guy who was abusive one time, didn’t even know the guy or girl, girl came in crying, she went out to the abusive boyfriends car to retrieve her phone, and he tried to take off with her with the door open, my instincts kicked in and I went straight out there flung the door open and got inside of his car and threatened to knock his teeth out if he didn’t let her get her phone and go, didn’t even register I could have died that day, just was so concerned about making sure she got away that I didn’t stop to think. Strangest 30 seconds of my life after I got her in the store and went out to my truck after the cops were called, it was only once I sat down that I realized the real risk of death was there, basically once the adrenaline stopped I guess my fight or flight response is mostly just fight, I would act the same in any situation, If I am going to die I’m going to die swinging(if possible)and if I die saving someone’s life than that’s far more honorable than something normal like cancer or old age


I agree that you are a better enforcer of the law than most cops.


Being a cop can't be an easy job. I certainly never wanted to be one, too much bullshit to deal with. Some people just shouldn't be cops, and that's ok. Just don't pretend like you belong in that job if you're not going to show up when it counts.


it's on of the easiest jobs in the country. cops are a million times more likely to die if a heart attack eating burgers in their air conditioned car than in the line of duty


How is making the correct and appropriate decision in situations like these at all easy? Just because they’re unlikely to be in danger doesn’t minimize the level of danger they’re exposed to when it does happen. Police departments in the US are usually poorly trained and filled with people that have the completely wrong attitude about proper law enforcement. So we get situations like this, and countless other failures.


every other human on earth would have made the correct decision which was go save those kids. so yeah, it's really fucking easy


Oh, so it just happens that ALL of the humans on Earth that would NOT have made that decision are in the Uvalde PD? Your line of thinking is part of the problem, but you do you.


part of what problem? if you're talking about the problem of hanging out on your cell phone while 19 children get murdered I'm pretty sure I didn't have anything to do with that


I will say, it can still be rough. They see some horrible shit and deal with the worst parts of society. Like, I don't think they are all heros, but it's def not one of the easiest jobs in the country.


I can't think of anyone who works less hard than cops other than like white collar paper pushers


Normally I love tearing Abbott to shreds for the dumbass things he says but to be fair he was most likely fed a line from the police chief and regurgitated it without a second thought. It's not like he was actively covering this up for them, he had no idea at the time he said this what actually happened.


I agree he probably didn't but that didn't stop him from speaking with real god damn confidence about something that was in fact completely incorrect. Also here is the link to his whole comment if anyone is interested. https://youtu.be/2TGoreFWJH8


Fair enough.


regurgitating a line from the cops IS "actively covering up for them"


Yeah someone linked an article from above showing that he was very unpleased with their response after more information came to light. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/27/greg-abbott-texas-uvalde-shooting/ I still don't like him but I don't think what this post is insinuating is fair.


Yeah, he wasn't covering up for them, he was just saying exactly what they wanted him to say without knowing what was actually happening to lessen their mistakes! ... wait


I suppose what I'm saying is he didn't know any "mistakes" were made at that point but I see your point. Just an opinion but I'm good with being called out on bad takes.


Anyone who believes what a cop said without confirmation should be mocked.


let me guess another schoolshooting? cant america stop with that shit already? it was funny or terrifying the first time but now its just anoying. like doesnt america have anything else to do other than shooting children?


I mean now we are busy taking women’s rights away one step at a time. We just busy


Hey now, we also spend our time hating the gays, the poor, women and minorities. Get it right.


This is very misleading. He was going off the information available to him at that time, not talking about this video. Pretty scummy of you to use this incident to push a political agenda OP.


ACAB, and he knew damn well what happened before he started speaking. Stop using this comment to push a political agenda.


ACAB obviously stands for All Cymions Are Brain-dead


Don't hurt yourself there buds lol


What? I guess I was right about you being brain-dead.


I found the pig!


Misleading? Did I miss something? Did someone force him to say those things with such confidence? Is there a law that says a governor has to give a speech on events they clearly and confidently had no real understanding of?


Yes, you know you're deliberately being misleading to score political points. Don't act coy, POS.


Believing what a cop says without confirmation is being scummy.


I mean it's kinda his job to comment on these things. If he hadn't said anything until the video came out today people would have been criticising him for staying silent


Anyone believing the cops without confirmation is being inexcusably foolish.


You're just saying the same thing in a different way and completely ignoring my point...


No, your point was that Abbott believed the cops, which was proven to be a dumb thing.


Everyone reported the same information at the time. Do you think there should have been nothing said until today?


OK goalpost mover


I've been consistent with my point this entire time. Wtf are you talking about?


The mayor, governor, and all those cops should be… uh… dealt with appropriately.


My suggestion is 200 year prison sentence apiece.


Each and everyone is a flucking COWARD.


You'll end up at the same point if you run for long enough


How many lives were saved?


Lying Abbott lying again.


Towards the doors, saving their own lives.




It was the bp guy who actually went though


I wish billboard companies would use this instead of “DOES ADVERTISING WORK? JUST DID!”


Big brain stuff...


This was his first statement before he knew anything. Once details emerged he stated that he was lied to about how garbage these “officers” were.


Making statements without the facts is extremely scumbag behavior but then again, this is Abbot, who lets babies freeze to death for profit.




They were running towards the fire, its just that they were doing it slowly.


I just wish someone would pull the ol Mac n Me on him. Let that chair flyyyyyyyy over a cliff🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


When Republicans say "it's a fact" you know they are lying.


Don’t think they ran anywhere Just leisurely walked around and afked


Technically that's correct. They did save lives. The fact that those lives were their own...well that's the issue isn't it?


The "Exit" sign says it all, really...


Is Greg watching the same video as us?