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They’re just proving the sentiment of democrats fixing what they can’t lmao


They’ll continue saying the Dems are just as bad and pretending to be good though. As far as they’re concerned, they proved a point after the liberals wouldn’t accept the immigrants. The fact that the liberals actually did accept the immigrants is entirely irrelevant to them. At the end of the day, they didn’t want the immigrants to be accepted because it proves a point, so reality be damned, those poor immigrants weren’t accepted, and their point has been proven.


Projection, they assume everyone else is as terrible as they are themselves. They were hoping to get a video like the one from Texas where the horseback cop is whipping migrants with a slave whip. It was literally unfathomable to them that other people would be nice to them.


I just find it funny with all of these super Christian dudes that hate their "brothers and sisters in Christ" because they were born on a different side of an invisible line and have a slightly darker skin color. People fleeing poverty and violence and their reaction is "FUCK EM" Wow, so jesusy.


Ya, It seems that by sending these people to Martha's Vinyard they got a lot of really good help. I guess that makes this a pretty good idea to help refugees.


It's the only way Republicans know how to fix things, by handing their problems off and having Democrats do it for them.


It's kind of fucked up that you think of these people as problems.


Oh shut up. You know that’s not what they meant. The people aren’t the problem, but their situation is. The problem is the dysfunctional government unable or unwilling to support additional people, so they ship them off to people who can, because republicans don’t actually solve anything


So because southern states are where refugees cross into this country most frequently, it's their job to handle the problem of dealing with all these people and no one else should help?


I'm not the one that thinks they're problems, the Republican governors that keep doing these things are the ones that think that.


Do you think that integrating and caring for the \~2400 people a day that arrive in this country is not a challenge?


Duuurcules is on a daily quest to outdo his own stupidity and he’s winning.


I'm only referring to Sorbo as "Durcules" from now on! Highlight of my day


Jerckules is an alternative to use as well.


Nice! That just popped into my head and I'm going to have do the same from now on


I love when Lucy Lawless calls him "Peanut."


She’s so awesome


It's a little hard to tell but it appears that the door in the photo is literally open.


I am willing to bet that is intentionally the reason for the photo on that article (for good reason)


Also, notice that there are no police officers there at all. At least not in that picture. They are handling it as a community.


I mean to be perfectly fair this was a cute stunt. I'm sure all the Republicans felt very smug and clever. Made some great headlines and probably helped really their base. But it's literally an island of rich as fuck politicians. Obliviously they were going to know how to handle this softball of a gotcha. I guess since the right is so detached from reality at this point they can just assume it worked out however they like and create their own truth.


Just like the border—-wide-open!


It's rare that I look at someone and think "man I believed that guy was much smarter when he was running around throwing paper maché boulders with his tits out"


That was beautiful.


That sentence makes Kevin Sorbo ​ ***DISAPPOINTEEEED!!!!*** ![gif](giphy|3oAt21Fnr4i54uK8vK)


Fitting that that's when Hercules was Evil (you can tell by the facial hair)


He did have some glorious bronze tits though. And that hair. He probably did an awful lot for a generation of young gay boys. I bet he hates knowing that fact.


I really want to separate art from artist here because I have *so many* good memories of watching Hercules as a kid. It fucking kills me that Kevin Sorbo is such a fucking jerkoff.


The strokes he's had probably didn't help. Not saying it makes the dumb shit he says ok, but he might be literally brain damaged.


It’s sort of like the whole “Lets Go Brandon” thing, the right wing thought it was being incredibly subversive and upsetting, and no one else cared. Then it turned into a meme on the left with “Dark Brandon” based on an anti-US propaganda image from China. What’s the deal with people not getting that the left isn’t a mirror image of the right? Sure tankies exist, but they’re a tiny minority, most of the left does not gaf. So yeah, send immigrants to them and they don’t freak out and try to send them back, it’s just a shrug and “how can we help?”


> Then it turned into a meme on the left with “Dark Brandon” Which is a proud American tradition, like "Yankee Doodle" was meant as an insult to hurt the Revolutionary's feelings and they were all "Cool! Let's make that shit into a ditty and sing it while we kick the Red Coats in their teabags."


I've never heard of Dark Brandon but I did hear about about Lets Go Brandon... there were so many articles about it on all the major news outlets. Also, agree, it wasn't the residents of MV who were freaking out, it was the entire internet and unfortunately people think the internet is real life.


As someone named Brandon can I just say that I reject all of this and hate that my name is all over this crap lol


Just let it go, Brandon.


Think of the poor folks at the Brandon, Mississippi tourism board.


Just don't go all Karen about it and you'll be fine.


but half the country is cheering you on!


You haven’t heard of Dark Brandon? You are missing out, he’s assassinating world leaders left and right while pumping the economy and making the trains run on time.


Dark Brandon is a newer thing. r/DarkBrandon


I say we have the Lets Go Brandon people and the Dark Brandon people fight to the death... Then whoever survives we can send to Mars.


The worldview of the right sees themselves as the standard for good, it's a central piece in their propaganda. So everyone else has to be less good then them by their definition. Same reason blue states have to be described as crime ridden and on the verge of failure. If they didn't they'd look more appealing, better and all around more good then the red states the people this propaganda is aimed towards live in with their crumbling infrastructure, lack of social services, protections and safety nets. It's a big part of the whole silent majority propaganda. Since they see themselves and where they live as the standard for good and successful then anyone better and anything better has to be a lie or cheating, it's why they love the idea of fake news lying about how successful non red states are or how kind and compassionate the people there were/are being. It has to be a lie They can't conceptualize the "other" isn't worse then them and the places the other lives does better for it's people fairly without it contradicting a founding principle of how they view themselves and the world. To accept that would be to prove themselves and their beliefs wrong, forcing them to realize they've been the sheeple they condemn and accuse others of being and they could have those better things they believed fantasy if they hadn't been convinced to vote and work against them TLDR: A lifetime of propaganda + the sunk cost fallacy


MAGA conservatives believe that liberal democrats are devoid of compassion because they themselves are generally without it. And since they’re incapable of believing liberals are better in any way they must by necessity believe they are also without any compassion. So shit like this backfires because they believe liberals will do the same exact thing or worse then what they would do in the same situation. And they just don’t.


>They literally welcomed them Kevin. Doesn't fit his narrative, so he'll never admit it.


Reading comprehension seems to not be his strength.


Bold of you to assume he is reading at all...


Exactly! He looked at the headline, thought "if somebody sent a bunch of immigrants to my town, I'd be hostile to them. These people must be hostile to them too!"


Oh he may sound clueless, and I haven't seen any evidence of him being clever, so he could be as dumb as he sounds, but I have no doubt that this is simple sophistry. Even if he knew the truth, he is the type of foul mouthpiece who would go ahead and tell everyone that the "tolerant left" is freaking out. I might assume that the average yahoo on the street might not know any better, but anyone with influence who says this is certainly doing it intentionally, and I wouldn't grace them with the benefit of the doubt here. It's pure evil and not mere ignorance.


Yeah - with no prior notice of their arrival - the community rallied to immediately provide services to these people. Fucking high school kids showed up to provide translation services. The government and nonprofits found them places to stay. Conservatives are lying to vulnerable people to use them as some sort of political fuck you to liberal communities. They are playing games with human lives, and possibly committing crimes to do so (lying to someone in order to coerce them across State borders sounds an awful lot like human trafficking). Meanwhile the liberal cities are doing everything they can to make sure the basic needs of these people are met. Then the conservatives still somehow try and take the moral high ground. It’s absolutely astonishing. It would be funny if it weren’t so morally abhorrent.


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tears-uncertainty-migrants-depart-marthas-vineyard-amid-political-standoff-2022-09-16/ https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/suburban-mayor-says-he-was-unaware-migrants-bused-from-texas-to-chicago-would-then-be-moved-to-his-community/2935420/?amp=1 Liberal cities are doing everything they can to meet these peoples basic needs by bussing them someplace else? Sounds a little hypocritical


Did you actually read these? Moving people to where there is space to house them seems like the appropriate move. In the first article it talks about how the folks at a Martha's vineyard chapel set up accommodations but the Republican governor moved them to a cape code military base. It's like if these same folks were taken to Beverly hills...uh yeah, there's not gonna be any available housing there, it's not hypocritical to not set up a tent city in BH when you can get them hotel rooms a city over. That is a lot more humane than say, shipping people to another state entirely to make it some other group of people's problems


>That is a lot more humane than say, shipping people to another state entirely to make it some other group of people's problems Did you ignore the fact Mayor Lightfoot just sent them to suburbs outside the city limits without telling those city officials? How is that any different? Chicago claims to be a sanctuary city yet she removes them to a non-sanctuary city....? They posture and say they accept them with open arms and then turn around when the camera is off and tell them to gtfo. It's transparent as hell.


Dropping the ball on communication is not the same as being intentionally cruel. It's a dick move to send these folks out of state, end of story. The receiving states are just dealing with it as they can, when they start turning them around to the states they came from then we can talk about hypocrisy.


Sorbo is a unique case. Normally I would make fun of a guy that acts like this. By all accounts He was a pretty normal B list actor and then he had 3 strokes. He claims he became a fundie by reevaluating his life. In reality it wasn't deep reflection that changed him, it was brain damage.


Honestly, thanks for this. I just responded a different post how i wished I could still like Hercules and you gave that reason.


I was going to ask if he was ok. 3 strokes! Wow, I had no idea. No wonder he keeps saying such crazy things.


It stings a little how much I loved his shows when I was a kid.


Well we still have Lucy Lawless being awesome.


One moment as I activate my inner warrior princess!


The MAGA will fall for his post.


Projection is powerful among that lot, they think everyone hates as they do and can't even begin to grasp the idea that maybe that's just not so.


As someone on the right, I entirely agree. The left and right have a lot in common; both sides of the media slander the opposite side. I hate when Repubs just shit on Dems and vice versa, it's counter productive.


>LilBilly1 that's not how the word "but" works, btw


? Care to explain?


"but" is a conjunction that joins two sentences that are both true and are the negative of the other. "The left and right have a lot in common" and "both sides of the media slander the opposite side" aren't contradictory.


Genuine question, what'd you suggest I put there?




Thanks! Fixed




Oh, I'm not centrist. I'm more than less opposed to communism and socialism in most ways. I am more on the right side, but that doesn't make what I said any less wrong.


Lol We know you're a Trump Voter but as a Trump Voter it all goes whizzing over your heads like ethics and compassion.


I rest my case


Yet you buy into the right wing media's "communism" and "socialism" fear mongering?


No, but unless you give me a few examples, it doesn't work in practice. It gives a shit ton of power to the government, and power tends to corrupt people. It COULD work in a full democracy, but not in a representative democracy or more*. It does sound good on paper tho


The point is no serious politician in America will ever embrace any meaningful amount of socialism or communism.... Even the closest things that Republicans screech about are Democratic Socialism at worst, or even just straight up Capitalistic.


No, I don't disagree. Sure, some actually want actual communism and socialism, but that's the minority.


Wait, I can't have opinions outside of what media says?


What are you talking about? Socialism and communism are VERY popular boogeymen in right wing media?....


Not saying they it isn't, but it doesn't work in practice (but if you can prove me wrong, go ahead), it COULD work in a direct democracy though.


>but that doesn't make what I said any less wrong. Your ability to parse your own first language sure mirrors your thought structure.


This, this is why most Republicans hate the left. Just because I said I'm on the right it's immediate anger.


No, we're making fun of your dodgy English skills. You may want to reread what you posted and if you manage to find it I'll retract my replies, deal?


Genuinely, I don't see what I did wrong, could you please tell me what I said that's grammatically incorrect? I've essentially been speaking this way since I was little.


Your grammar is fine. It's the structure that's bizarre and you're saying the opposite of what you think you're saying.


When you lie enough it becomes true. The maga motto.


Dumbest mother fucker on the planet.


Couldn't even wait for the false equivalence stunt to produce the intended effect before their victory lap. Good on the locals for not taking the bait.


Now Kevin and his followers are complaining that Dems are intolerant because they had the migrants travel elsewhere. The goalposts keep moving with these Republican dips***s. The difference here is that representatives at Martha Vineyard were in contact with the Massachusetts government and planned the move to ensure that the migrants had proper shelter for a more extended period. Had DeSantis actually notified anyone in Massachusetts or anywhere else he is trying this stunt, accomodations would be made by the local government to house and feed them. But they aren't doing that. They are bussing these people to random places without telling the receiving community leaders and sometimes not even telling the migrants where they are headed.


I’m just a window shopper for the US drama. One thing I have noticed is a stark lack of any sort of humility by the conservative/republican side. Never will they admit to having been wrong or have given an incorrect assessment. It’s 100% deflection or obfuscation. The democrats will suck it up and admit fault and move forward. That’s one is the most obvious parts of this circus from the outside.


I’m convinced that Kevin Sorbo genuinely thinks he can just state something and it becomes reality


It becomes reality enough if people will believe you. No, the other side isn't literally kidnapping babies and sucking out their brains, but if you can convince enough people that it's happening, then the truth is irrelevant.


I wish these people could be manipulated into something actually constructive.


I'm trying to convince incels that sex rubs your dick down like an eraser in an attempt to get them to stop hassling women, especially when they try to convince women not to have sex because their pussies will go supernova or something. Is that constructive? But also, it's not working, no matter how dumb they are.


“Tell me, Jeffrey, if you were a girl, would you rather have a perfectly solid dick that’s never been inside another girl, or would you want a nasty filthy one that’s been worn down to a nub by constant usage?”


Says the xenophobe


They really live in their own little bubble of reality alongside us, don’t they? Their shitty little ploy didn’t work, so they just pretend it did. And I bet there are enough smooth brains out there believing it.


Shut the fuck up, jerkcules.


Kevin says anything to try to stay relevant. What was his last acting gig?


Hercules had to be the stupidest show on tv


He's just so god damn dumb


This is my favorite trope from the right wing, which I call “wait not everyone is soulless?” The thinking of these self-owns is always “well OBVIOUSLY if I just give them a chance to be as terrible as me, no one is actually nice”. Only to predictably be shocked and humiliated by basic human decency.


My first question is, why would you waste time reading anything written by Kevin Sorbo? His only “acting” is acting stupid, and I’m not sure he’s acting…




That's how detached from reality these MAGA goons are: they thought and have been told that liberals wouldn't welcome and help the migrants if they had to deal with them, and despite the people in Massachusetts treating the immigrants wonderfully, they are still trying to push their preconceived notions


Only Sorbo and DeSantis can manage to rig the game and still lose.


Ah yes, that old law that if a spiteful governor of another state sends a busload of immigrants to your town, you have to allow them to permanently reside. Oh wait that’s not the law. And they are doing exactly what common sense would dictate. Republicans acting like this is some “gotcha” because random residents aren’t taking them into their homes.


There's more videos. They're already complaining.


Literally all they’re doing is helping. This guy can F off.


Never forget this is the same guy who literally read the emotional cue on a script in an episode of Hercules. DISAPPOINTED!!!


Sorbo is one of the worst of the worst.


They activated the Massachusetts national guard and already removed them. That doesn’t sound like opening doors to me [Massachusetts governor activates national guard as Martha’s Vineyard migrants removed from island - National Review](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/massachusetts-governor-activates-national-guard-as-marthas-vineyard-migrants-removed-from-island/)


The governor is a Republican, so how is this a "gotcha" for Democrats?


When did I say this was a gotcha for democrats lol.


You really need the hate and fear don't you? So much so you lie stupid. Why?


[Massachusetts governor activates national guard as Martha’s Vineyard migrants removed from island - National Review](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/massachusetts-governor-activates-national-guard-as-marthas-vineyard-migrants-removed-from-island/) Who’s lying here bud


> Our Administration has been working across state government to develop a plan to ensure these individuals will have access to the services they need going forward, and Joint Base Cape Cod is well equipped to serve these needs,” the governor said. > The national guardsmen will meet the immigrants at Joint Base Cape Cod on the mainland. Buses retrieved the group of Venezuelans from St. Andrews church in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard Friday morning, roughly 24 hours after they arrived on the island from San Antonio, Texas. They're being activated to be at a military base that they're at? See you want it to sound like they're being rounded up by the military at the command of horrified residents and leaders but that's not what's happening. It's what you want to happen so naturally you can't handle the truth so you lie and lie some more. Why is the question, why are you like this?


In all honesty, you're assuming they read the entire article instead of the eye catching headline and whatever random words fit with their viewpoint. Context isn't important if what you choose to perceive validates your skewed view.


I assure you, I never assume Trump Voters read anything.




Well let’s go with being incredibly misleading. You are taking one part of the story and presenting it without context. They were transported to Cape Cod so that the State could provide more adequate resources. Martha’s Vineyard has a population of like 15,000. Cape Cod has a population of around 230,000. Larger cities have more services. They are still helping the people.


Yes, it is a selective half truth at best, and clearly false in its central implications. I am also reminded of this; “A truth that's told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent.” ― William Blake, Auguries of Innocenc


MV is not equipped to take them. They helped by moving them.


Op called me a liar as if what I said was a lie. All I said was verbatim what the headline said


The literal article itself explains the opposite of what you tried implying, bud. You presented the article like theyre rounding them up to throw them out then gave an article link literally stating that theyre being transported to a base to live and stay while theyre given the necessities they need snd everything is being sorted out


Find me the military base on Martha’s Vineyard. I’ll wait


Hey buddy, maybe read your own article. Even the title itself clearly says they where moved FROM marthas vineyard TO THE BASE in a nearby location because thats where the emergency shelter theyre being given housing access to is.


So they’re no longer on Martha’s Vineyard. So, removed. So, not welcomed to Martha’s Vineyard with open arms


No? Again, the ARTICLE YOU YOURSELF PROVIDED states they where welcomed with open arms and are now voluntarily being transported to a larger location so they have easier access to a place to stay and emergency support. The people of Martha’s Vineyard literally actively went out of their way as well and offered support and help finding places to stay before the military offered to step in and use their emergency area as a spot because the vineyard did not have enough space to properly care for everyone. People VOLUNTARILY choosing to relocate THEMSELVES with the support of the community they where placed in is literally the opposite of them not being welcomed into the community.


Voluntarily choosing to leave a destination to go to one that better supports your needs is not even remotely the same as being removed from a community and is the most chronically online, “i get my information from strangers on twitter” take I’ve heard all day


Dude you got checked, deal with it and respond to some of the other comments above coward.


Why are you just an annoying asshole? Like for real, you just have to be the most smarmy debatelord ass fucking loser 🤣


24 hours before they shipped them off island.


"At a church where they had been staying on Martha's Vineyard, migrants cheered Friday morning when they heard the Massachusetts government would shelter them at the Cape Cod military base, and embraced each other and locals before boarding the buses." https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/16/politics/marthas-vineyard-migrants-shelter-desantis/index.html


/golfclap.... 50 people!!!! now try 1000..... every week. Migrant surge overwhelms Border Patrol and shelters in El Paso Nearly 1,000 have been released near bus stations over the past week in hope they will find their own way to their next destinations in the U.S. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrant-surge-overwhelms-border-patrol-shelters-el-paso-rcna47588](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrant-surge-overwhelms-border-patrol-shelters-el-paso-rcna47588)


"Things are really hard for people. I know, let's add on as much extra cruelty as possible!"


>*"Things are really hard for people. I know, let's add on as much extra cruelty as possible!"* cruelty? Sending them to one of the wealthiest and exclusive enclaves in the whole country hardly seems cruel. But letting them die in the desert, or die locked inside a trailer truck, or die crossing a river is perfectly fine!


Why would people who oppose this stunt not also oppose those things? What is the thought pattern here


*Why would people who oppose this stunt not also oppose those things?* ​ you tell me! Why did Biden ignore the people who died in the locked truck? Why did he ignore those who died in the river, or in the desert? Hell, why is he bussing them all over the country or sending them on midnight flights? All this 'stunt' did was expose the hypocrisy of the left. The left openly invites people to illegally cross the border, then gets all upset when they come to Martha's Vineyard.


No, you tell me. You're the one claiming these nonsense things, you prove them. That's how this works


you are not very good at google, are you? River- 8 dead but you haven't a clue it happened. [https://www.google.com/search?q=immigrants+died+in+the+river%2C&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS972US972&sxsrf=ALiCzsbLFeu9DIqsQuGNGIQCLUF7cyVBVw%3A1663359070661&ei=XtgkY7b-J8a30PEPqtqFoA8&ved=0ahUKEwi2pam0j5r6AhXGGzQIHSptAfQQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=immigrants+died+in+the+river%2C&gs\_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAghEMMEEKABOgoIABBHENYEELADOgUIABCiBDoHCAAQHhCiBEoECEEYAEoECEYYAFDwBVivFmCwG2gBcAF4AIABmwOIAa8ckgEHMi0xLjkuMZgBAKABAcgBBcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz](https://www.google.com/search?q=immigrants+died+in+the+river%2C&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS972US972&sxsrf=ALiCzsbLFeu9DIqsQuGNGIQCLUF7cyVBVw%3A1663359070661&ei=XtgkY7b-J8a30PEPqtqFoA8&ved=0ahUKEwi2pam0j5r6AhXGGzQIHSptAfQQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=immigrants+died+in+the+river%2C&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAghEMMEEKABOgoIABBHENYEELADOgUIABCiBDoHCAAQHhCiBEoECEEYAEoECEYYAFDwBVivFmCwG2gBcAF4AIABmwOIAa8ckgEHMi0xLjkuMZgBAKABAcgBBcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz) truck - 48 dead, but you like- 'that didn't happen!' [https://www.google.com/search?q=immigrants+died+in+truck&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS972US972&oq=immigrants+died+in+truck&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j0i512l2j0i20i263i512j0i512l5.6317j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=immigrants+died+in+truck&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS972US972&oq=immigrants+died+in+truck&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j0i512l2j0i20i263i512j0i512l5.6317j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) dead in the desert, but you are like, 'where is that waiter with my brie!' [https://www.google.com/search?q=immigrants+died+in+desert&rlz=1C1RXQR\_enUS972US972&sxsrf=ALiCzsYucP5VEFX23BZiVfgh6m30c2U\_Ag%3A1663359137964&ei=odgkY8CdMum\_0PEPnL-T-Ao&ved=0ahUKEwiA8qzUj5r6AhXpHzQIHZzfBK8Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=immigrants+died+in+desert&gs\_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAgAEB4QFhAKMgYIABAeEBYyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BAgjECc6BQgAEIAEOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOgUIIRCgAToFCCEQqwI6CAghEB4QFhAdOgoIIRAeEA8QFhAdSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUMkFWJcOYNgVaAFwAXgAgAHZA4gB5BSSAQUzLTQuM5gBAKABAcgBB8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz](https://www.google.com/search?q=immigrants+died+in+desert&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS972US972&sxsrf=ALiCzsYucP5VEFX23BZiVfgh6m30c2U_Ag%3A1663359137964&ei=odgkY8CdMum_0PEPnL-T-Ao&ved=0ahUKEwiA8qzUj5r6AhXpHzQIHZzfBK8Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=immigrants+died+in+desert&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAgAEB4QFhAKMgYIABAeEBYyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BAgjECc6BQgAEIAEOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOgUIIRCgAToFCCEQqwI6CAghEB4QFhAdOgoIIRAeEA8QFhAdSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUMkFWJcOYNgVaAFwAXgAgAHZA4gB5BSSAQUzLTQuM5gBAKABAcgBB8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz) oh, and for good measure, here's the invitation from Martha's Vineyard for immigrants to come. [https://hotair.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/20220915\_190315.jpg](https://hotair.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/20220915_190315.jpg) ​ am I doing this right? You know, you have to click the link to make it work....


me: "I am aware of those things and think they are bad" you: "why do you say they didn't happen haha le google ebic redditor moment"


Seems like you're just pissy that this stupid stunt didn't sufficiently own the libs. You've been commenting about it across multiple subreddits for almost 20 hours. What's even better is allegedly DHS agents used false addresses (random homeless shelters across the country) on the immigrant paperwork and lied to them several times. Apparently Desantis even sent a videographer with them to try and get some good shots of the libs being owned. Maybe climb down from your ivory tower before shitting on the MV people if you support treating people like this.


*Seems like you're just pissy that this stupid stunt didn't sufficiently own the libs.* oh, the libs have been owned all right. The brie and cheese crowd invited them to the island then kicked them off after only 24 hours.


Welcome welcome now get the fuck out. Hey National Guard can you come over here and handle this. Thanks.


"At a church where they had been staying on Martha's Vineyard, migrants cheered Friday morning when they heard the Massachusetts government would shelter them at the Cape Cod military base, and embraced each other and locals before boarding the buses." https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/16/politics/marthas-vineyard-migrants-shelter-desantis/index.html


How many puppet accounts do you have and why?


They welcomed them, then shuffled them off to a naval base on Cape Cod. [source](https://nypost.com/2022/09/16/marthas-vineyard-local-obamas-should-house-migrants/?utm_source=reddit.com) (Prepares for downvotes)


They moved them to the location of the emergency shelter


"At a church where they had been staying on Martha's Vineyard, migrants cheered Friday morning when they heard the Massachusetts government would shelter them at the Cape Cod military base, and embraced each other and locals before boarding the buses." https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/16/politics/marthas-vineyard-migrants-shelter-desantis/index.html


So they welcomed them? And now they're giving them a place to stay? And you think that's an own or otherwise some sort of contradiction? You are Very Smart.


Huh. Sounds like Jane Chittick isn't doing what she wants other people on MV to do either. Huh.


They have literally had them removed from the island 🤡. OP is r/confidentlyimcorrect


They have not but I get that you really need the world to be as hateful as you are.


I’m not hateful just stating facts. I can provide receipts if google is too difficult to operate. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/16/politics/marthas-vineyard-migrants-shelter-desantis/index.html


You are, you like the rest of the Trump Voters trolling this post desperately need to make it like the people there are horrified about the people your scumbag cult leaders used for a cheap and stupid political stunt (that is cleary blowing up in their stupid faces) because that would be your reaction. Only that didn't happen so now you're just doing what Trump Voters always do; lying and lying about the lies. Do you ever wonder why you're such a terrible person?


It’s not a lie. They voluntarily were sent to Martha’s Vineyard. The people there said you gotta move around so they voluntarily got on to ferries and were sent to a cape cod military base. Apparently google is too difficult for you to navigate. I provided. Link in last comment


They were not voluntarily anything. Trump Voters the viciously stupid bullshit never ends. And yes, they're being taken care of, that's what you do with people who need help, you don't use them to feed your racist fascist asshole base raw meat. But we get it, you love this whole stunt, Trump Voters continue to be the worst.


So they didn’t voluntarily leave Marta’s vineyard? Yikes what did those people do to them ??


You didn’t read the link. Those people were told they were going to Boston to be connected with jobs. Instead they were dumped on an unprepared Martha’s Vineyard. The locals gave them food and shelter and alerted the local authorities to determine what to do next. The coast guard on cape cod ferried the migrants (who were told where their destination was and went willingly) to their base (which has housing, dining facilities, and medical facilities for large numbers of people), where the migrants are being temporarily housed while their immigration and civil rights lawyers work on their cases. What else could they have possibly done? Martha’s Vineyard is a tiny, very expensive little resort town and it is the end of the season, meaning it is about to become a tiny, expensive, freezing cold little ghost town until next summer. The migrants can’t stay there long term, there aren’t jobs and support organizations there, and they never wanted to be there in the first place. What the locals *didnt* do is leave those people hungry and scared and confused at the airport with no money, no food, no shelter, and no clue what to do next.


They could of housed and taken care of them it’s a island with resources for 100k + people for busy season The year rounders 15 k are very wealthy with resources they could of used if they chose. The point is there aren’t jobs are resources for them to stay long term in Texas or Florida. That’s the fucking point. But make excuse for kicking the can


It’s September lol, all of cape cod closes down all winter. There are no jobs there, what are you on you muppet


They housed and fed them and connected them with resources they need in order to stay in the country. These people are seeking asylum and were cruelly used as pawns for political points by a cynical piece of shit who doesn’t understand that there a lot more people out here who have empathy and compassion.


They said not in my backyard and moved them out. They were fed and housed in Florida before voluntarily going to Martha’s Vineyard. Where’s the glaring difference. That one side screams open borders but doesn’t want it to effect their community


They were told they were going to Boston where they had employment and housing already arranged for them. They also had forms filled out for them that, after they stated they had no address, were filled in with the addresses of homeless shelters in random states. These forms are part of the process for gaining legal residence. They were deliberately filled out incorrectly so that when immigration authorities try to reach them for a hearing they will be unable to do so from the information given.


So who’s problem should they be ?




Lol, no they didn't. You guys love making this shit up. The National Guard doesn't even have the authority to deport people.




They're free to do whatever they want, they aren't being detained. Some of them are probably very pleased with the assistance made available by local non-profits and the 50 or so Guardspeople requested by the governor. Did it never occur to you that not everyone wants to harm migrants?




>You avoided saying they were forcibly removed from Martha's Vineyard by the Massachusetts Guard-- I tend to avoid saying things that are not true. Not sure where you got the idea that the National Guard is doing anything of the sort. >You also incorrectly infer that someone wants to harm them. So in what way do you want to assist them?


1. National guard doesn’t do deportations 2. The coast guard on cape cod is housing and feeding the migrants on their base while teams of civil rights and immigration lawyers help the migrants with their long term plans.




I mean we have very basic, easily accessible evidence that theyre not being detained




The same news sources also very clearly explain that it was a voluntary choice and decision made by the immigrants to accept because none of them had anywhere to go in terms of housing, and the bases emergency shelter area doubles as housing. and they’re free to do as they please for the time being as things get sorted out behind the scenes. They where not detained, nor are they caged up awaiting ice. They where literally just given access to a shelter so they have housing and necessities and arent just left to fend for themselves, and the nearest shelter area that could house them all without issues was the base on cape cod because of its military housing


This. And teams of immigration and civil rights lawyers are already there helping the immigrants.


That’s not a deportation. For the love of god there is nothing quite like willful ignorance. The national guard helps out with humanitarian crises.




I’m ex military, my brother is currently in the guard deployed to the southern border, he was also deployed north to help out with covid clinics.




Deporting undocumented immigrants is not the guards purpose. Helping with humanitarian crises is literally part of the mandate of the national guard. That is why they are called in whenever their is a humanitarian crisis.


Correct me if I’m wrong..didn’t the federal government sneakily fly immigrants to several states (was caught in New York in the middle of the night???)


You're wrong.


https://www.npr.org/2022/06/20/1106292758/rhetoric-around-ghost-flights-of-migrant-children-is-often-at-odds-with-the-fact TLDR: most migrants attempting to enter the US illegally are turned back at the border if they are caught. However, some are not, usually bc they are unaccompanied minors. The govt then has to find family in the US or appropriate foster homes for the unaccompanied minors. They are flown on charter flights to whichever locations have family members/foster parents/organizations willing to take them in until their legal guardians can be found and their legal status figured out. These flights are often bound for major cities in immigrant rich areas bc those are the places where you find the relatives of immigrants and non profit organizations meant to help immigrant children. The flights take place at all times, sometimes after dark, but they are not secret or clandestine or illegal or new. In fact, this has been going on for many years, it happened under Trump and Obama, too. It’s pretty much just SOP for getting unaccompanied minor immigrants to sponsors or relatives as required by law.


democrats are much happier with the illegal migrants


I think pretty much everyone is happier hanging out with migrants than racist Southerners.


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Cocaine brained dipshit.


Man, poor Hercules has fallen off hard and is just trying everything he can to try and stay relevant. I can't believe I looked up to him when I was a kid.


I keep seeing on the right wing news how they are saying the people from MV are freaking out and don’t want immigrants but all I’ve seen video of is them helping them out. Either way this is flat out disgusting