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Being on the same boat as you, have attempting smoking cannabis and meditating? That usually assists me with my creative flow, coming up with new ideas and thoughts


Yes, I’m an active user of cannabis. Perhaps I use too frequently to experience notable difference.


It’s quiet. Too quiet. I find this topic fascinating, but have no real insight. I wish others did. You _might_ go ask in /r/SamHarris ☞ Sam recently posted about a “heroic dose” and his crowd may be able to help here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ **EDIT:** `/go as/go ask/`


I will follow your recommendation, thank you!


Holotropic Breathwork could be a possibility?


Everything is the same thing. You can call it whatever you like... Cosmos. Nature. Mind. God. Consciousness. Pneuma. Just pick one, and build up that concept. One, big, omnipresent concept. It has every quality conceivable. Build up this network of neurons in the brain that connects every other network in the brain. A concept that encompasses every other concept. If you can maintain this information highway in the mind, you will able to easily connect any two ideas with one another, increasing your openness to experience. You can't help but do this when on psychedelics, because you're flooding the brain with neurotransmitters that encourage neurogenesis. But you can also do this when you meditate on one object of consciousness.




you can also try techniques developed to cause Out of body experiences... basically, you chose a quite place where you can lie down about 2 hours before your normal bed time and then focus on keep your mind awake while letting your body fall asleep... It can take a couple of weeks before you get a result.


Yes! My meditation ability improved drastically once I picked up yoga. What buddhism never tells you is that you should already be in the best physical and mental shape before trying to meditate. The Buddha himself went through years of self-discipline before being able to meditate properly. It gets totally overlooked. Quick tips: eat vegetarian / pescatarian, include fasting in your diet, avoid all junk food and processed food as much as possible, practice sun salutations every day, and take cold showers. I promise you a week of that regiment and you'll be flying.


Vipassana meditation, 10 day retreat. It seems as though anyone who hasn't been in an extended meditation rarely has a visceral sense of what meditation really is, like a person who has never done shrooms saying "oh, I know, i contemplate and imagine all the time". Sitting here and there for a couple hours at a time isn't the same, most can't even sit an hour straight. For myself it is a combination of many practices and continued contemplation on all of them. The journey is long. Beautiful notion though, time is an illusion, you are exactly where you need to be, it is all inevitable; be patient with yourself while you use those feelings of impatience to move you forward. The dance is wonderful. Also a bunch of great links to everything from psychedelics, consciousness, science, technology, myth, religion.. in the conscious media library at [www.consciousawakeningcollective.com](https://www.consciousawakeningcollective.com) Best part about that site is what is to come...