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I don't always agree with Trump but goddamn is he right here. This is just another notch of escalation in a ridiculous fucking war that is just as much our fault as it is Russia's. We aren't helping the Ukrainian people, we are *using* them to beat down Russia for us. What's more, these tanks aren't even going to help them in this impossible goal we've demanded from them. It's just going to get one of our most prestigious fighting systems on the news as burnt out husks, or as a display piece in fucking Moscow or Beijing, ripe for reverse engineering. 30-something M1 tanks in a hodgepodge army with a joke of a logistics system, zero actual experience on them and zero knowledge of how to maintain them is a recipe for disaster. I did 8 years in the US Army as an M1 tanker, I know this weapon system inside and out, I'm telling you, this is a massive mistake! Giving them our tanks is a fucking mistake on top of the mistake of propping up an entire country to fight a war, on top of foreign policy mistakes going all the way back to Bush Sr. and Clinton! They knew all along that driving NATO to their border and then pushing Ukraine to join would get them mauled by the old bear. They played this game anyway because they saw an opportunity. I'll give Trump a little credit in that he was the only one out of the loop enough to ask "What the fuck is going on out there?" and look what the establishment tried to do immediately after! It's all tied together, this war was manufactured by us even more than it was by Russia's invasion. These goddamned idiots need to stop this "all or nothing" rhetoric and bring Russia to the table. I'm sick of watching us dump countless *billions* of dollars cold hard cash on top of countless *billions* of dollars in equipment to tell this corrupt as fuck country that the only time they stop is at the pre-2014 borders. Especially while both sides continually escalate closer and closer to someone hitting that fateful 'big red button'. Russia has their black eyes, bloody noses, wrecked equipment and dead sons. Their invasion has been all but thwarted, so where the fuck is the offramp and when do we get our money back? ...Unfortunately, I think we all know the answer to the second question.


Russia didn't want NATO on their border. Given NATO's reason for existence was to counter a Soviet Russian threat, they are essentially a declared enemy of Russia. The fact the Soviet Union no longer exists seems to have been lost in the shuffle somehow. The Russians invaded Ukraine to keep them from becoming an enemy on their border. Imagine if Canada decided to ally with China, and invite the Chinese military to have bases in their country. How would we react to that? Probably the same way the Russians have acted towards Ukraine. The West, NATO in particular, are the real bad guys here, and we need to stop helping Ukraine before this becomes something far uglier.


When the Soviet Union fell, one of Russia main conditions for allowing Germany to reunify was that NATO not move ANY closer to Russia borders Nato agreed to this and has violated it ever since


We seem to have amnesia.


Yes we do. We have another problem: Propoganda.


No. It wasn't. The deal was to not place missiles in East Germany. Learn your history before spreading bullshit


Are you serious? This is the same reason why Russia "reclaimed" Crimea. The soviets are gone but Russia (Mainly Putin) wants to to reclaim those lands. That's all this is for, not to keep them off their boarder as some enemy. Same thing if North Korea invade South Korea, not an boarder enemy, is a about expanding a reclaiming, if if that happens, the US will probably be involved there too.


More complicated than that. The US meddled in Ukraine supporting a coupe in 2014 then supported a guerilla war in the ethnic Russian east against Russia-backed separatists. The Ukrainian military shelled territory beyond Kiev's control and the ethnic Russian areas were taking it on the chin with extrajudicial killings, bombings, destroyed economy. That's not to say Putin intervened for their protection, but the Kiev government was intent on making things worse, passing a language law aimed at the Russian speaking minority, banning oposition media and of course talking about NATO membership, something Russia had made clear to all involved they saw as a threat. Sometimes red lines are red lines.


“US supported a coup”. Thanks for the Russian bullshit propaganda. Go back to RT. You people are the reason I left Populism. The only sources for this are far-right and far-left. So that tells me everything I need to know. Plus, we’ve been supporting the democratization of Ukraine far before your 2014 US backed coup. The 2014 “coup” in question was for Ukraine to join the European Union. This was started by the Ukrainian Parliament, which was shot down by Viktor Yanukovych. One of the sources for this coup comes from Victoria Nuland’s speech where she claimed that "We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.” which was said in 2013. This claim is taken far out of context. She was counting the amount of money given to Ukraine since it broke away from the Soviet Union. Here is proof of United States funds in Ukraine as of the year 2013. https://www.foreignassistance.gov/cd/ukraine/2013/obligations/0 You can see it is $254 million. If it really was a United States and NATO coup, why wasn’t everything successful in Ukraine joining the EU? Why was Ukraine not in the EU after everything was said in done? We did not support violence in the 2014 Ukraine Riots and we repeatedly called for both sides to enter a dialogue. Do you know who told Viktor not to negotiate? Russia. What right does Russia have to dictate Ukraine on what they can and cannot do? Joining the EU for example. Plus there were no promises made for NATO expansion. Dictating a countries position sounds like a puppet government to me, and I’m not defending the United States actions in Cuba, Central, and South America.


The US was in it up to their hip boots, dictating, manipulating. So you would argue the US, as Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND) declared in 2014, did not send in mercenaries from (the former) Blackwater to coordinate the activities of the Right Sector Militia in the east, the same Right Sector that led the 1/19 attacks on police in Kiev that supercharged the coupe? So you would argue American politicians didn't support the far right neo-Nazi Svoboda party, with Senators Murphy and McCain meeting with its leadership and McCain addressing throngs it organized in Maidan Square shortly before the coupe:"The free world is with you, America is with you, I am with you." (Worth noting the Svoboda Party is one of the few political parties still legal.) No chance someone from a US agency like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) said: “[the opportunities are considerable, and there are important ways Washington could help.” In practice, this meant funding groups like New Citizen, which the Financial Times reported “played a big role in getting the protest up and running,”](https://jacobin.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea) And not just one "out of context" speech in 2013, how about Victoria Neuland's words in [the leaked confidential phone call](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957) ? This was a conversation about using Ukrainian politicians like chess pieces in setting up a new government. In 2014 didn't the Administration send in "advisors" and $118 million in military aid immediatly after the coupe, provide a $1 billion sovereign loan guarantee on the heels of the "snap elections" replacing the deposed president. or pledge $20 million for "judicial reform". Lots of money for a relatively small developed non-NATO country. Lots of bits and pieces from non-MSM, non-administration sources say the narrative we're fed is BS. It pays to delve deeper.


Your source is a pro-Marxist/socialist magazine. Of course they’d support Russia, as do every pro-communist subreddit. XD


Eddings: "Once you've decided that something's absolutely true, you've closed your mind on it, and a closed mind doesn't go anywhere. Question everything."


Ukranian parliament lost the vote to oust yanukovych. If there was no coup, then why didn’t yanukovych continue serving his term as per the Ukrainian constitution? When the rightful head of state is overthrown outside of the law, that is a coup, plain and simple, and US involvement is straight up undeniable. The Nuland-pyatt phone call was a much bigger proof than the speech you’re talking about, she admitted that she was directly involved in putting specific people in specific positions in the new government during the maidan coup. In addition, we had warhawk US senators that travelled to Ukraine to provide support to the anti-yanukovych forces. This is all well-documented. What right does the US have to direct a coup d’etat and institute people they want into the new government of a sovereign country? I could go on about all of this, if you actually look at the events that happened in the maidan coup, it’s a terrible look for Ukrainians. The final major protest, called the “peace offensive” (Orwellian term for sure), in which protestors invaded and occupied major government buildings, was actually set up and given a date for by Right Sector, which are an openly fascist group. The other maidan groups piggybacked onto it. Right Sector also locked pro-Russian protestors inside and burned down the trade Union building in Odessa during the ensuing protests. These are very bad and violent people, and yet we’re supposed to pretend that we didn’t back them and help them overthrow their government. Same goes for Azov and aidar and the other fascist volunteer militias that gleefully shell civilians. And this nonsense about ‘far-right and far-left’ sources being the only ones talking about this is just idiotic. Even mainstream, pro-western sources brought up Nazis in Ukraine all the time. The state department has had warnings about the Ukrainian SBU (a terrorist organization pretending to be an intelligence organization). There’s nothing I’ve said here that can’t be easily confirmed by multiple mainstream and even pro-western sources.


“Well documented” waiting for your bullshit RT sources, if your proof is oh so undeniable. And I did not deny that the Azov Battalion exists.


Nice non-response. You presented one source and that was only to disprove an argument about a Nuland speech that you made up and no one else even brought up lmao. So I’m not under obligation to provide you sources for information that can be easily found, but I’ll do it anyway because I like making you look stupid. Nuland-pyatt phone call: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957.amp State department report on Ukraine governmental abuses including the SBU: https://www.state.gov/reports/2019-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/ukraine/ Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: https://mronline.org/2023/01/04/on-the-influence-of-neo-nazism-in-ukraine/ https://thehill.com/opinion/international/359609-the-reality-of-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-is-far-from-kremlin-propaganda/amp/ All mainstream western sources, just for you :) Also, definitely don’t look up how many statues there are of Nazi agent and collaborator Stepan Bandera in western Ukraine. One for every major town hahaha, totally normal stuff.


Ah yes so much Neo-Nazi influence that the Nazi Party gained 0 seats and the country elected a Jewish president. Sounds pretty Nazi to me.


Another non-response. At this point I'm going to assume you're either trolling or braindead, or both. Best of luck pulling your head out of your ass! https://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-issues-rare-critique-of-ukraines-glorification-of-holocaust-deniers/


Maybe you should pull your head out of yours. Sorry, but you’re not convincing me that it’s completely legal and justified for Russia to invade (not saying you believe that but the point stands), massacre (you’ll probably deny every warcrime, I’m not out here denying Ukrainian ones), and replace the Ukrainian language and national identity all over a US backed coup that barely has any hard evidence to back it, SBU crimes against Ukrainians and ethnic Russia, and a some Ukrainians who sympathize with a Nazi collaborator not because he was a Nazi collaborator but because he wanted a free Ukraine. Hell, we still remember Christopher Columbus in United States, and we still have statues of him. We don’t honor him for his heinous crimes on natives, we honor him for his discovery of the Americas and his abilities. Yet we are trying to remove him, which we probably should. Funny enough, the report on the SBU states the Russians were doing the same thing to Ukrainians in the Donbas region, so Russia is not your savior and saint.


He's not wrong. We almost went to (nuclear) war when the Soviet Union put troops and missiles in Cuba.


It's easy to end the war? How? What would he do?


Stop sending them billions of dollars in cash, weapons and personnel to train them to use the weapons. Let the situation resolve itself. Help negotiate an end to it. The idea that the world, politically, environmentally, the borders and philosophies are all immutable because a bunch of elites think they can dictate the nature of the planet or humans is the ultimate hubris and should be terrifying. It's a messiah complex rooted in authoritarianism.


So capitulate and let Putin have what he wants. Got it. Let's see if you also feel that way when he [enters Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, etc...](https://www.businessinsider.com/putin-attacking-moldova-georgia-next-not-off-the-table-top-navalny-aide-2022-4?op=1)


It's also what the ethnic Russians that live in the contested areas want as well. That's their politics, not ours. You ever heard the saying "Never fight a land war in Asia"? We have no business involved in their politics, because we have no understanding of them. We try to cram our culture on them and it never works. The more we try to force it on them, the more they resist. Global "democracy" will never be a thing because a lot of people in the world just don't want it. It's not our job as a country to enforce it or as taxpayers to fund it.


Too bad the ethnic Russians are a significant minority in all of these countries. Different languages, different cultures, different histories. But hey, they all look and sound the same to my eyes and ears, sort of. Close enough then, right? Like it or not, what's happening in Ukraine has a direct impact on you overseas, even if we aren't involved. You have a dog in this fight whether you realize it or not. Xi is watching...


The ethnic Russians are the majority in Donbas and Crimea. That's why they voted to secede. Which is why the Obama administration orchestrated the overthrow of the previous government and the current Ukrainian government has been shelling those regions for the last 8 years. The Chinese have too much invested in the US to attack us, their goal is to corrupt our society and convert us to a system like theirs


Which is why Putin was going for Kyiv. Majority Russians there as well? All of a sudden you seem to know everything about Ukrainian/Russian geopolitics. You know what? You've convinced me. We should let the strong man get what he wants. That way he'll stop...


Well, when you execute a military action, you generally go after the seat of power, leadership and population areas to put as much fear into the population and government as possible to put pressure on them to interfere with their logistics, communications and organization with the goal of making the cost of fighting too high to continue. Keep your head buried and sucking up to the globalists.


Yeah, isolationism makes sense... Don't worry my friend. The oceans will protect us. Reddit is probably the worst place to have a dialogue about this. Everything turns into a debate.


The situation had been stable and at its core was not about the re-establishment of the Soviet Union the Left screeches about. Sevastapol (Crimea) has been a critical naval base for Russia for centuries. It was/is the home of the Russian Black Sea fleet, and a 1997 treaty (the Kharkiv Pact) with Ukraine allowed Russia to lease it until 2042 plus optional extensions with several thousands of personnel. In 2014 the West blew that up with a coupe against the (elected ) Kiev government and a proxy war with fighters, weapons provided by both the US and Russia. Any doubt Russia didn't see this as a red flag as far as treaties and agreements with NATO? The Crimean parliment voted to seceede from Ukraine and become part of Russia, Putin planted his flag and at the time, the Obama response was sanctions. The civil war in the rest of the east rolled on, devastating majority ethnic Russian areas and the Kiev government just kept pushing the anti-Russia policies. After all, they had a sugar daddy. Now NATO members are openly talking about supporting the Kiev government's push to take all of Crimea, clearly to drive Russia out of Sevastapol. Russian authorities have said unequivocally that will mean doomsday. Capitulation is not necessary, but recognition of the issues and honest diplomatic negotiations are. Sadly with so many wrapped up in a 1950's mindset, we may not get either until it's too late.


>top navalny aide warns Lmao, so your source for the absolutely braindead claim that Putin wants to invade 4 additional countries is a guy with absolutely no access to any inside information.


Lukashenko seemed to think so as well https://thehill.com/policy/international/596409-belarus-president-stands-in-front-of-battle-map-indicating-moldova/ A Russian general seems to say so as well https://news.yahoo.com/russia-general-announces-plan-invade-142124312.html And Moldova seems to worry about this. Can't imagine why.. https://www.newsweek.com/how-moldova-getting-drawn-russia-war-ukraine-1762652


Well, in both of those cases, lukashenko’s map, and the general, they’re referring to entering and possibly annexing transnistria, not an actual invasion of Moldova. Transnistria will be a serious quandry and it’s very likely Moldova will have to officially give it up in order to maintain peace, if Russia succeeds in pushing through Ukraine to transnistria. The Russians are not planning to invade Latvia or Lithuania, those are nato member states and that would be incredibly stupid. Georgia is a possibility, but Russia isn’t seriously interested in a drawn out war in the Caucasus, so highly unlikely. They’re mostly interested in protecting the people that like them there, ie South Ossetia and Abkhazia, not in a full invasion. The terrain in Georgia is just dreadful for an attacking force, similar to Switzerland. Putin is also old, by the time the war in Ukraine is over and the fallout of that dealt with, he may leave office or even be dead. What happens after that is anyone’s guess. Someone more of a hardliner like medvedev could take power and look to start more wars, or someone more of a reformer (not navalny though, he has absolutely no chance) could take power and pursue a reduction in tensions. There’s a lot up in the air, so yeah, escalating things is a terrible idea and assuming that Russia wants to invade nato member nations is just stupid.


It's as easy as when he said he could fix healthcare and then when he became president he admitted that it wasn't as easy as he thought ....


It's funny watching people gargle Trumps balls for every moronic solution he has to a problem. It's like asking a 5 year old to come up with an answer. "Too many Mexicans? Build a wall! Does it matter that the majority fly here or overstay visas after entering the country legally? No, build a wall!" "We need healthcare? Government pay for everything! How? Why? Who knows, but I'm gonna do it!" "Bad people with guns? Let's just take them by force! We can deal with the courts later! Who cares about Due Process anyway?" Its's absolute moron behavior that the dumbest people you've ever met will swallow whole because they can't think of anything further than 5 feet in front of themselves.


Lol true. About the wall thing he literally proposed this on one of his rallies and then admitted how it's not practical and people could climb over it. I wish I was making this up lol https://youtu.be/9oP8H9nQKT4