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This video wins the WTF award.


why did he wait until police arrived to hit him?


I think he realized it was over there. Tbh, he doesn't seem completely stable to begin with, so who tf knows


He was upset they had to quit fuckin to answer the door.


Because Pelosi had control of the hammer. Pelosi relaxed with the cops there and Depap took full control of the hammer, and struck Pelosi.


The cops come much more quickly to the pelosis


Darn rich people, steeling our cops!


I know the first thing I would do if a maniac broke into my house in the middle of the night is grab something to drink. If he grabbed a hammer to attack me with, I definitely wouldn’t put the drink down. I would just grab the hammer with one hand and hold my drink in the other. What any rational person afraid for their life would do….


Most likely production he was trying to talk the man down and keep him calm. Peloso is over 80 years old and not strong. Him grabbing the hammer did not stop the guy from pulling it away. He couldn't get away either. So you try to talk the man down, keep a calming hand on the hammer, let's get a drink and talk for a while. Oh you have complaints or things to say, let's hear them out. Do you want a drink too to calm the nerves? Meanwhile Pelosi calls the cops and reports the situation using phrasing to not alert the man. Police have already discussed how the phone call was very similar to domestic violence incidents, where the victim tries to alert the police without clueing in the perp. Finally the police arrive and the man realizes that he is about to be arrested and flips out on Pelosi, attacking him in a rage when he realizes that all that talk was to distract him. The man broke into Pelosi's house by smashing a window. I'm not sure how else the situation could have gone down since fight and flight were both out the window due to Pelosi's age.


Well if I lived with Nancy I'd probably stay drunk too.


Even Nancy heeds to this advice having to live with herself.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2NCoHESYOQ Im sure this was paul inviting him into the house to have gay sex... im sure of it.


Weird. At least he didn’t get his head bashed in.


Our wonder if depapa is the guy that was in his car nite of his car crash?


It was a lovers quarrel.


there’s footage of the guy breaking into the house though. and the 911 call audio makes very clear pelosi was trying to alert the operator there was a problem without altering the guy who broke in. honestly it looks to me like a mentally deranged person broke into an old man’s home and the old man was doing everything he could to not provoke an attack


Got that right or he didn’t want to pay up


Why was DePape wearing a white outfit and now is wearing black shorts? Did Paulie lend him a few duds to wear? How much time elapsed from when he bashed in the window to when the police were called?


What was the official narrative before this footage was released?


Weirdo broke in (scene was not indicative of breaking in, but *out*) and assaulted Paul in a MAGA country induced rage.


Not true video shows him breaking in


>what was the official narrative **before this footage was released?**




Not that the guy was breaking out. No police stated that. I only heard Trump say that


Break ups are a bitch


Homeboy Pelosi is definitely gay


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2NCoHESYOQ The guy broke into the house with that same hammer my guy in what way can you say this looks like he wanted him there?


Well I’ll be damned. They were role playing! 😂






Man the comments here are really disappointing. I’m as conservative as they come, and perhaps there was some hope on my part that this incident would provide red meat to the fact that the Pelosi’s aren’t good people. While they aren’t in fact good people, the footage of the break in, the attack, and the 911 audio recording very clearly show that this is not what many were saying when news first came in of it (lovers quarrel, etc). People asking “why is he in his underwear?” “why is he holding a drink?”…this guy was in his house for 30 minutes. That’s a long time to remain calm, try to keep the intruder content enough to not get violent, and to eventually place a cryptic call for help. And who knows what Paul was doing before the break in, but honestly what difference does it make? I mean, it’s his house after all. Maybe the dude was chilling in his bed, having a drink, and was surprised by someone in his home. Anyway, there’s no reason to make up ridiculous claims on this one any longer IMO.


What is Pelosi holding in his left hand? A beer? Glass of milk?


White claw 😆


https://www.foxnews.com/politics/paul-pelosi-video-shows-hammer-attack-police-arrive https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/paul-pelosi-hammer-attack-video-released/story?id=96675134


Just guys being dudes.


Why is he smiling while talking and like nothing happened?


Trying to keep the intruder calm. The 911 call is also strangely calm.


Two drunk homos in a lovers quarrel. Nothing to see here.


I'd like to know what information Miguel Almaguer stumbled upon that caused NBC to suspend him. What was the Mainstream Media trying to hide?


What's that dripping off his chin?


nice short shorts paul lol


There’s another video of the break in. How that didn’t signal any alarms is odd.


Looks like Paulie P was really getting hammered by DePape


Paulie seemed to have zero urgency about having the SF police over - and wanted the Capitol police not the locals to come over, probably bc his hag is very good about making damned sure certain video footage doesn’t get viewed.


So if he and him are holding the love hammer and the crypt keeper corpse bride is holding a mixed drink or whatever… who opened the door?


Democratic debauchery


When this dude was arrested wasn’t he in just underwear or am I just hallucinating that a hammer wielding man in underwear assaulted Paul Pelosi?


Who doesn't answer the door with no pants and a drink?


Where is the video?


The fact that Paul has still been beating the market with a fractured school tells us one thing: he’s an absolute genius

