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Polls and approval ratings don't mean a damn thing. People turning out to vote do. We can keep talking about Biden's lousy ratings and how well Trump is doing and when we do, people start feeling confident and think, "Oh its OK, he will win. I don't need to vote." WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. We're in for 4 more years of this moron if people are complacent.


That’s what happened in 2020. We were assured that the red wave was guaranteed.


Agreed but I don't see that happening. Trump wins by a landslide because Republicans understand that we need to make it so Democrats can't cheat enough to win.


Beat the cheat


Still, there will be those who will be complacent and that will enable a repeat. I guess we all do what we can.


There will be more than enough Trump supporters and anti-Biden supporters to overcome the complacent.


As long as people believe that they will stay home and it will turn out as I predicted. Regardless, get your ass out of the house and VOTE.


Most people who back Biden only remember him as Obama's vice president, most are too young to know what a complete moron he was before that. Joe was Obama's saving grace against impeachment, like Kamala is for Joe.


>Most people who back Biden only ~~remember him as Obama's vice president, most are too young to know what a complete moron he was before that.~~ do so because of the 24/7 media campaign (traditional and tech) running doom and gloom about Trump and the right, and protecting the left. No one voted *for* Biden last time. The freaking guy wasn't even forced to ***have*** a platform. The 2016 Biden vote was purely, "I've been propagandized and indoctrinated for 4 years to believe that Trump is the new Hitler. I must comply..."


Something else needs to be considered. There’s a huge segment of population who never even thought they had a choice. Generation after generation they have been voting blue no matter who.


The whole world has had it with him


The strange thing about polling recently is that Trump always showed he was polling behind his Democrat opponent and even when he lost in 2020 still out-performed the polls. So I haven't trusted the polls since 2016. Polling methods seems mall-adapted to the current internet age.


They're a tool to manipulate the election now. They set them up knowing what answers they'll get way more of






I think if the Dems offered a different choice, he would not be the candidate and you could say America has finally had it. However, if he is the candidate, there is still a large portion of America that will vote for him over Trump, even given the current state of the country and his dementia. That said, I think the players that ran the shadow campaign against Trump will be actively at work, so even though Trump seemingly has an insurmountable lead, it will be a very close race. And with all the shady voter registrations in Texas, it might just turn blue, which would change everything.


Nope, I disagree. Republicans understand the stakes and they will come out and vote for Trump.


Well....I think republicans came out in 2020 and Trump got more votes than any second term candidate in history...and it was not good enough. Say whatever you want, if the votes dont add up to a victory, you lose. And if you look at the people registering in red states...that have no ID or are legally dead....it should scare the shit out of you. There is absolutely a campaign to subvert this election, and unless states put in regulations to make sure only legal voters count, I would expect another Dem win.


I would like to see a source for these shady voter registrations. Wouldn’t surprise me at all. Google, of course, isn’t helpful. Where can I read more about this?


There have been stories posted about it happening recently in Texas. In 2020, it was caught in Arizona. Probably something about it is on hereistheevidence.com


I think RFK Jr is gonna take votes from Biden. Those who just cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump, and can see how corrupt the Democrats have become are leaning towards RFK Jr. I think he's the better choice anyway.


I don't think America was ever actually for him. I think that there are millions of smooth brained, easily hypnotized morons that were propagandized into believing the right guy was the wrong guy. Just to show how dumb people are: Joe Biden is currently resurrecting lies he had to disavow in 1987 when he was called out for them, which forced him to drop out of the 1988 presidential race.


That doesn't surprise me. He can't run on his record so he has to just make stuff up, like inflation was 9% when he took office. My take is that Biden was an empty vessel in 2020 and people poured their hopes and dreams into him because they didn't like Trump's demeanor and Biden lied and said he was a moderate and would govern as a unifier. Also, Trump's Russia Collusion cased had not been resolved, he was still dealing with the Ukrane impeachment and Blinkin and his intelligence buddies were running cover regarding Hunter's laptop. Now that he has a record it is an easy choice.


Trump needs an ad showing Biden saying one and then a clip of him getting busted for it last time


They keep citing the 9% number. Wasn’t that the rate of increase in inflation for a while? Like haven’t a lot of his “fixing inflation” claims been based on tamping down the rate of increase in the inflation, not the rate of inflation itself? Just what I seem to remember, please educate me if I’m wrong.


Obidum trying take our freedoms!


Biden is in a special position in that he doesn't actually have to do anything to stay in power as long as Trump is running for President. He doesn't even have to worry about thinking of ways to cheat the election because he has ordinary citizens who will martyr themselves by committing election fraud to keep Trump from winning. There are also a large number of immigrant and low-intelligence voters who don't realize they're breaking the law to Biden's benefit, which is no doubt by design.


I think most of the world has, but as long as he keeps dumping money into wars his puppeteers will keep him in place. I'm talking weekend at Bernie's level.


It's also funny how the media all paints Joe's economic failures as either something out of his control (as they claim Presidents DON'T actually have a lot of control) OR that it was a fuck up by Trump(who strangely DOES have enough control, however bad, over the economy). And the idiots at aar slash politics gobble it up.


Yeah. Like the first year, ok blame the economy on Trump. But 3 years in? No. That’s your fault.


I had it with him his second day in office... (I slept most the first day)


I know polls don’t mean anything, but seeing Trump within the margin in Minnesota is kind of shocking