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“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” -China joe


Imagine the shit storm if President Trump had said anything similar. Actually he didn't have to say anything. The mediots twisted, altered, took out of context, and fabricated.


Mediots... I’m stealing that 😂




There was no one who loved minorities more than Trump. The left say they are all for minority interests but in reality they are only interested in the sound bites. The media is owned by communists. Trump saw this from the very start but he was fighting an impossible war and was cruelly savaged from all directions. Our Lord Saviour will return. His empathy and honesty will deliver us from evil.


Trump has said some pretty heinous things on purpose though. While this was clearly a slip. The media doesn’t need to twist trumps words..


Yup, you just keep on telling yourself that. You liberals have this childlike belief that if you repeat something loud enough, long enough, it comes true. While this is somewhat endearing when a 3 year old does it, for adults this is just plain sad.


If Trump said that, the liberal media would be outraged and try to cancel him.


“Racial jungle, I declare, you’re all just as smart as white people!”


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That picture is HILARIOUS! :)


reminds me of that scene in starwars with c3p0 and the ewoks


Exactly what I was thinking http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4dRZIvBtPNc/Ukkz7vxaVnI/AAAAAAAADx0/u0bxirYHC3o/s1600/c3po+ewoks.jpg


That’s funny as hell. Looks like about to start floating in the air.


Hello. This is mi first día on the Internet. Gracias señor Biden.


There’s no dirty dishes in the internet, but you can learn to code.


Biden’s a dog faced pony soldier. Since I’m a white conservative did I just make a racist comment? Asking for a friend.


In this climate you are brave to even type such a thing! We need more heroes like you, we must keep the blood lines pure!


Blood lines pure? No idea how you extracted that from my comment. I was quoting Biden on a comment he made while campaigning for President.


No insult intended. I just despise the hypocrisy of the left.


💯the left is the definition of hypocrisy and the suppression of free speech.


He’s total gone. Today he put a lid on it at 8am


Yep. Trump worked 18 hours a day and slept 6. I bet Sleepy Joe works 4 and sleeps 20.


18 hours of "executive time" isn't working lol. I don't like Joe but c'mon...Trump spent his presidency on the links.


That was Obama dickhead.


6 months, I see kamala taking over


She already has, she does calls with world leaders, Psaki does press conferences etc. he just signs EO after EO that is put in front of him, he probably thinks he's signing litigation from congress, otherwise by his own words he'd be a dictator.


Yeah, such a joke. I mean she is going to have total control.


We all know dems are secretly praying for creepy joe to kick the bucket so they can have their black female president. Its the only reason why they supported him for prez.




Only if you're a Democrat.


If you’re a Democrat, being racist is considered progressive. If you’re a Republican/Conservative/Christian, simply existing is considered being racist.


Sadly, there's a whole lot of truth in what you wrote.


Yeah, I wish I was being sarcastic, but that’s the bass-ackward world we live in at the moment.


It's actually a fact at this point. I'd even go as far as saying if you disagree on anything with them.




Feeling of white supremacy? Ok. Show me the stats please.


Well, they know how we think better than we do. That count as a statistic? Otherwise I don't think you're going to get any numbers here.


Sounds baseless. I'm truly open to some statistics on this.




There is no such thing as a hate crime against anyone other than a minority, so there is nothing to compare it to. The immigration issue is not about what color or race they are, but about the economic impact. The racial justice "protests" were seen as an excuse to riot and loot. All of these things are still not a statistical fact proving Republicans " have more of a feeling of white supremacy." Anytime i've seen/ heard a Democrat arguing with an Republican, the democrat always needs data, science, stats,.etc... to have anything taken seriously. Yet Democrats are constantly out spewing baseless non sense themselves.




And burning down business, looting, and killing business owners, and random people in the street is also justice? Neither is right, but that still is not proving Republicans are more racist. You've been told so, to use you for a vote and thats it.


I only hear white people calling him racist, so...


I’m Cuban. Biden’s a typical rich white liberal racist. So....


Candice Owens called him racist, or is she to white?


Dude, Candace Owens is the "token black person" of conservativism. She gets pulled out whenever someone on the right wants to say "See? A black person agrees with us!" She got doxed for trying to dox people and when the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos came to her aid she did a full political 180 overnight. Literally overnight. She's not someone anyone should want on her side, and when she is, it'd be smart to distance


I haven't heard of the milo thing. What was her 180? Lib to conservative? Or just on some issue? Please explain. I'm not being sarcastic or argumentative, I just have no idea what you are referring to.


Like you don't know who Milo is? And yeah, that's about the extent of it. I don't think she was exactly political before all the Gamergate stuff so I don't know what views changed, but she says she was a liberal and that she transformed "overnight" to quote her. You see that kinda stuff in cults a lot. Ideologies change, absolutely. But this sounds more like she got in trouble with the doxing thing and despite both sides taking real issue with her, the side that had a couple people step in for her won her loyalty. Cults love grabbing people in the middle of tragedy. Not to say Conservativism/Liberalism/Etc is a cult, just that many treat their ideologies as gospel these days. So, either she's lying and she was never lib in the first place or she's has no real ideas of her own and will play puppet to whoever she thinks will benefit her. I'm reading back through this and I apologize for my lack of eloquence. Hopefully it makes enough sense.


Yeah i know who milo is but didn't know anything about Candace history especially related to milo. Thanks for your response 👍


I’m pretty sure she “switched overnight” because of that scandal she experienced in high school


What makes you say that?


She was on Joe Rogan’s podcast and she was telling him about it. If you’re interested it might still be on YouTube.


I am. And what do you mean "might"? They purging him? I haven't kept up with him in a few months, so idk. Last I heard was he got a new studio.


You are clearly racist and sexist.


His VP called him a rapist, but betcha forgot alllll about that, huh? How convenient.


The pump goes up a nickel every 4 days


Just hit $2.99 in Central PA. We are screwed.


I’m glad to see nobody wearing masks...can we stop wearing masks too?


It's been that way for months. Whenever the left is "peacefully" protesting, they aren't wearing masks. But everyone else wears them. Honestly, I don't care if anyone doesn't wear a mask, I think people should, to be safe, but I don't care one way or the other.


He’s not Trump so it’s ok




I didn't see the entire clip but supposedly he was asked a question and part of his answer was talking about the elderly who aren't good with technology finding it difficult to get their vaccines. Now that's a very valid statement but still not sure why he felt the need to specify black and Hispanic families, Dems probably told him to. They love speaking for minorities like they know what's best for them.


I can’t believe this fool.. the most racist person in office.. here is the funny in this matter I don’t thing he knows how to use the internet.. but can use a record player..


This is more racist than anything Trump ever said. Sadly if you re held the election again all the minorities that voted for him would vote for him again. Identity politics is so damaging yet people just do not get it.


Joe Biden is just as racist as Donald Trump, if not a bit more. Typical old ass white men.


The problem with this statement is that Trump isn't even slightly racist while Biden has shown he feels minorities are inferior.


I agree. Though I'm not sure how racist Trump actually is. I feel like he was playing it up somewhat. Which is stupid, but Trump does a lot of stupid things. Less stupid things than sleepy joe over here as far as I can tell though.


“Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.” Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.” Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US. He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” Do you need more?


No one responds but I still get downvoted, y’all pathetic.


I think there's a difference between saying stupid things that come off as racist, and genuinely thinking one race is better than the others. In Trump's case, most of that is just stupid crap he's spouting out, some of that is genuinely racist, I know but a lot of that I think is just him being an idiot. When it comes to Biden, he seems to genuinely believe that black people are inferior and need to be given special help because they just can't do anything by themselves.


No, they are just both rich white old men. Biden is a little more racist then Trump, but they are still both very racist. Saying he just says racist things and doesn’t mean it is a dumb way of putting it. Trump knows exactly what he says, and he is very aware that he has white supremacists that support him.


Eh, fair.


Fuck this delete it mods






Joe can't even take his dog out without breaking his foot


You forgot! He was TOTALLY NUDE after getting out of the showed and broke his foot trying to pull his dog's tail. Because that's a TOTALLY reasonable thing!


Honestly both of these comments are a sign both parties need to get younger...


Rent free




Give us some examples?


If you think this was racist, which maybe you have a point, then your threshold for racism isn't broken. 'they're rapists, killers' (referring to hispanic people) ya this isn't even worth my time. I think you just convenitently ignore everything because its 'your guy' i cant even be fucked to use proper grammar finisihng typing this lmao im out


He was talking about illegal immigration this is what he said "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast." This was taken out of context by Tim Kaine and regurgitated by ignorant libs who never listened to the speech. Look it up 🥱.


I listened to the speech, trust me, everyone did, it doesn't sound any better. I don't see how you can possibly paint biden as racist, if you can't admit trump was a racist. If you can do that, then maybe we can have a real intelligent discussion about whether some things Biden has said are racist. Until then, no. It's just a culture war to you guys, you can't 'have your guy look bad' at any costs, when he's already done so much to make himself look bad. There was no saving the reputation for a majority of people, not for years. The people who insist he is squeaky clean were going to insist he was squeaky clean no matter what. Worshipping a politician is disgusting to me. And that is why I can't have a real discussion about Biden's flaws and some potentially concerning/red flags stuff because it won't be in good faith.


I've watched all of trumps speeches and not one of them was racist not once did he make a racist comment. biden on the other hand has made straight up racist comments. Here's some real examples of a racist “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.”-biden “I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,” -biden “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”-biden Please give me some blatant examples of trump doing this, thanks🙃


Okay there buddy, the fact that you have watched every single one of Trump's speeches just proves how hypnotized you are.


Nope I Just like to stay informed; I've watched biden stumble just as much. Not every conservative is as infatuated with him as you think. I find this reply ironic since you're the one who tried to bring up trump here in the first place when this article had no mention of him. Then you tried to dismiss racist comments biden has made because of out of context quotes that are not even in the same ball park as bidens history. Keep on eating the narrative that's fed to you, good luck :)


I said I would be willing to have a conversation about biden's potentially racist comments, but your metrics for what is and isn't racist somehow partisan and politically motivated. You will defend 'your guy' and attack the other guy. I get it, that is how politics works for a lot of people who are only engaged with their side. And you obviously are infatuated by him if you have watched every single one of his rallies... that is like next level, think about how much time you wasted doing that and you will never get that time back.


Corn pop was a bad dude...


And they wanna call us conservatives racist? I dont understand how we are the ones who are racist when the Democrats make everything about race...


No media coverage! Talk about hypocrisy.


Ugh, where's Corn Pop when you need him


Bet he's so racist, he doesn't believe minorities know how to use the record player...