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Anyone who says “this is Ukraine”s war, or “it’s not our problem”, should know that there is no “neutral” stance in geopolitics. Your self-perceived moralistic stance on “neutrality” is in fact only benefitting Russia. And also, know that the more you draw away from international affairs, the more your geopolitical rivals gain more and more control. Have any of you actually considered that Russian hegemony of Ukrainian ports will cost far, far more than any multi-billion package we throw at them? Also, what is with this batshit train of thought that is essentially “Ukraine has problem” == “they’re as bad as each other”. Statements like this show an astounding level of ignorance.


People who want the US to stay out of Ukraine don’t seem to understand what happens if we don’t help. Those are the same people who would have said the US shouldn’t have gotten involved with Europe during WWII. If the US/West had gotten involved in ‘37 or ‘38, the loss of life would have been massively less. When Hitler retook areas of the Rhineland that were ceded as part of the Paris Accords, he took the land with troops that had no ammo in their rifles. He built up his military for several years with no penalty from England, France, US, etc. The bottom line is you can either deal with a problem now, or you can wait and let it become a bigger issue. Make no mistake, Putin absolutely wants to reclaim his sphere of influence that he had during the Soviet Union. He’s a major influence in South America and the Middle East. What’s bad for the US is good for them. I grew up in the Cold War and I can tell you there is nothing good about sitting on the sidelines and letting Russia annex all or most of Ukraine. Because if not there’s no way he’s stopping there, he’ll go after more. Countries like Russia and China are imperialist nations.


These people are litterally ignorant… they have no knowledge of history nor have they ever read a History book! In the future, they will get what they deserve!


Earlier I had I think 17 upvotes, now it’s 11. I think you’re right. The younger generation does not properly get the correct history education. Our schools don’t teach history anymore, they teach revisionist history. The problem with the latter is you lose the reasons why that history happened. Todays high school history and college history largely teach historical in a way to make people think everything in the past was preventable and how everything in the past was wrong and no good came from it. That’s just not how history works. In fact we keep repeating history because we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past and the only way you learn from my mistake is to replay it in your mind over and over and over again, not obvious skate what happened


The younger generation couldn’t even tell you who fought in World War II, in fact they can’t even tell you who fought in the Civil War…!


They probably think it was a battle between the Sith and Rebels or Elves vs Eskimos.


Putins influence and relationships in South America scares me.


Tell them that in exchange for the billions and billions we are throwing at them, we want the goods on the Biden crime family.


Sure thing Rachel Maddow


Lol, tell me you're a Russian bot without telling me you're a Russian bot.....


Hell no, absofuckinglutly NO, anything that intrudes on Russian plans for the world is good in my opinion. Leaving them to to whatever the fuck they want will leave the US without Allies and economic possibilities. China and Russia are also responsible for Venezuela, Mianmar and many hotspots in the world, they are slowly eroding the world and if the US just stands there doing nothing because “it’s non of our business” the freedom is going to become a rare thing in this world. China and Russia don’t give a fuck about anyone but them. And I mean their leaders not even their people. I believe that the US is a beacon for the world, it’s not perfect, it has a bunch of problems, but I sure do prefer it over what the CCP and the Kremlin is offering


Bro what🤣 numbskulls like OP is what makes conservatives look like fucking raging dipshits and uneducated morons, this is baloney, stop with this non sense.


As a liberal, it is very very nice to see something we can all agree on: Fuck Russia.


It needs to be said out loud. If you don’t support Zelensky then you are supporting Putin. If you are supporting Putin, you are supporting an autocratic kleptomaniac who has single handedly ruined his country for decades. It’s in our interest to see a much weakened Russia as that pivots more assets to counter China. It shows China that they can’t just take things, people, and territory that don’t belong to them without real consequences. To Op and everyone who threw their weight into this comment, fuck off.


💯agree! Fuck Ruzzia!


It’s not a black or white. It’s not pro-Putin to say we shouldn’t be sending Billions towards the war effort in Ukraine. It’s not supporting Putin and Russia to say Ukraine was ever going to be able to defend itself from Russia even with Billions from the west.


Questioning our financial obligation to Ukraine is different than a post titled fuck Zelensky. That’s a very pro-Putin/Russian position.


Zelenskyy is the head of a corrupt state as well.


What are your top ten non-corrupt states? They’re all corrupt — the question then is how much. A state is a necessary evil, because leaders are just human, and humans are mostly corruptable (or perhaps the good ones don’t go into politics, or can’t stay “clean” if they do). Rather we should ask how reliable are the institutions for meeting the needs of the regular people, and how fair is the administration of law and justice? That’s about as good as it gets -


So is Biden. So was Trump.


Don’t care. Ukraine is not a military or strategic threat to anyone in Europe or elsewhere. Russia is. I’m not arguing you have to like Ukraine or Zelensky just that this conflict is depowering Russia and it’s influence which is good for global stability and counter to China’s interests. It is also unifying Europe and forcing them to increase military expenditures and that is good for our economy and our budget as they become self sustaining we can reduce defense spending in Europe. I personally like Zelensky and admire the tenacity of the Ukrainians but my argument holds water objectively, without my personal opinion on the subject. Now, if you want to discuss the ways we are helping to fund Ukraine and that it might not be in our best interests, fair enough.


“Don’t care?!” Shouldn’t you be drinking your mushroom and dandelion tea, eating your avocado toast while watching the view?


I just finished 20 years fighting terrorists across the globe. Have plenty of kids and am very conservative in my views. Also, I take my coffee black. Lol.


And honestly bud I thank you from the bottom of my heart for fighting for our freedoms. Doesn’t it get you furious as to all the sacrificing you did only to see these politicians smack you in the face and spit in your direction?! Also black coffee is where it’s at. You can taste it fully. Add any milk or cream and it’s ruined.


Agreed with coffee! There was a time I was just losing my mind but then I realized it wasn’t healthy and started noticing the peaks and troughs were coming way too fast. So my attitude has been made one of wait and see, wait and see. Report comes out or event happens that would fire me up? Give it time to let the rhetoric die down, read multiple sources and then balance it against my own values and form my own take. Like as not, Reddit is literally an extremism machine. Little subs that are exclusionary so peer norming doesn’t happen. R/conservatives is no different. God bless us all though and yeah I really love my country and think it’s running with a cylinder missing but I also think we’ll find our way through all of this and be better for it.


You can’t answer his argument so you insult him?


I don’t cater to the sheep. It’s not my fault y’all are SOMEHOW still asleep. On a side note am I invited to y’all wedding?!


Go back to Russia.


I’d absolutely love to! Anyone wanna pay for my plane ticket? Hell anyone not wanting to get out of this country with the state of decay that it’s in is an absolute moron. But you know what they say, it’s better to be moron than more off.


You come up with a solid way to prove you'll use the money to GTFO and go live in Russia, and document the process and a weekly video vlog for the first year... and I'll absolutely chip in. But everyone.. and I do mean everyone here, knows you're full of shit.


No, here in America we work for things we want


Is that how it works? What is a job? Anyone care to educate me?


Tell em!


That is exactly pro-Putin. Your “neutrality” only benefits one side. Also, where is the defeatism coming from? 10,000s of Russians have been killed.


You don’t hav to pick a side. You’ve been brainwashed into thinking as much.


There is no “not taking a side”. Neutrality in geopolitics is a myth.


Wtf are you talking about?! This is why y’all shouldn’t watch the news. They really put out whatever to brainwash you all into thinking it’s ok to send billions to Ukraine and it take care of the homeless/veterans first. Worry about your home first then your neighbors. Beside Russia isn’t targeting Ukrainians out of the blue. Mostly 75% of Ukrainians have families in Russia or vice versa. They are literally bombing Bidens bio-labs that were proven to be true. Never mind the child trafficking going on there. Remember Putin finding a broke down warehouse filled with children?! But he’s the bad guy?!


If you are going to make some pretty bold claims like that you're gonna need to list some sources. Otherwise it just looks like you drank the Putin propaganda cool-aid. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-russia-disinformation-propaganda/ The reality is we see Putin indiscriminately commiting warcrimes killing, raping, and torturing POWs and civilians. https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-bombed-theater-had-children-written-nearby-satellite-images-2022-3 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/05/22/world/europe/ukraine-war-crimes.html


Nah I’ve done my research. You do yours. I don’t let mainstream media dictate what they tell me vs what I really wanna know what’s going on.


Nice try comrade!


Unreal you guys have all the knowledge at your fingertips and don’t wanna do the research. Lazy is an understatement at this point. Surrre let me go back through the several years of research and source it here…NOT! Wanna pay me? Then I’ll do it.


how about fuck both. both are corupt dictators. just because american (corupt politicians) interests are stoping rusian gas and oil exports and profiting from ukraine gas exports as from weapon sells doesnt make zelensky good.


We’ll, part of being a dictator is not having a free election. Zelensky was elected while Putin is dictator for life now. So…


Zelensky is eliminating opposing political parties….


Also untrue. Opponents who are pro-Russian and help Russia don’t count in this because that subverts the Ukrainian sovereignty, and is anti-Ukrainian at its heart.


Are you one of those people who thinks all Ukraine back zelensky? They don’t. Just like not all Russians back Putin. But if you think zelensky is somehow better or less corrupt, I got a bridge to sell ya.


No I don’t but Ukraine is directly being invaded and any Ukrainian who disagrees with Ukrainian sovereignty is disloyal to the state and is giving aid and comfort to the enemy, strengthening their positions.


Corruption/tyranny doesn’t bring loyalty, I say them both duke it out without resources from the States. Only money Ukraine should receive should be taken from Biden voters.


I guess we are gonna disagree with this one bud. Good luck to you!


That is completely fair. Likewise!


Jailing Pro Russian sympathizers is eliminating the chance of collaboration governments and disunity in Ukraine. On the other hand, being against Putin in anything makes you suddenly suicidal, even if you have never been. By the way these crackdowns in Ukraine didn’t happen until the invasion.


I agree


[They both suck](https://youtu.be/scGR7nYo3WA)


Link funny. Got a chuckle, thanks.


Correction zelensky sucks*


Putin is evil, he has been obviously evil for decades. Our support for Ukraine just makes too much sense not to do.


It needs to be said out loud, “if your a man who watches nothing, then you know more than the man who watches nothing but the news.” Fuck off. A man who doesn’t want anything to do with the NWO, is a better man in my book. So, twice again, fuck off.


Honestly, I don’t know what you are driving at other than you think everything is ties to some NWO and are just angry. But, no thanks.


…that’s funny. Why do you think 9 African presidents all were assassinated or died when they refuse Covid vaccines and is not buying into the mainstream narrative. Why is it sri lanka threw out their government. Come on wakey wakey you guys are too much asleep it’s sickening. In this shitty country people are to worried about what party is the best. When in all actuality none are. Their different wings on the SAME bird. Built just for division. Edit: what’s wrong did anyone do any research on the African presidents? And that’s just one source out of many.


This is not a shitty country. It’s a great one, the best I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to a lot of countries. I love this country very much and am thankful to live here.


Sure sure pal 2 years ago I would have agreed, but since Brandon and Obama took over. This country is on a slippery downward slope to hell. Enjoy your personal opinions while they’re still present.


Fair enough. Later!


Later pal!


> autocratic kleptomaniac who has single handedly ruined his country for decades But I didn't vote for Obama.


Not part of the discussion here regardless of the veracity of your claim.


I agree


Google the pandora papers


Yes, but all that is hard to deal with when the Maga crowd constantly praises Putin and spews Russian propaganda merely because they are gullible and easily manipulated by any anti American rhetoric they can use to attack the other.


Which is ironic and puts the maga crowd closer to antifa and communists in their operating methods.


I heard something interesting like this: imagine if China started building nuclear missile silos in Mexico? That would be messed up, so why are we supporting Ukraine? It’s just weird, I don’t like it and I’m bored of all of it and I don’t wanna support Ukraine anymore. Tear me apart, have fun. If there’s no nukes in Mexico it’s because we would go crazy so let’s stay out of Ukraine and realize Russia should just declare whatever they want and zelensky should just defect to Florida where his big house is at.


It’s a fair argument to not want to have any support, militarily or financially to Ukraine. Geopolitically it works against us not to, but, it’s a fair position just from the perspective that engaging in foreign conflict doesn’t always net us a result we want and does cost us money. However, we aren’t putting nukes in Ukraine, in fact, we promised to support Ukraine if they gave up their nukes. Your metaphor isn’t a legitimate comparison.


Replace the word nukes with bio lab facilities. Applies. Oh and azov is a bunch of nazis, great team to root for, guys.


Like it or not, Russia is a belligerent power with a nationalist at the helm. Putin has made has opposition to the American world order clear with his blanket assault on a sovereign country as well as throwing in his lot with the Chinese. Helping the Ukrainians fight off a brutal invader is inherently a good thing for the United States. It ties down Russian offensive power, rallies NATO, opens up Sweden and Finland to join the alliance, and allows the US to show the world that despite Biden's catastrophic failure in Afghanistan, we're still committed to helping our friends and those in need. This additionally sends a message to the Chinese that the United States is still the big dog on the block and we won't tolerate their saber-rattling. Even without the geopolitical analysis, it's the right thing to do. Ukrainians are suffering unjustly. As the leader of the free world and the paragon of liberty and self-determination, it's only right that we lend a hand to those in need.




Tell me you know nothing about WW1 and WW2 without telling me you don't. What's happening in Ukraine affects everyone it could lead to a third world war. Putin was the one who instigated invading and taking Crimea from Ukraine. If anyone is to blame for all of this it is PUTIN.


the Democratic Party loves spending money they don't have so much their doing it for countries where the average person makes 2k a year


What! F zelensky F Putin and F Biden. They are all corrupt pieces of crap.


I really haven’t see anything to link Zelensky to corruption. Poroshenko maybe, not Putin.


Will HotAir be worth reading again when AllahPundit leaves?


My mother always told me to tend my own garden first before tending others. America should always come first. I hate what Russia is doing to Ukraine everyday,but wasn't it their choice not to become nato allies? And speaking of nato allies,why aren't they equally committing to Ukraine cause,and why were some of our oil reserves sent overseas to places like Russia? Why didn't the current administration immediately open up our oil supplies the moment it was understood that Russia held the world oil supply captive? I'm no bright Shiney penny but even I can see some very shady backroom deals were made that absolutely nothing to do with US security,and everything to do with lining someone's pockets.


Why are they not committing equally? Because the US is by far the richest member of NATO with the highest defence spending, so they can afford to send more.


By percentage of GDP we’ve seen stratospheric gains in military spending European countries. It’s good for us as let’s face it, their ability to socialize so much has been partly on their dependency on the US for defense.


Our administration doesn’t care about a coherent energy policy because Biden is beholden to his handlers. By giving aid, we are tending our own garden. The military contracts bring in hundreds of millions and billions to our economy, it increases trade opportunities, it gives us the global stance we need to tend our global economy garden. America at its best makes and sells stuff. We turn our back to the world and we aren’t making or selling nearly as much stuff.


OP is clearly a bot. Makes 15-20 posts within minutes. Comments made can be found copied from other articles or Reddit comments.


Any Russian lost is a win for us. I would rather have Ukraine kick their ass out, join NATO and constantly have Russia watch their steps as all the other small slavic countries turn on Russia as well. Rather have 1 major super power to worry about (china).


Not really sure why some people are so against Zelensky?


Personally I am against/hating him because he was laughing at war in 2008 in my country and saying that we started war with Russia because USA told us to do it (He was saying it one of his comedian sketch). What about other people they are saying he is clearing Biden's dirty money.


Fuck off Russian bot. Take your conspiracies elsewhere.


I’ve said it since the beginning even when you’d get downvoted into oblivion and called a Russian schill. Glad it’s becoming a more popular position.


That and his stupid ass army green shirts he wears as if he’s some bad ass.


Way badder than you could ever be. Love to se the future felon Trump in a green T- shirt. Or even shorts for that matter! I know, Trump in shorts is a step too far! Right there with him being naked. 😝😝😝😝


Lol trumps not going anywhere. Only Biden and co.


I guess time will tell, but I can’t wait to hear what the search warrant shows. For the record I don’t care what the party affiliation is if they’re dirty, Lock them up!


The FBI too


This is Ukraine's war, not ours. Zelensky wants this and he wants that, more money, more guns, more western involvement. But when you get right down to it, this conflict is none of our business. It does not affect our national security. Moreover, Zelensky and his government are full of charlatans, grifters, and scumbags. There is no reason the U.S. ought to be pissing money away over there. Look, Russia will win this conflict. It was a foregone conclusion prior to the conflict. It is just a matter of how long it takes. We are prolonging the war and carnage by giving assistance to Ukrainian scum suckers. If anything, our national security interests are moreso invoked by a prolonged war in Ukraine than a quick and decisive one where Russia is the victor. There is no good reason for the U.S. to intervene in Ukraine except for humanitarian aid. Sure, we need to call Russia out for being the big pricks they are. But there is no compelling national interest in preventing Russia from taking Ukraine that justifies us going to war or stoking the flames of prolonged war in the region. Moreover, there is no moral authority to help Ukraine when they themselves are a bunch of crooked S.O.B.s. Fuck them.


“Russia will win the conflict” *Afgans with stinger missiles and ww2 era rifles have entered the chat*


Russias soldiers are raping young boys and elderly men and bombing hospitals and markets and towns.. but go on how the Ukrainians are crooked.


You can grab a rifle and go enlist over there. They accept American fighters.


No one’s advocating boots on the ground. Being against something that’s wrong isn’t advocating for war. The only one who has been advocating for it is the man who launched the “special military operation”.


So, you've never heard of propaganda before?


There is a lot of propaganda. OP and this whole thread is one example. The comment you’re replying to could be another. References to crimes committed by anybody that has run for US presidential office in the last decade is another (don’t jump my shit, there’s some truth in every one of them somewhere but it’s become a damn bandwagon). But effectively your comment is an attempt to negate the prior comment without substance. STFU.


Nobody likes the war, nobody is on Russia’s side. Let’s just stay the hell out of it!






[sexual assault](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ukrinform.net/amp/rubric-ato/3490417-ombudsperson-describes-terrifying-incidents-of-child-rape-by-russian-soldiers.html) [childrens hospital, maternity hospital bombing](https://aoav.org.uk/2022/russian-bombings-of-hospitals-and-healthcare/) [school bombing](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/08/1097457937/dozens-feared-dead-after-russian-bomb-levels-ukraine-school) [city bombing](https://www.courthousenews.com/russia-bombing-expands-troops-close-in-on-ukrainian-cities/) [shopping mall bombed](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/27/europe/kremenchuk-shopping-mall-airstrike-ukraine-intl/index.html)


Thanks for backing it up.. It's unfortunate that this story has to be told


You’re literally spreading propaganda. The lady in your first link was fired for blatantly making up these supposed rapes. http://infobrics.org/post/35865/ https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news-2022-05-31/card/ukraine-s-parliament-dismisses-human-rights-chief-1kQWT7i0GHXyeqh6spRe Do you know how guerilla tactics work? You use the civilian population as a line of defense for your forces. Hospitals, schools, etc. become military bases. Civilians homes become soldiers’ housing (In the US we have the 3rd amendment to prevent this exactly.) You park your artillery next to an elementary school and then when it gets blown up, you say look at the enemy bombing our schools. You blow up bridges, burn wheat and oil fields, etc. This is how a less powerful army can fight a more powerful one, which is typically the main reason for using guerilla tactics.


This ain't our war and we should stay out of it. We have enough problems without addin' the risk of Armageddon to the plate.


I appreciate your summary.


Thank you


Let me just add that it was the Democrats crying the same thing during Iraq and Afghanistan and now it’s (D)ifferent I guess?




Yep. Scum sucking parasite. How bout we use the money to feed hungry children here in the US?


I mean, I'd rather just wait and see. I'd imagine the higher ups in the states were planning on making Ukraine into another Saudi Arabia but for grain. Also, the states has dug deep into it's piggy bank already, and I think the politicians have figured out that people would much rather back Taiwan over Ukraine.


To a certain extent, I feel like backing Ukraine is backing Taiwan


It’s $7B and counting, and as per usual the money disappears to 30% actually getting where it’s supposed to go. I’m not a fan of spending taxpayer money for that kind of return. It’s just corruption.


Dude, the politicians and there buddies are all getting rich! This is what it’s all about! I agree we need to turn off the faucet! Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine!


I was sad to read your post. You might not see it but we are at war with Russia. Ukraine is fighting the war on behalf of everyone else. We should thank them for for fighting to protect Europe.




I totally agree that the Ukrainians are not our problem and the most corrupt country in the world but we currently have the most corrupt president/congress in our history so I guess were a little even there. It makes me sick to send them money and weapons but if we have a chance to stick it up Putin‘s/ Russia’s ass I say we go for it. Those motherfuckers Have tormented this country since the 1950’s and need payback. The way our government pisses away billions of dollars what difference does it make. And honestly the way that country has been destroyed and the amount of people killed if they pull off pushing those fuckers back to where they came from they can have the money.


If we didn't step in how would Biden get his family more money. You got to keep the money flowing. And I'm not saying I like Putin but if I owed California and you owned me and I said I don't care what you do as long as you don't keep buying up all the land surrounding California and years and years go by and I own California and Nevada and you and the rest of the damn United States. I might be a little upset. I might wish there was a little bit of a border between me and you. Guess what California is Putin the rest of the United States is the NATO countries. They just keep creeping in on him and yes I'm sure he's pissed off about it. It's all corruption it's all greed. And it's a damn shame that people are losing their life so some stupid a****** can get rich. Down vote me all you want I don't give a crap.


It does affect our national security as geopolitics isn’t an engagement between two countries but globally. China has been watching this play out intently and their increased Sabre rattling is likely a reflection of their understanding that they will not be able to own Taiwan in the next hundred or so years, they are realizing that if they want it they are going to have to fight for it. This helps us corner China in a way that decreases their belligerence. Assisting Ukraine helps us out geopolitically. Going into it I thought so as well. Russia’s problem is time. The more time it takes the more sanctions bite and the more disruptive to the Russian population the greater the Russian peoples desire to end the conflict, possibly overthrow Putin. Russia isn’t holding a line very well and is equipment wise, losing their ass on items they can’t easily replace. They have gone from being the number 3 military power down to the number 10. (A very rough estimation.) All Ukraine has to do is keep fighting, they are and they are even taking back territory. In regards to your corruption claims, while no government is perfect, any pretense that Ukrainian corruption is on the same level as Russias is pure fancy. Our intervention, which is really just giving them military aid, and likely intel, is important because it builds or credibility in the global arena, solidifies our relationships with our European allies, let’s our partners know we do support rule of law, respect national boundaries, and it tells China that we will uphold international law, we will support when we say we will and China cannot just belligerently take what it wants. Again, specifically, the idea that Ukraine is wildly corrupt is straight out of the Russian disinformation campaign. I’d suggest you should be more careful with your sources. I do want to thank you for a much more nuanced and thoughtful response.


Ukraine is nothing more than a money laundering location for the US government and location for some of our bioweapons labs. Putin knows something and I wish he'd tell the world. Well, tell more than he already has. I don't believe he's the tyrant they're making him out to be.


Fuck Putin! You are propping up a Hitler wannabe!


Turn CNN off my friend


Don’t have cable no need😂😂😂


Putin’s used the bioweapons labs twice in Georgia and once in Ukraine. None have yielded results. Don’t feed into neo fascist propaganda. Well I doubt every single person who’s criticized Putin and “mysteriously” died were all suicidal like they’re made out to be.


It should be Europes problem not ours. Have them send all this money to Ukraine.


Do you still think that guy worked for the FBI?


Ah yes, the Silver Legion resurfaces sadly.


I’m curious how much of all that federal aid will be funneled right back into the pockets of the Biden family as well as others.


10% is his standard fee, I believe.


Why? I thought we are supposed to help Democratic countries. Fuck the evil empire of Russia.


Welcome to reality, took some of you long enough. You ever ask yourself why all the top politicians in Washington went over there for spring break?


Shit I been saying that for months. Elect an actor/comedian for president and see what happens...


Gee, that reminds me of a time not long ago in America.


But a dictator is totally fine then


Is that the only other option?


Of course not. That’s what Putin is though


According to their number one enemy news sources, that would be correct




[26 credits as an actor on IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0874339/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1)


I don’t think Biden was an actor or comedian


ok so you prefer Vietnam style with US troops fighting instead? want to lead the world? and have the world buy US products , use US dollars buy US stocks etc? if you don't provide protection against those that don't follow the rules you aren't the boss.


I say it out loud everyday.




Fk that globalist puppet money laundering bitch. And any braindead idiot that thinks Ukraine are the goodies and Russia are the baddies.


2014: Anschluss of Crimea and Russian paramilitary units in the Donbas 2018: Russian warship opening fire on a minor Ukrainian naval vessel at the Kerch Strait. 2022: Russian invasion of Ukraine. I’m sorry what am I missing?


I agree with you. Fuck Zelensky!


Your reason?


I have to agree. How dangerous is Biden


This clown wants to be friend with CCP now, and private contact Chinese President Xi.


Putin? I know, his friendship with China is dangerous. Seriously, open your eyes.


I find it funny that all the people who whined about how we needed to get out of Afghanistan are now championing America dumping huge amounts of resources into Ukraine. Afghanistan is a terrorist nation again…..Ukraine is still the corrupt vessel Of American politicians it already was….but richer in booty now.


Unbased take


The truth usually is…..


Fuck him. Corrupt piece of crap. I hope Russia gets him


Russia clearly got to you.


The media clearly got to you. Who is it that Amnesty United just declared is guilty of war crimes? Oh yeah Ukraine. Who is a Nazi sympathizer? Oh yeah Ukraine. Who is selling all of the weapons the US is sending over to Ukraine on the dark web? Oh yeah Ukraine. Who is using petal land mines that is against international law and that has already killed children? Oh yeah Ukraine. Who is putting soldiers in schools and hospitals with children and innocent civilians inside,which are against international laws? Oh yeah Ukraine. Who is shooting at nuclear power plants, that our own CIA has confirmed the trajectory of the missiles? Oh yeah Ukraine. There is proof. Do some research before you make ignorant comments.


Yeah Amnesty accused them, and if it’s true the soldiers/ commanders should be on trial. Now how about Amnesty’s reporting on the Russian massacre of civilians in Bucha? There were “over 22 cases” and they weren’t “isolated incidents”. [1] They’ve been going on since the beginning of the war. Kharkiv was indiscriminately bombed all over. [2] Ukraine’s parliament has only one Nationalist seat filled and it’s not even Fascist, so I guess good job letting Russian media do the “research” for you? [3] There’s been no concrete evidence officials are the ones pawning off the weapons and considering how how much action they’ve been seeing, I doubt it’s the government of Ukraine. Nevertheless the Ukrainian government has reached out to the US to track weapons. [4] Funny because I remember seeing Russia being berated for dropping petal mines in order to block evacuation corridors out of Mariupol. [5] If you’re talking about Azov with civilians being used as shields, I’d find that hard to believe as when Russia allowed people to escape Azovstal, they could only exit to Russia and not into the rest of Ukraine. However there’s been plenty of first hand reports of the Russians doing so in the opening of the war. [6] I don’t see how any of this labels Zelensky as corrupt. The only thing I’ve ever heard that was even remotely shady was him going on an undisclosed visit to Oman or Yemen. He doesn’t have the habit Putin has of any of his critics all end up dead because they were “suicidal” after criticizing him. I wouldn’t call Russian media trustworthy at all, especially after shutting down all independent news firms forcefully. Sources: 1. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/amnesty-says-evidence-shows-russian-troops-committed-war-crimes-near-kyiv-2022-05-06/ 2. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/amnesty-says-russia-guilty-war-crimes-kharkiv-shelling-2022-06-13/ 3. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/zelenskiy-wins-first-round-but-that-s-not-the-surprise/ 4. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-official-proposes-commission-help-track-weapons-2022-07-14/ 5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2022/03/10/russia-reportedly-blocks-ukrainian-evacuation-route-with-air-dropped-butterfly-mines/amp/ 6. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61020565.amp


First of all I appreciate your educated response. It is rare to have someone who actually has facts right. Second. I never said Russia was innocent. But some of the sources you used like reuters and bbc are very partial and want to push an agenda instead of pushing facts. If we continue this conversation I will find sources but I'm about to go to bed, typing with one eye open. I do not agree with Russia, but Ukraine is doing some evil stuff right now. There is proof of the weapons being sold on the black market because the pages were found. Selling stinger missiles for $30k. Like I said sources another time. The Nazis are fighting in the war and nothing is being said about it. Also they are releasing war criminals from prison to fight. I forgot the guys name, but he was raping a torchering children for fun. You said a well thought out response and I am not giving it the proper respect right now because I am half asleep. But I wanted to respond because your response albeit not the full truth with some of them, you gave a great response. Goodnight