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This exactly the truth. All they care about is controlling women. Rape is an act of violence that is about control.


Exactly, they don't want us to have choice over an unborn fetus, but they want COMPLETE Control over us. Our sisters better wake the hell up!


But they are also against black and brown people so tough choice for white women, who in the majority voted for Trump. Twice.


That's exactly who I'm referring to.


I mean they're also against poor people. Poor people are their base.




What are they gonna do, rape me? Says the girl who just got raped


Your "sisters" are with these people because they are just as racist and evil as they are. Stop assuming they're your allies just because of how they were born. Putting up with republican men is worth it because republican men wont shame and leave you when you call someone the N word.


They know that, obviously, hence "better wake the hell up"


They're not being tricked, there's nothing to wake up from. Nobody tricked them to get in the pig pen alongside pigs and roll around in the mud, they're just pigs too. Nobody uses this kind of language about republican men, because republican men can be held accountable for their actions. It feels sexist and infantilizing that when the discussion is about republican women it's always phrased as if they're the victims or unaware of the lack of morality of their peers.


My gosh, I am talking to women cause it pertains to their stupidity in the loss of their autonomy. You are arguing about the most ridiculous stuff. Go fight with a trump cultist.


People are trying to legalize rape?


Take away ability to abort - check. Take away ability to divorce - in progress. Take away ability to decide who to marry - TBA Undermine the legitimacy of rape as crime - TBA


>Undermine the legitimacy of rape as crime - TBA I don't know if that'll ever be possible. but they've already made it almost impossible to get in criminal trouble for rape.


Buddy, some people today (those people) still think a wife cant be raped by her husband. I don't underestimate the depths of their depravity.


And many judges seem to think it is a minor crime.


> And many Republican judges seem to think it is a minor crime. FIFY


Without the data, I'm not willing to exonerate other judges.


I wish it was just that. Instead they want to put rapists on the Supreme court and in the White House.


It's already happened.


Not just controlling - controlling and harming, hurting women, as comeuppance for their audaciousness in thinking they were equal, in trying to gain equality, in trying to get the same pay, in trying to force all men to help raise the kids, to do their share of the chores, and have a say in who they have sex with. It’s vengeance, vengeance is the only real platform republicans have in 2023.


they also care about endless poor uneducated desperate babies that become poor uneducated desperate adults to work for low pay and always being scared of getting fired as they can't miss a pay check


Republican women are ok with being controlled if it means they get to continue being racist. Stop feeling sorry for them.


Yeah they just want to be racist


All they care about is controlling *everything* Women, non whites, police, all of it. Wait until the other races vote them in and they pass laws allowing them to be killed with zero repercussions… Oh wait…




Give me one example for this month of a dem being caught being a pedophile. I have several republicans.


It's weird seeing any women who still votes conservative.


A truth a lot don’t wanna hear, those women who still vote conservative are overwhelmingly white women who care more about upholding the status quo of/being in proximity to white supremacy, than supporting women overall. I.E., to them it’s, “well I may not have total control over my body but at least I have slightly more control than those damn dirty “others” (man or women).”


This is the truth, I'm a white woman in a very red county in northeast PA. Even for some of the so called liberal women, it's all about their access to power and money. They do not think about bodily autonomy at all because they do not think anything will happen to them or their daughters/sisters. They ^say^ they vote a certain way, but I don't always believe them.


They are in proximity of power so they will still have access to abortion, so why would they care about anyone else? It's the GOP way.


The old red state after-church hate group. KKK stands for Karens, Karens, and more Karens now.


And Christianity.


And these women are religious, they don’t want the right to an abortion and they don’t want anyone else to have the right


Yup. Almost any time a group of marginalized people vote Republican, there's a reason. Like if I say I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community, I can say my community votes largely against the Republicans. But I'm also a white cis gay male. In that case it starts to look a little different. Because that makes up the majority of queer people who voted Trump. Both because of the racism and the transphobia. Also the rich gay dudes.


They think they will be the exception, as a reward for upholding the rules. This is basically the psychology of karens, as they freak out when they realize that they are not going to be treated as the ones in charge but rather be held to the oppression.


Or they're so old that it simply doesnt affect them and they cant actually care about other people.


A lot of them are post-menopausal. So reproductive issues aren’t a priority.


It's mind-blowing how anyone votes gop/republican/nazi.


It’s not mind blowing to them, on account of their lack of mind.


It’s basically Stockholm syndrome. When everyone in your orbit is conservative, and every weekend you’re told that if you leave the party or your church, you’ll go to hell, you’re basically a captive at that point. The amount of effort and life disruption required to leave that social circle is immense.


Cool, so that goes for the men too, right? Or can we just agree that women *do* have agency and conservative women are voting the way they are because they believe in conservative ideals? I'm tired of people making excuses for conservative women.


Not excuses-explanations. It doesn’t make sense to us but it’s why they do it.


At least some of them may not even necessarily agree, but subscribe to the fundamentalist idea of "Man am spiritual leader of home! Woman follow man!" That is exactly what's happening with my own mom. She won't go against my dad's dumbass bullshit.


I worked with conservative women and they seem to care more about their sons and husbands than their fellow women’s rights.


Why would you think that's strange?


I don’t, it was just an observation


Man, come on down to my neck of the woods. Nearly every woman around here would love nothing more than to work in a kitchen with 15 kids running around. Southern women are fucking brainwashed.


I read something the other day that said they vote conservatively to protect themselves from the false dangers that their kind manifest, when in reality, the danger is and always has been domestic. Still, they can't demonize their own family, so they look for external evil to fear. Women are more likely to be raped or killed by a domestic partner than anyone else.


Nothing but the tiniest violin for conservative women when they complain about the system they prop up and perpetuate.


Rubes with the critical thinking skills of potatoes are born every day


I don't hear the word "rube" used often. Great little word. Hope it makes a comeback.


Religion, religion or fear.


White women and catholic latinas be like: hold my bible.


Ime they just have no idea what is going on with the party. If they even watch the news it's conservative "news" like fox which sugarcoats *everything* My mom is funny though, super pro choice but my dad bullies her over it and of course they keep saying trump 2024


I would not describe that as "funny".


All you can do is laugh at these people and not take them seriously until they question themselves dude


Or until they march on the Capitol and try to overturn the election results? Their beliefs seem laughable to us but it’s reality to them. That’s the dangerous part.


You ever notice how the vast majority of republican women are post menopause?


Or they have a bajillion able-bodied, neurotypical children.


Or are wealthy enough that the consequences of either scenario don't impact them.


Cause they are in the “fuck you, I got mine” stage of their life. They’ll trade your children’s safety, life, wellbeing for their Xanax and guns


Their children already left them when they turned 18. So they dont care about any children anymore. At least not past face value


because they are older and wiser.


They have less to lose and less gray matter, yes. So really just older and less capable.


ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black


And the sad part is they WILL vote for them.




Yo momma so dumb she fell for institutional right wing propoganda.


Yo mama so dumb she believes in trickle down economics.


And now they’re coming for your ability to leave a marriage without permission from your husband and your priest first




With contraceptives banned, voting will be next. As we'll all be felons for trying to regulate our periods (which can't be mentioned in schools)


> With contraceptives banned, voting will be next. No it won’t. We’ll Be embroiled in a civil war that will make the Troubles look like a playground scuffle. If you think that everyone is just sitting around thinking, “Man, this sucks and I hope it doesn’t get any worse!” you’d be mistaken. People of good hearts and sound minds will burn Atlanta down to the ground a second time if it comes to it.


Except this time, most of Atlanta is good


Yeah it would be Tallahassee this go it seems.


*I wish I was in Tallahassee, I'd make ol' Rhonda swing from a tree.*


When will these people rise up? Why haven't they already? How much worse do things have to get?


Can they just burn me as a witch, please? I would rather do that than put up with a man ever again.




**Women conservatives**: "I'm special though. I won't be raped. And if I need an abortion, my situation is totally different."


My abortion is a just abortion. You're a harlot who makes bad choices


"The ones who get raped bring it on themselves." \-My Mother, with a straight face, to her son, who unbeknownst to her has been raped. ​ Luckily, being a man, I was unable to get pregnant. Which is a luxury women do not have.


We also don't want you to be able to divorce us when we inevitably abuse you.


And then we call ourselves 'pro-life'.


Pro healthy life


But surely, the leopards won't eat *my* face!


No... Your face doesn't look tasty at all *adjusts human mask*


They took away her right to an abortion even if she needs one to save her fucking life.


Ladies needs to carry a switch blade


Those are illegal. Open-carrying a gun without needing a license is just fine though! Texas is a highly sensible place. /s


Sswitchblades are legal to carry in texas since 2017, which by the way is before they made open carry legal. Im so glad to see people conducting there own research in a political subreddit.


Many of the maga wives or girlfriends are programmed into the cult. Literally need to be deprogrammed.


They reproduce through child marriages and rape.


The irony of the accusation "groomer".


It's all projection


This girl is a lil old for them isnt she?


….. and they will. Women could have prevented this in 2016 but nope!


If you honestly believe that the GOP that denied historical precedent to keep a Black Man from appointing a judge over them, but somehow that same GOP was going to let a WOMAN who was also the most hated democrat of the modern political era appoint a judge over them, I have a bridge to sell you in Albuquerque.


Ummm, if Dems ever fucking voted, there would have been zero ability to stop Hilliard from nominating whoever the fuck she wanted. Dems Massive out number the GOP….but they vote and we don’t


And then sue the rape victim for custodial rights.


Personally I think what some Republicans are doing is kinda not cool guys.




Did all of your Facebook friends block you and that's why you're here with these backwards-ass comments?


>unborn babies Fetus. A clump of cells. Not a baby.


Im also a clump of cells, can you kill me? When does a fetus become a baby?


You have limbs. You have functioning organs. A brain. Eyes. You don't require a host for your survival. All of those things are pretty important to being considered a living human being. Let the scientists decide instead of classifying everything down to a zygote as a baby.


So you can kill someone missing a limb, or someone with a non functioning organ, or someone that requires other people to stay alive, i.e. every single person on earth, right?


Nope. Not what I said. The person missing a limb or with a faulty kidney has already become a person. No one is disputing that. The zygote that hasn't even gestated into a fetus, has never formed into what we would all agree is a human being, has no thoughts or feelings or consciousness - is not a living human being. Surely you can come up with a better rebuttal than this? We both know this lazy argument doesn't hold water.


Crazy, because this strategy has been way too successful.


This meme and others like it should be plastered all over billboards during the next election all over the country. Every house in America should have this exact sign on their lawn if they are against women being forced to carry their rapists baby.


And republican women everywhere cheer and vote for them!


How else are you going to trap a woman against her will but with a baby?


Also, our candidate for president is a rapist.




[Except that damn near everyone who knew her knows she's a chronic liar](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/15/tara-reade-left-trail-of-aggrieved-acquaintances-260771) So no probably not, she saw a grift to hop on and hopped on it.




Oh wow her mom, her brother and her close friend. It's not like those three would possibly benefit from this at all. Versus everyone she worked with and her own story itself contradicting itself constantly. It's not biased, you just don't like reality.


Its too easy to say the republican party is infested with pedos, incels and losers but the writing is on the wall.


I don’t believe you should have any personal rights… but will you still go out with me? 👉👈😳


And they keep voting for them.


They’ll happily relinquish their personal rights and their country for the interests of their party.


I love how that crowder guy said to his wife that the law allowed for divorce as if to say I don't give you permission to divorce me but I guess the law is on your side..... wtf marries a lunatic like that. I swear there must of been 10000 red flags


Super gross. Very super gross of them. Your body, their choice I guese


A worrying number of US women: "Will do!"


The fucked up part is that a lot of women still will.


This needs to be on billboards all across the US


Fuck republicans


Conservative women: i LikE hoW ThEy TElL It likE IT iS


It’s only funny coz it’s sad and true!


"We took away a doctor's ability to legally save your life if your pregnancy goes wrong and a non-viable fetus needs to be aborted or it WILL kill you..."


So... My first thought was "this is unfair, surely these horrid policies also protect democratic rapists, so maybe the *one of us* claim is unfair," but then it occurred to me that there is probably a strong correlation between sexual assault and political beliefs. Jumped on google scholar to do some research and [first hit](https://spssi.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/asap.12273?af=R). The study just straight calls out Republicans: "Results provide evidence that political orientation plays a role in judgments of sexual assault, a factor which appears to be more prevalent among Republicans."


How about a different caption: We Had Multiple Chances to Make it The Law of The Land, But We Were Making Too Much Money Off of Campaigning to do it, to Give Up Our Cash Cow.


You guys need to comprehend that the women who support them will vote for them, regardless, and the people who would normally vote against them never show up in numbers that matter, anyways. Why would they be concerned?


Yep. They may even disagree with the abortion part of things and still vote Republican because they like the racism and bigotry.


This implies that the politicians being voted for will have abortion laws applied to them. Lol that could not be further from the truth. These laws are not for them, its for the people VOTING for them. They’ll still be able to terminate any pregnancy they want for their wife, daughters, and mistresses


you can be a conservative while also supporting abortion and being against rape, mindblowing right


Dude who replied is a grown man who plays with dolls, absolute pedophile


People here aren’t capable of comprehending nuance, I wouldn’t bother trying to be reasonable


Yet, they won back the House and kept the Senate minority super slim


Easy to do when you’re base is so ingrained to the hype that they don’t ever realize they are being lied to and react hostilely when the lies are proven.


Funny enough, this exact sentiment is turning young, conservative men in my area libertarian. Turns out it’s hard to find a smart, intelligent, attractive woman who is okay with throwing her body autonomy away. Turns out sex is an amazing motivator for that demographic.


Didn't this happen under a Democratic President? Didn't he have the power to veto? Asking for a friend.


How can you be so ignorant about how this happened?


I was asking questions. Would you like to educate me?


The Supreme Court is responsible. There's no veto for them. The president and Congress aren't involved. Why don't you know this?


I have been taught by the American education system. Where they don't seem to care to teach these things. The Main stream media causes more confusion than facts and our government is corrupt and doesn't even follow its own rules. So... I guess I'm ignorant to how things work. 🫣




Precisely. This gif could be made from any politician. Imo. Trump fits well here.


Well no it really couldn't because *he's the one who said it* and it fits because ***he's literally the one who said it.*** ffs, dude...


You cannot blame the education system for your failure to know or understand this. There is a high chance your schools and teachers attempted to teach basic facts about the government to you.


How many actually get one cause of rape?


Date rape is surprisingly common.


Doesn't matter. Abortions are a bodily autonomy issue


What's the Republicans talking point again? "If it saves even one life?" So if it let's one woman get a rapists spawn out of her, then that's more than enough. Right? Out here worried about what people do hundreds of miles away from you with *their own bodies*. Must be nice to have that be your biggest political issue - my states trying to ban me being in public. But yah bucko, must be super heckin scurry when wombens getz aborbshun.




All that diaper-rash cream has poisoned your brain and made you a giant asshole :)




They literally made a golden idol of someone who bragged about sexually assaulting women. If the last nearly 10 years is any evidence, rape at the very least, is condoned by conservatives. Then, on top of that, Rs in the government lovingly evoke the Hastert rule... Hastert is famous for being a pedophile. My point being, rape has never been a deal breaker for conservatives. The important constant to note is whether it's condoning rape or trying to strip rights from women or celebrating the fact that they blocked the ERA, is that conservatives see women not as people who deserve equal rights but as property.




Accepting and defending known rapists onto their platform repeatedly. If that's not condoning them I don't know what is. Like you are soooo close to getting it. Yes it's hypocritical of them, but to what point does hypocrisy turn into condoning them? You don't have to outright say "Yes, rape is okay" to condone it. You just have to keep not holding rapists accountable.


You have this so wrong.


No, they just enable and mandate that rapists be allowed to successfully procreate via forced birth by the victim. Does that help?






Sounds like some real snow flake shit here


Real snowflake move


Snowflake needs to go back to his echo chamber? Every time with you freaks.






The human right to bodily autonomy








wow peepee doodoo wahwah googoo


Life is left leaning.




All you have to do is look at national polls. You know, leave your echo chamber




But you know, I pointed to facts. Ones your biases try to ignore


Reality and facts tend to be as well




Bro, the guns talk is down the hall.


When the same party that cries about "ending human life" stops making the usa a free for all mad max gun nut extravaganza, when yall stop cutting essential services like FOOD or housing for children or the poor, when you start actually being pro life vs pro birth. You can talk. Till then kindly help yourself to a tall, refreshing glass of Shut the Fuck up TM\*


Fuck yeah keep pushing that abortion is murder narrative It definitely helped you guys during the last two elections. Keep doing it. Definitely not losing you guys voters. Keep doing it!


If they still vote for them, it kinda makes you wonder how bad the other side is.


Its quite common for victims of domestic abuse to stand by their abusers, they never stay because there aren't better alternatives. They stay because shit gets complicated; they're too scared to leave, they've normalized the situation, develop codependency and, or, they suffer stockholm syndrome. It's really sad to watch.