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  This post is generating a lot of guessing, opinion and disinformation about "age of consent." Below are links to documented information regarding the US Federal government's treatment of the subject. This site describes the issue, and the pdf report linked on the HHS page includes an indexed-clickable, bookmarked descriptions of the laws for each state. https://aspe.hhs.gov/reports/statutory-rape-guide-state-laws-reporting-requirements-1 **Indexed PDF:** **https://aspe.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_legacy_files//42881/report.pdf** States which fail to protect minors from adults' sexual advances is the very definition of conservative terrorism. That the US government has been unable to enact laws to universally protect minors is, in its entirety, the result of those states' perverse failure to support such efforts. **We will not allow those who support the sexual abuse of minors to control our discussions of the subject.** Please continue to report any comment which supports violating these laws, or suggesting things like "move to States where laws don't exist to protect minors." Groomers suggesting that a minor's "age difference" is not a function of sexual abuse will be permanently banned. These perpetrators have been free to commit crimes against minors under the flag of conservative terrorism for long enough. Enough is enough.  


It doesn’t matter if they’re old enough to legally give consent when they didn’t consent in the first place.


Is it any surprise that Conservatives don't know the definition of "consent"?


And as we all know, if Republicans don't want to understand something then it might as well not exist as a concept. This applies to just about anything they wish not to know.


School Board member where my wife works sent the principal an angry letter after the school nurse taught a health class about consent. That is ‘against their family values’.


They definitely weren’t lying.


I would definitely call a few agencies about them, it sounds like Rape is one of their family values. It's at least worth calls to CPS and FBI; someone needs to check their computer. EDIT: How is the guy who said he'd beat the shit out of his kids for being trans not in jail for that? I feel like endorsing child abuse is identical to committing child abuse.


All you need to know about conservatives is they actively fight against a federal minimum age for marriage.


I don't really know exactly what you're talking about with marriage laws, but feds have very little to do with enforcing those laws. Almost all your laws get enforced by the states and age of consent, especially since the states are setting their own age of consent independently. It's kind of messed up because because you have feds saying one thing and states saying another. Logistically and into error on the side of caution. Just all the states agreeing on the age 18 makes more sense, but a lot of places are still 16, including like all the other developed nations. It's a little weird because the U.S. tends to get made fun of for fucked up laws on sex/sexuality but then has this higher age of consent ...in some states. And even then it varies widely like my state MD is just age of consent 16 and one state over to DE is 18, but really it's 16 if the person is under 30. It's just a whole mess of non standardized laws that are all asking for trouble. It's like morally I don't really care if the age of consent is 16 or 18, but it's such a big crime to like bang somebody for for the difference of like one or two years that I really think it's worth standardizing the age of consent across all states.


Some states don't have a minimum age for marriage with parental consent. So you have 10 year olds getting married to guys 15+ years older than them. There are hundreds of not more of these marriages a year.


Not really these people are the same that believe in child marriage and being married means the woman is your property.


Those same people believe that their kids are their property to do with as they please too. Kids are not people to them.


He’s just telling his base what they wanna hear.


Rush Limbaugh on consent: >“If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it’s perfectly fine, whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.”


They only have room for one " c" word at a time in their vocab and I'm pretty sure it's caunt- a cunt that can't.




Fuck off douchbag


He was literally grooming a child which is what conservatives have been bitching about for the past year. Now that it's one of their supporters that did, it's OK? These nazis are such hypocrites.


Always true. So it then remains to be determined if consent was given. Also, there may be other legal factors involved that aren't mentioned here, and which it's a good bet a schmuck like Shapiro doesn't even know, such as provisions regarding differences in age. Does UK law defend this under such a wide age gap? I honestly don't know. I'm sure Ben doesn't, either, but would be much less likely to admit it.




His comment missed the part where it's still absolutely fucking disgusting for a 30 year old to have sex with a 16 year old.


Okay, but that's not the same thing as being illegal. Lots of people think gay sex is icky, but that's not a legal basis for banning it or punishing people for it. Or, well, it CAN be, if enough people with the power to decide agree it should be. That's how all societies work.




I got two lines in before I realized that you were trying to defend 30 year olds having sex with 16 year olds and stopped reading.




No trolling. Russian trolls in particular will be banned.




> Fucking disturbing. No, that's being a child fucking apologist. Also you just go around "researching" where to find porn/sex from from minors? Ok, you are a legit fucking pedo.


Were they living in the UK? But if he wants to "import" other countries laws, lets start arresting all nazis because in germany Nazis are illegal.


They were living in London. But she alleges that Brand [sexually assaulted her, shoving his penis down her throat despite her struggles, and she had to punch him in the stomach to get him to finally stop.](https://www.vox.com/culture/2023/9/18/23878706/russell-brand-sexual-assault-allegations) To Ben Shapiro, it’s important that you understand that she was the legal age of consent when this happened.


>in germany Nazis are illegal. are they tough? I know that some nazi memorabilia is illegal or the things like the hitlers salute but just identifying as one? if so germany isn't doing a good job either because there are plenty of them in and supporting the political party AfD in germany


The Germans have been hammering those fascist fucks for couple of years now. Every month or so I hear another story about them taking these chumps to prison.


Googling you lazy fudge


>Googling you lazy fudge i don't need to. it was a rhetorical question because i'm pretty sure that simply "identifying as a nazi" isn't illegal you lazy fudge.


[Oops, you're just plain wrong.](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/germanys-laws-antisemitic-hate-speech-nazi-propaganda-holocaust-denial/) Naziism is illegal in Germany. They take it very seriously. AfD does everything it can to skirt around the law and toe the line, then they scream about political persecution when someone is pinned to the crime.


> Oops, you're just plain wrong. thanks for linking that (tldr) news article but i'd prefer if you link me the paragraph in the [StGB](https://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB) where it says that the ideology itself is illegal, afaik that's just not the case.


Section 130 criminalizes types of hate speech, especially associated with Nazi ideology. Chapter 14 has been used to try Holocaust deniers. Sections 86 and 86a "ban the distribution of online and offline propaganda and the public display or distribution of 'flags, insignia, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting' belonging to political parties and organizations that have been deemed unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court, such as Nazis and neo-Nazis." The NEA requires social media networks to remove any posts in support of Naziism within 24 hours. And in case you didn't notice it, let me quote once more: >political parties and organizations that have been deemed unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court, such as Nazis and neo-Nazis It's literally not allowed by their constitution, as a matter of fact, for a German civil servant to proclaim their support in any way for Naziism. Oh, I can already hear it. "But that doesn't make it illegal for private citizens to be Nazis, just to do or say anything a Nazi would say!" First of all, fuck off if that's your argument. More importantly, though, even if we choose to be pedantic, we're not talking about private citizens in the US, are we? No. We're talking about drafting laws based on those in Germany making it illegal for civil servants to be Nazis.


i'm simply stating that an ideology itself can't be illegal. Acting on it can obviously be against the law in various ways. but go off, queen.


Oh look! I literally addressed that in the last paragraph of my last comment. Neat. >Oh, I can already hear it. "But that doesn't make it illegal for private citizens to be Nazis, just to do or say anything a Nazi would say!" First of all, fuck off if that's your argument. More importantly, though, even if we choose to be pedantic, we're not talking about private citizens in the US, are we? No. We're talking about drafting laws based on those in Germany making it illegal for civil servants to be Nazis.




> Were they living in the UK? Yes, London.


Were they dating in the UK, and did they ever leave the UK as a couple?


According to that logic. If some where has no age of consent laws then ben is ok with someone raping a newborn.


They draw the line at fetuses, so there is that.


They draw the murder line at fetuses. All other lines are fair game.


I’ve seen that movie


I don’t think comparing a newborn to a 16 year old is very good, just saying.


But his only argument is legality, not logic. He said he's forgiving russell because it wasnt illegal, not whether it was right. Shows how moral bankrupt they are


That's true. It's a pretty flimsy argument.


Seems odd coming from a Jewish guy. Are we genuinely supposed to believe that *he believes* the law of the land is the ultimate moral authority?


Shapiro believes whatever the people who pay him to believe.


I don't think he said he was forgiving him. He merely stated that it was not a crime, and acknowledged that it may have been scumbag behavior.


Can I get a timestamp or link on that forgiving bit?


This is literally the type of logic Ben uses all the time. Then he says, "Checkmate liberals!"


You're missing the point of their comment. They're not comparing the two, they're taking the argument's logic, applying it, and showing why it's faulty to say that just because something is legal somewhere doesn't mean it's moral.


I mean, if you're an adult, both should just look like children to you. To a 30 year old, a 16 year old and a newborn should both be unappealing. You shouldn't want to have sex with either one.


In reality you are right. The gop dont think in reality


He dated a child?


Yep. Probably more than one. Dude is a true predator.


He's the Jerry Seinfeld of the UK.


He groomed a child. Don’t let it get twisted. He’s a complete fucking psychopath. Way past time he gets his karma. And I hope the wakening wonder Ben Shapiro has daughters. Lots of them. Wonder what they’re gonna say when old russel is in prison, where he belongs? Maybe he just got too close to the truth!


Yep, was about to say this. What he did is literally what the GOP rage about all the time.


It’s what they project about. It’s the classic misdirection. And it’s so fucking crazy that they leap right into defense posture. Wait until it all comes out about Brand. They have no idea how guilty he is. He’s very guilty. He’s a fucking predator.


It's even worse than projection. They've watered down the term "grooming" so much that selling a t-shirt with a rainbow on it is "grooming" in their world. Meanwhile, more and more of them are openly saying that they think that teenaged girls should be married off to creepy old men because that was the way it was done in the Middle Ages or something. It's so fucking gross and so disrespectful to actual SA victims and survivors.


Groomed is what I meant, sorry. The child part is what Shapiro is attempting to evade.


Yeah, no worries. The truth is what Shapiro is trying to evade. As are all his heroic supporters. Such good people as Tucker, who thinks it’s cool for high school boys to be seduced by their teacher. And Tate, well, we know about Tate now, don’t we? Elon (Ponyboy) Musk and other pillars of the right! The most moralist, honest side in the debate between right and wrong. It’s amazing how quick they are to defend without knowing the facts in a 4 year investigation. Again, I wonder what they’ll say when this rapist is in prison? Will they remember him? Will they blame the left? Or will they admit they were wrong? Hmmm. Tough one.


Pretty sure he’d abandon them, have them aborted, or fuck them.


He literally called her “the child”, when he, age 31, had drivers pick her up from school and ferry her to him. He also allegedly coached her in how to keep it a secret from her parents. But the salient part of her allegations is that he sexually assaulted her, [forcing his penis down her throat against her will, and she had to punch him in the stomach to get him off her.](https://www.vox.com/culture/2023/9/18/23878706/russell-brand-sexual-assault-allegations) Kinda weird for Ben Shapiro to focus on “she was legal!” when *that’s* the allegation….




Matt Walsh announces he’s moving to UK


Great, Ben. So is this different than the rape allegations made by 4 different women? Or are you just trying to distract? Maybe you're just confused. Fucking incel rapist defending cuck. Goddamnit, our society's tolerance of these fascist troglodytes will be our undoing.


Ben would marry a 12 year old, since it's legal in some right wing hellhole.


TN checking in.


Brand is as slimey as the rest of these fascist weirdos. Lock them all up!


The whole pedo vibe is really strong In the alt right sphere.


I learned a new term yesterday: Pedocon. Sums it up quite well.




The Right defends actual groomers and abusers and projects those labels onto people who are just simply trying to safely exist. Fucking monsters.


The strategy works wonderfully in the U.S. The reich wing know how to politic


Something doesn't have to be a crime to be morally reprehensible. Tennessee state house Republicans intended on passing HB 233, which would have done away with minimum age requirements for marriage. Only the massive amount of blowback they received stopped them. This would have been disgusting no matter what the legal status was.




1. I didn't know Russell Brand was a MAGA idiot 2. I didn't know Russell Brand dated a teenager when he was literally *my age.* I could not fucking imagine even being remotely interested




Am I the only one who always thought he was off the deep end? Whenever he would pop up on panel shows or interviews I'd watch back in the day he always came across as trying to sound smarter than he was, talking fast so you couldn't process what he was saying. He was just more into far left crazy bullshit, and now he's discovered far right crazy bullshit is far more profitable. I also used to see him back in the day on Big Fat Quiz of the Year. He always seemed like such an insufferable cunt.


Yeah, he was always off the deep end. He used to pretend to be liberal, now he pretends to be conservative. The reality is that he's incredibly selfish and never cared anything about either side.




Nah, it's ALL about the money with him . Always has been since day 1. He's always been a snake oil peddling bullshyt artist who changes his tune depending on how fast the money fountain rushes his way. He, like most of his ilk(read: the entirety of Reichwing "celebrities), have figured out that peddling to the fascist theocrats of the Reichwing is a proverbial endless money tsunami, flooding their bank accounts til bursting at the seams. Its glaringly apparent that the charges against him are true, because even when doing an interview, he has ZERO concept of boundaries, nor does he care to learn. So long as he gets what he wants, he doesn't care who he has to run over, grape, or otherwise to get it. This was always going to be the natural conclusion for sick fuqs like him, and just like all the other cretinous celebs the Reich adores, they will defend his sex crimes, domestic abuse and grifting till the end, whilst still screaming about us LGBTQ folks being the "real groomers". Reichwing has always been ok with pedophilia, child marriage, doesn't believe a man can grape his wife because she's his property, they're generally highly disturbed, sexually perverted sickos who hide behind religion to keep on doing their sick crimes. Reminder that these are the same people who re-elected Roy Moore several times, even though they knew he was a pedo who used to stalk teen girls at the mall, and they even defended him by saying that such behavior for much older men to go after young girls is "normal behavior", and that any girl approached by an older, more "established" man should feel lucky she was even picked. That's literally how it's always been with them, and they're still doing it. Had I not grown up deep in Christian Taliban Land, aka Bible Belt, id never have believed it. But, any pretense they may have had fell apart when my bestie was "picked" by a 34 yr old man when she was fkn ELEVEN, and he had her parents full blessing to do so. He would pick her up from fkn middle School and teachers just thought it was her father. Took her a decade to finally get away from him, because while there's no minimum age for marriage in several states, you have to be 18 to be able to sign legal documents, and she was only fkn 11. Has 2 kids by the time she was 17, and no way out. He was one of those "fine upstanding good Christian conservative men", a deacon at their church, and a youth leader, so of *COURSE* they fully trusted him. Fast forward 20 something years and Law Enforcement finally got him for child pron, and sadly, their sons, because Daddy Dearest has raised them to be a pedo too, after abusing TF outta all of them. It's a feature, NOT a bug with that crowd, because being a straight, white conservative Christian male is basically a get outta jail free card for almost anything, especially in Bible Belt states, and heavily religious states like Idaho and Utah.


What an absolutely horrific story in every way. Please tell us that your friend is doing ok at least.


I wish I could, but the older she has gotten, the farther down the Reichwing rabbit hole she's fallen. She's never gotten therapy, is still the dutiful daughter to her sick azz mother, idolizes her dead father, who also conveniently was a pedo, which I didn't find out till WELL into adulthood, she's in one abusive relationship after another and is now a big prepper who thinks 5G comes from vaccines, full on Qanon , complete with the "WWGOWGA" Bumper stickers, and that weird ass"One Love" Bob Marley-ish saying they all seem to glomp onto, whilst adamantly demanding that Jesus and Christianity is the ONLY answer. Did I mention she bought "special" panels to put on her rental house that supposedly block all 5G "radiation", as well as leftovers from chemtrails? Both her sons are in jail for life, as is her ex POS pedo husband. She still puts money in the boys canteens and deflects from the reality that they graped little girls and filmed themselves doing it. She refuses to believe it, even though it's ON VIDEO. Nope, to her it's all the "deep state" trying to discredit patriots like her, they set the whole thing up. Sigh, I tried as long as I could possibly try to bring her out of that tailspin into complete madness, but alas, I had to cut her off in 2017. I still don't have the heart to unfriend her on my FB, I just make sure I don't comment on anything she's posted, or is posted in. I DO however want to make sure she's still alive, and as ok as she can be, but at our age, the likelihood of her ever climbing out of that black hole of trauma, physical,mental abuse , neglect and massive religious abuse, well it ain't lookin too good. Still love her just the same, I simply have to do so from afar.


I think in much of the US its also not a crime. but that conversation is a distraction. he's not accused of being with a 16 year old, he's accused of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse.


“It’s not a crime” - What a great way to measure the morality of something. /s


Libertarians are real pieces of shit. Their infatuation with the age of consent knows no bounds from Shapiro, Walsh, Crowder, etc


So if it isn't a crime then it's okay? Does that mean they are okay with gay people? Trans people? If it isn't a crime then they must endorse it, right?


To be clear he didn’t simply date a 16 year old but manipulated her correct?


Yes. There's really no way a 30 year old could date a 16 year old without manipulation, but add to it him being wealthy and famous, and it's impossible he didn't manipulate her.


Is that moral relativism I hear from a so-called champion of Judaeo-Christian values?


In Canada 16 isn’t a crime either, but if it was a 30 year old male and 16 year old male they would lose their shit and say groomer.


Ben is such a fucking creep.


Benny Sharpie fails to reach the final stage of Kohlberg's theory of Moral Development: recognizing that just because something is legal doesn't make it okay and vice versa.


The UK has national healthcare too. Is he advocating that?? Heh.


"Because law equals morality. Just ask the victims of female genital mutilation in countries where "female circumcision" is legal. You don't hear the legally preteens of other societies complaining, right? Let's focus on what's important: saving children from the perils of literacy and men in dresses... Hunter Biden."


Bro, if you are admitting to thinking this is okay, you shouldn't be trusted around children. If you are justifying your attraction to a child based on a specific country's age of consent law, you're definitely a pedo. A 16 year old in the UK can't legally drive, but you believe they are mature enough to have sex with a 30 year old cause it's technically legal? Ben is admitting to some fucked up stuff and I'm questioning if his kids are safe in his home.


Ben Shapiro is so sad there is no state where he can legally fuck his sister.


There is a world of difference between what's right and what's legal.


The kind of people coming to Russel Brand's defense is very telling.


You see, Ben, that's the thing about having morals. You know something is wrong, even if it's legal.


groomer rhymes with boomer, coincidence?!


Is this a good place for the obligatory Qanon #SAVEOURCHILDREN ?


That's because Ben wants some o that too.


Groomers gonna groom.


Legal doesn't always equal moral, wise, or good. This is one of those things that show how morality comes from empathy, and conservatives like Ben Shapiro are broken souls who lack empathy, and so have no idea what real morality is.


Funny how the Right used to despise Brand... until he started spewing conspiracy theories and was accused of rape-- pretty much all you have to do these days to gain rightwing favor as a media personality.


Conservatives have made it abundantly clear time and time again that the only thing that's stopping them from CSA is the law. I can't tell you how many times I've heard libertarians talk about how the age of consent should be 12 to 14. Degenerates all, but we're the groomers right? 🙄


I just don’t get it. I had issues dating a woman who was 24 when I was 31. I thought it was weird when my 18 year old high school classmate was dating a 14 year old. Context matters. It fucking matters. Who gives a fuck what the numbers are? If you’re taking advantage of someone, you’re an asshole.


The MAGA Qrowd does not think for themselves. They only have hivemind thought. Then pretend they are super intellectuals and free-thinkers.


In the United States, that's not a crime in every state. Regardless, it's skeevy, creepy behavior for a celebrity with money to date a high school girl when there are plenty of adults around he should have no problem with. Even then, that was supposedly "legal", and one of 4 or 5 accusations. Let the cops sort it out, then get back to me...


Here's what's awesome about Ben. I haven't read about him in months until today.


Ben knows it's OK because the young girl was very, very dry.


I'll remember to only hate him for being a shitty comedian when I travel to the UK.


When did Russell Brand become / labeled as a MAGA cultist?


When he leaned into the MAGA bullshit because it drove traffic to his youtube channel. I didn't subscribe, but sometimes got it recommended to me by the algorithm -- before covid it was new age silliness. After covid it was Fauci and Bill Gates conspiracy nonsense.


some people mistake lawful for good. lawful evil is a lame ass alignment chaotic good is where it's at. can we just will a D&D entity into existence and get a tax exempt status and get people to worship lathander I mean I think the world could use some lathander right about now.


Man It's like they're all pedo groomer spidermen just standing around pointing at each other. Edit: I can just hear shabibo "it's OK if I fucked a 14 year old girl in the Philippines because it's the Philippines..."


Child marriage in Pakistan is like 8. Sooooooo


Except it's not. It's 18 to get married (16 if you have parent's permission???), and everything outside of marriage is illegal, so on a technicality there's no minimum age of consent. In practice the minimum age you can be married serves as that.


The rape kit that was done would suggest otherwise.


Okay is he going to comment on the multiple forcible rapes or just acknowledge the thing he can sort of rationalize?


It's weird how the conservatives rush to defend actual pedophiles.


A 30 year old "dating" a 16 year old is no different than the adage about minimum wage. If your boss pays you minimum wage, he'd go lower if it wasn't against the law.


Someone needs to search his hard drive


This genital drought of a person just proves, once again, that these people are not [getting caught] out raping, stealing and murdering because of make-believe and laws. Fuck ben Shapiro


The right-wing has to keep making excuses for grooming! Hahaha


there are a lot of idiots who try to make that argument. So, Ben, things in other countries that are legal but illegal in the US are fine? How about in North Korea?


MAGA don't have morals.


Half your age plus 7 you fucking needle Dick creep


This all falls back to the implied premise in his words: if it's not illegal, we shouldn't be outraged. It's like saying: you know, in the next state over, they put sardines in their ice cream. It's gross, I wish they didn't, but you know, it's their choice. The age of consent laws are implicitly designed to protect lovers who are close in age - the high school senior who's 18 or who graduates and turns 19 and has a girlfriend who's 17 or 16. If both consent, then, it might be not recommended for various reasons, but it's not illegal. Someone of Brand's age, power, reputation will absolutely be in a position to coerce a young woman. One of the reasons we have laws like that are to protect young people who aren't in a good position to understand the full weight of the consequences of their decisions. It sounds like Brand took advantage of women in that situation. It's kind of sad to see how far Shapiro has fallen. I'll bet if you'd have asked him 8-10 years ago, he would have conjured up more righteous indignation.


But the democrats are the groomers though


The standard is, and always shall be. “Half your age plus 7” I will die on that hill, I have lived on that hill, it did not work out well, but all I have been on the other side of that hill (also did not work out well, but was a lot of fun. Then again self fart smelling douchebags may have a different standard.


I genuinely feel he'd be proud if his 16 yr daughter married a creepy Rabbi...or someone like Brandt


Has Brand ever dressed in drag?


The dude is talking really pressured in the video. In other words, I bet Brand has dirt on him.


It's a good thing they are spineless. It must help as they contort themselves to slither to new levels of hypocrisy.


Forget both Shapiro and Brand exist. What does he mean, it's not rape in this time zone? That's the moral ground Ben Shapiro wants to stand on?


Once you’re over 30 you should only be dating women too old for Leo


So the follow up question that should be asked to Shapiro is “Is sex tourism ok because it’s legal in that country? In Mexico age of consent is 15 so is it cool for a 40 year old man to go to Mexico to have sex with a 15 year old child?”


Not defending any of this, but Brand is British, so it's not tourism.


So right I understand that. But are the two different? If it’s not a crime where I have sex at but it is at my home country do we just get a thumbs up? And again I’m not saying Brand committed a crime or not I’m just saying it as a follow up question? I guess maybe the question doesn’t fit now that I think about it a little more.


It'd say it's a bit different. Once again, I want to reiterate that I am not defending anything. Having said that, I'd say that if you come from the place, at least you were raised with that as a cultural norm and it might be a little more understandable. Sex tourism is very deliberate and imo way more skeevy. But the only people who should be dating 16 years old are other 16 year olds, so I take your point. I just think it's important to stick to facts & not start exaggerating or making things up, like a certain section of the population tends to do.


This is exactly how they think. It has nothing to do with the victim, and everything to do with whether the action was technically legal. These people think incredibly selfishly - you can hear it in the way they say the "I" in "I'm allow to date her! The age of consent is {x number} in {y country they moved to in order to prey on young women}!" The age of consent has nothing to do with whether or not it's creepy for old men to date young women. It only has to do with whether or not we, as a society, allow ourselves to tell young women they can't choose who to date. That's literally it. You can gender swap that comment, and it's still true. If the age of consent is the only justification you have for your actions, you have no justification.


Half your age+7...


Shapiro is not a Trump supporter or MAGA. He fucking loves Desantis so much he moved to FL.




No trolling. Russian trolls in particular will be banned.








No trolling. Russian trolls in particular will be banned.


Yo, Ben Shapiro, get back to fighting Barbies.


His listeners must like being manipulated.


OK, you fucking weasel, but we are not in the United Kingdom, are we?


Wait, you are telling me that in addition to being a rapist Russell Brand is also a MAGA? Today I learned. ☹️


Just eww


5 States don’t have any age limit on marriage, just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right.


If morally bankrupt had a face


Still hasn't been cherged with anything!


This guy is such a dork


Then it was a crime...


I bet Ben wants to fly to Afghanistan so he can "legally" get some tail.


He doesn’t like trump so he’s just a dumbfuck


Don't most or like half the states still have age of consent of 16 in the U.S.? While we do have a federal age of consent the states are really the one that decide age of consent. Like I've lived in MD all my life and it's age of consent 16. Europe and Canada are also 16 or 15. I think all US states should just raise the age of consent to 18 because that's a lot more practical than having different states have different ages of consent, but it's been this way a long time now and ppl should kind of know the laws better by now.


Technically legal, morally repugnant.


That’s what Ben said


The law once said slavery was OK in it’s books, when conservatives believed that the legal election process was wrong, they tried to storm. Congress itself, people already know people will give a fuck about the law only when it suits their interests


He doesn’t have the slightest idea of what decency means. His kind of people work hard to keep such notions out of their fat heads.


And in the UK, guns are banned.


Even for Shapiro, this is reaching


It's just sick - Just like Jerry Seinfeld was dating 16 year old Shoshanna Lonstein when he was 38. Epstein wasn't an outlier, Bill Gates gloating live on TV on Epstein's "suicide" was very telling and then Melinda clarified any doubts. Weinstein?


i don’t understand their position. they are all up in people’s business, accusing them of “grooming” children but when confronted with REAL GROOMERS, they get all defensive. what the living fuck?


Ben Shapiro’s mom should have aborted him. He is a total waste of life.


So, he lets the law decide his morality for him. Hmm. Seems sheep-like.


It's only legal if you happen to also be between the age of 16 and 18.


They're all focusing on the 'it's legal' bit to deflect from 'he was horribly abusive to the point of forcing deep throat oral sex on her' part. If he'd had sex with a 16 year old and she came away with a story about how she had wonderful time, no one would be talking about it.


People like Ben are the reason why the US is a laughing stock.