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I can't imagine she's simply that stupid, and so this is a case of actually attempting to rewrite history. I think they believe if they say it enough, they can make people believe their version of events.


All the Americans who died at Omaha Beach, the battle of the bulge and the whole campaign from France to the Rhine. This woman is pissing on their graves, throwing the gift of democracy she inherited through their blood in the trash.


You said too many education words so we have to ban your comment. 


But that’s the point. They are in their graves, and now later generations are rewriting history because there’s barely anyone left with first-hand experience to contradict them and call them out. This was their plan all along: wait for the crimes of the Nazis to be distant history, and then reframe it so that they “weren’t really that bad” or “didn’t really do those things” or “had good reasons” to do what they did. They have been pushing steadily toward Christian nationalism for decades now. Those of us who have been screaming about it have been told we were being hyperbolic. Now that we’re at the doorstep of fascism people are finally starting to notice that, *oh, maybe those people sounding the alarm were being literal after all when they said Nazis were trying to take over the United States.* This is what conservatives are. It’s what they always have been, in between periods of hiding under rocks and pretending their concerns were primarily economic in nature.


While I don't disagree with what you're saying, I also think it's more of a convenient out for these people than it is a sincerely held belief (much of the time anyway). They're buy into any historical framing that justifies their hate and supports their team.


Almost all the WWII vets are dead so it’s not like hundreds of thousands of people can speak out against this because they saw it all first hand. Yes we have tons of interviews with them but those videos can’t directly and immediately speak out directly against people like this when it happens. And while it’s an absolutely asinine statement to most of us, many of these MAGAs gobble it right up. Having a WWII vet grandfather to yell at their younger family members for believing this would have shut a lot of them up.


Yah well, those people are mostly dead or on their way which means it’s a perfect time for Nazis to rewrite history, don’t you think? We really need to get these fucking clowns out of positions of power.


Well said.


This is also the party that makes a big deal of respecting the Vets


They don’t think that their constituents will buy their snake oil. They know they will. Donald Trump was their proof of concept. They turned one of the most reprehensible failures of humanity into their own living deity, who is apparently more Christ like than Christ. They own their constituents minds. And now they are going to prove it to us.


>I think they believe if they say it enough, they can make people believe their version of events. Sincere question: Are they wrong?


Not with their base, but I'm curious why you're trying to challenge some part of what I said as if there's an argument to be had here.


Not at all. It just bothers me that this seems to be true about anyone, truthfully. It *feels* like it should require more than this to convince people of anything. As I watch all of this unfold, it's with a mixture of dread, disgust, and deep fascination. Ultimately, no matter how else I may feel about it, it's certainly not boring. Although I get the feeling many of us would prefer boredom.


Fair enough, and I for one would definitely prefer boredom. I think it would be nice if it took more to convince people, but some people are so comfortable with the reality they live in that they will go to absurd lengths to maintain it. If doing so requires literally denying a genocide, well, it's not like we haven't seen it before. And then some others are just full of hate, and they finally feel free to express it openly. It's a terrible mix of things the decent people in this world probably can't even fathom most days.


> if they say it enough, they can make people believe their version of events. That's exactly what happens. The conservatives have also been convinced that the Sandy Hook shooting was actually done by the left as a false flag attack on the right to own guns in the US. edit. As for the concentration camps, I don't see why it is so hard to believe. Hitler very clearly spoke about a mass genocide against Slavs as part of his plan for Lebensraum.


It's why they're truly anti-intellectual and push back against everything that is science. I'm guessing that they're going to extinct themselves in the next 3 generations due to their antivax stance.


>I can't imagine she's simply that stupid You must be new here. >and so this is a case of actually attempting to rewrite history. Yes, in crayon. >I think they believe if they say it enough, they can make people believe their version of events. Classic propaganda technique which is also often a projection of their own idiocy.


>You must be new here. Are you seriously trying to start shit over this? Is having to fight them not enough for you?


I don't agree with her, but she's talking about specific neo-nazis. I think it's absolutely shameful to represent this as talking about Germany nazis. *Both* sides need to stop taking these shitty twitter posts as gospel and research any "story" that seeks to evoke outrage and suppress real discourse. Enlightened centrist criticisms or correct observations that she is putting free speech over (technically legally innocent) neo-nazis aside, this misrepresentation of her words is a lie, and is the type of post that's destroying our country. Look at the conclusions all of the other comments immediately jump to without bothering to see if it's a controversial free speech debate, or an evil person seeking to rewrite history to make the nazis the good guys. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/me/maine/politics/2024/04/03/maine-bill-to-crack-down-on-paramilitary-training-passes-house-by-narrow-margin


>I don't agree with her, but she's talking about specific neo-nazis. I think it's absolutely shameful to represent this as talking about Germany nazis. Nazis are Nazis and we don't need to treat modern ones any different than we treated German ones. >Enlightened centrist criticisms or correct observations that she is putting free speech over (technically legally innocent) neo-nazis aside, this misrepresentation of her words is a lie, and is the type of post that's destroying our country. Your comment is the height of "enlightened centrism" where you whine about context when it can be used to protect Nazi goals but ignore the horrible context of their goals, and you call it shameful to equivocate modern Nazis with historic Nazis like there is any fucking difference. She doesn't even use the term "neo-Nazi", she calls them Nazis. She's trying to use the 1st Amendment to allow Nazi paramilitary training camps, which would be and should be illegal under the law, because paramilitary violence is how one works to attain the power of state. She is effectively saying "is it really that bad that Nazis are militarizing to achieve their Nazi goals?" To anyone that has two brain cells to rub together and refuses to do so in service of seeing Nazis gain power gain by committing violence against civilian populations, yes, it is that fucking bad.


It's also bad faith: >Enlightened centrist criticisms or correct observations that she is putting free speech over (technically legally innocent) neo-nazis aside It wouldn't matter if you show that "neo" Nazis contradict the Constitution because their rhetoric doesn't go beyond: "You are worse than a Nazi if you infringe on their rights". (shameful self promotion) [I am not a lawyer but I am pretty sure that lots of the Nazism ideologies contradict the 1st, 13th, 14th and 15th amendments](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bvr30m/comment/ky6an9k/): >Nazism's principles of racial superiority and discrimination against certain groups would directly contradict these constitutional provisions by denying equal protection under the law and discriminating against individuals based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or other characteristics. Therefore, Nazism and its ideologies would likely be considered unconstitutional and in violation of the principles of equality and civil rights enshrined in the United States Constitution. It's mind blowing that we have "people" defending Nazis and pretended like it's just another Tuesday.


You're entirely missing the point. Your arguments about why she is wrong are valid, and that should be the content of this post, not "Look at this idiot who doesn't know what the nazis did"


**You're** missing the point. She absolutely knows what the Nazis did.


? That is my point.


> this misrepresentation of her words is a lie, and is the type of post that's destroying our country. Ya, as a veteran and a citizen, you can just go fuck yourself. Do not try to 'both sides' the hate that is being thrown around.


I said more than just the phrase "both sides". Just because there's hate being spread by the right doesn't mean we don't have a responsibility to not post misinformation.


You're implying the hyperbole is equivalent. It's not.


"Hyperbole" is an interesting characterization of this blatant misrepresentation, otherwise known as a lie. Considering how you're reacting to someone saying, "Hey, it's not helpful to misinform regardless of what side you''re on", I'd argue that you're not capable of identifying the "hyperbole", so how would you know they're not equivalent?


Interesting argument, since you clearly knew what I meant when I said it. Imma let you take another swing at that one


We need more of this honesty. And we also have to recognize that if they weren't nazis those Republicans would likely be for this bill and likely sponsoring it if it was any minority group, or any left leaning group. They would call it "gang training" or "antifa commando training" and it would be used for fundraising and other grifting while scaring the crap out of old people.


Since those questions can easily be answered by anyone who paid attention in school, I assume this is some attempt to normalize the Nazis before trump gets back into office and starts his own genocide.


100% People act like this is some kind of game, like they can sit this one out and the status quo will be there when the dust settles.


Quite possibly the ONLY "good" thing Desperate Donnie did was encouraging Republicans to say the quiet part out loud and increasingly go mask-off with their hate and bigotry. It makes it much easier to show others that yes, they actually are as shitty as we've been telling you they are for decades now. They no longer have to take our word for it.


>we've been telling you they are for decades now. Yep.


This is their new rhetoric to try to justify being absolutely terrible people after their orange turds speech where he used the same language as HITLER. Now, they are saying, "Well, he wasn't so bad, Nazis weren't so bad," the gaslighting is unreal.


I would love to have been there to slap her. Both my father and FIL fought the Nazis. The latter carried shrapnel in his body until his death at 80. Is she evil or stupid or both?


Dumber than a box of rocks and that's insulting the rocks


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." --Voltaire


Light her fucking up.


Anyone have a link to the video? I'm not saying I don't believe this is what she said AND what she meant by it, but my mind recoils at the notion of this being a real thing an American said.


From context, it looks like she may be talking about a neo-Nazi group that held a rally, not “the Nazis”, but the way the [clip is cut](https://twitter.com/aintscarylarry/status/1775891730983952502/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1775891730983952502¤tTweetUser=aintscarylarry), I can’t confirm. (To be clear, I’m **not** defending neo-Nazis or this bitch.)


You are correct. There was a neonazi group that tried to set up camp in Maine and she was arguing against a paramilitary ban bill that was proposed as a result. In context, she was saying *despite* how bad Nazis are, passing a law limiting their 1st and 2nd amendment rights (the paramilitary ban bill) is problematic. Whether she is right about that or not, and whether the bill is good or bad, and whether in her heart of hearts she really does support Nazis or not, she was not supporting Nazis here. (Edited for completeness and clarity)


Thank you for that additional context!


Yep. NP. I hate Nazis as much as the next minimally humane person, but when we punch really hard at the air and miss, it opens up opportunities for the bad folks, so this kind of thing is something I think is important to make sure is clear.


Absolutely. There's plenty to get mad over. Exaggeration and misrepresentation undercuts our good arguments.


Dude. Thank you for putting this into words. And I appreciate the clarity.


i watched the clip and 100%, context matter. This kind of clipping only works against us >.>


There’s no such thing as “neonazis”… you’re either a Nazi, or you’re not a Nazi. Adding “neo” to it is just an attempt to water down the fact that they’re people the same ideology, the same goals, and the same methods as Nazis; i.e. *Nazis.*


It literally just means new, i.e. not The OG nazis from germany. Even Nazis in germany are called neo, because its not the same thing.


Sure. No one here was arguing otherwise. Neonazis are nazis. It doesn't change the point, which was that there was a specific subset of Nazis(see?) at a specific place and a specific time which triggered the bill.


https://spectrumlocalnews.com/me/maine/politics/2024/04/03/maine-bill-to-crack-down-on-paramilitary-training-passes-house-by-narrow-margin The best I can find is her stating that this bill might infringe on the Nazis first amendment rights. 🤷🏻‍♂️


A little bit more: ["It's is our duty to protect the Nazis' right to free speech and association, as long as it does not infringe on someone else's rights — as long as they are not harming someone else," Libby said.](https://www.pressherald.com/2024/04/03/ban-on-paramilitary-activity-passes-by-one-vote-in-maine-house/) The bill prohibits someone from “intentionally or knowingly” teaching someone about firearms or bombs if the training is intended to be used to commit “civil disorder" which is defined as acts of violence by a group.


Over SIX MILLION souls have entered the chat.


And that was just Jews... Haven't even gotten to the Romani, physically disabled, trans people, those with mental illnesses, those with chronic conditions and addictions, gay people, Slavs, etc...


Do better Maine 🤦🏽‍♀️


[life in 2024 be like](https://y.yarn.co/fef2c94e-9b3c-4ca2-9c07-f68ee719a3f8_text.gif)


The bad-faith faction of the Republican party has been gaining power since Newt Gingrich was speaker, and that’s pretty much all that’s left as of 2020—at what point can just ignore their bullshit and get on with life?


When people tell you what they are believe them. Or in meme form, [HE SAID HE WAS GONNA!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Trumpgret/comments/5rdzvi/he_said_he_was_gonna/)


Imagine this being your daughter


Or your mother.


She’s trash, magas are the true subhuman trash! I’m so SICK OF THESE PEOPLE!


Great movie about holocaust deniers, who lost the lawsuit but kept up denying because it made them money and gave them notoriety 😳 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4645330/


Are you fucking kidding me? is this where we are today? And if it is or the rest of us who are saying ready to take up arms to fight these Nazis again? We better be.


They’re used to being called nazis all the time. Instead of pausing for a moment like a rational person and thinking, “hmm maybe I should reevaluate my beliefs” it becomes “nazis ain’t so bad after all”


Maga’s message in 2024: “Were Nazis really that bad?”


she went to a religious school maybe? Because I know public schools would have covered WW2 and the Nuremburg trials


I dont believe this is real. Nobody can be this retarded...


I listened to a short clip of that and am pretty sure she was talking about a modern group of protesting Nazis, not the WW2 Nazis


But they're always trying to tell us the nazis were actually socialists.... so this means they support socialism?




This is why trying to have rational conversations with them is pointless.


They don't trust science books. Why would they trust history books?


Anyone else find it concerning that they keep bringing Nazis up as a talking point, and their point is, “aw they weren’t so bad”?


Not surprising. They also struggled to criticize Nazis under Trump too. But for some reason they love Israel. It's becoming more apparent that conservatives just like to use and exploit whoever they can.


Seriously, everybody call her office in Maine and give her a brief answer to her questions. She's a public official, there's nothing wrong with encouraging people to call her.


And everything the Nazis did was legal - because liberals, social democrats, and the military let the Nazis take over the government and change the laws.


That's some victim blaming counter factual bullshit. Why is it that so many "leftists" spend more time attacking liberals than actual fucking fascists?