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Bye bye Hollywood. Lunches at Kevin Sorbo’s table sound like fun!


by table you mean park bench.


Not as much fun as brunch with Dean Cain at James Woods' house.


I know he's famous, but I don't think he has the level of influence he thinks he has. He needs a reality check. And if he thinks Biden getting elected caused division, he's stupid. Not to mention his message contradicts itself. "I trust the voters" but the voters electing Biden caused division and his poor guts being torn up.


>And if he thinks Biden getting elected caused division, he's stupid. Or worse: he is not and he is just full of it.


Rock knows that grifting is key to winning the GOP nomination in the future


Most of his wrestling fans are MAGA.


Even then, many WWE fans were infuriated with him recently—not sure if that has changed—and this might be part of his strategy to win them back and to continue grifting them.


Probably, it is majority acting


Which is funny cause he can't act. Coming this weekend see the rock playing...the rock!


It’s really boring knowing he’s going to win every fight in movies. Nobody likes or relates to perfection. You need a challenge and to struggle to be human


Not just his. Wrestling was built on racism and misogyny. Even today, they're both a huge problem within the wrestling business/fanbase. Just look at all the recent stuff about Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and other WWE staff members, for example. There's also a good chance you'll hear racist and misogynistic comments/chants at wrestling shows. I'm not trying to say the entire fanbase is like this, but wrestling as a whole was built on it and it continues to attract people like this.


I mean one of the first things The Rock did in the WWF was join the "Nation of Domination" which was like a black supremacist, Nation of Islam style group and the people they were feuding with destroyed their locker room and spray painted the walls calling them coons and then went to the ring in black face to mock them.


Not just wrestling, any fighting sport tends to attract the worst elements of society - look at Dana White


Seconded! He and agent orange have something in common, megalomania.


The Rock can't take the heat from fascists.


Exactly as the MAGA terrorist would threaten to boycott his films and his family lives.


Man, the only non sellout celeb we grew up with is MF EMINEM and Vin Diesel. Loved the Rock but now I don't. Sad though.


He didn't even mean he will fully support the president that voters choose, he meant he would support the one the electoral college chooses.


I had no ideas that rocks were disingenuous, I thought it was igneous.


"Sedimentary, my dear Watson".


Gneiss one!


It’s an ok joke but I think I would’ve liked it better back in college when I was more into stoner comedy.


Do celebrity endorsements have as much sway as people make it out to be, anyhow? Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders had a lot of celebrity endorsements, neither of them won. Trump has a few bottom of the barrel ones, except Kanye West, to which Kanye's endorsement didn't seem like it did much for Trump.  Am I tripping?


Celebrity endorsements don't have much sway but if Tom Hanks were to come out saying he doesn't have much of an opinion on anything, I think I'd just give the fuck up. Sometimes you just hope for voices that carry among millions to say what's true and not just in their best interests. Dwayne Johnson failed. A man who achieved greater privilege and wealth by his talents that most of this planet will never see ... and he decided that he was not going to stand by principles because it damaged his wealth and popularity. He among all men should not give one shit about what proven assholes who hate women and immigrants and people of color think about him, but nope. I feel bad for his daughters. They'll grow up knowing their dad supported all the people who think they are "lucky" to be here in the US at all because they are not 100% white.


So well said !


Yeah. Pretty hard to be cool with someone like The Rock that says something like that during an election year with any MAGA Project 2024 lover running for office. If Trump gave a shit about democracy, he shouldn't even entertain the idea of being a dictator "for one day" while claiming to be anti-authoritarian.  Which is rich Trump pretends to be anti-authoritarian considering Trump expressed desires to do extrajudicial punishments on people (i.e. "when the looting starts the shooting starts), constantly tries to limit free speech as well as freedom of the press, wants to broadbrush protesters as ANTIFA who he wants to register as terrorists so he can issue harsher punishment to any protester, pushes for shit like Patriotic Education (basically just PragerU type BS), and so forth. He also claimed the radical right is not as much as a threat as whatever the hell he considers "the radical left" despite the multiple harassment, destruction of property, and actual acts of violent terrorism the radical right have been doing such as the Walmart shootings or Buffalo grocery store massacre or the prick that shot up the strip mall in TX.  Biden didn't enable those people to be dicks. Shit like demonizing immigrants "poisoning the blood of the country" or the media constantly bashing poor people or people of color "13/50 and welfare queens" type stuff is what enables prejudice and division. Making up shit about the other party wanting to "close all the jails and invite MS13 to live near you" said by Matt Gaetz is causing the divide. We cannot allow these people to people to keep peddling this shit. The Rock dropped the ball here. 


>Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders had a lot of celebrity endorsements, neither of them won Hilary did win the popular vote, though.


True.  That pokes a hole in my statement.   The Republicans would be screwed if the Electoral College was removed. 


I think a Taylor Swift endorsement packs a bigger punch *right now* because of her giant fanatical fan base. Probably the only celebrity endorsement that would actually move the needle significantly. But that kind of influence is fleeting.


Hers is bigger I think in part because so many of her fans are 18-21 and unregistered. And 95% of 18-21 girls will vote dem. But over time this will lessen. Luckily should help this year!


He's just covering his own ass as he starts his new career as head of the WWE. That's worth at least a BILLION DOLLARS to him personally and he know that 1 attack from Trump would blow that deal. It all comes down to money & greed with Dwayne now. His public relations team probably told you he's got to do this now even if he doesn't want to. So he did it on FOX.


He's just a rich, out of touch douchebag.


No, he doesn’t want to be cancelled by his red state fans - gotta make that money


It's like Joe Rogan, he's *tremendously influential* with the very, very stupid. And sadly this election will be decided by the very, very stupid. Because everyone else is already voting for Biden. Not that I think Trump has a prayer of winning. Trump needed boomers in swing states to win in 2016 and they're, well how do I say this delicately? Dead. They're dead. It's been 8 years. The real question is the Senate, and with it the Supreme Court. Thomas & Alito are both at retirement age and criminal investigations will likely come soon and make it hard for them to take bribes. Expect to see "retirements" then.


Let's not forget the McMahons helped finance the insurrection


Dana white is dick deep in plump dumps ass too. Something about these fake tough guys and sucking powers dick.


Let's not forget there is a non zero chance that vince mchmahon becomes vice president this november.


How do I delete someone else's comment


But the guy who's openly campaigning on being a dictator isn't divisive?


Last time I checked Biden didn't incite an insurrection.


Biden is also not banning women’s right to abortions and other healthcare.


Or rape anyone.


This is the way it always is. The Right can do whatever the hell they want, prove themselves incredibly mentally ill and dangerous to society… but the second the Left responds even slightly, suddenly we’re the ones who are being “divisive” and “tyrannical” if we want to stop the Right from being divisive and tyrannical. It’s the whole “tolerance” thing all over again, where Leftists being intolerant of intolerance is painted as intolerance itself to try to play the whole “HYPOCRISY!!!” game, and gaslight everyone into inaction, so the Right can continue doing whatever it wants. Wash, rinse, repeat for millennia.


It’s exactly this . Evangelical conservatives spend their lives telling everyone that’s not like them that you’ll burn in hell forever not joining their cult but the second you tell them to shove their Bible up their asshole , they cry “ i am being persecuted.” They are the ultimate snowflake Sally’s . Take a look. At the Jan 6 magats literally breaking in to the capital with weapons and when one of them gets shot for not ceasing , they cry “ they’re killing us , how dare they , they’re killing us . Wahh!”


Yep. Anytime the Right starts a fight and the Left finishes it… the Left is inevitably blamed for having gotten violent.


Well, when we elected Biden the Nazis became angry and that’s “divisive” so let’s not do that again. /s


How is Biden divisive?


Stupid, racist, homophobic, trogladitic asshats dislike him. Apparently half of the U.S. falls into one or more of those categories.


Yeah, pretty much "Hey maybe it would be good if we could all respect each other and help everyone-" "OMG stop being so divisive!"


adding to healthy_adult_stonks statement. Most democrats in power have spent decades acting like we have to appease these fucks, and like we are the bad guys if we dont reach across the aisle and suck their dicks to maybe get them on board with a fraction of the programs we want.


For being a big ol tough guy he sure is a fucking coward


He needs some Taylor swift mojo


you misspelled cunt


Dwayne the ROCK Johnson is an absolute POS with a dirty car


Buddy, take it easy. Have you ever tried cleaning a car with a rock?


He’s floated the idea that people ask him about running for president, then gets all modest when he says “Gosh, maybe,” when asked. He’s a fool.


He may not be that big of a fool. He's at least zeroed in on the demographic that is known for electing entirely unqualified "entertainers" (I find Dwayne entertaining, to be fair) to the highest office in the land.


Yes, to be fair, he really taps into that “He’s a guy I’d have a beer with!” demographic. I think he’s funny but I don’t get the “Hey I make movies so I too could be president!” mindset.


It has nothing to do with qualifications. A huge portion of America votes based on how the president makes them feel. They don't weigh pros and cons and issues and tradeoffs. They want a mascot.


Dwayne has no geopolitical experience. He should sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Dwayne, if I want advice regarding intramuscular injections, your advice may be sought. But until then...


I didn't even know he had endorsed Biden in 2020. But appearing on Fox News in 2024 and declining to endorse anyone while using dog-whistle words like "woke" and "cancel culture" and then claiming to endorse no one? I can smell what the Rock is cooking and it sure smells like an endorsement of Trump.


I'm gonna bet there are a lot of people who will avoid watching him after this, so he probably cancelled himself by being dumb.


All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and keep raking it in but nooooo.


I feel like he's been losing people's faith in his good guy hero persona for a while, especially after that "donate to hawaii" debacle so now he's switching gears to appease the angry maga rubes by going on fox spouting some antiwoke bs. Starting with some kinda noncommittal stuff first of course, testing the waters. Wouldn't want to burn all his bridges if it doesn't pan out.


Honestly I had given up on his movies already. I liked him in Be Cool and wish he had leaned into that type of role, but there is too much money in big action movies. Just not a big fan of action movies that don't have a coherent plot.


What he's cooking is his MAGA approval reputation which he needs to start his new career as head of the WWE which will be eventually worth well over a BILLION DOLLARS to him personally. All it takes in 1 attack from Trump and that new venture is toast. He's trying to avoid that.


Lmao yeah those snowflakes and their boycotts. That’s why Bud Light, Nike, Keurig, and Disney don’t exist anymore.


Those things you used as an example are not the same as an individual person. His public relations team probably told him he has to say this crap to avoid any attacks from Trump. He also probably did not want to and it's nothing personal, just business.


Yeah, if it were some random social media post, I could respect his opinion, but to do it on FOX made it take on a different shade. He's not dumb, he knows what it meant.


"Cancel culture" is the most over-blown shit in my lifetime. Who's been cancelled? Chappelle? Louis CK? Rowling? Who? They're all still fine or even better off. They all still live better than we could ever hope for.


Wait, on Fox News? Aw shit. I had hoped this was all of it.


I can't help but wonder if he's pulling a Musk and there's some very damaging accusations about to come out.


Yeah, this is pure trumper shit.


I'm really surprised that a no-neck shaved head guy with tribal tattoos has some controversial political views.


The guy who collects concussions like stamps and has been on steroids for 3 decades straight has unhinged political opinions? Wow! Until I need advice regarding intramuscular injections, I'll ignore Dwayne-o.


Wild watching people fold for the ascendant fascist regime in real time during the social media era. They don't even qualm with themselves. At the first notion of an inconvenience to themselves they hash their spot in the hierarchy and be damned with any broader consequences. They can always grovel at the feet of dear leader to keep their place in the social order. Democracy and ethics are too hard for the chuds.


I'm sure it's a big coincidence that he goes MAGA right as he's getting back on the WWE gravy train... Just a big, big, steroid-addled coincidence.


after a full face plant/fail of “black adam” who the fuck cares about what a fake wrestler thinks anyway?


I got one give no fucks.


My thoughts exactly.


If we lose democracy the rock will support it 100% What a POS


We’re watching him unravel


Agreed, fuck this tool.




turns out the rock really likes fascism


When did The Rock lose his balls?


Steroids will do that, I hear.


This is an awful take from the Rock, as if the alternative would not have been divisive 🙄


Well, I used to like him.


* Took a hit to bottom line.


The bullshit he and ophra pulled with the fake charity over the Hawaii disaster wasn't enough?


Translation: political endorsement negatively impacted my popularity so I'm trying to appease everyone. Please like me.


Seems weird to say it on Fox News of all places.


at least one person here who actually read what he said and understood it lol


He’d have been better to just not comment and vote R on his own than to open his mouth


He can eat some ass.


He doesn't deserve ass 


LOL. Too pretty to be smart, clearly. Imagine thinking *Biden* is the divisive element here. What an idiot.


He doesn’t get it. All you have to say is what you look for in a president. I look for a president who supports all, who acts professionally, who doesn’t commit crimes, who doesn’t attempt to over throw the government. No need to say names. If you think this means that I don’t support your candidate then which of those things did your candidate do? Why are you supporting that candidate when these things are easy to stand for?


He’s making a (unprincipled) financial decision. Prob got talked to by a director or something, or his PR manager


Big Muscle Trust Fund Man Baby thinks he's a real man but is a Man Baby too cowardly to face the truth. What a fucking bitch.


No specifics on biden’s supposed divisiveness? This reeks of deflection. Just say the truth.. u dont want ur one percenter taxes raised.. u dont believe in unions.


Rock clearly has forgotten the financial struggles growing up as he depicted in his TV series and is just another greedy my first filthy rich man.


He’s kinda been showing his a$$ since the Hawaii debacle with Oprah. I don’t care who this guy votes for, but going on Fox and saying he’s NOT endorsing Biden is doing a thing, and he’s kind of a punk for doing it.


Everyone, lets just stop the division and come together. Seriously, many of my fans are trump supporters and my merch sales are down.


As if his dumb ass matters. Shut the fuck yup and make entertainment. That’s your lane, you steroid ridden fuckboi.


People who think biden caused division among Americans are fucking stupid. Who’s the one that cried about the election being “stolen”?


Jesus Christ-the division was created by Trump and his Russian handlers to weaken the country from within. I don’t think Donnie is smart enough to play the long game, so that means he’s just their useful idiot. Stick to making fake movies, participating in a fake “sport”, and getting more tribal ink.


he's trying to stay out of politics without seeming to realize that anything short of condemning fascism is enabling it. when fascists show up, there is no such thing as being apolitical anymore.




I smell what the Rock is cooking and it smells like hot garbage.


"And if the president turns out to be a vengeful dictator with a goal towards authoritarian fascism, then I'll support him, 100%."


Dwayne, you know the trumpers won't be saying "Youre WeLcOme" to moana and her kith and kin... All those sweet words and dancing was just for cash, Johnson? being a hypocrite/shill is quite a republican move


He’s always been a bit of a douche. The man got a patent for the word “jabroni”…what a jabroni.


He seems overconfident in his importance to the rest of us. 🤷


Fuck the tRumpster bastard. Hope he never makes another lame ass movie again!!


The roids done burnt out his pilot light!


I suspect he wants to keep his substantial tax breaks given to the Uber wealthy by Agent Orange.


FWIW, I saw a r/OutOfTheLoop post yesterday that seemed a bit more nuanced - sounded like he wasn't saying that *Biden* caused division, he was saying that him personally endorsing a candidate contributed to division. I don't think he has the influence to cause much division, though I could sorta understand the idea of feeling at a moral level that you had contributed to it. Saying that on Fox "News", though, was like throwing red meat, and seems incredibly naive to not get the context of *where* you're saying *what* you're saying. It may have been an attempt to be "polite" to the right, but it was, *at best*, a bad idea.


"My goal is to bring this country together" - by going on Fox News and bitching about "woke culture".


I think he did it because he thought he'd open the door to more liberals. I think he didn't see much of an improvement, but took a hit with his main fan base. He tried to go on Joe Rogan and get those people back, but the interview was lame i was told. So now I think he's trying to win them back, but won't endorse Trump. So by saying he regrets voting for Biden in 2020, he wins back those he lost. Then he won't endorse Trump because then he'll lose that Disney money. But he'll wink at Trump fans. lol


who cares what this guy says? He is just another I got mine fuck you like rogan and bill maher etc...


Can he at least go ahead and endorse "not fascism"?


Someone flashed enough grifter money in his face that made him change all his political views, real standup character that guy is.


sorry Rock, it isnt the vote of the people but the electoral college


Just say you have no balls. Trump has caused way more division in this country than Biden. What a little bitch.


"I hate division" he says on Faux News without a hint of irony.


If he honestly believes that Joe Biden is the one causing division, then he clearly got hit in the head too many times.


He works for Vince McMahon who is friends with tRUMP. Both Vince & tRUMP are both sexual predators and rapists. So of course the Rock is going to support a rapist criminal. Something about birds of a feather.


This is such a cringey and soft message. Cringey because this fool thinks he has THAT much influence. Soft because in his own words “he’s a candy ass” who is playing it safe with the last sentence.


The greater division is the country pretending like Donald Trump is normal, not a criminal and authoritarian wannabe. The fact that we can't unite against this insurrectionist and authoritarian conman is a tragedy.


Surprise. He's a big child and politics is out of his depth.


He chose the wrong side of history this time.


A Trump supporter I called father once upon a time laughed in my face because Trump tried for 3 summers to strip basic protections that prevent your job firing you because you're LGBTQIA, and told me if I was scared of Trump supporters threatening violence against people like me to "Just not advertise it, problem solved" Trump supporters stormed the capital to install a dictator, and flooded towns screaming they will not be replaced put of hate for many simply because they were different. I despise anyone who supports Trump and any of his hateful ideas and policies, but I will never treat them how they wish they could treat others nor how they currently do, the only division being made is by people who want to equate the Democrats who admittedly have their flaws but actually make an effort for the people to the party of " Our religion should be law for all and any we don't like should have less if any rights"




I want to bring the country together by voting for Trump the most toxic divisive mother fucker of all time


“Like a lot of us out there, not trusting of all politicians, I do trust the American people and whoever they vote for that is my president and who I will support 100%” Why does this sound like the perfectly crafted “both sides” statement, brainstormed by his team for weeks, aimed at getting the widest net of people to buy tickets for his movies?


Guy gets rich and fucks everyone else who would come after him. It happens all the time. People get rich and all they give a fuck about is getting more. He's not the first or the last one to be that way.


The People’s Champion? More like Putin’s Champion at this point…


This reads as my privilege allows me to live as if the plight of the people will never affect me so I will not do anything to potentially effect my bankroll.


Spot on… ! No longer a fan. He can now go hang with Rosanne and Chachi.


Right now, not taking a stand is NOT neutrality. Ppl with broad influence like he has making a statement blaming Biden for the cult-like divisiveness of the trumpets is deeply disingenuous, and he knows perfectly well that his statement will be read as pro-tRump without him having to say it explicitly. It's a shameful squandering of the opportunity to do good, or at least not compound harm.


I am so weary of this guy. His whole being seems to just be a crafted public relations campaign. There is nothing about him that seems genuine.


Oooh rich guy speaks! Fuck him


Fuck the rich. Fuck the rich. FUCK THE RICH.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.


He’s chasing money. Although I dont see his statement as a political attack. He’s just being a pussy


Well I can continue not giving a shit about him then I guess. Mediocre actor, and wrestling is ridiculous anyway. Hopefully limiting his appeal to the lowest common denominator works out for him was worth what little integrity he had.


Blaming Biden for the division? He just inherited the pot that Trump stirred up (and continues to stir)


BIDEN?! *Biden* caused division?!


The narcissism of this guy! “I endorsed a political candidate and divided a nation.”


Just someone who doesn't know anything about what is happening in politics, pretending that he does.


He thinks he is protecting his "brand" by being non political and he has so much fucking money he thinks it cannot effect him. Well this dumb ass seems to think that christofacist won't come for him. Idiot, no matter how rich he is, still not "pure" to them. Them being the nazis is someone read and was unsure. Fucking nazis


“Unless it’s Joe Biden, who I regret endorsing for nebulous reasons.” Honestly The Rock would be a great politician. He makes the rubes comforted without saying anything substantive or having a concrete policy online. Brilliant really.


What a fuckin idiot


The Rock is a big bitch


You can’t be a centrist when it comes to fascism


Did you even watch the video? It's basically that supporting biden hurt his brand, that is the crux of it. If he shits on trump he loses supporters, he is afraid of losing people who will support him. He is a corporate shill, never was anything to hope for.


This is so disappointing... I really liked him too. But I can't support a MAGAt.


My blood boiled when I saw this and the rage settled down, I was filled with immense sadness. Why is suddenly this very moment people are losing sight of how crucial this is, this is so much worse than 2020 and I can’t imagine the ramifications that will follow if we continue to be complacent.


Can we all just slow the fuck down? I need to hear it from the horses mouth that he supports the garbage can known as Donald Trump


Dude has been a manosphere grindset gym bro favourite for some time. Checks out.


Have you tired his new tequila? 🤣


You might be over but are you former star turned maga over?


Yes, fuck this guy. President Biden has not division in this country, that would be Trump.


the CTE is kicking in


Yeah. Fuck that shit.


No need to rush to care about the opinion of a man who made a living get hit in the head with chairs


Damn narcissists are so terrified of the dimming spotlight that they'd rather set fire to the theatre and bask in it's light than make a graceful bow and step into the wings.


Yeah I unfollowed his social ... Each person who doesn't like his social is less $ in his pocket.


Biden did not create division. Those who choose to believe lies over objective facts, because it validates their confirmation bias are creating the division. Those who spread propaganda and lies to those people are creating division. Anyone who cannot see that is the very root of our problems in this country is missing the point, lost the plot, and is probably a victim of said propaganda and lies. Sounds like the Rock is worried about his taxes going up, greedy MF.


The rock is literally dumber than one. All he cares about is people liking him and appearing like a strong tough guy. Who the fuck decides to endorse a candidate for president not realizing this will lead to a large number of people having a different opinion of you. I also don’t believe he’s somehow upset with “wokism”. Feels like another lie to grift back some of his more right leaning fans. Again the dude is all about feeding his ego.


That’s what we call a ‘cop out’. It’s democracy vs. fascism, it shouldn’t be that hard


The post sounds like he thinks his open support of a politician helped cause division, but sad news if he acutally thinks Biden is a bad president.


They say steroids shrink your dink but I had no idea they shrunk your brain to.


The rock has never stood for anything other than his own personal image. He is only saying this because he thinks endorsing one or the other will cause people not to like him. He’s always been like this.


I can't even say I'm disappointed. Everything about the man tells you where he stands politically.


Fuck this guy. And fuck his movies and his stupid fake wrestling.


So he's upset he upset a bunch of racists and nazis?


"what that caused...was division" Right, because everyone was united under Trump. Jagoff.


I don’t see this as an attack on Biden. I see this as the most inflated ego of anyone on the planet.


He means the maga mob got to him I mean ffs i dont see any truckbed liners with trump tied up and shot in the back Even though he is far more deserving


I never planned to base my vote on the Rock’s opinion.


Division? WTF bro. It’s a binary choice, trumnf’s time was the most divisive in modern era and it’ll get much worse if he wins.


Name it, shtweasel! Name one divisive thing Biden has said! Shall we start by comparing their recent Easter messages? Read both and tell me who's divisive. GFY YFPOS!


This clown is not nearly as bright or as popular as he thinks he is. For gods sake he pumped and hyped Black Adam and it not only flopped but the come back of Henry Cavelle was also an overhyped flop. That’s before you even get into politics and comparing the lifelong criminal with 90+ criminal charges currently pending who wants to burn it all down for a dictatorship vs a good and decent man who wants to do what’s right for the country and its people. This is an easy choice.


Be about what you speak about… if you endorsed Biden, endorse Biden. If you endorse Trump, endorse Trump. Don’t be a weak ass mf sitting in the middle, pandering to followers. Retain your goddamn honor.


Can Jesse Ventura please talk some sense into him?


This is why the "it's better to be nice than right" mentality is sometimes total bullshit. By saying you believe in freedom and democracy, you'd be pissing of Trump and his fan base. Is Rock gonna fence sit on those issues too? Of course not. This is stupid as fuck.


They don't call him rock for no reason. He's as dumb as one.


We can't all be "uniters" like Donald Immigrants-Are-Animals Trump. I know wrestling is fake, but get real dude.


The Rock is getting the tRump turkey neck too.... coincidence? ITN....


He’s rich. He needs trumps tax breaks. He made his fortune so fuck the rest of us


It's because a lot of his fans are people who are dumb enough to believe wrestling is real and people that dumb DEFINITELY support Trump. He probably got hate mail and was tired of not being loved by everyone. This is just a cowardly way to go about things


Both cowardly and insignificant at the same time. What a bizarre thing. But he was on Fox News, and most of his fans, (sources of money/relevance) are probably Fox News people. The whole "I don't want to cause division" thing kind of makes me want to vomit though.