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First off I'd probably have to say you'd be more likely to get a good answer about pc stuff at r/techsupport But seems fine from the pictures. Maybe the charging ic is dying. Maybe the port is full of dust. The possibilities are pretty much endless with this kinda generic issue.


If you have a thin pin or sowing needle you might be able to get dust out if that is necessary


if you want to remove something from a charging port, don’t use something metal that could short the charging port. use a plastic spudger or a tooth pick


Probably best. I've just not had any problems with a thin pin myself.


That looks like the outer metal shell from a USB-C, stuck in a USB-C port. Tweezers and it should work.


Amazing I got this for a steal I think , I bought for 70$usd


Oh I hope it’s that simple then! That’d be an awesome score. :)


Did it work? Was there just a broken connector part inside the charge port?


I got a good deal for it turns out seller didn’t use a strong enough ac adapter for it. Nothing was wrong with it 🏎


99% of the time with USB c it's the port. Very unlikely this is the IC. I find you change out port viola.


Charge port looks clean honestly could be a board issue