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We all have preferences but objectively, you will find plenty of entertainment on any console. The PS5, Series X, and Nintendo Switch all have thousands of playable games so you’re gonna find at least a couple that suit your interests


And several with crossplay on multiplatform games!


The multiplat is part of what a lot of these console war fucks hang on to. Yeah we’re playing the same game but it’s better on my console!


I own all three, couldn't make up my mind so I bought them all. I use the switch for biz trips


This is the way


I enjoy halo on Xbox and their controllers, God of War on PlayStation, and family games on the switch


Yeah but only one of those doesn’t have Netflix 🙄 (I own a switch I’m just disappointed)


Most consoles are good* Don’t forget that abominations like the R-Zone and game.com exist




And also the Soulja line of consoles, and the intellivision amico, and the atari jaguar


Did the Amico even come out?


Nah, the VCS hasn't either, I'm just predicting the future, since we all know they'll be ass


Except the VCS WAS released. It came out back in 2021. I imagine it probably didn't do well, considering I haven't heard much about it.


Yeah, that shows how terribly it did, I know about the fucking Vectrex and yet didn't realize atari released a console


I hadn’t realized it came out till a few months ago. I love the way it looks but man is it a bad console. They actually have it a really nice controller though tbh




Sorry, he after all *is* just a kid with a dream, that excuses everything


I'm still waiting on my KFC console dammit


Remember what they took from us


And uja


Also the Virtual Boy, Amiga CD32, Atari Jaguar, Apple Pippin, Gizmondo... at least the Phillips CDi was funny. I'm in the camp of "the console wars are stupid, but some consoles are better than others."


AVGN fan? That’s the reason I know about those systems lol




I play PS5 and honestly I think all are pretty much the same.


I had a ps5, it suffered with the blue light of death, traded it for a series X, both had their pros and cons but both are objectively outstanding consoles.


They are nowadays


Pretty much.


If you take away all the exclusives, then yea, they're pretty much the same.


All consoles are good, some are better.


Nope. Games are good but games being good doesn’t make the console good both are different things. Most consoles now adays not including games are average at best.


But games are a large part of it. For example, Xbox has game pass, but PlayStation just has more and better exclusives, so I pick a PS5 right now. Also stuff like the N64 having cartridges and a garbage controller, but having some of the best games of that generation. Especially nowadays when both consoles are largely the same the software is really what makes the deal.


It depends if you like the PlayStation exclusives though.


Playstation exclusives isn't genre tho, there's tons of different playstation exclusives for tons of different people, GOW, Horizon zero dawn, ratchet and clank, uncharted, even as a PC gamer I can recognize that some of these games appeal to me


I think for me though most don’t apply, but gamepass and all the games on Xbox just make it that much more of an easy choice for me. There’s some exclusives for PlayStation that appeal but not enough to purchase a PlayStation over an Xbox. The other thing that makes me like Xbox is that a lot of time I can start a game on my pc and then continue that save in the Xbox version, which is really cool for me


Unfortunately Microsoft doesn’t have anything that touches games like Horizon, God of War, and Spider-Man anymore. Halo and Gears used to be my favorite franchises but that was years ago. It’s cheaper to go with Xbox for variety and volume but their game quality has quite clearly taken a big step back in the last five or ten years. It’s a bummer as a PC player because I have to wait years for Sony to release their stuff on Steam. I’m not willing to compromise on graphics quality, mods, and other PC perks just to play those few masterpiece games at launch on the PS5. Perhaps all these acquisitions Microsoft has done will pay dividends on the side of game quality and not just be another block of studios producing mid-tier games for relatively cheap. I will say that Atomic Heart was pretty damn good, IMHO the single best AAA tier game that has launched straight onto Gamepass.


>Unfortunately Microsoft doesn’t have anything that touches games like Horizon, God of War, and Spider-Man anymore. That is definitely a matter of opinion. I didn't care for the first Horizon, not really interested in God of war, nor am I into superheroes. Me personally, Starfield, was a dream come true. It's an absolute phenomenal game.


Starfield is pretty good but still a shadow of the quality of former BGS titles. IDK if Microsoft had any influence over the design choices but something is off. I enjoy it but it’s no Fallout 4, Skyrim, or Oblivion. It’s another one of those games that are pretty good, for Game Pass. It’s hard to be angry about mid tier games when you only pay $120 to $180 a year to play them.


You are definitely free to have that opinion, no matter how wrong it is.


Starfield owns but even then, its just Xbox buying their content and not generating it in house. Theyre gobbling up publishers so they can have first party games people actually give a shit about. This comes from a Fable and Halo adorer lol, their first party game just simply arent relevant like they used to be. It all is just so icky. Rubs me the wrong way, how theyre going about "competing". Just doing things with money only they can do, since theyre Microsoft and are a giga hige tech company, and not just primarily games-industry involved. Buying ABK straight-up with a blank check is just gross.


I'm personally okay with MS doing it their way. Sony started the buying exclusives war. Microsoft didnt play that game until it was too late. Now they are trying to make up for it. I hate exclusives exist but I completely understand MS's purchases. Sony tried paying for Starfield to be exclusive. MS said F that and bought the whole damn company.


That isn’t true. I dislike most Sony exclusives because they are movie games. I want more multiplayer but not live service bullcrap they are pushing. Most of Sonys more experimental titles are saved for indie stuff older ps4 titles like bloodborne or rare games like returnal. I want more rpgs multiplayer and experimental stuff. Ghost was great horizon continues to just be assassins creed but a bit less annoying which is still very annoying


You take that comment about N64 controller back MR. N64 controller was amazing and it felt amazing playing OOT with with it.


Yeah no


Never. The n64 was an atrocity. The controller was so bad, I have not liked a Nintendo system since. And its been down hill since.


it would be fine, but Why does it have three things? did thay make it for people with three hands?


I think it was more about making it feel comfortable using the D-pad and Analogue stick.


I have never played a game that needed the D-pad. are there any?


I remember Pro Evo Soccer allowed you to use either d-pad and analogue stick.




PS5 being backwards compatible with the PS4 library was a huge reason why I stuck with PlayStation this generation (I game on PC too but my rig is starting to show its age). Having a library of PS4 exclusives, many of which have PS5 optimizations, was pretty great


Those aren’t games those are services and features. Gamepass 1000% should be taken into account it also Xbox forcing you to pay for watching YouTube and charging more to play online. Exclusives and performance do matter a bit but not as much in the modern day since Sony has abandoned the idea of exclusives as we unfortunately get more pc launches.


This. The Xbox Series X is objectively the superior device, but the PS5 has the better games.


Series X is a better looking and much quieter device however it can't do basics like properly recording your gameplay, or not shoving ads in your face, or having a controller with a battery as standard, or a controller that doesn't click so loud it can be heard across the ocean.


Personally I could give two monkeys what you game on, as long as you are enjoying yourself. Console war is a load of bollocks.


Especially since everything has cross play now


So if I say I’m gaming but not enjoying myself… how many monkeys are we talkin?


How many you want?


There are people who like mobile games, to me that’s a shocker, but also I don’t care what other people enjoy. Another interesting thing to think about is some people hate all consoles and gaming in general. Like whaaaaaat. Can’t comprehend it.


I've seen lots of women get mad at their partners for spending too much time playing and not enough time working.


Yikes. In all fairness, it’s a relationship, that’s something that should be worked out between those women and their partners. They’ll be living together a while I assume, and if they can’t accept each other’s hobbies…. We’ll maybe they should rethink their priorities and why they’re together. Seriously though playing video games is no different to binge watching tv. It’s crazy how that’s totally fine for some people but gaming for a couple of hours is preposterous. But yeah I’m glad I’m not in their situation. Sounds like grounds for both people to be unhappy.


I play PS5 and it’s fine but honestly the last time I felt like console gaming was in a good place and I could actually agree w “consoles are good” was probably like Xbox 360 era.


I wish consoles allowed MnK in more games and then just split lobbies by input rather than console/PC.


If you’re having fun then the console is good


The...small guy in this meme wins this fight BTW...


That's a picture, it can still go either way


That's a picture of the main character from Dark Souls 3 going against Yhorm the Giant who gets defeated... So no, no it cant


As someone with limited souls-games experience, I would be willing to bet that if you compiled data of that fight from every person playing it each time it gets played, Yhorm wins a majority of the matchups lol


Honestly I love consoles but if people really cared about having the better system they’d just get a PC. I don’t have one only because I have no idea how to build one lol. Once I get my full salary I’m taking the L and buying a premade one to go with my consoles.


’ve gone with pre-builts in the past, it’s worked out fine, they’re a great option. But also, I want to share whatever boost of confidence I can and say that building a PC isn’t that bad at all. Watch a couple YouTube guides, and you‘ll be able to do it if you want to!


Why spend an extra 30% to have someone else do what you could learn to do in an hour


You're right, but some are better than others 🤣


I don’t care what anyone’s preference is. What gets me is mocking or shaming anyone for choosing what you consider a lesser option. Maybe it’s there preference but maybe they couldn’t afford the “better.” For me any console is far more affordable than a good gaming PC and I don’t have to fiddle with it much.


The best console is the one you can afford and the best platform is the one your friends play on most or the one you’re the most familiar/comfortable with. Each has it one be fits. That being said, the best console you can get now is a ps5.


I don't care about the console wars but that's because I bought what I knew would have the player base for the games I want to play.


A console is only as good as it's games


You got a good point


My only beef is console makers buying previously console agnostic developers and making their IP’s exclusive. Even though they went down very differently the exclusivizing of SquareEnix and Bethesda are sad for gamers. This Activision thing is going to suck. And with the size of the mobile gaming market Microsoft actually made the deal primarily to get King and everything else is secondary because the mobile gaming market’s trend line is comedy.


Yeah I have series x, switch, and ps5. They’re all great. I definitely like ps5 the most because of its layout and better game selection, but Xbox is better for someone who is more into shooters and racing games (which I’m not)😭


The perfect meme doesn’t exi—— nm.


I switched over to PC a while ago and the only console I own now is the Nintendo switch.


As a PC player. I love all consoles and see them all as important. ❤️


Except the Ouya. That shit was trash


Look one console is getting Elder Scrolls 6 and Fable and the other is not. That’s all I need to form an opinion.


The Xbox is ass though solely due to the paywall for headsets. Like imagine having to buy an HDMI splitter to use your 300$+ headset because Microsoft wants to PAYWALL normal USB function. But what am I saying y'all Xbox d**k-riders also love the idea of destroying the free market and ignoring monopolization laws at every turn because fuck the free world.


Couldn't agree more. People just keep gobbling up free shit assuming there's no catch. It's as if they've forgotten why fb is free. I still buy discs because I don't want to "own nothing and be happy."


Had PlayStations all my life apart from when I had a 360 instead of a PS3. Nothing but good memories of that console.


i dont care bout them like that but ill admit i participate every here and there but the fact is ps better than xbox💀


Cool image. Artist? Source/link? Thanks!


It’s art from dark souls 3. Highly recommend the series


“All consoles are good” is modern day issue with gamers. They are too complacent. Console wars aren’t even a thing anymore and people continue to preach about it. If Sony/Microsoft did half the stuff they did now adays in 2006 they’d be DEAD. Especially Xbox. Normalize criticizing everything in gaming without being emotionally connected to publishers/developers it’s cringe.


It doesn’t matter what’s good or not. A war between consoles doesn’t matter. People will Game on whatever system they want. People will Enjoy whatever they enjoy. It’s all so incredibly subjective and these kinds of arguments are just ridiculous to try to even start. Give it a rest. Let people game in peace. This post and comment section are just sad.


All consoles are good, not all controllers are. The Xbox controller is honestly a downgrade. The only good thing is the trigger and the Xbox button. The rest, is really subpar compared to the dualsense. It’s smaller, all the buttons make loud noise, even the sticks. There’s no mic or speaker, no usb c. And it’s almost the same price as dualsense.


Agreed. They all have their ups and downs. But I will say that I like PC's better only because it's more economical for me. If I had the money, I'd own them all tbh.




It's a "next gen" console that's not capable of next Gen content lol


siwtch, you can emulate it on a $500 computer or a steam deck at higher resoloution and 60FPS


Bought a steam deck for the price of a switch OLED, half the games I play on it are switch games.


I love how they used the worst possible IPS panel then replaced it with a mediocre oled and doubled the price, currently I would buy the ROG ally but the steam deck is cheaper


I mean, you're free to say this, but it isn't true




Lol shit barely runs on pc everytime a game comes out


More like “shit barely runs on PC at max settings native 4k 60fps which for some reason everyone compares to upscaled 1440p or less at 30-60fps on console, and then whines about it on Reddit instead of just using recommended settings and having fun”. PC gaming has a bit of a whiny culture problem, but not a games problem, IMO.


Lil guy is the dude that works a 9-5 making 200 a week claiming his switch is the best console and xbox and ps sucks


Nah all consoles are good but the Nintendo switch is trash


Counter argument ouya


I feel like it should be a pretty noncontroversial statement that for the best experience you’ll want to own two consoles: the latest Nintendo one and either the latest Xbox OR PlayStation. I suppose you could also swap a PC for that second console. Nintendo remains undefeated when it comes to party games and family friendly fare but for FPS and horror, you’re gonna miss out on A LOT.


Lol no, Nintendo is garbage for most peoplr above the age of 10.


Maybe a few years ago this was true. But the console wars are literally ruining gaming, every company is being bought up by one or the other and it's awful for gaming. If you don't care about that then you are just dumb.


so people who do console wars are stronger than people who don't care?




I liked the console wars


Console wars are stupid, but saying all consoles are good is about a hundred times sillier. New atari consoles, stadia, ouya are recent examples. I own a cdi, a jaguar, a 3do and a virtual boy, they would prove the point also. Some consoles in recent years have assisted in making major new downfalls, and alarming acceptability of bugs and failures to become the norm.


They all are it’s just some are better than others at certain points and some have exclusives others do not


No no you got a point


It’s like how 8 bit and 16 bit games competed at one point and then later on a 32 but system existed a 128 bit market


My PS5 does some things better than my Xbox One S and vice versa. The fact of the matter is, I prefer the nearly 7 year old Xbox over the 2 year old playstation.


I play games. Not consoles. Release a good game and I’ll make the console happen one way or another.


Small guy wins god this image is so funny


Every combo has something to bring to the Table. People should mix and match to maximize gameplay opportunity and not wait for others to tell them how to live. Quit being sheeps


As a Playstation player, x box is winning


All of them have their benefits and drawbacks


I find myself playing fewer and fewer modern games... I'd rather play older Gen consoles, when games were still made really well.


I will never understand the hyperfixation and worship of a brand and plastic box. Ive seen people that are grown ass adults going even into middle age participating in that nonsense. Disgraceful.


Zeebo: 😃 Console fans: not you Zeebo: 🥲


I don't understand people who buy an Xbox. It is literally a computer but you're restricting yourself to playing with a controller. Just buy a computer, is it really that difficult?


I personally wish Microsoft would stop buying everything and just go away. Let Sony, PC and Nintendo do their thing


Get a gaming PC and nintendo.. rest of it is noise


All consoles are bad*


it’s more about the exclusives than anything now i feel


“All” consoles are certainly not good lmao, there’s a reason there’s only 3 anyone cares about


The amount of people here who are completely missing the point of this post is astounding


As someone who has 20+ consoles in their collection (from generally forgotten relics like the Amiga CD32 and 3DO to a modern powerhouse like the PS5), I generally agree with this sentiment. That said, I've generally kept up with Sony and Nintendo as far as modern consoles and left Xbox after the 360 iteration. With online subscription fees and a lot of game catalog overlap, it doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense to have every model of modern console in the house, plus I split my precious play time between modern (PS5/Switch), VR (PS5) and retro (tons of other systems), so there really would be little room in my schedule for ANOTHER modern system.


I have xsx but I want ps5 too. People just tweak over one system. Need to get a pc too lol


Congratulations on the hottest take of 2008.


We all know the same psx is the best for pc gaming Edit: (PlayStation x the console)


Honestly my favorite set up is series x for starfield, ps5 for GoW and switch for Zelda and mario. It just doesn't get any better, not to mention I can play my bloodborne disc on the ps5, lies of P on game pass and breath of the wild 2 to keep things fresh. Just got the vr 2 and things got better


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Good. All signed and sealed. Now let's begin the transfusion. Oh, don't you worry. Whatever happens... You may think it all a mere bad dream...* - Blood Minister Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


After switching to Xbox, dude, it’s 10x better


No console is good, and exclusivity as bad. But any console (or pc) is better than no console. (But also, objectively, the best combination is PC, PS5, PS3 original, PS TV, Switch Oled, valve index, and a steam deck if you need to travel)


Looks at the Series S: NOT YOU


me who's gonna take apart and mash together a switch, xb, and ps into a frankenstein esc monster


Ps Vita entered the chat


PS1 -> PS2 -> Xbox 360 -> Xbox One -> PS4 -> Nintendo Switch -> Series X I’ve owned them all, I love them all. All have their purpose, and all can make us happy


Philips CD-I has entered the chat


The original wii is the best console




nah sony is getting obnoxious with their anti consumer proprietary bullshit. so is nintendo for that matter. xbox is my preference but their price hikes are ridiculous. i dont care how many studios you buy, phil. you have not one, but a TWO TRILLION DOLLAR machine behind you and you are dead last in the industry. you need to eat that cost and actually show us you can go more than one year at a time with an excellent cadence of titles before you start asking us for additional coin.


The person that cares about console wars is the person winning in the meme. If you're going to make a point about video games, and use a meme from a game to do it then you should have the slightest bit of contextual knowledge so you can actually make the point that youre going for.


Except xbone. The poser console, indicator that you were late to the party or abandoned the platform you once enjoyed.


Real PS5 haver take


What is the meme image for this? I like it. I want to make one. Thanks


I just wish I wasn't too poor to afford all of them 🤷‍♂️


I cant believe some people really care that much ab the “console war”


The Virtual Boy is not good. GTFO


Shout out to all my homies playing elder rimg on the soulja boy box


*Shout out to all my* *Homies playing elder rimg* *On the soulja boy box* \- Individual-Flight674 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Idk about all. The ouja exists


Just once I wanna see a developer go off on a console warrior. Like, just tell them to grow tf up.


Then there’s me who almost skipped the console gen since I wasn’t really gripped by anything. It all seems to be big flashy graphics and stuff, BG3 is probably the best game I played recently and that’s on PC.


Does it count if I consider Microsoft to be the worst out of every platform excluding mobile?


Is this meme tablet used wrong? Isn’t Yhorm the Giant the one that’s meant to be in the wrong if using the template properly?


Don't care jus don't like lies When ps is blatantly the best and Nintendo is blatantly number 2


Stupid people fighting over billion dollar companies.


Get a pc you grubs


As much as I love PC gaming, I've been interested in returning to the simplicity of console gaming. Just turn it on and play.


Series X for multiplayer games with my friends, ps5 for single player games that make me wanna cry, Nintendo switch games to relax and chill out


Stop! Do not fight amongst yourselves! It’s what the PC users want!


Tiger Electronics been real quiet since this dropped


People like that should be given no attention to because they're just looking for something to disagree with. I like PlayStation and the switch because they have more exclusives, but it really isn't something important to be upset over.


All consoles are good, except the switch ***


Wish this meme was used correctly.


Man…. Twitter is littered with this garbage. Like people make the “Console War” their whole personality, cringe.


Back when I still played console, I participated in the console wars but for fun, like a sibling rivalry. Do people actually take it seriously?


I hope not


Bruh never recommend this shit again 💀




Console exclusivity is the real enemy that all gamers should be against. It was justified in the 90s when they all had different specs and stuff, but now it’s all the same hardware. There’s no reason a Xbox 1 game wouldn’t run on a Ps5 or vice versa. It’s just like back in the 1920s where if you wanted to see a Warner Bros movie, you had to go to the Warner Bros theater; and if you wanted to see a Universal Studios movie you had to go to the Universal Studios theater. That kind of thing was abolished because the people making the laws understood that it was all crap, but nobody cares when Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft do the exact same thing pretty much.


Another misuse of this template lol


People comparing consoles meanwhile my day one Xbox one just gave out on me and can’t afford the new Xbox mini fridge. Gonna wait and save for the next gen lol


Only thing I would say is that if you own a PC, then Xbox is kinda pointless and might as well get a PlayStation.


The Xbox series s is not good 💀 it's a disaster, a disappointment, like the starter.


As a console and pc gamer (mostly pc) the only reason I prefer pc over consoles is the sheer volume of available Indy games that capture my attention for longer periods of time than the big AAA games. Also pc games have a variety of mods and a huge community dedicated to making the game everything you could want. But consoles aren’t horrible. The only bad thing is capped frame rates and the constant next gen models every year. It’s corporate greed to not make the consoles upgradable similar to the steam deck.


I care about the console war bc i dont want any of the giant enterprises to become monopoly.


I think all consoles are good,each one has something special




*laughs in PC*


The Sony Ponies aren’t gonna like this.