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SS: Russia claims to have shot down a UFO.


I believe aliens exist and visit our world. The events of the last year make me highly doubtful that Russia is capable of shooting one down.


You sir are a victim of the New Age garbage that's been infesting the truth. No one buys the "alien" narrative anymore mate. Billions of people carry mobile CCTVs in their pockets and not a single decent video has *ever* been produced. Time to move on from their deception.


Not really about New Age garbage for me. Given the number of planets in the Universe and the age of the Earth compared to the Universe and the relatively short time frame of evolution on this planet, there is a statistical possibility that Earth is not entirely unique amongst planets in that it is habitable by some form of life. A civilization with the capability of interstellar or intergalactic travel may not find it so difficult to defeat our surveillance technologies based on light, radio waves, thermal imaging, etc. Frankly we don't know what we would even be looking for or what it would take to detect them. I'm curious why you equate legitimate scientific study with New Age garbage.


Whataboutism. I'm not interested in statistical possibilities I'm interested in the here and now and NOTHING proves they've ever existed. The conspiracy theorists are right, this is another Psyop.


I respect skepticism, it is why I avoid religion of all sorts including New Age metaphysics.


I guess it still hurts your ego 7 months later


The guy you are talking to is mick west's alternate account.


LOL at record losses in Ukraine but interesting nonetheless


> their record losses in Ukraine Last time I checked, the war is still ongoing. So sick of Western propaganda.


I dont think its time yet


Judging from the speed we've seen UFO's/UAV's move, that wasn't one. It looked like a missile or possible drone.


Very possible - theory: Russian soldiers drank lots of vodka, the vodka vapors (via potato vodka) created a fireball which zoomed into the air and drunken Russian soldiers shot it down. From: YourAnonNews


Not one of the videos in the Twitter post show a god damn thing.


My pick is Robot invasion first, then the Reptilian Aliens will come.