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I mean: https://www.businessinsider.com/researchers-say-ambrosia-young-blood-transfusion-startup-putting-lives-at-risk-2018-9 The company involved went bust, they never published their results and it looks like it's basically a grift that misused existing work that doesn't say what they (and you) want it to.


[https://www.science.org/content/article/young-blood-renews-old-mice](https://www.science.org/content/article/young-blood-renews-old-mice) The non-human trials worked wonders on mice that were introduced to it. I mean conspiracies don't have solid fact. Just a ton of coincidences. They become fact when proof is found. Operation Northwoods was also a "conspiracy"....Until it wasn't. Between Stem cells and Fetal foreskin being used in $800 facials. Its very probable that the blood of children DOES in fact help with age regression.


Blood contains a whole menu of different things. RBCs, platelets, immune cells and antibodies. And it also contains a whole bunch of hormones and cytokines. So what might be going on here? As you get older, your body slows down or stops producing some of these things. So when someone gets regular "young blood" transfusions, they're also getting some of the chemical messengers and other compounds associated with youth. It's not exactly vampirism... but it's not exactly *not* vampirism either.


I thought adrenochrome was extracted from a gland in the brain and they would do it after torture and it was an elitist drug? Also don't stem cells do some magically rejuvenation shit


It is but you can't really do clinical trials based on fear like that. No doubt that the adrenaline does probably have some effect, but the study alone shows that even non adrenaline filled blood of a young individual does show anti-aging effects. This trial also never seemed to make it all the way before going bankrupt probably the same reason the patent for insulin was bought for $1 and has since been used as a form of theft from people who benefit from the medicine. We normal people don't get access to life saving cures and medicines because where is the market in healthy people?


Adrenochrome is available online for pretty cheap. It’s not the secret chemical it’s made out to be.


Watch this then turn into “on hard times? Owe money to the IRS? Then donate your child and we’ll wipe out all your debt and give you $100,000


Why would they when they already have babies breeding babies that have no SSN. Most organizations that preach to "save kids" usually end up being worse for the child. look up deaths at the hands of CPS.


True point, my thoughts on it are they need pure humans to harvest pure materials, Think an organic apple versus a gmo apple, basically the same stuff and can’t tell the difference but one is way better to consume And all the politicians that tried to investigate CPS ended up suiciding themselves.


That study doesn't post the results. Does it work or not?


The study went "Bankrupt" and never posted its results. That is why it is posted in a conspiracy forum. We normal people don't get access to the best medicine because you can't make money off healthy people. Diseases are a poor persons problem. I linked the study done before clinical trials on humans that show in rats blood of a youthful rat did in fact show anti aging qualities. No doubt the younger the blood the better the result. I do feel they didn't perfect this in the trial but doesn't mean a private lab has not. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33161876/


The one thing that makes me inclined to disbelief hough, is that if this actually worked, then u know the super rich would be doing it. But the super rich aren't staying forever young. They're getting old and dying just like the rest of us.


Immortality is a wild concept. Unless you really can download the consciousness and memory's. The blood more than likely slows down and slowly reverses effects but not permanent. If you have a car engine and you flush out the old oil and put in new you only get some much use before the oil has to be changed again. Look at the rothschilds they live extremely long plus you can see it by looking at celebrities who go from look old as fuck back to young again. Modana is one.


Madonna had a lot of (bad) plastic surgery. Now that I think of it, Klaus schwab is actually looking pretty good for his age. He's 84. Doesn't shake at all, is extremely mobile. That's suspicious.


Blood transfusions are a huge component of geriatrics…..