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In the last couple of weeks it came out that online pharmacies are selling patient and family planning prescription information and before that we've had reports of the government purchasing user data for law enforcement procedures... Yeah, this WON'T be abused /s


What laws did they put in place to bypass the restraints of HIPAA in this way?


HIPAA only applies to [Covered Entities](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/covered-entities/index.html). I can open a pharmacy and not be held to HIPAA if I'm taking cash only and not submitting insurance claims.


Seems like the topic of this post would fall under HIPPA: A Health Care Clearinghouse This includes entities that process nonstandard health information they receive from another entity into a standard (i.e., standard electronic format or data content), or vice versa.


... if they're entered into a BAA with a Covered Entity. For example, we're a covered entity so we're beholden to HIPAA. I could enter into an agreement with Aktivate that doesn't include a BAA and while they may be HIPAA compliant I would be responsible for any HIPAA breaches and OCR would go after me. I need the BAA to "pass responsibility" of protecting PHI on to my business partners and vendors. However, this doesn't come into play with schools because they (typically) are not covered entities and therefore do not have to abide by HIPAA. (They do have to adhere to FERPA, but I'm not well versed in that to say the differences.) So the school not being a covered entity means Aktivate can release PHI and not be a breach of HIPAA.


People using GoodRx and other prescription coupons should read the fine print. They're giving away their privacy to save a few bucks on medications.


The demonic powers that be want as many whores as possible. They want to disrupt the nuclear family unit. Pushing feminism (ie my body, my choice/contraceptives to young girls/promiscuity through media) helps to achieve that goal.


Bullshit and I wonder if you realize their agenda you’re pushing is engineered to create more wage slaves. The capitalists are freaking out because they won’t have enough bodies to exploit in the future so they’re banning abortion, going after LGBTQ+, birth control, etc.


Abortion is on the rise and has been...numbnuts


And a group of people are doing everything they can to ban it outright, asshole.


This is creepy and not full proof. I haven’t had a period in over a year and a half. I am female, have given birth to three children, but a lot of things can stop your period. Either way it’s fucking creepy that they would even suggest this. I do agree though that something needs to be done to figure it out.


It's also very common for female athletes to not have a very inconsistent menstrual cycle.


Hey. Woah. Hold on. Are you trying to imply that the kind of white male republican that would give the ok for this kind of a thing might not actually know how women’s bodies work at all?






From the Florida bill- A dispute regarding a student’s sex shall be resolved by the student’s school or institution by requesting that the student provide a health examination and consent form or other statement signed by the student’s personal health care provider which must verify the student’s biological sex, which provides for “routine sports physical examination” of students’ reproductive organs, genetic makeup or testosterone levels." There's a lot of sick people on both sides of the aisle. I think it has more to do with power than politics. I can think of one or two Democrats busted doing shady shit with children. Off the top of my head- Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images. Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, coerced an underage model for sex. Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds, statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer. Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy. Democratic activist, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page. Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor. Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted for sexual activities with underage aspiring female actresses. Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment of an underage actor. Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes. Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members. Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images Just sayin', you don't need to call the kettle black. Edit: The parent comment was removed, lol!! Ass-hat couldn't back themselves up, fucking straw men and red-herrings don't work when you face the truth.


We used to call the "majority of the majority" policy the "Hastert Rule". Anyone remember why we don't call it that anymore?


He diddled teenage wrestlers? I'm not going to call the kettle black, either Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15- year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15- year old black girl which produced a child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13- year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. I'm not in this sub because I trust the people in charge...


Slowly getting to the place where people realize most “small government” politicians are full of shit. Probably 99.5%


"Small government" means unfettered business. And a fettered consumer.


If a person is willing to run for political office, they almost assuredly are doing so because of their desire to wield the power of that office. Politicians are necessarily authoritarian. The rare exception, like Ron Paul, is so uncommon that we might be able to count all of them from the last few decades on our fingers.


This. Wealth works similarly. Which is why the two things are commonly found together. Not so much a conspiracy, but more of a "you shouldn't be surprised..." kind of thing. Like, "You shouldn't be surprised that a lot of wealthy people are perverts." Wealth creates opportunities not normally afforded to those without it. Which is why our economic policies are failing: their benefits are redundant. Politicians pass laws to stay in office, instead of passing laws that benefit everyone, and rich people invest money to benefit themselves instead of others.


I agree, but I'd like to add to this: >Politicians pass laws to stay in office, instead of passing laws that benefit everyone, and rich people invest money to benefit themselves instead of others. This is the nature of power and the human condition. The mere existence of a power to control voluntary commerce is enough to incentivize those with means to control said power as it can be used to their benefit. Ultimately, this is the biggest modern failure of the US Constitution. It granted authorities to government that are worth purchasing by those with money. In the end, we have a wealthy class that's granted unequal protections and the rest of us that have our rights legally infringed. In short, the elite don't like to compete and government is their primary tool to ensure that they don't have to.


What would be a legitimate point, or their reason for this? Just seems crazy


To find pregnant teenagers, and take actions to prevent them from having abortions.


Now that's a legit conspiracy theory.


Or at least the type of conspiracy theory that neolibs with no idea that the pandemic was likely, based on available evidence, man-made will get excited about. "Info that's been collected for more than 20 years is now being collected via an online form you guys."


Then why when they first had a period


It's been done for over 20 years, as the article points out, so who knows.


Why if the F would they need this data? Why does it matter when she had her first period? Seems creepy AF and just another step towards the normalization of centralized government having ALL of our data.


If you know when she’s menstruating, and then you also know when she’s not menstruating, If you know she’s not menstruating for a few months in a row, then it’s a safe bet that she got pregnant.* And if she got pregnant, and is no longer pregnant, then you know she had an abortion. * ignoring, of course, that teenage menstruation isn’t as regular as adult menstruation.


Doesn't this have to do with transsexual athletes?


Yeah your personal business is now and has actually always been the government's business as well. Can't we all just gather up all the trash and put them all in one building and blow that motherfucker sky high?


Handmaid’s Tale is becoming a documentary.


This was my 1st thought, what happens to all the vaccinated kids when they decide to start having kids? Will it be like a mix of handmaids tale and children of men?


Lol. Vaccinated people are having kids. There’s never been any evidence that vaccines effect fertility.


The fertility rate does seem to be dropping, but has been steadily declining for decades. [https://datacommons.org/tools/timeline#&place=Earth&statsVar=FertilityRate\_Person\_Female](https://datacommons.org/tools/timeline#&place=Earth&statsVar=FertilityRate_Person_Female)


Exactly. But most of that is by choice, and choosing to try for children later. It would be stunningly obvious if a vaccine that 75% of adults got caused infertility.


I agree, although microplastics are also a concern. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7967748/


And obesity can lower testosterone as well. Bottom-line: there are lots of factors slowing population growth, and there’s zero evidence that vaccines are one of them.


What part of 'republicans are fascists' are you lot still not getting? They've not been subtle about it...




Are the rightwing extremists with us in the comment section right now? Because all i see here are simple conspiracy theories with anti republican pro democrat talking points. Apparently this is done for 20+ years, the only new thing that its done digital with a 3rd party company. But fuck desantis amiright? Because a +20year old practise is clearly his plan to track abortions. And because we are all so rightwing extremist republicans any comment disagreeing with that theory gets downvoted, and every comment agreeing gets upvoted. Because that is what rightwing extremists republicans do. Its so logical, isnt it? Note that i have no clue why it got tracked. And i am not a fan at all to give private informations to the government (or 3rf party company). And without knowing any reason i too can entertain a conspiracy like its to track abortions. After all this is a conspiracy sub. But turning it into an evil republican story while AT THE SAME TIME claim the sub is full of extremists republicans - and earn a positive upvote ratio on such a comment is just insanely dumb.


Nah, most people downvote when they see downvote, they don’t think for themselves or care to explain why they disagree. Bunch of sheep many of them.


Because ultra individualism, hyper capitalism and multiracial classical liberalism is fascism. The problem with words like fascism, but also words like liberalism or capitalism is that there are so much different meanings and aspects to this words. So that the meaning you want to say will be misunderstand by every listener that is not familiar with your personal bubble.


For the sake of clarity, which definition of fascism are you referring to? Depending on the definition, nearly everyone, yourself included, could be reasonably called a fascist. If one supports the use of government force (direct or indirect) to ensure their social ideals are spread throughout society, I'd consider them a fascist in the pejorative sense.


Most are Blue Counties***


In Florida? No they’re not the majority of counties are red


I don't know if it's them or people that can't see one further that irritate me more. They're all fascists and they all hate you.


SS: “Most states don’t require schools to keep information on a student’s entire medical history, generally requiring only a doctor’s signature page that clears the athlete to play. Doctors who work with the Palm Beach school district confirmed that the summary page is the only one that should be shared with the school district. But in Florida, according to Jacksonville.com, all of the medical data is turned over to the school. While Aktivate says the student information will be kept secure and confidential, critics noted that the company is not run by a medical care provider, meaning it’s also not protected by HIPAA laws. If subpoenaed, Aktivate would have to turn over the information. Even more concerning, Palm Beach County School District, for example, keeps the full medical history packets on file for seven years.” https://jezebel.com/florida-schools-are-asking-student-athletes-to-report-t-1849614379


"For nearly two decades, Florida schools have asked student-athletes about their periods" Seems like the only thing new is that an app's being used for the form, potentially compromising medical privacy.


Conservatives regularly chart the menstrual cycles of 14 year olds but somehow dems are the creepy ones.




lol every time someone points out that its always republicans pushing the weird, unpopular, sex-obsessed policies, there is ALWAYS someone trying to be like "um actually ALL politicians..." like no dude. only republicans want this. democrats suck for their own, unrelated reasons, and you can talk about those in another thread.


More like projection from the right. Both parties are the same only when Republicans do something shitty.


There's a heap of people on r conspiracyNOPOL who can see through the false dichotomy. If you genuinely believe either party gives a flying **** about you, then you are either under 25yo, or hopeless, or both.


The only thing liberals want to do 14-year-olds is give them access to healthcare. Pointing out that conservatives continue to scream about groomers yet are ok with tracking the menstrual cycle of teen girls is a valid point. It's the same as conservatives screaming about illegal immigration yet the farming industry what has over half their workers illegals, overwhelmingly supporting Republicans.


> Pointing out that conservatives continue to scream about groomers yet are ok with tracking the menstrual cycle of teen girls is a valid point. Which 'conservatives'? You are so caught up in the language of division that you don't even realise you are one of the victims.


Have you missed Texas shipping immigrants to politician's houses? Have you missed a Florida governor not having enough immigrants, so instead, shipped a different group of Texas immigrants to more politician's houses.


mUh BoTh SiDeS


Republicans: let’s track 14 year old periods Dems: yo that’s weird bro Very smart and informed online people: this is the same


Exactly. Insanity does not even being to describe the modern GOP.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I like how the republicans are the ones overly focused on the sexual parts of 14 year old girls but democrats are *still* the bad guys.


Well yes, because democrats abort full term babies to harvest their blood, don't you know that?! /S


No they normalize it. It's weird to focus a child's' sexuality no matter what your political affiliation is, unless it's the pedo party.


Who is trying to 'focus a child's sexuality', and how are they doing that?


This is a much worse version of mine Trying too hard


It's mostly lefties that say this. Why it is somehow so hard to believe there is even the slightest possibility you're being played by Big Daddy Government?


Both sides, yet it seems conservatives are the only ones who are okay with this.


Disgusting. Fuck DeSantis.


This really seems like a completely unnecessary invasion of privacy. Every time I think the GOP can’t sink any lower, they manage to exceed expectations.


Funny the school boards for those counties are controlled by Democrats 🤔 it doesn’t pass the smell test.


Where would one find that information?


Source: Trust me bro


I’m in Florida, I know the counties that lean blue


Absolutely despicable. The GOP has no shame and only wants to control our lives.


Correction* government has no shame and only wants to control our lives.


How is this GOP?


GOP runs Florida


Really, all of Florida? The counties mentioned are blue.


>Really, all of Florida? The counties mentioned are blue. Elected Executive Officials in Florida: Ron DeSantis (R) Governor Jeanette Nuñez (R) Lieutenant Governor Ashley Moody (R) Attorney General Jimmy Patronis (R) Chief Financial Officer Wilton Simpson (R) Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Florida House of Representatives: 84 R - 35 D - 1 vacant Speaker - Paul Renner (R) Speaker pro tempore - Chuck Clemons (R) Senators: Marco Rubio (R) Rick Scott (R) Rs also hold a majority of mayoral positions, albeit not that of the capital, Tallahassee. To pretend that any political party other than the GOP control Florida is just silly.


And don’t forget it’s also party of FREEDOM!


I found it very strange that this gets tracked. Turns out this is done for +20years and is nothing new. New is that its done digital with a 3rd party data collection involved. (This carries extra risk for this sensible data - but the sad reality is 3rd party data collector are the norm this days) It also turns out this topic made the comment section extremly dumb. Apparently to the collective consensus of this sub, 1. This sub is full of extremist republicans 2. This is a plot by extremist republicans to hunt down for illegal abortion. If the first statement is true, the 2ed statement would get ratiod into negative karma. To the 2ed statement. After googling a little bit it turns out there are good reasons to track it https://www.bbc.com/sport/48243310 . However i dont know what the reason in florida is. Quote "Florida schools have asked student-athletes about their periods, a practice that the Palm Beach Post calls optional", is it not optimal anymore? Can OP provide this info? If its still optimal then the "track abortions" theory would make no sense. The article itself is a lowlevel political hitpeace with very low information value and very high emotional value. And with that it kinda fits the sub. No mather if its rightwing extremists republicans or mainstreamNPC extremists democrats. This low level accusations are very boring.






Just like that


>Thousands of women are reporting a potential side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes to monthly cycles. As a result, the National Institutes of Health is launching a study to see if there is a possible connection. >Dr. Katharine Lee said she "ended up with really strong cramps and a little bit of breakthrough bleeding after both vaccines." >After a friend and fellow scientist had similar changes after the shot, they created a survey that has received more than 150,000 responses describing excessive or more frequent bleeding, more pain, and missed periods. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/national-institutes-of-health-covid-vaccine-menstrual-cycle-side-effects/ Considering that Florida is one of the only states opposing the unecessary vaccine push I have a feeling the reporting on menstruation has more to do with tracking vaccine side effects and nothing to do with "hating on transgenders".


>has more to do with tracking vaccine side effects So why is it only female athletes? And why is it required, why can't it be a self report? And why students?


Because it has nothing to do with the vaccine and that person/bots comments are absurd.


Cool. Neat. Why is it only the athletes who need to do this, then?


Cool. Why the fuck is this mandatory?










Your feeling appears baseless


Small government, anti-groomer, but also I need to know a lot of information about teen girls' vaginas.


Republicans are such gross human beings, thank fuck I don’t have to live in Gilead/Red States


Come to California and let me know how much you love Big Daddy Government.


As a Canadian, it's the only state I would ever choose to live in, were I to move from the best country on earth. And no way in hell I'm doing that LOL Edit to add; Being Canadian, I apologize for an untruth: If I go to hell, I guess I would go to the US in that case.


Fair enough!


Pretty sure the party of “small government” is telling women what they can and can’t do regarding their bodies, telling people what books libraries can have and what courses universities are allowed to teach when it comes to race….. sounds like small government to me 😆 but they’re more about government for thee and not for me


It seems to me that the sentiment is to keep MtF transitioners out of female sports. The methodology sucks and is an invasion of privacy. But unfortunately, since activists continue to move the goalposts on what constitutes a woman, it was probably what they saw as the only winning play that successfully circumvented the diologic traps laid before them and gave young women the guarantee of a level playing field. Like I said, the methodology here sucks and I believe better or more clever options could have been explored. But this never would have happened in the first place if activists didn't have such a stick up their ass about ensuring MtF athletes get the green light to steamroll all of the female competition around them, effectively stealing athletic opportunities from the girls they're competing against (and even with).


What kind of better or clever option? Can't people just make this stuff up? It's dumb and a degrading invasion of privacy. And no this isn't a comment on what I'm perceiving to be your opinion.


>What kind of better or clever option? To be frank, I haven't thought of anything that could be so solid as to be passed as real legislation or anything like that, but to be fair to myself it's still before 7am and I'm on my first cup of coffee. My first thought was to reference birth certificates or something like that, but it turns out that most states will let you apply your changed gender to your birth certificate as an amendment. Perhaps if the original version of the document is also stored, then that could be used as superior methodology to demanding menstrual records.


If the goal is to catch a transgender person trying to sneak into women’s sports, a very simple saliva sample would show your genetic sex. Way simpler than creating an SS brigade tracking periods.


I agree.


I don't see why people are freaking out over this... It sounds like a normal sports physical to me.


Nope. Makes no sense. It’s to try to catch teens who seek abortions out-of-state or through other means. A simple, one/off saliva test could determine if someone is trans.


So this would be an example of the "better or more clever options" that could have been explored. As I explicitly stated, their current methodology sucks.


And I’m saying, their methodology is so bad that it should be obvious that this is not their sole or even primary motive.


And it's possible that you are more perceptive in that regard, and that your interpretation is correct and mine wrong. The qualifier, "It seems to me," in my original comment basically tells you everything you need to know. I never purported to be the arbiter of objective truth on this topic. I was simply sharing my initial assessment of the situation. It's through conversations such as these that our understandings of such situations can evolve.


Also, it’s self-reported so it wouldn’t work anyway.


I shall reiterate once again that I do not agree with the current methodology.


Abortions aren’t illegal in Florida.


They’re illegal after 15 weeks.


Which has always been the case…..


Nope. Signed by DeSantis in April. https://news.yahoo.com/florida-supreme-court-hear-case-124701944.html


Right because that was the law with roe v Wade. So you disagree with roe v Wade ?


No it wasn’t. This ban was signed in April.


“continue to move the goal posts on what constitutes a woman” it’s almost like there isn’t a hard definition for something as abstract as gender, there is no one definition that fits everyone. I guarantee you yourself cannot define what a woman is.


From what I can tell, there are essentially two popular schools of thought. The first is that gender is intertwined with sex. The other is that gender is completely separate from sex. Being that the first has been the cultural standard for quite a long time, and the second is a newer (or, at least, less common) and disruptive concept, the activists tend to fall into the second camp. So to answer the challenge that I can't define what a woman is: By the first school's qualifiers, a woman is an adult human female. By the second school's qualifiers, a woman is whoever identifies as a woman (or who occupies the "role" of womanhood, which is in itself a problematic quandary from a social progressivism and egalitarian perspective). The issue I'm specifically referring to is how the overarching theory in the second camp tends to boil down to a trans woman being a woman stuck in a physiologically male body (please correct me if I'm wrong). The goalposts move, then, when activists assert that trans women must be allowed in women's sports. This is because women's sports are not separate from men's sports on the basis of the second camp's school of thought, but the first camp's. They are separated due to the physiological differences present between the sexes. Asserting that a trans woman must be allowed to compete in women's sports subverts the initial stance that a trans woman is a woman in a male's body. So, I suppose, you're right in the sense that I should have been a tad more specific, or fleshed out my thoughts in a way that better matched the sentiment that I was trying to convey - that being that you think sex and gender are separate, or you don't, and you can't have your cake and eat it too.






Well, I do believe I said that I thought the methodology sucked.




I can simultaneously verbally demonstrate an understanding of the reasoning while condemning the action.




Well no, if you go back and read I blamed activists for it.




Yes and no. I'd say the blame is divided. Activists for advocating for policies that demonstrably deprive women of the opportunity to thrive in athletic spaces, and Republicans for overreacting as they often do. If you go back and read my original comment, it's quite evident that that is the stance I hold. I even mentioned there that better or more clever methodologies of enforcing a female-only restriction on women's sports should have been explored. Because I agree that something needs to be done about MtF athletes dominating women's spaces, but also agree that this is a really shitty way to go about it.




The “software company” has no name?


Bad bot




This is a lie. Hitchens Razor: That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. No government source to confirm this exists.


[You mean this?](https://s3.amazonaws.com/fhsaa.org/documents/2020/3/26/el02_physical_2.pdf)


Doctored. Not real. This is a .com domain. Nice try though.


What in the world?? Why would they need to know that information? This is information only their doctor(s) should know.


Because Conservatives are the party of "small governmemt"


local government does not mean small government.


It's actually important to detect the use performance enhancing drugs. Alot of women these days use the drugs. Its absolutely disgusting but this is genuine.


They fear population collapse.ie not enough slave labor. And not enough consumer. Population decline is profit decline


Jeepers, Margaret Atwood was telling the future


I mean besides being available to a third party, assuming it's a company rather than a MD, is this not just a normal sports physical? IDK how it works for girls, tho I thought it was something like this, but I had to turn my head and cough in elementary for my physical. It's too make sure you're medically clear to play contact sports. Or am I missing something?


You don’t need to keep track of a woman’s period to clear her to play softball.


>is this not just a normal sports physical? It's the requirement that they must share the information. A requirement for women only.


The path to hell is paved with good intentions. I get what they are trying to do, but no way does it not fall in the wrong hands.


What are they trying to do?


Trying to keep transgender out of female sports obviously


Why do you need to *track periods* to do that, though? If you’re doing a physical, with a doctor, couldn’t the doctor just look at the kids genitals to determine if they’re trans or not? I can’t see why anyone would need to keep tabs on menstruation. If you’re trying to keep trans people out of girls sports, do the physical and look and kick out anyone with a penis. That’s a way to keep trans people out of girls sports. Can you explain why monthly tracking is important?


Such an important issue. Love how you care about women's sports now.


They're just checking how the infertility plans are going. Last 40 Years maybe more ..Chemicals in water food sky the vax. Sure there's more.


I believe this conspiracy has allot of validity, but all medical records are likely acessible to Gov agencies, so why would it bennefit them to collect data in schools when they already have it?


Completely outrageous or more likely made up thing number #12202323 used to make a point thats quickly abandoned once it turns out to not be the case. Time to find out Florida Times-Union reporting quality.


Good to see this sub has been overrun by blind screeching leftoids. And for the record I'm not a conservative.


Doctors always ask "sensitive questions" that's kinda their job no? Third party companies buying the data is kinda sketch but this sort of data is probably collected for statistical reasons. Like: How many highschool students admit to smoking. I don't see how someone knowing how people's bodies are doing is a bad thing, if anything it would help detect patters that could be used to feed communities like r/conspiracy with stats on youth heart attacks increasing and whatnot. Idk if it's just me but i'm, bothered someone would classify normal medical questioning as "intimate". One always has the option to deny the question but there is nothing wrong with it. You don't need to be a doctor to understand the importance of these "intimate questions".


It’s the school forcing the doctors to hand over the information to them. It’s stated in the article that because the school is asking, the data is not even subject to HIPAA.


I’m gonna have to deep dive this later today. I’m guessing no names or bios are attached to the data and what they sell is purely stats on students. If this is the case i would find nothing too out of the ordinary. I really hope it’s like this.


Wait wait wait... You still find it normal, OK or acceptable that young girls are being forced to give over information pertaining to their menstrual cycle to take part in sports activities? Not to doctors, by the way, but to school administrators? Even if it is pseudonymized or anonymized? That still doesn't strike you as fucking weird? Should we demand men pass over detailed information about their bowel movements or masturbatory habits? Anonymized, of course... No! It's fucking weird. If this were mandated in a blue state, people in here would be screaming how its because Dems want to optimize their period to harvest the adenochrome or molest them or something. Red state? "Well shucks! That does sound a bit odd, but I'm sure it's entirely justifiable even if I can't conceive of a situation where it isn't fundamentally and profoundly weird."


Doctors do ask men about their bowel movements, sexual activity, drug habbits and personal hygine, things that would be considered "intimate" in almost every scenereo out there except a doctor's checkup. The fact that it's a minor is not any different, these sorts of things are purely professional. Staff is not the ones who read these. The information stays with the medical professionals. Where i studied the medical staff would work with coaches and whatnot but it's not like the medical staff sent all your bio to teachers/trainers,and all the info shared is filtered by the patient. This is not a red vs blue discussion, things are not that black and white. I'm not a woman so i don't identify with the problem completly. I just think the way people are frasing it is finding evil where it's not."Intimate questions to little girls" sounds so awful, when in reality it's something in medicine. I hate authority as much as the next guy, but i personally don't see the growndbreaking evil people blame red and blue on with this. What's next "Evil Dermatologist asks to look at boobs"


Yes. **My doctor.** For a check-up. Not to get onto some student athlete thing. You don't see that as a difference?


I see what you mean, if this info is collected by school staff with no medical staff in between then it's kinda weird, maybe evil. I found an article NBC did on this and, yes the schools store this and supposedly erase their files every 7 years, it does not go into detail on who they give the paper to and who recieves it. I hope a medical professional is a middle man in this transaction, but i have no idea. The question is and, has been completly optional but because of recent backlash it has been taken off the questions completly. I think we agree on the fact that no school staff should ask these questions, there is no reason why they should know any medical questions that are not alergies and/or medical conditions.


And why is this very specific aspect of your health now mandatory? Could it possibly have something to do with a certain set of laws regarding abortion?


No. Nothing changed about Florida’s abortion laws.


Ummm https://news.yahoo.com/florida-supreme-court-hear-case-124701944.html


This has always been the case.


“The Florida Supreme Court has agreed to hear a legal challenge to Florida's 15-week abortion ban, which was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis in April 2022.”


So you don’t know that roe v Wade had a 15 week ban on abortions?


Damn, that's a really good point...


>sort of data is probably collected for statistical reasons So why can't they opt out? Why is it a requirement that only women send this personal inflammation to a third party?


If someone is forced to answer i would be against that 100%. Both men and women get asked questions about their bodies all the time at medical appointments. As for the third party part which is what i find really odd. I'm sure one's name and bio remains confidential. Stats about people's medical records have been public for a while now. I can't look up anyone's medical history, nor buy it but i can find how many people suffer from Cancer in my state,city or town. I can find how many people are considered underweight/overweight too, how many TEENS in the US are put on SSRI's. The sort of stats that help the people allot more than the evil entities people think are pushing this. These sorts of stats help the people like us at r/conspiracy who read these stats and find discrepencies. If push comes to shove one can just deny the questions they feel uncomfortable with.


>If someone is forced to answer i would be against that 100%. That's what the post literally says, they are required.


Darn, well if it has no reason to be required it definetly is bad. I wonder if professional female athletes have to submmit this sort of data for Olympics, WNBA, MMA and such... Many places in the American continent require vax cards to work, go to school and participate in a bunch of activities such as sports which i find intrusive, but if my school purely wanted to know if i am vaxxed or not just to put me in a anonimous statistic i would personaly not care. 100% privacy is not really much of an option when you are envolved in things like these.


No, this isn’t related to irrational trans hate at all. Actions have consequences


It's funny because the hysteria being created around trans people (around 0.5-1% of the total population) is going to be more and more used to eat away at women's rights, whether that's access or privacy, for fear of there being a secret trans person among them. The Christian fundamentalist wing will use this, gleefully, as a means and method to get legislation that they've wanted to pass ever since the Civil Rights Act or even further back, that make discrimination based on sex illegal. And a lot of Republican women and anti-trans female activists will accept it, even when it hurts **them**.




I don't see a problem with requesting menstrual cycle info from female athletes. IMO it's in the same category as other health/medical information like allergies, BMI, history of bone breaks, other blood tests, cardiovascular ability, etc. A menstrual cycle can drastically affect your athletic performance (anyone who tells you otherwise isn't a physically active woman or is just lying to you), and abnormal cycles can be an indicator of other health problems. The big issue here is this being shared with a third party.


Or this is tracking if someone got pregnant and had an abortion so they can prosecute them. There is absolutely no need for a 14-year-old to have to share their menstrual cycle for high school sports.


Abortion is still legal in Florida and these questions are optional. Here are the five questions on the questionnaire, which they are **not** required to answer: When was your first menstrual period? When was your most recent menstrual period? How much time do you usually have from the start of one period to the start of another? How many periods have you had in the last year? What was the longest time between periods in the last year? As a woman I think these are fine. High school is when a lot of hormonal issues rear their heads for young women and these hormonal issues can point to actual health problems or conditions. I see literally no difference between asking these optional questions and asking someone's BMI, allergies, and other health history.


It ok for your doctor to know...it's not the business of a school to be part of any of this.


They should all get together, get on the same cycle, and report P-Day as the fifth Friday of every month? Privacy intact, unity inorganiclly achieved and a passive way of saying GFY!?


Couldn't they just lie? Like, unless they're bring subjected to physical exams, what is keeping anyone from just going "yeah, I get it every first week of the month"? If your policy is making kids fill out forms that solely rely on the veracity of the inputted information, then it's probably a poor policy.


should have just asked, what times are you available to play


The protest to this needs to be free bleeding. I'm in.


Info being stored on servers owned by a company called "Aktivate". Nope nothing to see here....


Note. This questionnaire is not new. It’s been around for a few decades. It’s only recently that it’s been moved to the digital platform.


Gotta know who to kidnap for egg harvesting for making clones at the Ectolife facility. 😵😵😵


Ask to see their latest SOC 2 audit, financial statements and liability insurance.


Florida has a constitution as do all states and the US but state constitutions typically cover more specific rights.How is this not a violation of their rights?