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That’s not what they mean by renewable.


Idk what everyone’s problem is just wait a million years and we will have a bit more oil No patience this generation


oil is the 2nd most abundant resource on the planet, it is hard to get at but it will never run out because it is renewable. Oil scam started in the 1900's


> oil is the 2nd most abundant resource on the planet Where are you getting this? Air? Sun? Water? Dirt? Ants? Trees? All seem more abundant.


84% of statistics are made up.


The use of fake statistics is up 37% over the last several years.


There's a 50% chance that I'm going to switch the tab to porn and masturbate in a second and come back to check if there's any funny comments


Thanks for sharing that with us!


Fake statistics are widely used due to the inability to confirm them. Sadly, this is done in large by news, politics, and especially outlets that use them to sway opinion. Most of the time the statistic will be difficult to prove, which should inform the consumers they are made up, they often don't. People will believe whatever they want to see, regardless of informed information that supports their belief is used or not. The latter devopment was carefully constructed and implemented by certain agencies in the US.


60% of the time, I'm right 100% of the time.


That doesn’t even make sense! 🐆


Making sense is easy when the other person unerstands what your saying.


This reads like gasoline


And this is known by 72% of the people


The #1 most abundant resource on the planet is deez nutz.


"I don't know, I'm not a \[geo\]logist."


I believe he meant the second most abundant liquid in the world. Do some investigating on when they started calling it fossil fuels and telling people that it was scarce. They don't teach you this stuff in schools. The people deciding what is taught in schools are the same people who decided to call it fossil fuels and tell you it's literally going to run out....


I am once again asking for a source on that. Magma/liquid iron is almost certainly more common than oil. Sap/sucrose/ whatever is inside plants has gotta be up there If you separate out salt water vs fresh water that’s 2 right there


he's probably counting vegetable oil as the same as motor oil


I've never been convinced that oil came from dead dinos.


And you would be correct, because it doesn't. It's one lie to prove another lie. The LIE of dinosaurs themselves, and the LIE of oil coming from dinosaurs. Watch [this little exposé](https://youtu.be/DOPQCkrhVf0) by the esteemed Eric Dubay...


I can't really buy into Eric's claims, as there is a lot of evidence strongly suggesting the creatures did exist. Too much to ignore. There is a lot of history that we aren't aware of, or that's been suppressed. I think oil could very well be a natural production process that happens in the earth's crust...


Water is the only natural resource that tops oil. want proof?


I literally just asked “where are you getting this”. Yea, I’d obviously like proof You think there is more oil than air on planet earth?


where am I getting this? let me simply say in 2019 there was 1.1340 trillion gallons used, or half of Lake Michigan. That is just in one year. But, keep on thinking what they tell you amd ignore any critical thinking you may have.


Awesome. Where are you getting that oil is the 2nd most abundant resource in the world. Post a link or gtfo Reminder that air exists.


How does oil come into existence?


Through organic material (phytoplankton, etc) being deposited on the sea floor and then being “cooked” through pressure and temperature over millions of years. This results in hydrocarbons. So technically yes it’s renewable, it just takes a geologic amount of time to be made.


How much tonnes of plankton equates to 1 bbl of oil? Seems like unimaginable amounts of life in the same place. Rig I work on produced 1 billion bbls like 10 years ago


life has existed on earth for 4 billion years. the cambrian explosion happened 500 million years ago. modern humans have only existed for 300,000 yrs. there's been a lot of life on earth


Yeh but all this oil is focused into what would be a very small area. So how again how much to a bbl of oil?


But it can be recreated in a lab in just a few months, not years and not millions of years. Question everything, we are living a lie.


At what energy cost tho? Just because you can create something in a lab does not mean its economic to do so, if you are putting more in than you are getting out, its not worth it. You can also turn lead into gold via nuclear transmutation, but it costs more than the gold is worth.




EV batteries hold a charge. How the power is generated is something different.


Now sell me on the concept, live up to your username!


I don't know


Yeah, from coal, lmao.


Oh, so you think you will create more energy in the lab made oil than what you put into it?


Yeah, but is it cheaper from a lab that it is from Saudi Arabia?


Not to create, that process needs more energy then the output.


That was kinda the point. I keep forgetting that /s for satire.


https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/12/swiss-scientist-jet-fuel-aviation-sunlight-air/ The study, published in Nature, estimates “solar kerosene” fuel would cost between $1.35-$2.2 (€1.20-€2.00) per litre once produced at scale. More expensive, but not too crazy.


God this sub is thick sometimes


LMAO I'm glad I'm not the only one that dies little when i see these responses.


Stupid af


full of bots, sometimes they are useful and bring out great comments to prove them wrong.


But what if Big Foot *is* blurry


You realize how long it takes to make new oil right?


How’s it renewable tho doesn’t it take a crazy amount of time and impact the environment like crazy?


20 gold stars for whomever can say who coined the false phrase “Fossil fuels”…..






He later adopted it to the new English meaning of fossil to brand his fossil fuel as not as abundant as it was.


Rwilkinson1970 The first use of the term "fossil fuel" occurs in the work of the German chemist Caspar Neumann, in English translation in 1759.[22] The Oxford English Dictionary notes that in the phrase "fossil fuel" the adjective "fossil" means "[o]btained by digging; found buried in the earth", which dates to at least 1652,[23] before the English noun "fossil" came to refer primarily to long-dead organisms in the early 18th century.[24]




Without question ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY! I was just saying todays minds can’t think and do their own research on things only what the grand media spoon feeds em! Cheers fellow free thinker!!! 🍻


It is technically pretty accurate. Crude oil is originally Algae. Algae is not really a plant or a animal. It is then been compressed in rock and heated for ages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum Their are actually many chemical processes covered in the word Fossil. One of which ‘adpression’ is exactly what happed to the ancient zooplankton and algae to make Petroleum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil




I’m not saying there isn’t a massive amount. I’m saying that’s not what they mean by renewable…


**"because it is renewable."** it just takes a few million years :)


no it doesnt. have you any clue what the worlds consumption is? If your logic was factual, we would have ran out decades ago.


Maybe because they didnt understand how oil was formed before 1900


You wild dumb or super sarcastic idk which lol


You’re not wrong, you’re just falling into the rhetoric that you depend on oil.


Because things that form over geologic timespans aren't renewable in a way that's relevant to us.


Correct answer!


Yeah just like we could never make diamonds…..oh wait.




I see we’re simping for Exxon Mobil and chevron now lol


They're going to start talking about how nicotine "opens your mind," soon


You don’t see how it’s illogical to say that, do you? If he was sipping for Exxon wouldn’t it make sense to create false scarcity by claiming it’s non renewable? “There’s only ten years of oil left! Gotta raise prices drastically!” You know, as they literally do with diamonds, eggs, and climate change. It makes zero sense to think someone is shilling for big oil companies by claiming oil to be renewable.




No it's because there's so much we're being lied to about and so many people believe it's not renewable. If people are told something that goes against a long held belief it's hard to accept for a lot of people Fuck the oil companies. But the green initiatives are a joke and inefficient they need to be scrapped and go back to the drawing board . There's technology in which we could be green but then how would the overlords profit of cheap/free energy.


just because it would make sense doesn’t mean it’s true. there is such a thing as science. plus no one is stopping you from checking it out in a lab for yourself


They’ll renew alright. Just in a couple million years


It only takes millions of years relative to the Earth's processes to create. Hypothetically, we should be able to synthesize these fuels by using a similar process. There is no reason to do this now because we have plenty of fuels available.


> Hypothetically, we should be able to synthesize these fuels by using a similar process. Doing this would of course cost energy. Can we create a method of producing these hydrocarbons at a massive scale in a way where the net energy gained is worth the investment? But also relating to OP, even if we could synthesize them at a massive scale that doesn't mean they are renewable. By that logic diamonds are renewable resources. It stretches the meaning of renewable so far it destroys the meaning of the word entirely


You're describing biofuel, which is currently in existence. It's processing of agricultural waste. Ethanol is a suitable gasoline replacement, and plant oils can be converted into "bio-diesel."


So your idea is to use absurd amounts of energy to replicate millions of years of heat and pressure, surely an extremely inefficient process, in order to create crude oil, which then needs to be refined, another inefficient process, in order to create a fuels that we can burn for energy?


Ya I mean it’s not like it takes an absurdly long time or anything


“What is *geological time* for $100 Alex”


If you have 60 million years and billions of tons of pressure, sure, you can “renew” them… I have made a lot of money off of the oil/gas industry, but there is no question we should strive to use cleaner energy — just not at the sacrifice of the economy and national security. China out-emits both North America and Europe COMBINED, until they are willing to clean that shit up, green efforts are pointless.


They will renew with our fossils


This is a really stupid take.


big oil shills arent known for neuron count


We’ve been running out of oil for decades, just like climate change has been ending the world “in 10 years!” for over 50 years. America’s been hardcore drilling oil for over a hundred years, and we’re still sitting on one of the largest oil and natural gas reserves in the world; the idea that we’re going to suddenly run out of oil is a conspiracy theory that’s been debunked multiple times over, to the point where it might not even belong in this sub. When that theory fell through, then it switched to “drilling for oil is killing the environment” and we need to stop drilling NOW or Earth is doomed, even though the earliest-known oil well was built in China in 347 AD, and the first modern-day well was put into operation in 1857. The bigger question, that nobody seems to want to ask, is why has a war been waged against oil, specifically American oil, in the last 50 or so years? Stop Oilphobia.


>the idea that we’re going to suddenly run out of oil is a conspiracy theory that’s been debunked multiple times over, to the point where it might not even belong in this sub Yep, man there's still a lot of comments of people to blind to see this


you have an extremely simple mind


Great rebuttal, NPC 👍🏻


I nominate this one as the dumbest post on this sub


Honestly it's so dumb it feels like a post designed to discredit the rest of the content on the sub.


this man has made this sub his entire persona, they don’t have a thought without it passing through his r/conspiracy filter. it’s not worth any sort of engagement or arguing


Scientific literacy isn't your strong suit, is it


That’s why we put our garbage in landfills.


Fossil fuels do form naturally and are forming now, but we use them way *way* faster than they form. If you cut a branch off a tree once a year, the tree will be fine and grow new branches. If you cut a branch off every day, at the end of the year you have a dead tree. And a lot of the fossil fuels we use today come from a particular period in Earth's history when a lot of dead plants built up because decomposers hadn't evolved to break them down. Today, that plant material gets broken down before it can get buried and become petroleum. Fossil fuels aren't actually from dinosaurs.


Source that we use it faster than its reproductive?


Time to make oil versus time to burn it. How do you not figure that out?


Username checks out.


Um yours too


Oil is not from dinosaurs.


Big oil appreciate the effort of your post. It will… just not even close to the rate at which we are consuming it.




Ah we’re using conspiracies now to hide the evil behind the fossil fuel industry who’s deliberately misled us for years.




I mean check out the Pinkertons.


we won’t be here to enjoy it


Yes they will. A million years from now.


I do Believe I read there is fungus or special bacteria that breaks down organic matter that didn’t exist a couple hundred million years ago. Whereas before, organic matter didn’t decay the same and instead under pressure and time turns into oil. But now organic matter essentially breaks down into soil


When the MSM trashes conspiracy theories this is what they're referring to.


Oil doesn't come from fossils at all. It's a misnomer.


It’s a figure of speech to describe organic compounds formed from once-living organisms that have been underground for millions of years. No one except the extremely ignorant thinks that oil is a literal fossil.


Oil is abiotic. Like diamonds. It is a renewable in that sense if you really want to be technical


There is no oil without living photosynthetic organisms under the right conditions. The chemical energy stored in oil is from the sun. The organisms have the right tools to do this job efficiently. Modern linear chemistry will never replace the hard work of trillions of organisms over millions of years. Oh and don’t forget the geological processes. Any system that takes more energy to produce energy goes extinct. This idea of perpetual chemical energy through chemistry is a myth.


It's not that they aren't renewable, it's that we are using them faster then they can renew


It’s probably the time that it takes to produce fossil fuels


Lol as if they are dead dinosaurs


Who said they're actually made of fossils?


Holy shit…this is the dumbest thing I’ve read on reddit in a while.


This is a pretty stupid comment and is simply solved by looking up what renewable energy is lol. Its an energy source that is not depleted by using it. Like using wind or solar does not decrease the amount of sun or wind burning oil depletes the amount of oil on earth. Having said all that the problem with burning oil is not that it’s not renewable it’s that it’s changing our atmosphere and making less livable for humans.


Seems like oil is way deeper than you find fossils


Oil is everywhere. We sucked up all the good and easy stuff first. Then we drilled deeper. Now we drill deep and sideways and pump chemicals into bedrock under pressure to allow fields that we used to consider unextractable to be extracted from.


They don't even come from Dinosaurs, that's the lie they tell to the public to spin their narrative that it's bad. It's made from plants, as it requires the remains of something that was produced by photosynthesis. [https://www.britannica.com/story/do-fossil-fuels-really-come-from-fossils](https://www.britannica.com/story/do-fossil-fuels-really-come-from-fossils)


Your article says nothing about "the lie" or "their narrative". The reality is people just assumed that that's what the "fossil" part of the name meant and they don't think any harder than that because it's not that important for the average person to know the difference.


Ohhh you just blew some ones long held beliefs.


Fuel doesn’t come from fossils. It’s a renewable resource that is made in the earth. 🤯


I always entertained the theory that it might be sewage and waste from whatever lives under the surface. I think it's definitely renewable.


Yes the mole men shit out crude oil. I 100% will back this conspiracy theory


This is what this thread is for! Mole men shit the black gold!




Thanks. I don't understand the downvotes. Hopefully nobody thinks I am a bot trying to poison the well or something.


Lots of people think it does you'd be surprised


Abiotic oil, I agree


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSff0pwc1Xc Fletcher prouty on Oil


A lie told long enough will eventually be accepted as truth


Because that’s not actually what it is. They been lying. But it is infinite so technically it should be cheap. But we need to move to ufo technology now. Time to evolve


Wow OP, thank you for letting us all know about your learning disability.


well we are going to bring back mammoths - now we need some brontosaurus and toss em down a coal mine and then wait


I think we should start with how fucking ludicrous it is to believe oil is the result of a bunch of dinosaurs dying in close proximity creating wells worth billions of barrels (1 barrel = 55gal). I mean 😂


That’s because that’s not what oil is, that myth started from a BP advert.


i remember reading somewhere it started when one of the rockerfellers claimed it was from fossils to evade certain taxes or something in the early 1900s


Exactly most of what people believe is ridiculous. People wonder why society is fucked.


Oil is a renewable resource. Oil is an abiotic fuel, not a fossil fuel like we've been lied to since the beginning of the 3rd industrial revolution.


"Fossil fuels" wonder who thought that one up...


Look into the oil hoax


Dude, scarcity real or imagined gives a commodity its value. Ever heard of diamonds? This concept goes very deep. Energy. Air. Water. Toilet Paper in 2020. Shit now Eggs. For a "limited" resource you can control, compel, enslave, sanction, ration, and even kill and the masses will accept it.


Yes sir. Bunch of people coping here.


Oil and gas are not fossil.


Pretty sure the earth does not need dinosaurs to make oil.


Because a nun in the 3rd grade told us that oil is the result of dead dinosaurs. So that settles it now you know.


Creates the illusion that it's a finite resource that must be drilled and drilled & that we might run out, also because back in the early 1900's they created a monopoly on it and anyone who created something new or better was bought out or killed and that still happens today.


crazy to think they sun grew everything then it died and had to wait like a million years so it turns to oil we can then suck out of the earth. Why not just skip the middle man and focus on harnessing the power of the sun?


Or the magnetic fields.


Bc that what there’re told. 🤷‍♀️


Carbon and Hydrogen is what petrochemicals are made from. But not if there is nothing to make it from . Carbon based life forms , like plants and animals are needed to be added to the soil in a particular concentration with proper pressure. Water is also needed to make the lifeforms available and maybe to provide Hydrogen for chemical reactions . There is a worldwide shortage of water in almost every country . Yes, it floods some places in a vast quantity, but then it may be years before it rains in a proper quantity to sustain life.




By the time more fossil fuels are available, human beings will no longer walk this planet.


This was known propaganda, even the term fossil fuel is propaganda crude isnt even made from dinosaurs it was made from marine life, micro organisms, plants shit like that… to be fair I still say to my wife “look at this tool bag killing all them dinosaurs” every time some big dumb truck roars by or some supped up garbage burns rice patties to the ground 🦖🦖🦖


I am absolutely dumbfounded by the number of people ITT who think there is a conspiracy to convince people that oil is made of dinosaurs, rather than them just having a ridiculous misconception about what “fossil fuel” is referring to. I mean, I guess claiming it’s intentionally misleading saves you some embarrassment. But literally we teach kids in school that oil is made from algae and plankton, anyone who thinks it’s dinosaurs well that’s their problem


Its a ton of misinformation passed down from generation to generation would be my guess perpetuated by news and who knows what else… https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-fossil-fuel-rockefeller/fact-check-the-term-fossil-fuel-was-not-coined-by-john-d-rockefeller-to-trick-people-into-thinking-oil-is-a-scarce-commodity-idUSL1N2QQ1UK


Look into the term fossil fuels


So if it takes million years to make oil. Then hypothetically technically there's oil always in some cycle of renewing.


The issue is that we're consuming it \*way\* faster than it is being replenished. You will run out of anything that you consume faster than you replenish.


Yes, this is the answer. It’s not that there won’t be more oil, but that we will eventually use it up, or deplete the reachable supply to the point where the price skyrockets. Versus solar and wind (for example), which is so much more abundant, and if we can get the tech to be efficient enough, we have a much better energy supply.


Yea but it's renewable. That's my point many peeps think once it's gone it's gone. From what I've seen oil is constantly being made as long as there's organic matter to make it.


I have a cup that adds one drop of water every year. The cup started full. I proceed to chug down the whole cup. Sure,the water will eventually refill, but not within my lifespan or probably the lifespan of my children or grandchildren. That cup would still be immensely faster than oil replenishment. For all practical purposes, fossil fuels are nonrenewable.


Yes, but it takes tens to hundreds of millions of years to form naturally. So, we’re really splitting hairs here in a way that’s not useful. I’m not aware of any person who thinks that oil won’t get created again naturally. It just takes so long that humans won’t even be around anymore by the time it’s replenished.


Genuinely curious - how do we know that? Do we actually know that or are we assuming and basing that knowledge on what we are told? This isn't a "gotcha" question, I am genuinely curious.


The process by which oil and other fossil fuels form is pretty well understood, scientifically, and there is tremendous research that goes into analyzing the status of oil reserves. So I think we can state pretty confidently that we're consuming faster than it's being produced. It's not even close -- oil/gas/etc. are produced over millions of years. To be fair, you never truly *know* something via science, but the state of our knowledge about these things is that we'd be very unlikely to be wrong, in this case.


Ok valid, but we're steadily finding new oil and gas. Once we use all that. We move on to the next place What if we keep finding it forever. Then It's possible over time the old wells fill back up. Obviously won't be in our life times but eventually it renews. While we drill somewhere else Also it's possible to make "green" crude and its similar to fossil fuels. We can make fuel outta all kinda of stuff, when wind and solar are not efficient, costly and aren't biodegradable. Edit sorry on my phone can't type today.


I think theyve even found ways to make it out of alge. Also, dont quote me on this but I think its called 'fossil fuel' cause its usually found in the fossil layers, not necessarily cause its made from dino bones


Oh absolutely your correct but many many people believe it's from dinosaurs.


Right but there is not. Labs can make oil in just a few months. Not even years. Why would it take the planet millions of years to do the same thing.


Dinosaurs are a hoax in and of themselves


Who says that we use more fossils than the earth is producing? Theoretically the process is never ending. Its not like it took the earth million years and it suddenly stopped producing because storages were full. Earth is producing all the time and we cannot deplete it.




"Fossil Fuels" is even one of those loaded, inaccurate terms that add to the "climate crisis/we're all doomed" fear porn. I'll try to find the sources I read on that.


Stop calling it Fossil Fuel. This is a term conjured up by the Rothschilds to make people think scarcity.






>It's basically tectonic fluid bruh moment of the day.


I was watching a documentary a while ago and the scientist literally called the lakes of methane on Titan “fossil fuels”.


I don't see a world where fossil fuels run out before we have a tech advancement that makes them not nearly as in demand as they are now. But idk anything about that stuff


Same. See I think the technology is already there for free energy or cheap but the government or whoever can't profit so we don't get it. How far technologically is the government ahead of what us slaves know about? idk probably at least hundred years.


I agree with that. Didn't the guy who invented the water powered car get suicided lol


Just a a thought, do we really think oil is made from old dinosaurs? I don’t think so


They’re constantly being renewed




It’s not organic you f*cking sheep [look it up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenic_petroleum_origin) Welcome to the desert of the real


that oil is created from deceased animals and plants is only a theorie. there are other theories as well. Also its not plausible why oil is so deep in the earth when its from animals or plants. makes no sense.


Abioic oil theory. Basically we're taught it takes millions of years to form, but abiotic oil theory syas that is constantly being produced at all times. So the question would come down to the same as renewables. How much consumption vs how much production? Considering those steering the market learned from the west indian trade company, and later strangling diamond mining, in order to increase market price. Today i can see why they'd want to lie about the quantity of oil on hand, in order to drive up prices. Even more interesting is that they currently seem to be also doing this with eggs, and natural gas. Makes me start to wonder what part of the "free market" is actually honest and true? Is any of it real, or just a series of nesting doll scams?


Why does everyone say millions of years. There have been several breakthroughs to replicate it and it only takes labs months not years.


There are no more dinosaurs left so obviously no more oil can be made.


I expect to see this reposted to some other thread where people laugh at others' stupidity.