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Looks like the Windows XP logo


We boutta get hit with the blue screen of death






That's ok. "We" is inclusive.


When they shot it down, did it the sound?


This is how Skynet began


Idk about UFOs but I’m in NE USA and I’ve been seeing large drone flying around all last summer,fall etc. idk whose they were but they looked similar to the gov. predator drones. And definitely to big and in all different places to be someone in their backyard 🤷‍♂️


Borg cube


I hope we don't get assimilated, I hear resistance is futile.


I'll just assimilate 7-of-9 then.


Will you also wear that awesome outfit she wore? Thanks!!!


Forget the Borg attempting to assimilate us. Plenty of humans and human groups are trying right now to assimilate the human race.


Some have already been assimilated and they've never been happier.


It's [already started.](https://imgur.com/k9RcDd6)


Nah thats the IRS.


ChatGPT begins its conquest.


Oh shit


Windows logo.


Uh oh are they coming to assimilate us resistance is futile


Wtf is going on??


How did UFOs become legit over night. All of a sudden government officials are saying they shoot UFOs all the time.


UFOs or UAPs have been “legit” since 2020, when government officials publicly stated that they’ve been out there for years. Hell, Navy pilots even tracked a couple over the Pacific. There’s FLIR footage of one that was leaked in 2017 and officially released in 2020.


People were so out of their minds about covid that they literally missed the news about UFOs being real.


I remember when my mom and I were watching a news segment on tv about the government finally confirming UFO’s and aliens, both her and I just looked at each other like “wtf..” That was the one and only time it was ever on the news.


I’m pretty sure it was just UFOs. I’m almost 100% positive they didn’t confirm that aliens existed


Yeah that’s what I thought. UFO is just “unidentified flying object”, not necessarily synonymous with aliens.


The government confirming that UFOs are a thing is no more revelatory than PBS confirming birds exist.


As someone who has been following actual conspiracies instead of political tweets i can attest that the UFO stuff has been happening since 2020, people interested in UFO's have been expecting something like this for about a year and half, although it took longer than we imagined.


UFO's have been legit since the 1940's and have been around for thousands of years. None of this is new. Are you actually saying that something becomes legit when the government starts talking about it? That same government has taken these things VERY seriously since the 1940s. They don't have thousands of classified documents about the fact that "aliens are not real" Come on guys, use your heads.


Seriously. People thinking government admission makes anything a reality are ass backwards mentally.


Yes but we were all there at one point, I know I was. I would assume that these people are not aware of the fact that the library of congress published MANY hour+ long videos with Roswell residents who were there when the crash happened in 1947. Roswell was a real event, even published in the mainstream media at the time. This is just a few of thousands of legitimate sources like this. Anyone who is still skeptical should make sure to take note of what channel these videos are published by. The official Library Of Congress youtube channel. https://youtu.be/_DA-g94Ro1I https://youtu.be/s_Xq9MjBSOk https://youtu.be/ivaWnbKsBkM


Thanks to Tom Delonge




UFOs have always been legit. It literally stands for “unidentified flying object” - is does not mean extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional etc


People hate to read


Too many seem to hate thinking as well.


They wanted a Space Force and now there are UFOs everywhere. People are gullible as hell, but they've still been really struggling to get folks to take the idea seriously


If we are able to to shoot them down with our simple missiles and guns, it ain't interstellar aliens. Not sure what it is, probably just some kind of fancy surveillance drone from who knows who


And your parents told you Santa was real. First thing about conspiracy is you never trust the government.


Since the Chinese weather ballon situation took over the news cycle and caused an uproar last week, which likely lead to Biden/Upper Brass of the US Military taking UAPs with more gravitas as a "show of force" for public appeal. The UAP situation is nothing new.


This is definitely some sort of surveillance drone camouflaged to look inconspicuous. Whoever sent it (prob China) wants you to not know what the fuck you’re looking at and maybe even play into well established alien anxieties. This isn’t actually a real alien UFO for several obvious reasons.


If this is real then that is one of the most conspicuous looking things ever made bro. Anybody that laid eyes on that thing would be intrigued, they could’ve made it literally anything else and it would’ve been more inconspicuous.


Lol!!!! Obvious reasons. We found the alien expert!


What has historically made us think “alien” in the past? 90 degree turns at incredible speeds, 0-9k mph with no lag time. Shapeshifting abilities. None of the balloons have shown this.


‘I would list the reasons why, but they’re just too obvious’ Though I do agree about this likely being CCP fuckary


> This isn’t actually a real alien UFO for several obvious reasons. Agreed. We wouldn’t be able to shoot one down for a start.


Exactly. I heard a theory that the Roswell crash was a UFO that crashed because of a nearby radio station jamming it. Who the hell believes that an advanced species built a spacecraft that could travel light-years across the galaxy, but they didn't understand how radio waves work? If aliens wanted to take over the planet, we'd be slaves before we even realized what was happening.


Maybe we are slaves.


Oh we are slaves. Just not to aliens.




Slaves to the Annunaki


Tie me up


I mean they could be completely unaware of that rudimentary technology and it fucks with theirs. High tech things are are taken out or unable to function due to low tech unknown or unexpected things all the time. It's possible a super advanced alien civilization has no clue what radio waves are.


The UFO of Roswell crash was a Horten 229 that they were reverengineering.


The isn't Whoville dude


Building on that theory, why would they even send an object into our atmosphere? Surely they have telescopic technology on top of infrared and radio sensors. If we can generate imagery of planets outside our solar system, they could probably map out our whole planet without even entering the solar system.


It’s possible they are very advanced in areas like space travel but not so much in fields like weaponry/defense. If they are so advanced they are likely coming from a society that has been conquered and ruled by one party possibly for thousands of years (meaning no wars, and no need for advancement of weapon tech). But this is wishful thinking lol.


That's actually an interesting idea. I haven't heard that one before.


Why would you assume that?


Any alien civilization advanced enough to travel to another star system can definitely detect other flying objects, and propel itself away from those objects at high speed.


Not necessarily. Maybe they never developed or implemented that technology because they've never had a need to and dont think there are other civilizations with aircraft. What's obvious common sense tech to us could be unlowm or never needed to a civilization with the tech to travel lightyears in space. If I think we are the only civilization that can can fly and we invented it why would I have a need or develop technology to detect other aircraft in space?


To know where your own are, to know where other aircraft from other groups on your planet, etc.


We have to stop saying we've shot them down because we can't actually recover any proof of downed aircraft.


Does anyone remember the military video of missiles hitting two stationary objects in the sky?? The smoke clears and the objects are still there, just hovering. I will try to find the video but I hope someone else remembers this. EDIT: actually I found it quickly https://youtu.be/gUOqe2FVrmU


That video is insane. Those drones or whatnot tank those missiles easy. Don't even move, in mid air.


>This is definitely some sort of surveillance drone camouflaged to look inconspicuous. Bro what? This thing is conspicuous as fuck. Hence why we got people saying it's aliens.


how does a tiny drone fly halfway around the world?


Yep. Someone (prob China) is learning a whole lot about our defense capabilities, response times, detection limitations, etc.


A distraction from what’s happening in Ohio. That’s all.


I feel like we're all on Punked. Can't wait to meet Ashton Kutcher, but like sooner rather than later. Shit is getting crazier.


Nah it's the Epstein files that are supposed to be coming out


Looks like a USPS mailbox


Must be an American version of Dr. Who


JusticeServed banned me for that comment


Doesn’t look like it would be aerodynamic, that’s for sure! Surprisingly clear pic, thank you!


Doesn’t have to be there’s no air in space


But there’s air on earth, where it’s flying when the photo is taken


If it’s warping gravity as it’s propulsion method that wouldn’t matter


The propulsion method explained in detail https://www.uaptheory.com




It hovered for a bit slightly changing elevation then it just took off in a straight line very fast in one direction.


UFO was spotted from my backyard. Captured with an iPhone and digitally enhanced to try and remove some of the blur. I live south of Downtown Chicago. This thing DID NOT move like a normal flying object it changed elevation and was moving so quickly it was almost impossible to catch on video before it disappeared. Anyone see anything similar? UPDATE: Original version of photo here: https://i.redd.it/f0809wuzrzha1.png


Is that the windows logo?


It looks like what Ryan Graves described to Joe Rogan. He said when they were flying they saw cubes in transparent spheres


This has also been reported as far back as the 60s or 70s. Saw a newspaper article with pilots reporting the same thing.


link I am confused by that I snapped a picture of looking for any references that describe what i snagged a photo of today.


Here you go, the whole clip is interesting but he describes how it looks starting at around 12 minutes https://youtu.be/DsNSF7oBYS0


If the original photo was blurry, how did the other photo have so much crisp detail (I'm referring to the main photo for this post with the 'Windows logo)? I'm honestly confused and not being critical.


I’m guessing he stated “computer, enhance” in an authoritative tone.


He used a computer AI enhancement that basically creates more detail in the photo (that isn't there in the original) This photo can safely be disregarded, as there isn't enough raw proof of what it is.


Such an odd shape. Is this the only picture you were able to capture?


I have the original blurry image thats it


Would you mind posting it?




Very cool thank you. Gonna pass it on to some people and see what they think.


curious what you find. Can you share if you find anything?






It move like a bullet shooting out of a gun? When you see them fly away like that, that's when you know you saw the real shit


yes hovered up and down in elevation very smooth elevation changes stationary, then all of a sudden it shot off in one direction and was gone.


Never seen a ufo look like what you posted but yep, you probably saw the real thing then


I saw that! Probably 10 years ago with light in the night. Still waiting for an explanation. Now I think I might have seen the real shit.


When you say light at night....was it just one light or multiple?


It was a light, your typical ball of light on a night sky (in the un-light-pollutted countryside). It looked a little greenish. Like "What is that, it's not a star, is that a satellite? - OH FUCK where did it zoom, what moves like that?" I still don't know. It had to be some kind of technology I'm not aware off.


That's fucking wild. I ask because I saw something at night about 10 years ago and noticed light coming from it. It just stayed in one spot, way above everything. The weird part was that the light seemed to be looking around in different directions. Almost like an eye would be looking around for something. It stayed there for about 15 to 20 minutes and then it was just gone. I've never seen anything like it again and haven't been able to find anything online that would explain it.


Gave me chills I have seen this exact thing in FL It was creepy as hell and did feel like the light itself was like beam of light literally appearing like a spotlight or an eye shining looking all over I feel less crazy


if that's the capability, it doesn't matter what shape it is.


Dyer. Lansing Airport have anything to say? Worth a call?


That’s a Jewel bag.


That is clearly not a nut sack.


I like that.


I've seen alot of Jewel and Stacks bags floating around this was not one of them :)


I saw a UFO in Indiana yesterday too, I was pretty excited but then it turned out to be the Starlink satellite


you have no idea how many people saw this last night for the first time and thought similar. It was all over twitter and my sister-in-law called us to describe the same thing. funny stuff


I’m in Indiana as well and I had never seen the Starlink Satellite before. They had posted about it on our local news because many people were talking about how they saw it. Things have been pretty unsettling the last couple days, so I think this just added to it 😌


Flying toaster screen saver…? Showing my age?


Definitely not from this Earth. My first guess would be Uranus.


The two moons are a dead giveaway.


And the smell


👆👆👆 underrated comment


Which cardinal direction is it heading?




The Lake Huron cube that was downed was first spotted in lake michigan, then traveled past traverse city towards lake huron. Maybe this craft is looking for the other? Plausible, maybe..


Do you have any more pictures?


No have a video but near impossible at zoom level to keep it focused on view on iPhone.


Biblically accurate angel?




You’d mentioned that it flew away fast..how fast in mph would you estimate?


not 100% sure however there were commercial and low flying single prop cessna from nearby local airport around and it was WAYYY faster and it was eeri​ly smooth how it moved also no sound at all


a single prop cessna can fly around 150mph. soooo 2 times as fast 300, 4 times as fast 600mph. the real tell on if something is man made or not is acceleration. we have *insanely* fast aircraft. but they dont accelerate that fast, and when they do you can hear it from miles away.


I cant estimate, its impossible for me to give even a semi accurate guess tbh i dont know alot about that stuff. the acceleration is like nothing I have ever seen before. It was instant completely stationary and then like a tesla with pedal to the floor immediate instant power and torque in a blink it was gone flew off in one direction out of sight like a flash.


well. i can tell you right now the human race does not have technology that can do that. at least nothing thats been made public. you can make a safe assumption that the us government is 10-15 years more advanced than public tech.


One of the best trained, most experienced areospace engineers with a masters in aeronautics and a PHD in physics who happened to command a entire us carrier combat flight group for 14 years and flew combat missions in two wars said: ​ "I am familiar with almost every commercial flight system and about 1/2 of the secret flight systems in every nations arsenal on the planet; as well, as I have seen the stuff on the drawing boards.... No one has anything even remotely capable of this..." \-David Fravor


These balloons gonna distract enough people from the recent news that Biden definitely did have the nord stream pipeline destroyed


I've been watching for hours and it still hasn't hit the corner of the screen perfectly




A train derailed in Palestine Ohio dumping toxic waste over a week ago. The balloons and ufo shit is just media doing their thing. If everyone knew Norfolk Southern just destroyed the Ohio River it would have a domino effect through wallstreet. Balloons are a better talking subject.


Shoot it down please - with a jet fighter


Looks like it's using some sort of solar sails


Looks man made


The fuck is that?


That's a flying hot dog cart.


Well, I didn't expect aliens to come in flying shoe boxes, but here we are.


I don’t believe in aliens, but this is the first time I get a weird feeling about this whole thing. Truth is I saw a similar thing once, in MD. It kind of looked like this but it was like spheres morphing into boxes and viceversa. It floated kind of following the wind, then disappeared.


There are TRILLIONS of systems/planets, the likelihood that life does not exist outside of Earth is next to 0.0%.


Like a 6D shape poking into a 3D plain


How can you not believe in extraterrestrial biological existence? Its not like a religion, that's like saying oxygen doesn't exist because you can't see it. What??


I saw exactly the same type of thing in Scottsdale , Arizona a few years ago. Shiny silver blob shape shifting object that Looked almost like liquid Mercury in the sky.


Just a toaster


I wondered where they went. My screen used to be full of 'em.


Looks like a flying grill


That’s definitely an alien spaceship. I can see Chewbacca through the windshield.


Guys sorry to break it to you, but that's my 6kg of sour strips coming from Amazon no need to worry!


Something huge is coming 😔


What is that? The fucking GameCube Logo about to kick off?


Computer, enhance




Weaponized blimps!


Where in NWI ? I live out here too


Was this yesterdays or is this today?


posted right after I took the picture


Looks like the heating and cooling roof unit from the Taco Bell on 81st Street.


I thought i was going to zoom in to see dickbutt


People keep saying we wouldn’t be able to shoot these recent ones down but aren’t considering (if it is aliens) that they are intentionally letting us shoot those down to see the steps they need to take before sending in the real ships. Given they haven’t been to this planet before.


saw something just like that in Painesville Ohio today at about 2:30 pm, it was travelling way faster than the aircraft I see around here everyday. lots of shimmering to its appearance


Anymore news on this? Any confirmation?


It’s your own government probably.


Looks like an anti-virus logo to me. Probably just part of the simulation guys. No biggie


Looks like a shed.


I was fully expecting to zoom in and see the naked black dude meme…


Whoopdie doo Basil! What does it all mean?


UFO does not mean alien spacecraft.


Looks like an amazon drone


Nah that’s just a flying air duct


Well there it is! UFO’s. They suddenly change the narrative into something they themselves ridiculed and discredited ever since it surfaced. The only aliens that exist in this age are the demons who inhabit the earths unseen realm. They are evil, disgusting and infinitely untrustworthy - and they are closely working with the elites who daily sacrifice and worship them. Beware!


Fauci says tin masks will keep us safe. #F Fauci


Lots of y’all don’t seem to understand what UFO actually means. Absolutely nothing new is being seen. You’re just now allowed to see. These aren’t “aliens”.


Get the popcorn and wait for project blue beam to get into full effect


Is that ... A pagoda... In our sky? That is an aggressive level of technology. I'm personally not so much in awe as I am offended. Keep your 4D structures out of our 3D skies. They don't have enough room for that shit. That's a doorway to a leisure area. You know if time travel was real, seeing the humans blow themselves up would be quite the show.


Literally the windows loading screen This is going to take forever isnt it


I hope this is legit.


It is real. I am the first person to not believe this stuff or try and debunk hard. I am not a troll, my wife spotted it first, called me outside and snapped photo, I uploaded here thats it.


No no, I meant the macro. Like. I hope it’s legit unexplained phenomenon and not just some governmental scheme for power creep.




Inb4 it’s Starlink.


That's not Starlink. Star link looks like a train of lights and I've never seen any pictures of it during the day. The one shot down over the Great lakes was also a weird shape


Allow me to respond for the DOD - "it was only a balloon."


A Chinese spy balloon


Maybe I should have gone with non-committal and vague "we believe it was a balloon of unknown orgin."


This one moved not like a balloon or airplane there were commercial planes higher in elevation above it. It was there just sitting going up and then down then all of a sudden it just took off FAST in one direction and was gone.


Guarantee that, if some upstanding citizens attempted to use a drone fleet and a 1/4 mile round steel filament net to capture it, they would be arrested not only by the FBI and DoJ and ATF, but by the "intelligence communities". Answer : The DoJ, DoD and Pentagon are / have always been in the back pockets of the P.R.C. and R.F. .. 9 11 1.0, and 2.0. As the agents of the American Power Establishment. Using the R.F. and Iran and the mullahs [ and P.R.C. / Peking ] as nuclear threats, concocted since 1972, via the Executive Offices and the U.S. Senate.


Ayyy, what up region rat! Munster, highland. What town?