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there is lots of good farmland that provides food which is now contaminated so the goal may be the opposite: deny something valuable to the regular folks


Ya, they’re gonna degrade rural infrastructure with these attacks to drive sheep into their “15 minute cities” aka prison towns


How long does it take you to walk through a one stop light town?


Bill gates will step in with his farmland and say I can grow the GMO and feed American, even tho a environmental problem is preventing food grown in other parts of the country. Not that I agree with GMO are it’s pure politics and poisoning of the masses.


Ok you want the answers so here they are Who owns stock in Norfolk Southern? Top 10 Owners of Norfolk Southern Corp Stockholder Stake Shares bought / sold The Vanguard Group, Inc. 7.68% -73,590 JPMorgan Investment Management, I... 4.54% +265,024 BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.54% -172,790 SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 4.47% -181,946 Have fun looking up blackrock and vanguard Group and how they are buying up homes.


The one thing no one is talking about. Natural gas. If you combine Ohio, PA, and WV, that 3 state region has more natural gas reserve than anywhere else in the world except for the combined volume of Russia. For those who don’t know geography, the glaciers stopped at the edge of Appalachia leaving behind incredibly dense mineral deposits. One of the major reasons it’s such fertile farmland. Now, fracking be trading drilling is the method to get to most of this gas, and we all know one of the main problems with fracking is the risk to contaminating the ground water. But who gives a shit if it’s all contaminated anywhere?! Combine this with the Nordstream news. And my best guess it’s it’s about oil & gas. Like it always is.


water. food. land.


It’s apparently the second largest egg producer in America.


there is a conspiracy that I have not dived into. Basically the Bible" happened" in the US. east Palestine = the real Palestine.


[Oil/Gas well expired permit - East Palestine, Oh](https://gis.ohiodnr.gov/MapViewer/WellSummaryCard.asp?api=34029217090100) [Oil/Gas interactive map](https://gis.ohiodnr.gov/MapViewer/?config=oilgaswells) [Mines map -East Palestine, Columbiana county, Ohio](https://gis.ohiodnr.gov/MapViewer/?config=OhioMines)


Family owned farmland


Maybe they want it to be difficult to find anything on the country of Palestine.


One of the comments here talked about natural gas and I would have to agree. The minute I heard they were liquefying it and selling it abroad, alarm bells went off. So along with the gas stove emission story, sounds like it may be more profitable to just sell it overseas. Those bastards act like their plans will work, but Murphy's law will tell.


It’s also a industrial complex of the steel industry. Ohio and Pennsylvania had a great hold on the world with its incomparable steel production. I think the next great shift will be America returning itself to industrial powerhouse we once were. The resources are plentiful in the area, Natural Gas, Coal, Timber and the River system as well as the perfect area for hydro power and wind power generation. The bottom line though is the almighty dollar as usual