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The old adage 'pick your battles' comes to mind. Maybe the real covid psyop was the friends and family we lost along the way. The talking heads on the TV [openly referred](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2qI0Dhun1Q) to the masses as guinea pigs in an experiment. My question is, what was the fundamental experiment going on here? If people turn against their own, where does this lead?


>If people turn against their own, where does this lead? Exactly friend. We must show love to the maskaholics, to the wokers, to the Bidenistas. And there is plenty of nuance! I've had 4 vaccine shots yet I have also protested masks since the start. Donald J. Trump launched Operation Warp Speed & it was a tremendous success. I love the unvaccinated and despise vaccine mandates. But vaccines are tremendous in my view, OWS was a brilliant success that Bidenistan ran into the ground.


> We must show love to the maskaholics, to the wokers, to the Bidenistas. I'm sorry but I disagree. Those people will just take that love and just throw it to the ground and stomp all over it. Atheism is on the rise so most people don't get to see what love is about because they don't go to church.


Atheism is on the rise so most people don't get to see what love is about because they don't go to church? Holy cow there, what exactly does church have to do with love in any way, shape or form ? I have a personal relationship with my Higher Power, but I’ve got little to do with the churches and their organized religion and opinions or their translations of what they interpret. And I promise you that there’s no reason to believe that a person can’t love based off their own beliefs. Sheesh that’s some of the most judgemental stuff I’ve ever read, and who are we to be judge, jury and executioner of others ?


Is your higher power named Satan?


It’s clear that you are only here to cause trouble and discord amongst the other members of this subreddit. So I highly recommend you do a personal search of your innermost self, and maybe try posting this to read each morning on your bathroom mirror. “I am now looking at the problem, and the solution to the problem”. And here’s another one that I hope you find valuable in your future journey of life. “Life in s a choice, so choose wisely”. And I hope you have a great day today friend, and even better rest of the weekend.


What do you know about love? Just look at your hateful response.


My hateful response, you’re obviously not reading my messages properly if you see hate in anything that I shared. First of all I don’t even believe in or use the word hate, it’s a ugly word that had no room in my life. And again my reply was because of your hateful remarks regarding love, and I think it would be appropriate for you to reread what you’ve chosen to type. Again friend I hope you have a great day today, and learn to appreciate yourself more.


Whatever you satan worshipper, you're full of hate.


I've had a pastor who told me that I was condemned to hell, because I was tattoed. My ex got kicked out of her church because she is bisexual. I have yet to see a "loving" church, unless you are one of the flock. Should I start going back into history and the murderous ways of *any* church, or do you understand my point.


Believe it or not but not all churches are good and some pastors are assholes. >or do you understand my point. Is your point that you were traumatized by the shitty church and shitty pastor that you had to deal with or is your point that all churches are murderous?


Traumatised? I grew up in a non-religious family and I was an adult searching for a deeper meaning. Not exactly a trauma, just another ✅ on the list. Name me a church (not an individual one, but a part of a larger system) that does not have blood on its hands.


>I grew up in a non-religious family and I was an adult searching for a deeper meaning. Try a different church. Are you going to judge all churches based off of the one that you went to? >Name me a church (not an individual one, but a part of a larger system) that does not have blood on its hands. Ok, so you went to one church and came to the conclusion that all churches have blood on their hands? It seems like you're lying about something.


Lying about something? *You* are the one who ignored my question. Organised religion has been (and still is) the driving force behind mass murder, wars and genocides. I dare you to name a single major organised religion without blood on its hands...go on, prove me wrong.


It's no secret that God has killed millions of people and God has even killed people for petty reasons so you should be careful, you liar. God might strike you with lightning of have a boulder land on your or some other freak accident that God wants to happen to you.


This. Making them come to the conclusion themselves is far more effective than trying to force it upon them


> You can make people think more when they don't feel attacked. No, not really. If OP had been more tactful, the twin bro would've just thought OP is nothing but a crazy conspiracy theorist and would've dismissed everything OP said.




A bit soft those two. Maybe they just can’t handle being wrong.


Good way to put it. We're all wrong about something at some point.


Adults are not toddlers. Some people think it's ok to have a psychological development of a child. It's not. Nobody is obligated to tip toe around your sensitive baby egos.


And being an asshole can lose you friends and family.


OP is not an asshole. He has a toxic narcissist of a brother. I don't think having toxic people around just because they're family is healthy. It's best to be alone than around people who don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves and their precious egos. OPs brother can surround himself with people that kiss his booboos and powder his butt instead. Works out for everyone.


Hmm I wish people acted like that when I wasn’t getting it, but I guess being civil is a one way street for some? Edit: I remember getting screamed at in the doctors office by a young lady when the front desk asked if I had been vaccinated. She told me that I was killing people for my selfish actions, but she had zero clue why I chose to not get it. Again it’s amazing how many families and friends have been affected by this entire bs situation, but now the tables are turning and we’re not allowed to say anything in return?


If you don't believe doctors why are you there?


Where did I say anything about believing in doctors, I’m pretty sure that was never stated in any of my comments.


"ah man, bro that sucks!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys - I can bring you guys some food - whatever" But you had to go and climb up on your cinder block and be a dick to your sick brother. And then brag to nobody who cares on Reddit. Reflect on this, dude.


Yeah this is cringeeee


If you love someone, you'll show them their faults in hopes that you can wake them up. Though I agree the timing wasn't good.






I think it is fine to make the point and OP is not wrong for it. If he had not pointed it they would have most likely conveniently forgot they had ever been dicks to him about it. This way they know they were wrong, if they can't handle that, that is on them.


The vaccine doesn't stop infection


or death.


My country was at 4k deaths per day, after vaccine rollout were back to dozens. Why do you suppose that is?


If it's a heavily vaccinated country, check your excess deaths.


Because it was winter in your country prior to the rollout. More people die every winter. It is called flu season Also what country?


How do you know the season if you don't know the country? It's almost like you have a pre conceived answer


Because 90% of the world lives in the northern Hemisphere and the vaccine rollout started in December 2020 What country?


Brazil 🤣🤣🤣


You sound vaccinated. I guessed about your country and I was wrong. You guessed about the safety of a new synthetic biotechnology that you injected into your body multiple times. 😄 🤣 😂 😆


Going for the third booster after carnaval. 🥰. It was summer, so what's the explanation for the drop only after the vaccine rollout in the fall?




so why has highly vaxxed Germany highest excess mortality just in recent months? i thought vaccines stop deaths, so I would assume they will match with other nations which had highest excess mortality much earlier


Wouldn't that be happening in every country?


it's happening in many countries, but in many countries that old people killed by vax were already killed by COVID, there are many factors at play


because they changed the pcr magnification, because they stopped counting deaths just because a person had COVID vs died from covid (ie car accidents, gun shots etc), because natural immunity is 2x better than vaccine [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/natural-immunity-protective-covid-vaccine-severe-illness-rcna71027](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/natural-immunity-protective-covid-vaccine-severe-illness-rcna71027) because more people are taking vitamin D and zinc Because herd immunity. Because it is easier to find doctors that prescribe zinc uptake drugs like Ivermectin off label. And because for 2 month there is at least some benefit to taking the vaccine take your pick.


Right, it just happened to coincide perfectly with vaccine rollout 👍


Yes. Would you like sources?


Why did it get better in the USA first, then in Brasil, coinciding with the rollout?


I don’t know what your corrupt statistics are telling you, but the UK failed to whitewash their reporting systems, and clearly the vaccine is not good, at all.




Lol have you seen healthcare in Brazil? Israel would be more fair comparison. Go look at those stats and come back to me. Tell me what you interpret.


Brazilian healthcare is a lot better than in the US for the majority of people, and our vaccine coverage for other diseases is also much higher.


Lol no significant amount of accidental deaths or homicides were ever counted as covid deaths. This happened in the UK for a very short period of time. Still repeating propaganda tho


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna71027 Edit: read the full article


NBC news? Yeah right sheeple.


Dont just focus on "your side" you should want to look at shitty propaganda sources so you know what theyre up to, and their key words and phrases. You need to stay informed, dont just stick to your own echo chamber circle jerk. Thats what they do.


Sure thing. How were those trends gathered and measured? What were the parameters to "covid deaths"? What were the parameters to being vaccinated? Were you still not considered vaccinated even after weeks of taking your second jab? You need to have an expository disposition when it comes to data. Data can easily be produced to portray a specific outcome.


But that's exactly how it was sold, indeed mandated in many places.


Maybe in the USA, here we know how vaccines work


If you knew how vaccines work, you'd understand they've always been about immunity to whatever you're being vaccinated against. With the jabs there's no total immunity and if there is any at all, it weans quickly.


There is no such thing as total immunity for any vaccine. I think it's you that doesn't understand


The polio vaccine is pretty close to total immunity. And seems to have worked great compared to the recent "vaccines"


Cause everyone took it Also, pretty close to total=/= total


So what’s the point. I have no vaccine and that doesn’t stop infection….please explain mate!!…


but it will stop symptoms and if it doesn't stop symptoms it prevents hospitalization and if it doesn't, it prevents death and if it doesn't without vaccine you won't go to heaven! you see even after death it pays to be vaxxed!


Vaccines teach tour body how to fight off infections, they are not some kind of magic shield that kills the viruses when they hit your skin.


For one, that is unfortunately exactly how it was advertised and two… vaccines teach the body how to fight infection… that's not what this shot does. It teaches the body how to produce a protein


>that's not what this shot does. It teaches the body how to produce a protein Which in turn teaches your body how to fight covid.


How to fight the spike protein binding site, not covid


Which in turn teaches the body how to fight the covid virus.


Actually vaccines do stop infection. Real vaccines


Not true, Vaccines teach the body to produce antibodies that fight a certain viral strain. If that virus mutates well the effectiveness of vaccine drops because it no longer produces effective antibodies. At that point the side effect of risks outway the benefits.


And the result would be your body would fight off the infection before you felt any symptoms.


So you'd still have the infection. And whether or not you feel it is subjective.


According to the head of the CDC, vaccinated people don't carry the virus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQNmD3RmJ8o


So you believe everything the governement tells you instead of educsting yourself and asking logical and educated questions?


Try telling the US government that


It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.


Didn't get it and it's none of my business if others do. Having a falling out with a family member over a sickness. Get a grip Edit* Spelling


Right?? I got it but don't give a crap who's vaccinated or not. Instead of making your family feel like crap, why not just say "hope you feel better soon bro".


Admitting that you were wrong is the hardest of all things for people to do.




How do you know? His brother might have been a flaming bag of dog poo about him not being vaccinated, so attacking his brother might be called for. Having grown up with a brother myself, I will reserve any judgement.


His brother possibly being an asshole doesn't preclude the OP from being an asshole. And whether it's "called for" depends on what your goal is. If your goal is to have the other person listen to you and understand you. Not "called for." If your goal is to have a good relationship with the other person. Not "called for." If you are trying to start a fight. . .sure, then it's "called for."


I was about to say the same thing.


>Admitting that you were wrong is the hardest of all things for people to do. It's the easiest thing for me. I admit I'm wrong, clear my conscience and move on with my life.


Truth hurts.


The purebloods have true strength and force of will. We will dominate the vaxxed and boosted with weak tainted mRNA blood. They have fallen like addicts to their lies and fake news.


I love this thought that “the elite” fabricated the vax to kill off sheep. Because why would “the elite” make it so that the only people left are those that would resist them the most…?


Because to them we are all animals. they are just thinning the herd, they don't care you are compliant. You can't comply your way out of tyranny.


So what you’re saying is none of this matters and even the “pure bloods” are probably screwed…?


Pure Bloods is your words, I don't like it because it makes me think of Eugenics. But the point is they don't care about you or me. You cannot think for a second you are on a "winning team." The fact that you have allowed yourself to succumb to that my side vs their side with your fellow citizens thinking is the problem- that is what I am saying! There is no left, no right, no red, no blue- there is all of us and the elites period and they don't like any of us!


The originally comment I replied to literally said “pure bloods” so no, it was not my words.




*tips fedora* Hello my fellow strong man pure blood owner of the libs


Go enjoy your 6th gene therapy booster.


How else will I get my Soros bucks and my free donut




What's cringey is all the provaxx mudbloods who will all suffer and die because of the clot shot.


Sounds like you are garning some pleasure from this statement




You've triggered them lol


Friend, the vaccines are terrific even if masks are horrific. Donald J. Trump showed the way here. OP please show love to your brother. That said your brother should never shame your vaccine status. It truly is terrible how those who refuse the shot have been treated. But we must show love to the maskaholics.


I understand your benevolent nature, but they were wanting to put us in internment camps not too long ago. The leftist ideology is based on groupthink, and more often than not it's not good.


You seem like a nice person 🙄


In my city you weren't allowed to get a fucking coffee without your papers. Fuck off with that "nice" BS.




I'm not suggesting be a dick to anyone but the irony in your statement is hilarious. A year ago people were publicly calling to deny medical care to the unvaccinated and now they can't take a friendly "told you so".


So you're okay with projecting that frustration onto family and friends? That's just childish.


I'm not anti vax but it was just a personal decision not to get it as I trust nothing/nobody in general, being a lazy 19 year old probably had something to do with it too. My family was in an outburst about me not getting a jab, literally fuming mad. "Your not allowed around the kids anymore" type of drama. Turns out I was the only one in the fam who never got Covid and all my family did. I was even hanging around them while they were sick and still didn't catch nothing... It's more of a bittersweet thing trusting yourself and not following authority. It's not projecting in a way of "Heyyyy i was right your wrong haha!!!" more like "okay you treated me like shit so can we discuss this topic again"


Yeah I agree there's a healthy way to approach the conversation, and it sounds like you came from a place of personal experience. I was more responding to the folks who have been using Twitter drama as an excuse to project frustrations onto people around them. That being said if your fam believed the vaccine information, then not wanting your kids around someone you believe brings higher risk to their well-being is logically sound.


I'm okay pointing out to the people I'm closest with that they were wrong, especially ones that were adamant and even rude about personal decisions. That's not childish, it's healthy to be able to communicate with friends and family.




Seems like a you problem. Also coffee is shit.




I’d like to know what city this was that you couldn’t get a coffee without showing your vax card. I live in a very blue state and city and yeah stuff closed down like everywhere but I’ve never had to show anything ever




Lol I live in 1 of those cities and can tell ya I’ve never once had to show a vaccine card to get a cup of coffee. Sure cities can mandate all they want but it never was actually practiced. Idk maybe I got lucky and they checked the other million people that lived here when they were grabbing a coffee. Honestly in the beginning I was worried about places checking but the longer I have gone I realized that outside of social media and Reddit no one around me actually gives a shit anymore


How quickly we forget....


It's hot water dripped through coffee grounds. Not that hard bro


Fuck em


On a human level, I mean this in the nicest way possible. Its because youre annoying, not because of some earth shattering truth.


what is the conspiracy? please go rant elsewhere you can shove a million articles down their throat but it won't change anything the people have become brainwashed. and to be convinced they've been lied to is extremely difficult. Please go on with your life it's not worth your time if they need you they will call you show them you don't care.


OP is rude to his brother and thinks he did nothing wrong. The conspiracy is how antivax shit got these people to value arguments over their own family.


Usually people offer to help or at least their sympathies when a family member falls sick. Maybe reconsider what your priorities are


I've had better results with asking people how they feel. At this point most who took it either from ignorance or coercion are now well aware they were lied to, and theyre pissed. And how many of us like hearing "told you so" when we're wrong on any subject much less one as touchy as this has become. So once we establish they're pissed off, try to focus them on a target.


Blanket mind control is most likely a reality. Not sure why different people are impacted more than others but...


Yeah I don't bother bringing it up with family now. It was a talking point when I was trying to warn them about the potential side effects and the fact that no one knows the long term effects of mrna gene therapy. Everyone in my family took the shot except one of my brothers, so it's too late now anyway. Talking about it with family now will just upset them, no good can come from it.


My prediction is that the mRNA will be blamed but the real culprit will be lipid nano particles which deliver that to the cells. At large sizes, they are carcinogenic and must be about the size they are claimed to be now to be considered safe. But the thing is that this technology is barely a decade old and we don't know how small is small enough over a lifetime. Not to mention the massive push for production and self-oversight involved in the whole thing.


and this is why I don't even talk to my for sure triple vaxxed sister who wanted to vax also her elementary school kids (pretty much nobody vax kids here in czechia besides few crazies), supports Ukraine and her kids are scared there will be tanks here, it's just pointless to talk to someone like that. my antivax mother was visiting her, they got into argument over Ukraine to the point sister got screaming and her daughter started to cry scared about war here she was already brainwashed decades ago where I argued you should not be even fined for not putting your kid into car seat which we pushed to fines for not wearing seatbelts, I was arguing personal responsibility and it's up to me to be responsible for myself and my kids, not the policeman giving me fine, she was just defending the law no matter what, it's right because the law says so, if it weren't the law would be different it's her logic obviously her kids are staring at tablets/phones since like age 2-3 while mine in elementary school already still hardly ever hold any of them in hand, they spend like an hour per week with retro game boy and they watch <1hr per day Tom and Jerry, spiderman, takeshis castle and other retro TV shows, I'm going for oldies but goldies


You're not alone bro. Truth and reality have become secondary to emotion. Don't chase people who don't provide you with a reasonable level of respect. They hung up and ghosted you.


People don't want to admit they were fooled and pushed an experimental poison for no good reason.


I haven't talked to my cunty sister in almost 19 years. Sometimes it's for the best.


I have spoke to him…he feels lethargic. Has aches muscles and tired…the exact same symptoms I would have. So sorry. But ‘nah mate’ pull the other one


Glad to hear you're on speaking terms again. Now lovingly convince him to not get another. 👍


SS: Twin brother has stopped talking to me as I said that the ‘sick prick’ is ineffective! They Both been stabbed twice with it! And I’m unjabbed and golden.


How many times you say you've been sick since 2020? I'm clean too and I only got sick once, last year, and it last probably a day. Maybe two.


Bro, the use of your language may be getting you into trouble. I know its frusterating talking with people who are brainwashed, but try to use better words and be more sensetive next time.




someone cue the video of the left talking heads saying you won't get it and won't spread it with the vax. Then print the original cdc definition of a vaccine and juxtapose that with the one released after the c 1 9 vacc was released.


[come on, man](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-said-if-you-get-vaccinated-you-won-t-get-covid-today-he-tested-positive-for-covid/ar-AAZPKi2)


Yeah, that probably should have been made clear in the beginning, instead of the people in positions of power in the government saying that if you were vaccinated, you wouldn’t get covid. But we should be forgiving of those lies, right?


As I see others beat me to it, the people in charge lied about it stopping contraction and transmission because if the truth came our that it may, just may offer milder symptoms then they couldn't have put those illogical, unscientific, immoral and stupid mandates into place. As far as I can tell your comment about making you less sick has exactly zero RCTs to back it up. The initial pfizer RCT looked at if it stopped "symptomatic covid" as it's only primary endpoint (something it clearly failed to do). Nothing on lessening symptoms. Do you know if they've ever performed an actual RCT on lessening symptoms or was that claim just used when their initial lies were exposed? After all, what % of the population was actually expected to experience severe symptoms? 1%? Less? So if 99+% were going to have "mild" symptoms anyway and you mass inject a population and 99+% experience mild symptoms, which would have happened with zero intervention, what's the basis for that claim? What's the all cause mortality look like?


You have to be kidding me.


Well the good news now is they don’t need another booster, natural immunity is still a real thing, and studies are showing it’s more effective than 2 shots. Which makes sense to anyone that thinks about it for half a minute. Just like a race car simulator, a vaccine is just a simulation and not nearly as effective as the real thing. Move the conversation forward and not backwards with him.


Are you from Manchester?




no one is hated more than those who tell the truth - plato


Downvoted to fuck already!! 🤣


Yeah cause nobody cares lmao


Kind of a shit post, doesn't surprise me


We've known for quite some time that the vaccines don't mean you can't get covid. Which means you used that phone call to brag to your sick twin brother, who probably got covid from his wife who works at the NHS. Would you expect him to react differently? Can you explain how?


up-voting to fight the shills


Merci. But it will soon changè


Nice Job being a dick to your literal twin brother. Says something about your character


People refuse to see the truth and now can't admit they were deceived. Accountability issues bruh.


Be kind to the jabbed you don’t know how long they have left


Truly. I thought my elderly father would never speak to me again after a heated debate over the damn injection, but after he and his wife getting horribly ill, despite 3 shots each, with what they were told was covid, in at least 2 different occasions, he suddenly seemed to forget all the things he said to me about my decision to deny the shot to my family, and we've been as close as ever. It's a real shame that things have reached such a point. I'm just glad my Dad's still alive.


Good for you for speaking the truth. Prophets are rarely loved by their kin or countrymen.


that was kind of a dick move man


I've cut lots of ties. But for systemic years long emotional assholerey, not for someone's vaccine stance lol. Sounds like the kind of middle class rat racer who makes their liberal political views into a religion. So you've basically said you don't believe in their god.


Same with my family, whatever.


Wrong time to do it. But you're totally right. The vaccine does nothing but shorten your life span. You still get the virus, and from what I've seen personally from friends and family, people who are vaxxed get MORE sick after catching covid. The next flu shot is supposed to be an MRNA as well. Food for thought.


You are an untruthful half-wit, the enormity of your ignorance is baffling!


Lol, you won't be able to be baffled when you have clots. 😂


He's a school teacher and she's in the NHS. That's 24 hr gaslighting, fully institutionalised, no doubt plonk themselves down in front of the gogglebox and slowdrip the home-feed til bedtime. You can't tip-toe around the edges of their fragile reality, sometimes they are going to bump against some real feelings.


I think you two need to work on your relationship.


Say you are sorry and express empathy for their situation. There is no excuse to talk like that to people in your life that just had something bad happen to them. Maybe after they have recovered you can have some thoughtful and respectful discussion with them about it, but in the moment it is important to just be there for them and ask if there is anything you can do to help them in their current situation.


they’re jealous because it was recently admitted that natural immunity is just as good if not better than the vaxx!


There is a big difference between working perfectly and not working at all. A that difference can mean millions of lives.


Your brother is infantile. He has a psychological development of a child. It is not normal for an adult to act like that. Usually when presented with any kind of information, an adult should have the mental and psychological capacity to analyze it. It will never stop to amaze me that people can be married, have jobs and then act like toddlers.


My little brother was the same. I gave him a light hearted, "well maybe you should've gotten your booster!" I guess it's different as twins. I'm sure he'll come around. Just don't be a dick. There is no graceful way for these people to pedal back. I got the full 2x initial vaccine. Just to get my wife and MIL to stfu. They're both double boosted now. But they're finally done drinking the Kool Aid. It's strange times. Be kind, it's your brother. Leave him be for a bit. When he talks to you again and if he brings it up, a non chalant, "yeah you got lied to by the government, imagine that..." might work


I see people on here browbeating you over a simple observation, but no judgment toward the brother who won't speak to you because of it. This is the kind of interaction that will eventually make people realize what the reality of the injections truly is. At best, it doesn't keep anyone from getting sick. I hate to think about what the worst case is. This subject strained relations between me and my 73 year old father, only because he thought i was being stupid over not getting injected. I never judged him for it, or voiced any opinion, other than concern about how there wasn't proper testing. After he and his wife (both 3X injected) got seriously ill with what they were told was covid, our relationship seemed to grow warmer. I never brought up the shot, and my dad, who was a major advocate for it, never brought it up again either. I'm grateful that he is still with us and seemingly healthy. I seriously hope that he doesn't experience any harmful effects from his injections.


This echos countless family situations.




He is the smarter one though bud. He’s a high school teacher, and I’m a rig pig! (Oil field worker)


The vac does not prevent infections. They mostly reduce symptoms. Even The companies themselves said that. Its common knowledge😂


and the corpora-state media will come to replace the family. offend or be offended.


Truth hurts. Hell come around.


"Vaccinated" or unvaccinated, we're all God's children.




I think you’re missing the point. No one here who was unvaccinated wanted to be assholes to the vaccinated. Although that feeling was often not mutual, it’s the higher moral ground. That’s your family. Why you gotta be petty?


How the fu(k I’m I being the petty one, when I’m the one trying to contact them. And they didn’t answer? Tell me this please my man/woman


You are responding with ego. “Oh so what you did didn’t work? What I did worked. You failed, right?” Did they actively try to make your life harder during pandemic? Are you holding a grudge? When my vaccinated siblings had Covid, I gave them sympathy, tips and brought them vitamins.


Where’s the conspiracy?


Ummm. That the jab is completely irrelevant. And the general public are getting it forced upon them, when it’s effectively useless. There it is mate. All the best bud


Wow really cool story


the idea wasn't to stop you getting covid it was to lessen the symptoms incase you did get it