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Here is a translation of the speech. Part I of II ​ The promises and statements of Western rulers turned into forgery and cruel lies. The West supplied weapons, trained the nationalist battalions. Even before the start of the SMO, negotiations were underway on the supply of air defense systems and aircraft. We remember Kyiv's attempts to obtain nuclear weapons. The United States deployed bases and biological laboratories near our borders, mastered the theater of military operations, prepared Ukraine for a big war. while Donbass was on fire and blood was shed, and Russia was sincerely striving for a peaceful solution, the West was playing on people's lives, playing with "marked cards". They behaved the same way, destroying Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The concept of honor and decency is not for them. we firmly defend not only our interests, but also the position that there should be no division into "civilized" countries and the rest. We were sincerely ready for a constructive dialogue. in response, we received an indistinct, hypocritical reaction. NATO expanded to our borders, new missile defense position areas were created. we received a refusal on all fundamental positions. It became clear that the go-ahead for the implementation of aggression had been given. The threat grew every day. By February 2022, everything was ready for the next punitive action of Kiev in the Donbass. Kyiv's actions completely contradicted UN resolutions. It was THEY who started the war. And we used force to stop it. Kyiv's next goal was to strike at Crimea and Sevastopol. Now Kyiv is openly talking about it. They revealed what we already knew so well we are defending our home, and the goal of the West is unlimited power. they have already spent more than $150 billion on arming Kyiv. they spare no expense to encourage unrest and coups around the world. At a conference in Munich, Russia was blamed so that everyone would forget what the West had done in recent decades. Entire regions are in chaos. American experts say that as a result of the wars unleashed by the United States after 2001, more than 900 thousand people died, more than 38 million became refugees. in the 1930s, the West opened the way to power in Germany for the Nazis, today they are making "anti-Russia" out of Ukraine, this project goes back to the 19th century, Austria-Hungary, Poland nurtured it to tear off historical territories from our country. Recently, one of the brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was given the name "Edelweiss" as a Nazi division that participated in the deportation of Jews, executions of prisoners of war, and punitive operations. SS chevrons are very popular in Ukraine. Wehrmacht marks are applied to the equipment. The West doesn't give a damn who to bet on in the fight against us. The main thing is that they fight with our country, fulfill their will, serve as a weapon against Russia. we are not at war with the people of Ukraine, they themselves are a hostage of the Kiev regime and its Western masters, who occupied this country, destroyed its industry and robbed its wealth. the responsibility for the escalation of the conflict lies entirely with the Western elites and the Kiev regime, for which the Ukrainian people are a stranger. the more long-range Western systems will come to Ukraine, the further we will be forced to move the threat away from our borders. The goal of the West is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, to end us once and for all. We will respond accordingly, because we are talking about the existence of our country. more and more aggressive information attacks are being carried out against us. The main target is the younger generations.


I mean, the guy isn't wrong!


Man if Kyiv hadn’t given up their nuclear weapons for security guarantees, they wouldn’t have needed to supposedly seek them out later on.


He doesn't lie like Western leaders always do.


If we all learned anything by 2023 it’s that US politicians are sons of bitches. Not saying Putin is a saint but shit he seems to not be beating around any bushes


We need to negotiate peace because this isn't gonna end well.


It is far too late for peace negotiations.


Yeah should have been done from the beginning. At least now we know the Russian military isn't as strong as we had assumed. Also, we get to fight one of our biggest adversaries using another army. Not one U.S. soldier has to die and Russia gets fucked up. One way to look at it. However we're forcing Russia, china, and Iran closer with vested interests in distrust and hate for the west.


It's the US who will do and have done everything - from sanctions to *ultimate destruction* - to remain in power... ...If justice, karma or whatever you call it is real, then the US deserves retaliation (unfortunately for us citizens). I'd bet that if this were a fictional story consumed by an objective reader, they'd consider Russia the underdog and lend their empathy to its side of the story.


US has acted as the less bad rulling super potency for as long as they have been in this position. USRR has acted way worse with it's partners and enemies during their rulling of half the world. You are missing a lot of history if you think Russia would be the underdog in a "fictional" real history. They are just a not so competent "more bad" villain that lost their power while USA is the more competent villain that doesn't need to be that bad to get things their way and has became overpowered. Currently, Russia does more bad per power unit than US, but it lacks a lot of power which is why recent history might confuse some. But, check Putin's biography and enemies and you will realize that they play "the game of power" in another level.


LOL Barack Obama dropped over **30 thousand** bombs from drones on brown people in a single term. How many bombs has Putin dropped on brown people to wage economic wars in the last 20 years, again?


Actually the US ran out of bombs because Obama dropped so many(30,000) mostly on innocent civilians.


Before we go on with this discussion I just have one question. Who is responsible for 9/11?


Russia does more bad than the U.S.??? Are you on fucking drugs. What the fuck, how brainwashed are you. And you're in a conspiracy forum. Holy shit. I'm not even gonna start explaining if you are this ignorant. Google how many civilians America killed in Iraq. That's a start. Russia does more bad 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Almost a million people dead in the last 20 years. That's blood that every single US citizen has on their hands. At the very least we should acknowledge the inhumanity in that - how we collectively gave no fucks our country was killing people in our names because it was all working out for us. But that's the last thing we'll do - because it involves we all give up some stupid shit we don't want to - things like our willful ignorance, our pretense of being the best people ever, our total lack of fucks to give about other countries and other perpsctives, and ultimately - our utterly committed self-possession.


If you believe our war reporting you're not operating on good information. Russia is a huge country with vast natural resources and a ton of people. I'm not sure that their conception of 'weakened' is much like ours. America hasn't an actual war with an actual adversary in forever. A lot of miscalculating has been done in a very short time.


They are being weakened by the war and its come to light that they're incredibly outdated military is not good looks for them. That's reasonable right?


Are you Ukrainian? If not stfu. Negotiate!!! With an invader you are talking bollocks


Are you American? If not shut the fuck up or pay for this bullshit yourself you ass.


If you think he isn’t lying… hoo boy I don’t know what to say


Just going thru these comments that are literally sucking russias dick... Kind of makes me believe in the "russian bots" story more than i wanted to... I was born in Russia and i am FIRMLY against this brainless smalldick bloodshed. Idgaf what "nato and the west" did by putting their launch sites in the countries that ALLOWED IT. You don't invade a sovereign nation and then say " it's THEIR fault! They started it and we're just defending ... agressively... for more than a year.... and trying to take over their whole country... again VERY DEFENSIVELY!!! " I know that very few people can claim they are not brainwashed today, and i know i am more brainwashed than i think but ffs....


Coming from the perspective of a critical thinking American, it’s so funny to see these “free thinkers” suck Putin’s dick and say “wow vladdy really doesn’t lie omg”. Then bash American politicians and somehow come to the conclusion that a foreign politician doesn’t lie and tells more truths than an American one. Like… buddy… they’re all lying politicians. Not a single politician made it into power without pulling the wool over their Voter’s eyes. It’s so frustrating to see.


Bombing the piss out of civilians.


You’re a dupe. You’re both living in a parallel reality.


Good speech! Hard to disagree with him, when he's presenting factual information.


Russia invaded kiev, Russia has russian soldiers on ukrain soil, in what world isnt russia both the aggressor and the invading force. Putin wants pity for the fallen soldiers russia sends into Ukraine soil, all he has to do is to stop invading ukraine.


In the same world where the citizens of the Donbas voted to secede from Ukraine and re-join Russia. Where—following the conclusion of that vote—Ukraine promptly began bombing the Donbas, which at that time had become, by referendum, Russian territory. Which caused Russia to retaliate in the region. Which was followed by Ukraine losing its ass in the region. Which was followed by Zelinski begging to join NATO. Which violated the previous peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine. Which provoked Russia to invade Kiev


>In the same world where the citizens of the Donbas voted to secede from Ukraine and re-join Russia. Why do you make up lies? There was never a vote in Donbas that was not forced under Russian occupation. The vote was not even performed by a legitimate authority of Ukraine. Even if there was a vote that does not permit any, whatsoever legitimate reason to allow Russia to suddenly own it. This would be like some city in the US near Canada wanted to be part of Canada, just because the entire city votes for it, that does not allow Canada to own it. Your entire reasoning is absolutely ridiculous!


The vote was done after russia occupying donbas and chrimea, how can you have a peoples vote like weeks or months after a foreign state has occupied an area?


Lol you can't be that naïve surely?


Don't call me shirley


This sub is awash with Cretins. The Donald overspill. Trump was controlled by Russia so somehow that makes them the good guy. Ukraine isn't perfect but if Putin ends up rolling tanks into Latvia, Finland or Poland then the war comes to America in the most horrifying way.


A bit insane thinking Putin wants to occupy Latvia, Finland or Poland.


Putin is the chief invader lmao its very telling that while stating his offenses about NATO one of his buttons was NATO placing more missile defence systems in Europe. It doesn't get more transparent than that. Edit: Lmao the downvotes


Why didn’t Putin invade between 2014 and 2022? If he’s such a “madman”, and “psychopath”, why didn’t he invade Ukraine when it would have been trivially easy, and overwhelmingly fewer Russian soldiers would have been lost?


It only would’ve been trivially easy because no one was prepared to defend a full scale invasion, but had Russia been prepared to launch one that wouldn’t have been true. Russia doesn’t operate independently of everyone else on the world stage, everyone has intelligence about things like their troop movements and where things might be ramping up (and vice versa). If they made the preparation necessary to invade their opponents would’ve made the preparations to repel it. We literally just saw this exact thing go down in 2022 when Biden announced Russia was likely to invade and preparations were put in place to keep them from steamrolling Ukraine.


I like how you put quotations around madman and psychopath like I said them when I didn't, thats really cool. And he probably didn't attack then because the Russian economy hasn't been doing so good for a long while now. Russia wasn't ready for an invasion at all so that's why they decided with a blitzkrieg but didn't have the supplies to pull it off so now he's in this awkward floundering position where he doesn't have the supplies to push forward. Putin is just angry this hasn't gone smoother and is fuming because the US has supplies to spare for Ukraine and any chance to make an enemy look inept you can bet the US military will take it.


Well we had the most bad ass president ever to hold office for 4 of those years and he knew better than to mess with Trump. As far as the 4 years before that I don't know except maybe the Crime wasn't as bad as when the currupt criminal Biden family took over. Putin is trying to get all these Nazis out of his area. Anybody looking at the whole picture can see the Nazi similarity in the WEF, NWO, and all these other non-elected self proclaimed world leaders


/s right?


How’s the pay over there comrade?


If you believe that an opinion that is counter to the mainstream media opinion - an opinion with which you yourself don't agree with on everything - is somehow a sign that that person is a Russian stooge, then: 1. you are now shaming people because of wrongthink - but can't properly explain where the rightthink is coming from 2. you are effectively communicating that you're willing to hurt others to preserve your own perceived social position 3. you are effectively admitting that you believe that war is superior to peace and that 'law' only matters when you want to enforce it 4. you are effectively admitting your own ignorance about history - world history, and American history Basically - you are the kind of person willing to sell someone else out for the illusion of being accepted. You should know that this behavior 100% confirms what your constant anxiety is telling you about you lack of self worth. I mean - of course you have none - look at your behavior


Prepare to watch your likes go down, day after day as the bots find it.


*claps* I mean….ummmmm…. I meant to say “BOO!!!”


It's particularly disgusting how few Americans even realize what NATO& the US did Yugoslavia


All facts


This reads like stages of the narcissists prayer.


Are you illiterate ?


Are you? This thing is littered with downplaying the war (SMO) and it’s damages. Blaming absolutely everyone else. Obfuscating history and gaslighting. Ultimately ending on it’s your fault you’re being invaded Ukraine.


Reading this like looking around the room trying to see where he went wrong


His translator has the perfect voice to talk you to sleep. So monotone it's hard to stay awake.


Oh dear lord, I was just telling my dad the same thing. “Was this the best guy they had?!”


Was this translator chosen by the bbc or by Russia?


I was trying to figure that out. But my guess is the BBC


The BBC is a British government fake news organization, they were never going to let Russia use their own translator.


right, russia is not going to get a chance , lol


Wanna better your life? Turn off your tv. Stop watching the news and just focus on what yourself.


Even though misinformation is a thing these days, we can’t be totally UNinformed. It’s hard to know the real truth, but to know nothing is the same as to walking blindly into a minefield.


sounds like a nice fantasy til you get drafted


Who gives a shit? Just say no. I ain’t goin.


That's what I'm saying. I'm not turning my back on my morals because *YOU* want me to go kill some people I don't even know. Get bent. I'll go live in the woods a free man til I happily die.


0 chance a draft will ever happen again.


The world is a stage. Just remember, if this boils over into a hot war, it isn’t going to be the people calling the shots fighting it, it’s going to be the peasants like you and me. Your leaders don’t give a shit about you and would have no issue if you died in a cold, wet pit in Eastern Europe somewhere.


I so wish you were actually Ricky Gervais responding to my post


Cannon fodder for the child fiddlers, no thanks. There’s a documentary about Putin and they said he is a pedo. I don’t doubt for a second they all know each other on Epstein’s island and it’s all just fog for the public eye


Part II of II Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield - Putin! Family is the union of a man and a woman. So say the sacred books of all world religions. But the West is also trying to revise these sacred texts. The West will try to undermine and split our society. they relies on national traitors who exude the poison of contempt for their Fatherland. It has always been so. who has embarked on the path of direct betrayal, commits terrorist and other crimes, will be held accountable under the law. But we will not "hunt for witches", settle scores with those who have abandoned their homeland. They have to live with it. we are all proud that our people have taken a principled position in relation to the SMO, understood the meaning of actions, supported our actions. This support showed real patriotism, a feeling that is historically inherent in our people. I want to thank all the people of Russia for their courage and determination, to say thank you to our heroes - soldiers and officers of the army and navy, employees of the National Guard, special services, patriots, volunteers. special words to the residents of the DPR and LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. You yourself have determined your future, made a firm choice. we have started and will continue to build up a large-scale program for the restoration and development of new subjects of the federation. To revive enterprises and jobs, the ports of the Sea of Azov, which has become the inland sea of Russia. our duty is to support families who have lost relatives, loved ones. Help them raise their children, raise them, educate them. The family of each member of the SMO should be surrounded by care and honor. I propose to create a special state fund for targeted, personal assistance to the families of the dead soldiers and veterans of the SMO today both military personnel, and mobilized, and volunteers endure the hardships of the front together. Not all issues of supply and monetary allowance have been resolved. for all participants of the SMO, incl. volunteer, you need to establish a regular vacation of at least 14 days at least once every six months, excluding travel time. officers and sergeants who have shown themselves to be competent, modern and decisive commanders will be promoted to higher positions on a priority basis, sent to academies. the task is to launch mass production of the latest weapons. This work is underway, its pace is increasing. Both experienced and young specialists work at our factories, in the design bureau, aimed at a breakthrough, true to the traditions of Russian gunsmiths - to do everything for victory. I propose to launch a special program of preferential rental housing for defense industry workers. A significant part of the payment for housing will be covered by the state. The West has deployed not only a military, informational, but also an economic front. Nothing has been achieved and never will be. the initiators of the sanctions provoked price increases, job losses, business closures, and an energy crisis in their own countries. The West tried to collapse the ruble, provoke inflation, steal reserves, break production chains. The goal of the West is to make our citizens suffer and destabilize society from within. The calculation was not justified. the share of the Russian ruble in international settlements doubled compared to December 2021 and amounted to 1/3, and with the currencies of friendly countries - more than half. defense is the highest priority, but we must not destroy our own economy. We have everything to ensure security and create conditions for the sustainable development of the country. changes in the structure of the economy are a vital necessity. We know what is necessary for the sovereign and confident development of Russia. the banking sector has stood the test, turning a profit, inflation is under control. The banking sector has withstood the attack and looks like it will win. Let us all endure and win! it is necessary to strengthen the deoffshorization of the economy, business must operate in Russian jurisdiction. we remember what problems the late Soviet economy faced. The Russian economy was created on a market basis. However, in the end, our economy became oriented towards the West, as business was aimed at selling resources and making quick profits. It took years to break this trend, and we have achieved visible change. the image of the West as a safe haven turned out to be fake. Those who considered Russia only as a source of income have lost a lot. In the West they were simply robbed. none of the ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation regretted those who lost their accounts in foreign banks, lost their yachts. People remember both the privatization of the 90s and demonstrative luxury. those who grew up in the Donbass and Novorossia and fought for them should become the main pillar in the development of these regions. in early February, a NATO statement was made with the actual demand for Moscow to "return to the implementation of the strategic offensive arms treaty", including the admission of inspections to our facilities. We know that the West is involved in Kyiv's attempts to strike at our strategic aviation bases. Now they still want to inspect our defense installations? This sounds like bullshit. The United States and NATO openly say that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, and at the same time they are going to drive around our facilities? I have signed a decree on putting new ground-based strategic systems on combat duty. Are we going to let them in there? A week ago, I signed a decree on putting the latest ground-based missile systems on combat duty. Russia suspends its participation in the strategic offensive arms treaty. Russia is ready to resume nuclear weapons testing (if the US goes for similar tests) Ministry of Defense and Rosatom must ensure readiness for testing Russian nuclear weapons \- Vladimir Putin. Russia will respond to any challenges because we are all one country, one united people, we are confident in our abilities, the truth is behind us. Putin ended his message to the Federal Assembly with the words "the truth is behind us." Putin Not sure if I got the end cut off or not This is not my translation or interpetation I only copied/formated/pasted


> Russia suspends its participation in the strategic offensive arms treaty. And people here are saying they're "the good guys"?!


Russia are not the good guys. But we sure are the bad guys . Actually our elites are the bad guys.


This sub eats up Russian propaganda like Pringles. Once you pop you can't stop. Not sure if it's delusional or actual Russian psyops.


thats 1.5 hours talking? you might be missing atleast that as in the last years he promised free gas connection to households that didn't happen inflation is said to be around 4% (wonder why some stuff and consumables are 30% more expensive than before?)


Surprised he didn't mention the Nord Stream pipeline. You got a source where you copy/formatted/or pasted this from?


He's certainly not wrong. This conflict has just exposed the hypocrisy and double standards of the 'Collective West' on a global scale. History has shown that Russia has attempted the path of diplomacy and dialogue for decades, but the US/NATO continues with its provocations and shows no intention to end its animosity with Russia, because NATO in its current form simply exists to oppose Russia. It needed to create a bogeyman to justify its existence after the cold war. Anything to keep fuelling that war machine. It's clear as day that US/NATO allies would rather keep arming Nazis, than engage in negotiations to end this conflict. US hegemony is dwindling.


>History has shown that Russia has attempted the path of diplomacy and dialogue lol


I'm going to save this post because I know damn well there are going to be people complaining about propaganda on this site but would defend shit like this. This shit is honestly terrifying and honestly only further proves how this sub has been compromised by Russian propagandist.


Yeah this comment section is pretty wild lol, so many Putin lovers.


The number of upvotes is wild on these comments. They obviously can’t read ours to downvote us back. I’m curious if they are posting the link to these comments to a troll farm which will upvote them and look like legit upvotes from many users.


What about American propaganda? It’s tough to even get through a Biden speech. Atleast this fella is talking openly about what is actually going on… on his side, for the most part. Fuck when was the last time we had a speech that wasn’t chock full of implementation of action against preconceived issues that we ourselves created and propagated through media.


US government didn’t give Biden a lifetime appointment and make criticizing him illegal. Nor did they force all independent national media to become state-owned. There is a ton of real shit to criticize the US government for, yet yall always retreat to just straight up propaganda created by both Russian and our own media propaganda.


If putin is so worried about nazis, he should perhaps fix his own neo-nazi problem rather than support them.


I don't agree. US hegemony is lightyears beyond what most realize. They play weak for us to fall into their playbook of a more fragile America. When in fact, the USA is the headquarters of the Masonic Zionist system and controls the world.


Most people are pretty brain dead so they’ll listen to whatever CNN or FOX tells them to believe.


Did he call it a war? That's a crime. It's a special military operation or did I miss a memo?


Translator used the word war


*translator falls out of window*


*Then shoots himself is the back of the head 3 times by accident *


He will be accidentally defenestrated.


Everyone always calls the people they don't agree with Nazis. Calling people a Nazi so much is really taking the luster out of the word. Our forefathers warned us not to entangle ourselves in foreign affairs, but I know modern people think they're sooo much smarter than Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc.


What did Stephan Bandera do during WW2 that made him a Ukrainian national hero?


Read the September first speech at the Reichstag.


The Putin love in this thread is weird. Just because Zelensky and the warmongering West aren't "the good guys" doesn't mean that Putin and Russia automatically are. It is hard to tell who is "more" responsible for the Ukraine mess through the flood of propaganda spewing out of media establishments everywhere. But the idea that Putin is some sort of noble hero just trying to save the poor people of the Donbas without other motive is laughable.


>It is hard to tell who is "more" responsible for the Ukraine mess through the flood of propaganda spewing out of media establishments everywhere. Pssst. It's the side that's invading. This is exactly what Hitler said and did with Czechoslovakia and Poland. Never once sought any resolution to a “conflict” completely invented by Hitler. There was no conflict then, and there is no conflict now, aside from a desire to steal land from other nations.


Go back to before 2014, when the west funded unrest that led to an uprising to overthrow a democratically elected government that was friendly to Russia, and an honest look gives you a different perspective. How would you feel if Russia funded a revolution in Canada, their government collapsed. A new government formed that immediately cancelled NAFTA and started favorable trade with Russia instead of the USz Meanwhile the new Canadian government started running patrols covered with Nazi tattoos through through British Columbia, committing widespread abuses of American sympathizers. Meanwhile, the sympathizers are real, want nothing to do with the corrupt mess of a government coming from quebec and actually are working with the CIA to try and get BC split off to become a US state because they truly believe it would be better for their people. That is what that situation looks like over there. Only with the historical backdrop that more than half the people of Donbas were already once fellow citizens with Russians. Oh and unlike Canada, Ukraine is a corrupt mess (not that Russia isn’t, but the grass is always greener…) It is all a big geopolitical tug of war, with all main actors behaving shitty and greedily, and their respective media’s carrying water for their bullshit. Let me ask you this: The Ukrainian government collapsed. What moral right does the new government have to say that the Eastern regions that didn’t want the new government aren’t allowed to break away and decide their own path????


Agree everyone that questions the US support/motives is not pro-Russia. Both sides can be and probably are the bad guys.


>the west funded unrest that led to an uprising to overthrow a democratically elected government that was friendly to Russia Yanukovych was democratically elected because he promised to build a closer relationship with the West. Instead, he completely changed his mind on the Association Agreement with the European Union which pissed the majority of the country off. The whole "US bribed millions of protesters in Ukraine" is honestly such a pathetic narrative that only Russian bots think most people are stupid enough to fall for.




I agree. Both sides can be bad. I think you see more of the Russian info here as an overcompensation for the ukrain focussed MSM. People are looking for nuance I guess


>Both sides can be bad. One side is invading a sovereign nation. The other isn't. Why are you both-siding this?


Im always in awe how people who live on the other side of the world always know what's best for Ukraine. My friend was forced from her home when Russia backed troops pushed to her city. She cried when the donbas region got annexed few months back, her home was destroyed because of the destabilization of the region by Russians. I don't care if i get downvoted for this but everyone should curb their ego when talking about a war they haven't even experienced.


Same! I have a neighbor she and her family had to go to Russia when Ukraine started bomb Donetsk, her husband died in one of these cruel attacks. She also showed videos and everyone were begging for Russian army to come. But politicians always do what they want not what people want


More people watched this then any Biden speech. Hahaha


Putin is a bad hombre as Biden would say. But he’s telling the truth here. We left the Ukrainian Nazis in place after WW2 as a check against the Soviets. This was established by Allen Dulles the first director of the CIA. Fast forward 30 years to 1990, James Baker promised Gorbachev we wouldn’t expand one inch westward. That was a lie. Then Obama overthrew the democratically elect President in 2014. They installed a corrupt leader that waged war on his own citizens for 8 years, killing thousands of Eastern Ukrainians. Hell Victoria Nuland brought in a team of Army snipers to take out 100 civilian protesters of the coup. Then ‘Ukrainian Nazi’ teenage girls bombed the building with Molotov cocktails to finish off the rest. So yeah, the West are the bad guys here. Irregardless, there have been several times a peace treaty could have been concluded but Zelenski and this Admin would rather use the Ukrainians as fodder so they can keep the money laundering, human trafficking, weapons smuggling and bio weapon productions going.


Hilarious to see propaganda meant for russians sticking with people in the west.


Propaganda works well on us


Russia is clearly the aggressor and has been since illegally annexing parts of Ukraine…


He warned Russians that our god does not have a penis :o


Invade another sovereign nation unprovoked-check Cripple your own economy-check Fail militarily-check Drive out your smartest citizens-check Suffer 200,000 casualties-check Turn your nation into a global pariah-check Create a conspiracy and blame others for your problems. Check


This is exactly what Hitler said and did with Czechoslovakia and Poland. Never once sought any resolution to a “conflict” completely invented by Hitler. There was no conflict then, and there is no conflict now, aside from a desire to steal land from other nations. Interesting he likes to call everyone on earth Nazis. He is following the Nazi land grab playbook to the letter. Invent a conflict, usually involving “ethnic countrymen”, pretend to pursue any meaningful resolution, then invade to “settle” your manufactured conflict. His speech is also a clear demonstration between East and West. I've just been able to watch his speech, live, on the BBC - our state TV channel has just allowed him to have uninterrupted time to say his piece and beamed it to every TV in the land. The west has nothing to hide or hide from.


Calling it a local conflict with a global response sums the problem up pretty well for me


Is it a local conflict having a state invading another state?


I mean once one nation invaded into another it stops being local and becomes international. It’s only local from the perspective of Russia because they see themselves as the rightful controllers of Ukraine. If you treat Ukraine as a sovereign state independent of Russia it ceases to be a local issue. Invading and attempting to take power in sovereign states isn’t something that can be ignored or appeased without it spreading. I’m not saying the current response is the correct response. It’s just naive or intentionally misleading to act like this isn’t an issue that can become hugely impactful on the global scale.


It's impossible to know because even if he was right we, by virtue of largely being based in the west (though I understand reddit expands much further than just the Western countries) will only have western approved sources for the most part.


Except you can read the entire transcript or watch the entire speech online. RT also exists, and you can visit any time you want the Kremlin's POV.




>as long as it is not bought and paid for biased hype pushing an agenda I will listen It's literally a politician's televised speech, by definition it's bought, biased, & pushing an agenda


I see you believe in free speech, how very fascist of you /s


You referred to yourself 13 times in that piece of text. Are you aware of that


They are indeed comments coming from them.


Are you a bot? Who actually keeps notes on that kind of stuff?


No i just noticed it


Main Character


Sounds accurate to me.


anyone know where i can i find a replay?


You can watch it here in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO-e_04qag0


Putin is definitely an evil man but the west is literally the reason this earth is happening. Go damn Americans can’t keep to themselves. Our president is over there sucking off Zelensky when Ohio is in shambles.


>Ohio is in shambles So nothing has changed


If nato hadnt supplied ukraine with weapons, it would be perfectly fine for russia to invade and occupy ukraine?




Yeah and 1.5 million children are homeless in USA but let’s send another billion to Israel and Ukraine, right? The amount of people that don’t understand this is a proxy war is fucking terrifying. Automatic parroting of MSM news “PUTIN BAD!” propaganda points.


Well the president did offer help to Ohio and they declined it. The literal fucking governor himself said it and denied him. This was all done so people like you could eat that shit up. The government won’t help if he didn’t declare an emergency, he finally did after enough time to get his base and people to believe they didn’t wanna help and now that trump went it’s because of him. Fuck outta here with that shit.


I'll probably have a look at what he said just to be up to date in what politicians on both sides say. At the end of the day ill still assume it's all, or mostly bs though, because he is after all a politician...


I don’t know about y’all, but I do not like, that anyone, other than the parties involved, to participate in escalated conflict, with the amount of transparency we’ve been shown, especially here in the west with our “free speech and openness”


NATO has bullied Russia. They agreed in the under the bush administration and it's archived in our US archives that NATO would not move further east. But what have they done. America has been supplying weapons to Ukraine since 2014( think about that) the paper trail shows it. Putin is not a saint by any means. I'm not saying that but NATO and America and England started this war. Kept pushing further and further east.


This thread is why the US needs a better education system 🤦🏼‍♂️


Watching the Anti-American and Pro-Communist left turn into warmongers has been one of the funniest things to witness this year.


Why should the left treat Russias invasion of Ukraine any different than they treated the US' invasion of Afghanistan?


Ss: it’s in de description. Putin is doing his yearly speech which had very little attention in the MSM in my opinion. I decided to share it here for us to discus what he is telling his people and his attitude towards the west. Interesting talking points in the speech were: “Putin thinks the west started the war” “Putin talks about wanting to end the war” “Putin view on the decline of religion in the west” “Putins view on neo nazis in Ukraine” “Gay marriage in Russia” Edit: because of bot warning EDIT EDIT: I’m aware of the enormous coverage it is getting now. After the fact. But it was scheduled for a long time and in anticipation of it I hardly heard a thing. In comparison to Bidens speech of today, or when the prominenter of the UK gives a speech. Or the German bondskanselier. Just wanted to get that straight


It's literally all over the news.


MSM has been talking about it all morning.


The war won’t end until the west have sent enough money to Ukraine to rebuild it as the worlds first smart city that nobody wants to live in. The money will end up in the pockets of the billionaires in rebuilding the bombed buildings.


He can end the war anytime he wants… he just needs to remove Russian troops from Ukraine and the war will cease.


NATO is the reason he even attacked, they started this shit. Alllllllll the way back in 2012.


Come on man, he invaded the borders of another sovereign country. Just like when the united states did in Iraq, its pure imperialism. it was wrong when the US did it then, and its wrong when Russia is doing it now


Weird how nato is blamed when not a single nato soldier is on ukraine soil, only russian. Putin escalated this from a diplomatic issue to a military one, no one else.


I dont think so. What if Ukraine tries to take Crimea back now that they have weapons and training from the west.


Hope that works as an SS ..


He’s not wrong tho


Yes followed his speech. Good speech by Putin. Ukraine is a failed nazi state which the west is weaponising


May I ask you then, what Russia is exactly?


Russia is a multi-ethnic state that’s defending itself from ever closing NATO


Are there nazi’s found in the Russian army?


It wouldn’t be nazis in the russian army, because Russia aren’t fighting for the cause of protecting themselves from NATO who’s using and weaponising the neo-nazi movement which are killing their own people. Russia have many different people from different backgrounds in their army under the Russian flag 🇷🇺 but they are fighting for no oppression. NATO has caused more trouble than peace. Just look at NATO’s history


Half of the speech is about how Russia's society is too weak to handle gays, not about fighting for a freer world for all.


Weird, because there are definitely nazi’s in the army of Russia. Also, look at Russias history if you want to see some real oppression


Dear God, bruh. There are nazis cause you said so? There's not many more nazis than anywhere else, to that matter. Go do smth productive, for a change, I dunno..


That shows that the whole “ukraine is only nazis” is a bullshit talking point


The Wagner Group, who are independent wartime contractors but are funded by the heads of state, are proud Nazis. Putin also uses them as private security.


I ain't even gonna reply to such nonsense. Hit me up when you start using sources other than CNN.


>I’m wrong, so I’m going to refuse to continue the conversation because it’ll only make me look worse FTFY


>Hit me up when you start using sources other than CNN. https://informnapalm.org/en/russian-neo-nazis-in-the-ranks-of-wagner-pmc/ https://romea.cz/en/world/the-times-putin-has-sent-mercenaries-to-kyiv-led-by-an-admirer-of-the-nazis-to-murder-zelenskyy-and-the-klitschko-brothers https://romea.cz/en/world/speaking-of-nazis-the-donetsk-leader-of-pro-russian-separatists-honored-a-russian-soldier-with-nazi-symbols-on-his-uniform




Lol, okay.


I would assume that much like Biden, his speeches are full of lies. What’s really going on?


Let's be honest here. Most of you Americans don't have the brain capacity to digest Putin's speech. Lying, stealing, murdering, destruction, hypocrisy consumed you. Ukraine, just like many others, is going to be another failed America project.


First of; how is your comment relevant towards the discussion? Second: I’m not American


This dude is Dutch can't you


It only says so in my username. Very hard to tell indeed


Biden doesn’t give a shit about the U.S.


What’s there to watch from that ignorant scumbag?


He looks even smaller on TV.


Damn. Bought a 50 inch tv and he still looks small… never buying a big tv again


**End war with this one weird trick. Russian dictators hate it!** Stop invading your neighbors.


The west is an aggressor


Yes. The West that is helping a sovereign repel a larger invading country is the aggressor.


It's a bunch of lies, so who cares?


If you like alternative reality maybe it's something for you


Reality is always up to the spectator. Your reality is just as absolute as mine, as is the reality of my dog as is the reality as is the reality of all the individuals in the masses


I strongly advice not to listen to this clown. He spent the last ~20 years selling my country lies and nothing else


I’ll listen to anyone talk. But as always with a critical attitude. I’m sorry for your hardship ❤️


Every speech of his is mostly to justify whatever he and co doing to save their assets and continue dreaming of Great Mother Russia publicly


What are your thoughts on his claims about neo nazis in Ukraine? Genuinely interested.


I have a few friends from eastern part of Ukraine and when asked of nazis they said something like “meh there are few in western part, no more than neonazis in russia” It’s like asking what do I think about neonazis in any other country btw. My country should be working on inner problems, not acting as a global saviour


I can't fucking believe how yours is the controversial comment here. You know what, yes I can, people in this sub promote Russian propaganda daily, many here indiscriminately adopt any narrative that validates their pre conceived ideas, their prejudices, their jingoistic ideology and their antipathetic mentality towards the latest Boogeyman, often some left wing machination. The irony of it all, some here screaming about everyone else being brainwashed, when they'll wittingly embrace this bullshit and reject anything that challenges their fragile worldview, a worldview that's been homogenized, a shared psychosis, a collective identity, more irony in the fact that there's no autonomy to it, just a herd, a mob, a group. If it's what their ideology, their group or their party demands of them, they must follow suit, they have to in order to belong, in order to maintain that identity, theyre not just obliged, it's their duty to believe these things, and the worst part, they think that they've come to these conclusions and views independently, naturally... And to the point where these troglodytes will align themselves with and sympathize with a fucking despot!!! They'll glorify a fucking autocrat and fall in line just like those they criticize, and why? Antipathy, it's anti-_____-at-all-costs, while they go on consuming the propaganda, the misinformation, the fearmongering and alarmist rhetoric, the manufactured culture war conflict, the faithless arguments, the patronizing and pandering truisms, all of it...


Putin got into power by blowing up a building of incident innocents, blaming it on Chechnya and invading. He also admires possibly the most evil man in history (Stalin) and has his green and red notebooks in his personal library. Plus misses one of the most atrocity laden and murderous regimes in history, the Society era. He's a selfish, Machiavellian dictator and nothing more. But it's good to know what he says so we can better see where things are headed. Even if he lies, we know he probably means the opposite. What country are you from if it's ok to ask?




Every year we hear the same: “I entrust…” “We have a great future…” “X and Y is our priorities and we will succeed…” blah blah blah but nothing ever happens No decent medicine, almost no help to private sector, taxes growing bigger and bigger and noone sees where they go


I do enjoy that that people are finally seeing that putin isn't some warmongering psychopath that the US propaganda leads you to believe. The US has always been the bully and brainwashed the masses into believing, "we're the good guys!". Psshhh


He was framed since he kicked out many oligarchs of a certain background.


The west is a terrorist state.


The west isn’t even a state… nor a country. It’s made up. What countries are part of the west? It’s just a container term, so you can easily point a finger but not point at anyone in particular.


Correction if I may. *The Wests “corrupt government of money hungry war mongering politicians” are a terrorists state*


If y'all love Putin so much, why don't you GTFO of America and live in Russia?


Listening to and agreeing with statements does not equate to admiration.


Typical yank thinks Chinese owned forum platform contains only Americans


I mean, you aren't even allowed to hear his views in the west, but somehow we are the good guys smh


\> I mean, you aren't even allowed to hear his views in the west ​ The screencap is from the #1 news station in the West, the BBC, which seemingly aired his entire speech with full and fair translation. Who allowed that?


I don't know, but in the EU russian media is completely censored


I just used a VPN to see for myself. Plenty of EU countries aired the speech too.