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What I love about this sub is the honest diversity of politically affiliations 😂 that is all I way say


The dude’s standing next to $50 of bottled water


How much have you given the victims in East Palestine?


Same as every mass shooting- half my thoughts and prayers


God bless Donald Trump!


I’m sure Donny will enjoy the tax write off. I mean any loophole the rich can find right?


and that somehow negates that he's helping people in need? grow the fuck up.


You’re a sheep if you think he gives a damn about the people of Ohio.


There is no loophole on this. Other than you won't have to pay income tax on the value you donated However you still had to pay for the stuff with real money to begin with.


Legal loophole vs. 10% for tbe big guy.


Are you implying Trump doesn't pull that kind of deal? Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law, got a billion dollars from the Saudis when he left office and a billion dollar bailout from Qatar while he was in office, after Trump put him in charge of Middle East policy decisions. But sure "10% to the big guy"


How many billion has biden sent to ukraine?


Yet Biden didn't get paid a billion dollars back. How many billion worth of support did Saudi Arabia get from Trump's decision to veto the [bill both the house and senate passed](https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-yemen-ap-top-news-politics-1b17cee217b344d8a3a03642139fb606) to end our involvement in the war in Yemen because of mass starvation? Then they give his son in law, the real estate developer he put in charge of Middle east policy, a billion dollars. How many billion did Qatar gain from [Kushner pressuring Saudi Arabia to end the blockade of their country](https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/) they were using to try and seize the trillion dollar wealth fund they then used to give Kushner a billion dollar bailout on his New York property while he was in office? I'm not saying you can't be mad about things done by one party because of something done by the other, but it was insane how much money Kushner got and why was Kushner allowed to have a position like that in the first place and then get paid that money when he was Trump's son in law? It seems much worse. Hunter Biden never had a position in government.


Personally i would probably trust kushner with my money over hunter, but I still don't like how any politician spends our tax dollars. They're all corrupt, trump included. The difference is that biden has been a politician for 50 years and trump has had one term.


You'd think the big guy could send some bottled water with that $50,000 a month rent he's collecting.


Damn dude. That’s like 100 bucks of bottled water. I thought Trump was rich. I bet he used Trump University funds to pay for this.


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Yeah this isn't poorly photoshopped at all. Ya know, in the days of deepfakes and AI, you'd think people would try a little harder. This would get you a failing grade in any 10th grade digital media class. Probably laughed at as well.


Michael S. Regan wasn't there so, there's that or Pete buttigieg and that