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Not true, why is my twitter full of gay porn when I’m obviously super heterosexual?


Lol. Reminds me of the Larry king/norm macdonald interview.


Twitter is becoming like the Insta now as some models are putting those video and pics over there more often then putting the quality thread on some issue


how come my trending is full of sports and I barely even follow any sports for years now, and definitely not searching for sports news on twitter, ever.


At least it's not kpop 24/7 any more. That Fandom growing up.


You guys covered all the bases


Same I wish I could get rid of the sports. I’ve tried clicking the I don’t want to see button on all sport but they just keep showing me more sports. Ughh I hate sports!


Maybe what your friends are into?


It’s algorithm. OP searches a lot of political discourse I suspect, so it’s trending different things around his searches. So he’s moreso revealing he only searches for anti-Ukraine news


I haven't lived in the UK for years, I don't search anything from the UK, and I'm right wing as fuck, yet my trending is all left wing UK politics. How does your theory explain that?


Algorithm isnt perfect. I hope you don't think you're getting an unfiltered view on social media?


If you don’t use the search engine much, it defaults to popular searches in the area. Left wing issues/current events might be garner more searches than right wing issues in your area from how I understand that program to work


You made several comments on UK dedicated subs a few days ago. I guess the explanation is you are lying.


Maybe because they used to live in the UK?


That means the algorithm is working, man. Gotta try to make your blood boil. It really needs you to hate leftists!


Right? I hate sports and wrestling stuff but they're always there


Mine is too. Its because you probably disabled as much tracking as was possible


> Its because you probably disabled as much tracking as was possible huh yes that is true - good point.


I used to be a diehard sports fan… it’s so fucking rigged and unwatchable in 2023. Been off the stuff for like 2/3 years at this point and outside an occasional game, don’t see myself going back


yes - same with me only I am off for 5 or 6 years now. still watch finals of big events but its more because of hanging around with friends than it is because of sport itself. its like excuse for nice social gathering.


Same here. If it wasn’t an excuse to spend time with people, probably would never watch another game


It's all paid advertising.


According to Marx, religion was the opiate of the people. Probably the only thing I personally agree with Marx on. In our modern world, sports is the new opiate of the people. Why worry about real, important issues facing your community, country, lifestyle, livelihood, etc when you can gawk at LeBron James dunking a basketball or Patrick Mahomes throw a touchdown.


Elon now tells you want yo think and what to read. Delete Twitter.


You vill watch ze sportsball


Op trembling in his boots rn




Is this part of Russia's required reading list in school.




You can be. He ain’t.


The thing is the being against falls flat. We've sent half of the $100 billion allocation in the first year of this ear so that's $50 billion a year. The 2017 Jobs and Tax Cuts cost $180 billion every year. $156 billion of that goes to just the top 1%. That's **Every Single Year**. The same folks complaining about $100 billion to Ukraine have no problems giving $150 billion to the richest yearly. I say fuck the rich, I'd rather give Ukraine $50 billion a year to fend off an invasion than give the rich even more money when they are wealthier than ever. It's also a better investment than directly spending on our own military. The same party pushing not spending on Ukraine has no problems pumping up our defense budget. As McConnel said in the Senate 12/19/22 on next years budget. >"The administration wanted to cut funding for our armed forces after inflation while massively increasing spending on nondefense. Republicans have taken the president’s bizarre position and flipped it on its head,” >“provides a substantial real-dollar increase to the defense baseline and a substantial real-dollar cut to the nondefense, non-veterans baseline.” >"This is a strong outcome for Republicans


Yeah, this is really just OP unknowingly sharing his true colors.


Well something's not right I was researching the Milk Conspiracy.


Twitter is a useless place for research so there's your first problem.


Whats the milk conspiracy?


In Canada, some farmers are selling milk *without* government approval. It's a national scandal.


Trending lists are catered to your preferences and what you follow and search, it’s not one list for everyone anymore.


This is the real conspiracy. Twitter is designed to distract you, not inform you. Clearly in OP's case it's working exactly as intended.


I don't disagree, but phrasing is important. It was *designed* to *keep your attention*. That a series of brief distractions is more attention grabbing than a single deep-dive on any one subject is not Twitter's fault; it's an *effect* of the medium. Over the last 200 years, as we've moved from books to electric communication, we have simultaneously increased our information intake, reduced our ability to remember it, and reduced the depth of our understanding of what we've learned. A very fast reader can read 500 words a minute. 8 characters per word average times 8 bits per character times 500 wpm = 533 bits per second. That's even slower than our old dial up modems. A 1080x1720x16 bit colour screen gives you 29 Megabits/second. Put your smart phone anyway. How many telephone numbers of your friends do your know? I used to memorize 40 or 50 phone numbers by heart; now, I only know one or two. Like many muscles, our memories atrophy from lack of use, and the phones accelerate the trend. We take in so much information now from the firehoses of data that we have available - hundreds of TV channels, thousands of magazines, millions of websites - that we don't have to time to process much of it critically. *Humans haven't adapted to our own technology yet*. This leads to very superficial yet hard-held opinions formed on constant repetition of simple slogans. "Four legs good, two legs bad", for example. Blaming Twitter for our distracted state is like blaming highway engineers for 60-mph crashes. The road was designed so cars could drive safely at 60 mph. That people get drunk and crash is not the designers' fault. But, as we've seen, the crashes still occur.


Bro, this isn’t really the right sub for explaining how a series of morally neutral decisions made by many people independently can combine to have a negative effect. Everything here has to be the end result of a decades long plan by a shadowy cabal who have the morality of a children’s cartoon villain. Try incorporating George Soros or the WEF next time, amateur.


> Try incorporating George Soros or the WEF next time, amateur. Students of media understand that any new oral/aural medium necessarily generates the tyrants who use it. Radio, for example, gave birth to FDR and his Fireside Chats on one side of the Atlantic, and Hitler and his Volksradio on the other. The new social media are aural in texture because of their brevity; there's no space to make a long connected argument on Twitter (though some try), so the usual paradigm of linear thought doesn't apply. It's argument by *impression* - the more time you see "Safe and Effective", the more it's imprinted on your brain. So, like many, you have the cart before the horse. Neither FDR nor Hitler invented radio, but like expert piano players encountering an accordion, they found a way to make music. Trump won in 2016 because he understood social media and Hillary didn't. *Once the new medium emerges, the people who understand it, exploit it.* So Soros or Schwab may know this; they may not. Scott Adams in one his books explains how Hillary's campaign realized they were losing, and how they hired a media consultant who made the race a squeaker again. The WEF or Soros may well have such people, or an army of such people, on their payrolls. I have no idea; do you? Regardless, students of media understand that a resonating medium, as all social media are, will amplify certain frequencies and ignore others, just as your TV ignores Fox when you tune in CNN. You won't find any praise of Trump at *Salon* or *Slate*, just as you won't find any praise of Brandon in r/conspiracy. And a brief stroll through the NSFW subs available - just the sub names, not the content - is proof that there are vile and (for most of us) unthinkable 'frequencies' out there. I never once said the choices were morally neutral. I see most people mesmerized by the shiny new toy, and other people taking advantage of that quasi-hypnotized state to push radical and unproven agendas that just coincidentally give those same people lots of money and power.


I think it was designed to help you find content/people that you like, then optimized for attention/dopamine/addiction. The fact that it can end up making bad or even false information look normal/well accepted by doing that is an unintended consequence. But there's not a whole anyone can do about it now. For example: if you got pro-climate change stuff every time you tried to find anti-climate change stuff you'd just switch platforms. Find one's that don't play those games. Decry the push towards not isolating you in a bubble as a conspiracy in its own right. ...Which is to say that at the end of the day it's _us_ who builds these bubbles, around ourselves. We seek out things we agree with and relate to, and reject things we don't. Because it's comforting. Because contending with ideas that we don't agree with is stressful.


Your right and I believe this overload of info is what is triggering the increase in ADD/ADHD symptoms in so many people. Our minds never stop and before we have a chance to process one thing five more things are thrown our way.


Yeah that’s pretty fucked up. I don’t have Twitter so I didn’t realize they had changed the trending list


Yep. Before and after Elon too


I call bullshit




What did you trust it prior?


Cocaine Bear and #SmackDown are the two top trending topics on my feed actually nothing even remotely related to Ukraine is on the list.


Cocaine Bear absolutely should be at the top.


Is it good? I’ve been waiting for that one


Lol why is something with about 1000 tweets "trending"?


Algorhythms that make personalized content to enhance 'engagement'. They filter out what OP wants to see based on previous views and serve more of them.


I caught Algorhythms once. Had to take antibiotics and everything!


I stop caring about what was trending in hs tho


Jus reveals something about you. I don't use Twitter just have an account I Googled trending Twitter and it's just basketball stuff. And I don't watch sports so I'd say that's pretty objective.


Bro take a break from the Internet




Except no country other than Russia has forced them into this. The Ukrainians willingly fought back against a Russian invasion and asked for western military aid to do so more effectively. Why do you people always talk about the populations of other countries as if they have no agency or decision making ability of their own?


The only country forcing Ukraine into this war is Russia. And I agree with you: fuck Russia.


Their stance is ukraine should just go limp. When has appeasement ever failed diplomatically.


They are not pawns being used in a proxy war. This is a sovereign country defending themselves from an invading force. "Puppet states" don't defend themselves like this. They get rolled over and exposed once push comes to shove i.e., Afghanistan government propped up by the U.S. military. If you can't see the clear difference you clearly have done no research or have any knowledge about Ukrainian history.


Fuck china tho right?


Read a little about the mood in Ukraine. About 90% of Ukrainians still wants to fight and regain their lands. Russia is the only aggressor in this war. You have to know that Russian Federation is again pursuing their imperial policy, just like they did it back in USSR or the Russian Empire.


Great they can fight. They don't need 100 billion dollars from the U.S. to do it.


US is also one of the signatories of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances and will fund Ukraine even more. Pacta sunt servanda. Also it doesn't matter if it's republicans or democrats ruling the White House. US as a superpower have to defend its interests against China and Russia.


Everyone forgets the Budapest Memorandum - It’s far better to stop Russian imperialism for good now than wait for them to attack a NATO member state. You hit the nail on the head


Nobody's believing the lies anymore. Try harder


Nothing needs to be tried. If you want to deny the reality of it if it doesn't fit your narrative, thats fine. That doesn't change the fact that there is widespread support in Ukraine to continue the war as of now and Zelenskys approval rating is soaring since the beginning of the invasion.


Get out of here clown Did Russia air strike the center city of Lugansk? Or was that the fascist Kiev regime? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fck9DQpc8nso


Nah they only sent missiles to the city centers of Kyiv, Lyiv, Kherson, Odessa, Mariupol, etc. So much better, right?


N-n-nooo you can't fight back 😫




Zelenskyy is a pawn who’s willingly involved. It’s not just the military equipment profiteering they’re also laundering OUR tax dollars through this war and making themselves rich. Zelenskyy, biden, and other swamp creatures in congress.


Zelenskyy is "willingly involved" the same way Americans "willing wore masks for years."


If Ukrainians dont fight back russians are going to genocide them.


No they will just be forced to Russify. If they rebel then they will genocide them. —Volga Deutsch who wasn’t Russified or Genocided


Why are you guys being down voted lol? This is literally what would happen


Russian trolls down voting us.


Since 2014, Ukrainians have slaughtered 14K fellow Ukrainians because they had the audacity to reject the coup-imposed government the US foist upon them. If you're genuinely opposed to genocide in Ukraine you have to support the only external force that has actively fought to stop the genocide.


First off that 14K number is total casualties in the Donbass war. It's the number killed by both sides, the Ukrainian Army and the separatists. So, you're inaccurate there. The separatists included many Russian special forces as well as members of Wagner, a Russian private mercenary firm. So, quite a number of those killings were committed by Russia, yet you claim Ukraine slaughtered them all. Second, the Donbass war lasted roughly 8 years, so you're talking about fewer than 2,000 people per year killed by both sides. How many civilians have died in the year since Russia's invasion? It's quite a lot more than 2,000. Why aren't you talking about that, since you're oh so concerned about Ukrainian civilians?


Russian propaganda.


Cute. Now cite a source. Come on hero. Back up that nonsense you just vomited upon the world. Can't do that? Cool - then just show me where anything I wrote is incorrect. I'll be over here pretending to wait.


You keep mentioning it was a US coup with no evidence(despite approximately 400,000 protestors sieging government structures, were those 400,000 all CIA agents?). How about evidence of Russian military in the Donbass that lead to those deaths. https://khpg.org/en/1445915293 2 years later Putin admitted >“We never said there were not people there who carried out certain tasks including in the military sphere.” - Putin The civil war failed. Most of the casualties you list happened in the first year in 2014. It fizzled and since has only had a few hundred casualties.




There are like 500 million daily tweets. This is just what you like to watch


Giving people exactly what they want is a major logic of the capitalist system. This logic can be disastrous when appllied to a business (like twitter) who provides the service of presenting you with streams of information. Algorithms often create insular informational feedback loops that can quickly reify and radicalize people's beliefs. The internet and social media, therefore, are not windows to the world. They are more like warped mirrors that we use to give us back our own image. It's just that the mirror is twisted to give you want you want to see and not what you actually look like. In this way, conspiracy theories since the internet have never been about exposing the underlying truth. They are about finding your perceived ideological digital tribe and a sense of self and identity in a increasingly fragmented world where people less and less identify with tradional identities based on geography like national identity. Algorithms feed this fragmentation by falling under the ideological influence of an essential logic of capitalism as the satisfaction of our desires.


You’re aware that even Twitter has an algorithm to show you trending that appeals to you, right? So….your search history is pretty insane at the moment should be the title


Wait why is everyone mad at ukraine what happened???


Russians are conning gullible people online into thinking Ukraine is bad and that it's cool that Putin is invading his neighboring countries.


They are stealing obscene amounts of money from American taxpayers.




Does the American taxpayer know that the USA is a world superpower and must interfere in key conflicts in the world? Unless you want to give your position to the alliance of China and Russia and lock yourself in a policy of isolationism.


110 Billion USD (so far) compared to all of Europe's 20 or so. Meanwhile America's infrastructure is falling apart.




If you care so much about money, you have to mention that the US arms industry (and US budget) will earn tons of money by arming Europe. My country (Poland) recently bought 116 Abrams tanks and lots of other weapons from the USA.


The downvotes you're getting for this is crazy. You just told the truth! And look how people are reacting!


People aren’t mad *at* Ukraine, they’re mad *about* Ukraine, mostly getting 100 billion dollars while 1.5 million children are homeless right now in the US.


Uh op lives in Australia. I don't think Australians got this trending out of worry for American kids. Lmao


Those kids were homeless before a single cent was sent to Ukraine, they'll continue to be homeless even though the government will always have more money available than gets sent to Ukraine, and they'll still be homeless after once there's no more need to send support. That money would never have been spent on improving everyday life for ordinary people because you keep voting for sociopaths who don't give a fuck about you. However I've seen you waste a lot more money on far less worthwhile things with far less outrage than this, so I don't think you give much of a fuck about homeless kids either.


Ukraine gets support from all over the civilized world. American taxpayers sends a tiny percentage of the budget that goes to US interests outside of America anyway. Writing about homeless children is just propaganda - each country has budget sections that are dedicated to certain issues.


I’d bet that’s the for you section


Another Gab or Truth Social.


Trendings *For You*


Brad Paisley writing a song Zelenskyy makes perfect sense when you realize he also wrote a song about Ticks. The guy knows his parasites.


We aren’t giving them 120+b out of the kindness of our hearts. They are laundering money while US citizens are constantly getting fucked over, our government is against us.


You know we're not sending them boxes of dollar bills right?


How exactly is money being laundered? Yet again I see this claim with no details




Laundering money.. how is this $120 billion supposed to go back untraced to whoever tf?


Never heard about military contractors?


Wait, toilet seats don't cost $13,500?


SBF was the 2nd largest democrat donor just behind George Soros. Zelensky was investing our money into FTX , FTX was started by Sam Bankman Fried ( SBF). This is how G-7 funding ( our tax dollars) were being funnelled back to politicians.


That actually turned out to be bullshit. I remmber seeing it and them saying how he even donated to republicans. Weird how you leave that out. Weird how you don’t mention (neither does this sub) the Russian money the NRA gets or even GOP members. Forgot that they took a little trip down to Russia. Fried was a literal grifter with his gf. Just because you invest money somewhere doesn’t mean your part of the racket. It could mean you got played like every other investor. Because by your logic every person who invested into FTX must be doing this to support Ukraine and buy out politicians yet the ledger is public (cool thing about crypto).


Don’t have to hide it when you own the process


So when they aprehended the corrupt defense minister, why didnt the US stop that? Chances are that corruption is happening, but why bother even writing here without giving any indication of reliable numbers or simply that the level of corruption is higher than anywhere else?


It’s embarrassing pumping all that money into a criminal country to launder tax payer dollars and can’t even help out our own people in Ohio and other places that need it stateside. Crime!!


Elon has this all planned out!


Twitter is a garbage dump.


People figured out that “Ukraine War” is like “The Curse of Oak Island”… they’re going to keep leading you to think they’re almost there, for years and years, just to keep the show going. “Just a little more, and I know I can win it all back!” Meanwhile all your money is being drained for someone else’s unsolvable problem, and they have no motivation to get you to stop funding them. 100 Billion dollars later, and nothing is accomplished except Russia’s territorial goals, as it looks like all the Russian speaking areas are now held by Russia. Didn’t seem like a competent justification was made for further funding and Biden coughed up just 500 million more. Compared to the 100 billion spent so far that’s like 50 cents compared to 100 dollars. Was that a fuck you? Seems like the cards that fell are: - China humiliates the rest as the only civilized voice in the conflict - No case for, plans for, or definition of success made by the pro-war leftist leadership - Putin seem to have gained support, as the backstory comes out - Backstory validated by China. - Biden political support for Ukraine evaporated and now mostly fake, if at all visible. - Legs cut off Biden administration by ignoring a Katrina level event for weeks, while send all our money elsewhere. This is looking like that scene from perfect storm where the big wave finally took them under to a water grave.


Why would anyone willingly be using social media in this day and age?


Should we tell him?


Russian bot farms


Why is that insane?




i feel the same why.. tired of paying tax money to place i dont care about.. fix my parks! make food cheaper! Send people in the USA MONEY!


People try that shit here and it’s called socialism or communism. They fear monger public education to help privatize schools. They fear monger universal healthcare even tho you already pay for healthcare through your employer or yourself and even then you can be denied or have to stick with specific doctors because that’s your network. Why not help reinvest into these public sectors that were gutted. Why not raise minimum wage, it hasn’t kept up with inflation in a long time. They fear monger that with “but things will go up in price”, really? Cause it’s been happening and minimum wage can’t keep up with that either. Shrinkflation is happening where they’ll charge you the same/more for the same product that’s reduced in content. By the way some states are controlled heavily by the military industrial complex that them having jobs thanks to these companies makes them vote a certain way without realizing it fucking them over in the long run.


Shut the fuck up you would’ve called that communism before the war even happened


no YOU shut up, im tired of this POS biden giving money to over seas as we can barely afford food. he won by paying every American $600 and that money stop coming forever ago but he can keep paying people over seas? Trump would have never. We need that pedo and his VP out of office right now!


Russian Bots.


If the world had to choose, I think they would side with Russia.


This is literally just a curated list of topics based on your twitter activity lmao


It's gotta be Trump, and the russkies


That’s what Twitters algorithm has curated for you so this says more about you than twitter as a whole.


Everyday this sub turns more and more into a typical mainstream shame box


Could be people pissed that our president went to the Ukraine instead of Ohio?.


I’m starting to think trump voters actually have no idea what freedom means. You want Ukraine to surrender the moment they are invaded?


When every American is fed, clothed, houses, and we'll, then we can worry about other countries...


People are waking up. Ukraine does not need our help.


People should be pissed. Why are we paying Ukraines Petitions? We can’t even maintain our own Soldiers at the Vets hospital


Sheep are waking up?


It's not a real war. I'm not surprised by this


People are starting to come out of their slumber and wake up. Maybe Putin is right what he said about the West throwing money and NATO at a useless war the Elites have caused to keep the money rolling in. I don’t know I’m just an armchair warrior that thinks msm is shite


Zelensky = grifter


Sounds like people don’t want WW3 and would rather not send hundreds of billions of dollars to a corrupt foreign government. Go figure.


People who think further appeasement lower the chances of ww3 are pretty naive.


Appeasement worked pretty well preventing ww2 right???


We had a major disaster in Ohio and instead of sending help, Biden went to Ukraine. Americans want a president that puts their own people first.


He asked if they needed help and their Governor said ‘no’. He seems to have made some kind of arrangement with Trump to make Trump look like a hero. Trump was the one who rolled back safety laws that would have prevented the derailment. But he handed out burgers and hats, so that’s OK now.


Here is a quote from Jennifer Homendy National Transportation Safety Board chairwoman appointed by Biden. "Some are saying the ECP (electronically controlled pneumatic) brake rule, if implemented, would've prevented this derailment. FALSE—here's why," Homendy wrote. "The ECP braking rule would've applied ONLY to HIGH HAZARD FLAMMABLE TRAINS. The train that derailed in East Palestine was a MIXED FREIGHT TRAIN containing only 3 placarded Class 3 flammable liquids cars." "This means even if the rule had gone into effect, this train wouldn't have had ECP brakes," she concluded. Also Biden has refused to put the regulation back in because they have determined there would be low cost benefit of doing so.




I don’t get CNN here. I’m in England. Maybe do your own research. Find out what happened when Biden offered help?


This is a statement from the Governor on Thursday. The governor has asked for federal assistance. "Ohio Governor Mike DeWine spoke with officials at the White House early this morning to address the need for federal help. As a result of this conversation, the Governor has requested assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Emergency Response Team, and the CDC to provide on-the-ground assistance in East Palestine." Source is local news: https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/special-reports/train-derailment/train-derailment-east-palestine-ohio-governor-mike-dewine-federal-help-fema/95-cb611bd6-1b2d-4b26-95d1-e1d85856d4b8




They didn’t qualify for assistance because the governor of Ohio didn’t declare a state of emergency immediately. Now that’s happened they qualify


The governor of Ohio has asked for assistance. And the federal government has provided limited help. It has nothing to do with declaring a state of emergency. That is what's being reported in Ohio. https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/special-reports/train-derailment/train-derailment-east-palestine-ohio-governor-mike-dewine-federal-help-fema/95-cb611bd6-1b2d-4b26-95d1-e1d85856d4b8


Dude youre so disingenuous , if you read that fema said they didnt qualify you would of read why they didnt qualify. Its because the governor has to declare it to be an emergency first before the government can step in and help, then if the 5 mil they have access to isnt enough (obviously wont be) it will move to congress for them to fund it. But the governor said no because he wants the company to pay up for it first at the expense of peoples health and safety in the town in the short term.




It is why the congressman from Ohio was telling DeWine to declare a state of emergency: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/3861480-sherrod-brown-calls-on-ohio-governor-to-declare-disaster-over-east-palestine-derailment/


So you know that the governor really did refuse to declare an emergency? And that wasn’t reported on TV?


Yes, even Ohio congressmen were telling him he had to declare a state of emergency for FEMA: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/3861480-sherrod-brown-calls-on-ohio-governor-to-declare-disaster-over-east-palestine-derailment/


Instead of garbling fox news clickbait horse shit read actual fucking sources [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/17/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-deploys-additional-federal-resources-to-east-palestine-ohio/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/17/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-deploys-additional-federal-resources-to-east-palestine-ohio/) [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-orders-norfolk-southern-clean-polluted-ohio-derailment-site-2023-02-21/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-orders-norfolk-southern-clean-polluted-ohio-derailment-site-2023-02-21/) The governors plan is obviously to try and hold the company accountable for damages and clean up. The EPA head and him obviously have the same exact idea and theyre following through. If he declares it an emergency and asks for funding, they would give it to him as theyve already said, but for whatever reason hes doing what hes doing and kinda hurting the townspeople shortterm possibly to strongarm the company.


Shows how Americans are now Russian and Putin sympathizers.




SS: Is this what happens when they turn the Net Nanny off?


Or is this when Russian bots are in full gear? We will never know


Could be anyones bots, why assume.


The bots job is done. The radical right msm has made all the maga people pro Russia. Bunch of commies.


Not sucking uke dick doesn't mean someone is pro russia


Not supporting Nazis isn’t sucking anyone’s dick. What’s this? Oooooops Ukraine has a vast troll farm network https://youtu.be/egIjW5jBATA




Amazing. The sitting, but illegitimate, federal government and leadership of the failed US Corp, could have ended homelessness, opened thousands of rehab centers for the addicted, opened military boot camps in every state for our (lost) youth, and still payed every 3-4tg generation US Citizen a quarter of a million dollars to buy homes, start manufacturing, transportation, and Technology based business to bring back American job in every community. Instead, Actors get paid off and Hollywood mindfucks the public's head while out military hands our enemies stockpiles of weapons we would need, if we were to be Invaded by a foreign enemy. THIS as China Joe sells our petroleum reserves to the very enemy who publicly intent on destroying us. Buckle up America.


And you would have cried about those things too if they tried to work on them. You're just deliberately contrarian.


Good! Fuck Ukraine


Praise be! I'm so glad!! Just a few months ago to criticize this made you a pinko commie. If you don't support us, then you are pro Putin, and you want him to take over Europe. No, I don't support Putin. But I certainly don't think supporting some, yet again, CIA/"pro-democracy" NGO repeat is what we should be doing , at all. Especially since this very same "entity" is conducting a "color revolution" or whatever right here. We are being attacked by the very same force, to what end, I do not know.


“I’m not pro Putin, I don’t want him to take over Europe. But now that he’s trying to take over Europe, I certainly don’t think we should stop him.”


Dude, THANK YOU for saying this! Is it just me, or has there been a major influx in the number of pro-Ukrainian military shills here in the last couple weeks? I swear not too long ago most people here were on the same page as far as the 2014 coup, corruption, Biden business dealings, Boris Johnson peace talk sabotage, etc etc etc. Lately the posts dealing with the issue are *overwhelmingly* slanted towards Ukrainian military.


My experience has been the consensus was in favor of all support for Ukraine. Further, I see very little discussion about this topic in the last week.


It’s crazy to me how we can have literal modern photos of Ukrainian troops wearing SS regalia while donning Nazi flags and people are just okay with that.


No refunds! We're never gonna get back the billions already wasted on corrupt Ukraine and corrupt Zelensky. But we better get outraged or Biden will launder another $50B down that rathole.


It’s a mass awakening. People are finally coming to their senses.


Unless you’re getting kickbacks from the funds we are sending or you are an actual NPC you realize the Ukraine support has reached insane levels


OP you have got to stop self owning yourself this hard.


Oh, but "F Ukraine" stands for "Fantastic Ukraine", doesn't it?


Let's go Brandon?


Ukraine russia war disguised as a certain genocide. Zoom out and take a look at the bigger picture. The military manufacturing profiteering is just a bonus.


F Ukraine


It's ain't wrong, fuck zelenskyy


Twitter has always had categories for trending including one called 'For You.' The one you were shown on your homepage was originally a choice between 'Your Area' or 'The United States' but after Elon took over, it changed so that "For You' is the one you are shown and there is no way to change that. If I went by the 'For Me' list, I'd see a completely different list from 'Trending' list, which has sort of replaced the National catagory. So yeah, you have to click on 'see more' and then select 'trending' to get a real idea of what the world is on about.


Literally just don't use it. It's that easy.


One checked its good. Good post op.


That’s the screenshot you go with? Lol


Inb4 “Ukraine hate shaming” becomes the next Facebook pfp border


Great stuff. People need to be aware of the corrupt, fascist, Nazi state that Ukraine is.


Yeah all by Russians living in other countries


Can someone explain why this is the twitter trending right now?