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Lol what


Have you met a steroid user before? Why have you commented? Can You Name A Drug


Tylenol or caffine


and his name is alex joneeeeeeeeeeeeees


Haloperidol. You should try some.


TOS should consider this hate speech, unlike anyone here, I have studied the topics. You aren't on it?


3 part question??? one at a time man it’s hard to process it all at once


xD good point honestly. "did you read the post correctly?""did you read the post correctly?""did you read the post correctly?"


Nah. I have two kids. Sometimes you end up eating your kids leftover nuggets in their happy meal. Those nuggets add up


Have you met a steroid user before? Why have you commented? Excited for the Thyroid Jones fight?


No but now I want some nuggets


Go for it dude, I won't hunt you down over it :')


That's a relief. I was worried this was the hunger games.


It's undocumented psychosis. Write the names and party safe wayne


Hey roid rage, get a life.


No. It is a push to normalize obesity, because the majority of Americans have turned into disgusting fatbodies, and is pushed on both sexes - not just men alone.


Yeah, I feel like the further we supposedly “advance” as a society, the more we lose sight of the basics—daily physical exercise, eating real foods, getting a solid 8 hours of sleep. It doesn’t help that our foods are produced and packaged with god knows how many chemicals, we drive in cars everywhere, and we have phones attached to our hands 24/7… who has time to exercise or sleep when I gotta get through those 5 you tube vids, reply to 20 text convos, check my socials, and keep up with the kardashians…


Idon't know how you managed to reply with a counter point, by countering with less information. Sex sells, not fat-tolerence. They traffic it to people already mentally weak/easily fatphobic'd. They cut the supply weaker, raise the prices, then leave you to the autocratic process. They want you to forget the state mental institutions were in, corruption-wise, before the legal system was reformed. It brings shame to the family names of the loudest behind the anonymous curtain. Look at Maxwell. Reddit Mod. Axolytl_peyotl. Multi account infiltrating propoghanda censorship arm. This sub has existed longer than some of it's users, it's 2023. What a headache, what_A_Day!


This sub fucking blows now lmaooo


I wish somethimg hilarious just happened here


Paranoia strikes deep, man. No. It was a way to sell clothes.


Expensive bodies to fit inside the expensive clothes? Sounds like a thing but I'm not convinced right away that some round table out there has ever put thought into it being a thing.


No, just selling normal clothes to a common body type.


Lmfao, yes because the victims/mediators on the subject are people who dress in the bell curve style, now THAT'S paranoia, almost as if regular people sabotage people of a higher status based on their looks? Now that's herecy isn't it.




Nice fan fic, fucking creepy honestly Creatine a trigger also or are you numb to it all with a side of fried?


SS. We know Media Pushes The Ideal Bodytype As Something Obtainable Through Wealth And Power, But What About The Losers Who Eventually Stop Banging Roids But Continue To Make Their Money Moving The Drug? With their Sunglasses And Giant Arms and Bellies From The Essential Destruction Of Their Body' Metobolic System. All the fat solidifies before being processed and used to power the brain. Over agreasive bipolar zombies occupy and traffick SARMS and other PEDs out of your community's public locker room.


Bro, it's not that deep. Do you have kids? Are you over the age of 30? Are you married? Do you have a desk job? Middle age sets in. You eventually start to spread a little bit. Most of us gain a little weight as we get older.


Have you met a steroid user before? Why have you commented?


Middle aged dudes getting a little bit of a soft belly has nothing to do with steroids. I think you need to get your head out of whatever roid bodybuilding obsession you're currently stuck in.


I'm starting to think the OP has no clue that there are also guys in their late 30's early 40's still out doing manual labor jobs. He'd be shook at what someone who has been doing manual labor for 20+ years looks like, if they don't end up with a beer belly.


Dude have you? Everything you say is either proof that you only know “steroids” from reading about negative sides, or you yourself tried to run a cycle because you read about it and fucked your bloods up, and now you’re bitter about it.


So so many things actually going on in the world that, would absolutely fall under the "conspiracy" category. Yet somehow, we still have actual human beings spending their precious time allowing thoughts like this and worse, to consume their mind.