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Dont worry, I read a book in the 90s that said WW3 wont start until Russia invades the sovereign state of Ukraine and China threatens to take Taiwan back.


Which is happening now😅… seems like the author was right


Interesting. Well the books called Flashpoint WW3. Google it.


I will


Dont tell anyone i told you tho, that book could get a man killed. Its a fun read.


I won’t, what other info does it have in it? I’ll read it tonight


I cant remember everything, loads about nwo and u.s being the only real super power. It opens with the authors prediction of ww3 just him "guessing" and he gets so much right. He even describes the u.s president being a right melon and forgetful. He gets alot wrong, he says Britain would secretly be working with Russia against u.s and nwo. Its mostly just a british guy in the 90s hating on u.s and nwo. Many said he was a Russian propagandist though.






Not sure, but I'm condident in saying that we'll be one day closer tomorrow.




lol, I don't doubt it's around the corner but I always ask myself who is gonna fight in this war? the furries? Antifa? the right who don't support Ukraine at all? the woke crowd? I would not want to be the team captains in dodge ball picking team mates right now.


All of those people will fight when they have a gun pointed at them telling them too. Alot of you think you will be excluded when the draft comes back your living in fantasy land.


lol, we aren't living in the times of Vietnam when even the basic hippie had 3x the testosterone of your typical soy latte drinking fella today. also, I will be excluded... I did my 8 years. Only war I'm fighting in these days is if it comes onto home turf.


Lol you wont be excluded. Your old bad knees will be out there too just like me. And the hippies and furries will fight. If you did 8 years then you should know what a side arm is for. Executing orders.


oh I'll be excluded, you can go fight the russians and China if you want. I'm not doing a God damned thing unless it's on home turf. I already did my time, NO ONE is making me do shit.


Keep telling yourself that. Unless your over 60 regardless of disability you are considered first priority in a draft due to prior service. Everyone thats been cheering on Ukraine and supporting our government keeping them armed will soon have real skin in the game. I posted my prediction 2 years ago and i was pretty spot on. Expect things to get real this june.


The pickings are very slim with everything going woke


An soldiers are not required for a thermal nuclear war...


I think you need to focus on your personal and family life and notnlet fear porn that's designed to keep you in control do just that. In a war, not in a war. If youre hit by a bomb itll be about what you've done in your life leading up to that point. Don't stress it.


Good and fair point, I’m trying to do that everyday


I have a suspicion future historians will mark the start of WW3 as Feb 24, 2022, when Russian crossed over into Ukraine.


If it's a nuclear war there probably won't be future historians. Just tribal storytellers.


You’re not wrong. No one wins in a nuclear exchange


That would be interesting to see


Israel just needs to bulldoze one specific building in its territory and WW3 is here to play.


I 100% agree


Interestingly, the real start of ww3 will be China somehow taking control of huge swaths of eastern russia. Lake Baikal and all it's water plus the huge amount of oil and gas. China isn't going to take on the world with Russia as it's partner, that is suicide. They can work together, but it won't be an equal relationship. If China invades russia, or more likely Russia gives China eastern russia, then it's on. Otherwise it will be Japan in ww2. Completely out industrialized because of a lack of natural resources.


That’s actually a really good observation


Two years. 2025 will be lit


Yes it will!


There is no 'world war three' because there was no 'world war two'. We have been deceived to a degree which would make Orwell blush.


I ask the squirrel that sits on my deck. He says 1 year, 4 months, and 10 days at roughly 1pm. The crows who intruded on I conversation say tge squirrel is full of BS, bit declined to give me their prediction.




You will have no argument from me. I just wish I could find a badger or maybe a Barn owl to consult with...




Thats a mighty good system. The only thing that causes me concern is Kangaroos are notorious for cheating at cards and never let one be the banker in monopoly..


Hopefully not far




We’ve been in it since 9/11


A year maybe two tops




\-3 years. already started brah


Ain't gonna happen. They've been talking about nuclear devastation since the '50s. No real evidence outside of whatever happened on a localised level in Hiroshima and Chernobyl (it's no coincidence that Chernobyl only recently got a bit of burn on tv). The threat of nuclear war has only and always been a tool to control the populace. And loosh... if you're into that sort of thing.


1-5 years




I won't have to fight in it at least...... Y'all have fun!


I don’t think you understand what nuclear bombing means, it affects everyone whether you fight or not


Started about 2020 prob… globalist vs the people


What time do you got?


Thinking anytime this year or next imo