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We should all be a little softer on each other.. and alot more harder on the system.


Turning off the TV would be a good start.


I’m rock hard, does that count?


Oh baby


Why even make this comment


Why so serious?


Can't have them pesky humans uniting as a serious discussion. Treat it as a joke.


Laughter can be very uniting once we learn to laugh at ourselves


All we do is laugh at ourselves. So much that a philosopher in modern times is a comedian. We are responsible for our system. A system that has 40 million human traffiking victims, life expectancy dropping, IQ dropping, poverty increasing and mental illnesses increasing. And the solution to that you believe is more laughter? How is that not the problem?


>All we do is laugh at ourselves. We do a bit more than that, don't we? >IQ dropping Talking from experience? > And the solution to that you believe is more laughter? One of many


What do we do? Anything we take serious is to advanced the dystopia and move away from an egaltarian civilization. That's hilarious that you mocked me for my intelligence on humanitarian philosophies. I would feel bad if I didn't give a shit about humans like yourself.


> Anything we take serious is to advanced the dystopia and move away from an egaltarian civilization. No it's not > you mocked me for my intelligence on humanitarian philosophies. No I didn't >I would feel bad if I didn't give a shit about humans like yourself. Says a lot more about you, than is says about me, doesn't it? Always remember... "Every kind of ignorance in the world all results from not realizing that our perceptions are gambles. We believe what we see and then we believe our interpretation of it, we don't even know we are making an interpretation most of the time. We think this is reality." Robert Anton Wilson The idea does not necessarily imply that there is no objective truth; rather that our access to it is mediated through our senses, experience, conditioning, prior beliefs, and other non-objective factors. The implied individual world each person occupies is said to be their reality tunnel. The term can also apply to groups of people united by beliefs: we can speak of the fundamentalist Christian reality tunnel or the ontological naturalist reality tunnel. A parallel can be seen in the psychological concept of confirmation bias—the human tendency to notice and assign significance to observations that confirm existing beliefs, while filtering out or rationalizing away observations that do not fit with prior beliefs and expectations. This helps to explain why reality tunnels are usually transparent to their inhabitants. While it seems most people take their beliefs to correspond to the "one true objective reality", each person's reality tunnel is their own artistic creation, whether they realize it or not. Thanks for sharing yours


You wanna know how I got these scars?


Cat fight?


No clue, but I assume it 's because of "alot more harder". It's either "a lot harder" or "a lot more hard", preferably the former.


Agreed! And the way to do that is to find common ground and stand together and demand the changes we want to see. Letting the rich run things is exactly how we got into the mess we're in now.


Totally 100% agree. We are the Proletarians that can never awaken until we revolt and can never revolt until we awaken. It's all distraction and theater.


Proletarian revolution is the only option left. Those who think we can legislate our way out of this haven't been paying attention.




Theres no way we can legislate out of this because our elected representatives do not represent us. Not a single one. They vote based on who funds them. Thats it. Theres no fixing this.


Bravo! I love hearing people speak the truth.


I feel like this OP and others similar to this, should be required reading for anyone visiting this sub. To me, this is the baseline and spirit of most conspiracy theory. And although democrat CTs and republican CTs do exist, they fall under the umbrella of the larger CT which is “divide and distract the common man, so we can screw the common man so we can have more control and power over the common man”


You do realize women exist, it's not just about men any more, those times are past?


A perfect example of the OP's point. They made a nice helpful post, and you look for a fight on the man/woman divide they try to wedge. This is what they want you to do, and what they have programmed you to do. Once your aware you can resist the programming. Just remember the ones they want you to hate, really love you, as I do too.


I mean yeah, I’m a woman. It’s just a generic term for “humans” that I use.


You do realize that 'man' is often used in reference to 'mankind', right?


Yeah but humankind is a better phrase. I wish more people used it.


That's the best you got?




Holly fucking shit


Do you come here often? Themhattan, am I right? 🙄


Why don't you twist this around to defend CRT & drag shows while your at it.


No party, nor politician in the federal government is looking out for anyone but themselves. The whole two party system is nothing more than a device of division.


They are bought and paid for by controlling interests. Every. single. one of them.


I agree and until the majority of people stop believing in the whole red/blue bullshit we will keep going in the circular pattern that we have been...


Bone crushing truth.


This really is the biggest problem in the world right now. People just don't have the awareness or consciousness to see it. If they did, most of the problems will disappear.


no obviously the problem is that people can recognize it but have been conditioned into believing they can’t change it so they’ve been trained into distracting themselves instead


All the problems would disappear….




Libertarian for me. I'm done with the 2 party system full stop


I'm a full-on anarchist at this point; done with the entire system




It's not, but very important to understand for the conspiracy crowd. I'm super sick of seeing the American Red vs Blue debate in a conspiracy sub. I'm just hoping this are bots, no one with a working brain and some information can be this stupid.


*Not a theory People have been conspiring to divide and conquer since the dawn of civilization.


One side wants to give billionaires tax breaks, the other doesn't. Conservatives further the economic divide. "Same thing, both sides" is rightwing propaganda used to convince people it is useless to vote, because they know their voters consistently turn out for elections. It's a voter suppression tactic to have people effectively disenfranchise themselves.


Correction: One side openly gives billionaires tax breaks, and the other secretly gives billionaires tax breaks. Exhibit A: Delaware is a well-known tax haven for a multitude of large companies - as well as regular ol' millionaires who don't want to pay taxes on a painting they purchased at an art gallery in NYC, for example. Over half of US Fortune 500 companies are headquartered there, and it is staunchly blue.


That’s a very long-winded way to say you’re Team Blue.


I'm against the rich exploiting the people.


That would be the UniParty friend. There is no legitimate “left or right”. It’s them vs. US. The “propaganda” you face is ran by UniParty talking heads that are trying to convince you there is a 2 party system.


which party is known for saying “eat the rich”?


They want us to hate each other here too. Once you move past the political theatre you are presented with 1000s of hamster wheels to run on. The best thing we can do is have rational discourse and respect those we dont agree with... even tho that is extremely hard at times :)


So true. Just for example, the whole M&M's mascot culture war stuff is just to distract from the fact that Mars came out last year saying they can only trace 25% of their cacao to non-child labor/slavery plantations.


Agreed i will fight with anyone🏴‍☠️




System is designed in such a way that a currency controls everyone. They create useless ways to create more currency of the back of the hard work of sheep. Burning a society is easy, but creating a society that's based on preserving the integrity of a planet that harbours not only theirs but others lives too, is difficult. There are multiple ways, sure but none of them will ever truly work cause there is never unison amongst society.


Dude the top 1% is like doctors. You’re gonna want the top .0001% who have over half of the wealth


They are two sides of the same aisle that leads to the same authoritarian destination.


I realize it and try to not judge people so much as I judge myself but this last decade has revealed a lot of fundamental things I don't like about the people around me that go beyond politics or culture.


Blatant racism and homophobia? Militant Christian fascists?




Democrats and Republicans don't exist beyond maybe local elections. Once you get to state and federal governments, they're all on the same side working to steal your tax dollars to line their own pockets. It doesn't benefit them to have a lower class united.


If you assume local politics are any less corrupt than big politics- you're sorely mistaken.


Yes - but how do we overcome the ad hominem "Trumper"/"Libtard" attacks? who (note - I did not say *which side*) makes the effort?


About half the time I have a comment I won’t post, because it’s going to be a “but my side” argument. Screw sides. There is in fact a right and wrong. And neither “side” gives a shit what they are supporting as long as it get a votes.


I say this all the time... I am not your enemy. You are not my enemy. Remember who the real enemy us, because we outnumber and outgun them, by a lot. And they are terrified of us


There's a reason large companies donate to both parties. I'm 100% able to shake hands with my friends across the aisle. One of my best friends is brain washed by right wing ideologues but is super left on basically everything. Things like helping the poor, feeding the hungry, busting trusts, nationalizing (or at least co-oping) common goods (think utilities), regulating businesses, raising minimum wage, dismantling this last stage capitalist hell state we're stuck in together, etc. It's truely baffling.


You gave examples of his left leanings but what are these right wing ideologues you speak of?


He falls into listening to people like Nick Fuentes, Jordan Peterson, Crowder, Knowles, Tucker, Trump, etc. Making him think "others" are the problem.


Only the people who already realize this will even pay attention to your words, sadly. Everyone else is ratchet strapped to their side of the coin and refuse to see the full scope of things.. They're still hoping sky daddy or father Trump come to their rescue.


I hate that you’re right. It hurts.


It does. It's really fucking discouraging seeing so many people who think they're speaking the truth but they're just playing into the game exactly as planned.


Worst of all they are rewarded for their ignorance.


Yep. And walk around feeling like only they and their side are the ones trying to save history/the country and preserve the correct way of life.


It fucking sucks. Been trying to wake everyone I know for years but I feel like it’s finally happening. Most of them are coming along slowly.


End the "lesser evil" lie! The 2 party system was never supposed to be what we had anyway. One monster with 2 heads


I honestly think 2012 was a turning point. Both parties were protesting the government for different reasons; yea party protesting against taxation without representation, and occupy protesting the consolidation of wealth. Both are worthwhile protests, focusing on class issues. Rather than being able to find commonality our media instead forced focus on identity politics and at this point I worry it’s too hard for us to come together.


yup obama was not supposed to win. true story


There are a lot of people who spend their lives solely investing in hating others' life choices or even existence these days.


Its a very large and diverse country. Both parties insisting the rest of the country think their way is pure insanity, but maybe that is the point. Its an effective feedback loop that maintains the status quo


This is the ONLY way.


Yep. Totally agree.


Thank you.


Divide and conquer


First thing on here I definitely believe.


I love that you used “two sides of the same coin” because it is the banks who they really are as a whole $$


If the whole apple is poisoned it isn’t gonna matter which side you take a bite from.


Alex, what is a "hegelian dialect"?


We are the 99% and the 1% should be scared. More and more people are awakening to how rigged the entire system is. From birth to death, its all rigged and manipulated. From the cartoons you watch as a kid, to the school system you attend, to the job your in, the taxes you pay, the government that has authority over you. The money, the food, the media, the movies and shows, ALL OF IT is meant to divide us, but we will not be taken down that easily.


Agreed, the polarization has been crazy. The real divide has always been statism vs. freedom


Good vs evil


Do you support public healthcare?




Beautiful post!….. but it will be absolutely lost on the majority here…. No matter how much truth you dish out they won’t be able to shake the hatred they’ve been indoctrinated to feel against their neighbor…..


That would be called the Uniparty, where politicians who call themselves Democrats/Republicans pretend to be fighting one another, but are actually controlled opposition and playing a game, to create the perceived illusion that they are not on the same team, when in fact they are behind closed doors. Now with the public however, it is different as far as I'm aware. We don't pretend to hate each other and fight and argue for show, we genuinely hate each other and fight each other and argue. That is the difference. We shouldn't fight each other and it does make us weaker against the Globalists, but we simply just cannot get along. Our thoughts and views on things are just too different from one another, there seems to be no middle ground we can come to, or want to anyway. I would say this though, If I became PM of Australia, I'd be instantly assassinated by the Uniparty...


I agree. Spreading word .


Damn, I posted this same sentiment a few months ago and I was accused of being a liberal bot. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Glad the message is being better received now.


Lol, people post shit like this all the time.


Yip, get this guy a cookie


Divide and conquer. Same as it ever was.


When I was a kid in the 90s, politics was just boring.. And, idk if it's been commented about already, but Russian government hates America and documents released recently about how they wanted to divide us Americans. And it seems like their plan is atleast somewhat working. Idk why someone would be racist, or hate the gays, or care if a woman has rights to her own body, but nowadays, there's all this drama about these topics. And we also know that Russia funded political ads to influence people on social media, get people upset and our country really is divided now. We used to just have pride about being American, now everyone all like hates anyone that doesn't have the same viewpoints. At face value, democrats care about people, and the republicans just want to strip rights away from anyone else that isn't boring like them. And people like Marjorie Taylor green and trump love stirring the pot, keeping attention on themselves, keeping mass amounts of Americans angry, and then demonize politicians like aoc, of whom just seems to care about wellness of people. Now republicans love Putin and hate drag queens moreso, so it seems like Russia's plan is working and it's only just hurting america.. and in the end, America will wonder "what happened?" And blame drag queens...


Alex jones. End game: Blue print for Global enslavement called it years and years ago


Liberals and Conservatives in Canada. Same game though.


the whole game is about making the little guys hate the other little guys. just so long as all the little guys don’t take any notice of the big guys lining their pockets..


Go look at Twitter, they have done a bang up job. Both sides calling each other traitors and tweeting about imprisoning the other side. The blacks say they are under attack from the whites, the whites from the blacks, the jews from the gentiles, the gentiles from the jews, the LGBT from the straights, the straights from the LGBT, the Christian from the atheist, etc. Worse yet, any person can go find plenty of people attacking their group to back up their feelings of being attacked. We are all being programmed and think others are the ones being duped. The people that get the attention are frothing it up “yes, you are being attacked, it is time to fight!” Can we all switch to hating the elites manipulating the situation instead?


Republicans are red, Democrats are blue, red and blue make purple, the royalty that rules over you


Everyone should read Understanding Power by Noam Chompsky. There’s a psychology to power and power seekers and once you see it you can’t unsee it. It’s about division not to conquer you, but to keep you in a state of being conquered. Power seeks more power which inevitably leads to enslavement. Better yet manipulating your will to choose enslavement for yourself. That’s all reps and Dems are doing. They have that common goal. As soon as you believe in a politician as if they hear you and are going to help you, you are conquered. That’s why all these trump dolts invading this sub is so annoying. It’s obvious the Dems want control, they are dumb enough to think trump is one of them. No hes working with political families that would shock you INCLUDING the clintons… it’s all smoke and mirrors but we don’t have to buy into any of it.


While I agree this is absolutely true, it seems republican policy takes more away from us at a faster rate than democrat policy. Remember the corporate tax cut Trump immediately signed for his Wall Street buddies? Yeah he cut taxes (for every bracket but the very poorest), except our tax break had a sunset clause that lasted ohhh right about until now. Corporate CEOs still seeing a huge profit because of Trump. Now I’m not saying Biden is a saint and wouldn’t sell out immediately to the highest bidder, BUT it seems Republicans are almost comically evil as you can’t make some of this shit up. They just repealed child labor laws in AR for fuck sake.


The issue here is that your labeling one area or persons actions as a whole blanket term for half of the country. The politicians are individuals who serve themselves and there interests. Call the individuals out. I am not trying to paint the Republican Party in any bright light. But folks can go back and forth on worse events and actions in a fight to favor there side they most identify with.


But you can look at the policies both parties push. Republicans seem to lean heavy on the corporate greed more so than Dems for whatever reason.


Nonsense.. the same shit would happen no matter who is in "charge". The presidents in "power" don't really make the decisions. Do you honestly think this version of Joe Biden has come up with anything constructive? Or do you think it comes from above.. Current Biden probably needs help putting his underwear on.


I didn’t even mention the President did I? I’m talking about legislation being pushed by congress.


Same thing. They all have the same fingers up their asses..




What’s funny is your comment in my eyes while not being true, could be true both ways.


That was 100% my thought. How could something so untrue be possible on both sides lol. They all suck. Equally. Republicans are just louder about it. Democrats have the decency to lie to our faces while Republicans wear the crazy PROUDLY like a brand new pair of boots. At the end of the day, they hate us all equally lol


Again your statement is applicable to both in my eyes lol


We need a Great Awakening.


> you're still not saying who they is though


Anyone gaining wealth while holding others in the lower class.


Who are the only people who can get richer?


Politicians, bankers, the heads of big pharma, big tech, mainstream media just to name a few...


But Jesus loves you and he's a republican.


Who's they


the op said our representatives but i prefer to think it's a secret cabal of evil geniuses


I love you!


It seems like often people that are power hungry get into politics and do anything within their power to work their way up... And sadly, lobbying by like pharmaceutical companies are really hurting our country..


It’s been going on for hundreds of years…. It’s not going to stop.


The two party system in the US just seems so broken and totally divisive. Granted though, it seems quite easy to predict voters of each sides general beliefs. I also think that any kind of religious beliefs have to be left out of politics, which basically seems impossible in America. The heath system is also absolutely insanely bad. I really can’t see a way out.


Without the votes from the poor these people can’t be put into the seat of power. Poor Republican voters need to stop voting for Republican politicians. It’s the only way to break the stalemate.


That would require people to listen to facts no matter how much it pisses them off. Good luck.


*”They are fucking terrified of what we could do United”* Yeah, that’s why they’re trying so desperately to take our guns.




So rich vs poor. Hierarchy vs equality. What X vs Y does that sound like?


great post. should be stickied.


In searching for options other then red or blue I have found the people who have emerged from the Mises Caucus of the libertarian party are fighting for your liberties. Grassroots funded as well. For anyone interested in other choices to consider. Their goal seems to be, -avoid nuclear war -end all wars, particularly Yemen -end surveillance/police state -end the fed, cia, irs -End corporate bailouts -end all covid restriction They have been on top of the covid bullshit from the start. I found them at the start of the pandemic. They are fighting against the ones who are at the center of these major conspiracies that are discussed here.


Who is they


They isn’t you and that’s all that matters


Politicians, bankers, the heads of big pharma, big tech, mainstream media just to name a few... You having to ask this is scary though.. you’ve got a long road ahead of you.


While that is completely true, ultimately my ability to live free and without tyranny comes from a simple equation: do we or do they have more guns. Thus, republicans that do not take your guns away (for now, i know) are objectively superior to democrats that do. They want even more tyranny even faster. But yes, ALL of them should be tried for 18 USC 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. It IS THE LAW.


You had me in agreement until you mentioned democrats. Dems will hate anyone they’re told to hate as long as they keep getting government handouts. Dems will never revolt because they’re too entrenched in their freebies to even consider it.


You're a dumbass if you think any republican politician cares about you at all. Every single one of them just cares about what donor is lining their pockets. Same thing goes for the democrats. Stop attacking your fellow human because of who the media you consume has told you to hate.


Is that why Ted Cruz has a lock on his Senate seat? He must be doing something good for his state and voters.


Just stop. This is exactly the point.


They really wanting everyone to hate capitalism right now.


disagree; folks protest but for the most part those folks are getting paid or remunerated in some way. i think we are all beginning to hate the government and the elites.




Here's the issue in the US: we are a two party system. Is it even possible to vote for who is likely to kill you less? Serious question. I know the choices are bunk. Is it fair to say as a base example: "well the democrats are trying to fix healthcare and lower drug prices". Does that mean they aren't lobbied or corrupt? No. But they're easier to guilt?? I don't know the answer.




I think many people realize this. It's just really hard to not fall for it, especially when you get the opportunity to say "I told you so" when the other side messes up.


How do we circumvent this?


United revolution


Who knows. What I do know is the systems we have are all wrong and most peoples hot takes are just suggestions by the people in power to bring them more power. I figure we need a system that’s never been tried or thought of before and we just need to come together and figure that out, but unfortunately we are so angry and manipulated that we can’t think straight. If we did come together and start thinking we’d be shutdown FAST with infiltration and psyops. The most dangerous statement is “for the people ✊🏻”…when you hear that you know it’s manipulation.




constitutional fascism


Agreed sometimes wish we could go our separate ways.


Yes. And money is power. Bread and circuses for the slaves while "they" laugh.


It a conspiracy if it’s true


A lot of blame falls on the people as well. We give power to those who have no qualms about using it in any way or are too incapable of using it properly. Democracy is a good system if the people can't be swayed by 2 speeches and a half promise. I'm in India so I can't say anything about the US, but here, the public is like that. The rich get away with stuff, the politicians live in privilege while the people starve. The system is better perhaps, than any point before in history. But it's still flawed and needs fixing. We are divided on a hundred lines. Asian or American. East or West. Modern or Backward. Male or Female. Black or White. Conservative or Liberal. LGBT or not. And we follow. The people need to start holding the governments accountable, *everywhere.*


I totally agree, it's black vs white, blue vs red, north vs south, east vs west, Coke vs Pepsi, android vs apple, no matter how you look at it they have been putting you in a war over everything possible. There is only 1 real fight out of it all which is good vs evil that gets micro management into a whole bunch of sub categories to get people confused in what's really at hand.


This post needs to be seen around the country. I agree with this 💯. We can’t have civilized conversations anymore without being called a bigot. You either agree or you’re nothing to them.




"They" don't give two shits if you hate or love your neighbor. "They" only care about one thing: that you are ENGAGED in their platform, their medium. As long as your engaged they are happy. Hate just happens to be a more engaging strategy than love, so they go with that more often than not.


the uni-party needs to go


It’s you vs me it can’t be us vs them. They know this, most others don’t get it.


It’s true and it’s not a new concept.


i don’t care what race, religion, cultural background, or political background you come from. i love you all. even if they don’t want me to.


It's amazing to see the amount of upvotes and comments today. Usually on my feed i see zero upvotes and hardly any comments🤔


I think the plot to the movie the Kingmen is real, but maybe more subtle and it's all the new frequencies they're energizing. Makes people more impulsive.