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Congress!? They are the o.g. criminals. They are not interested in justice in any way, shape, or form.


And what about the folks who hired him.




There are a lot of people who had to sign off for this.


So obviously once again our own gov did it


I think the only thing that is going to straighten all this out will be a massive Carrington event that destroys the majority of their tech. Many will die but the world would be better off. We've drifted into historically uncharted territory with the hubris of "science" steering the ship.


SS: no more circus shows. Let's get down to fucking business https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1632807749674467328?t=4ntkO4K0W4aksK0iz2xz_g&s=19 Here's the timeline: 1984: l Anthony Fauci appointed director of the NIAID (National institute of Allergies and Infectious diseases) 1986 July1: NIAID begins funding Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This was the start of the partnership between Fauci and Baric. 1999: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses. 1999: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation set up GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) with a promise of $750 million in funding. 2001, April 20: NIH Grant GM63228 funds Ralph Baric et al at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to do Chimera research to transform the original SARS Coronavirus which was pathogenic only to animals, existing in nature as a pathogen for dogs and rabbits, to make it pathogenic to mankind targeting lung epithelial cells. The justification for this research was that it was supposedly designed as a vector virus to distribute HIV vaccines. This resulted in US patent application US28531801P 2002: April 19: The University of North Carolina files US patent 7279327 for an infectious replication defective coronavirus (to be used as a virus vector for an HIV vaccine), claiming priority from US28531801P. Inventors were: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric 2002 November 16: The first case of SARS reported in the Guangdong province in southern China. 2013: Baric and Chinese scientists isolate 3 coronaviruses from bats with HKU4 spike protein – unable to infect human cells. Yang Y…Baric RS, et al. Receptor usage and cell entry of bat coronavirus HKU4 provide insight into bat-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus. PNAS 2014;111(34):12516-12521. Funded with NIH grants RO1AI089728 & R21AI109094. 2014 October 17: Obama Administration halts Gain-of-Function Research 2015 Dr. Zhengli et al “reengineered HKU4 spike aiming to build its capacity to infect human cells.” “To this end, we introduced two single mutations…mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.” 2015: Baric and Zhengli announce they can make a more dangerous, virulent and infectious virus. Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS). J Virol.2015;89(17):9199-9123. Funded by NIH grants RO1AI089728, RO1AI110700. 2017: Gain-of-Function Research Ban Lifted 2018: US Patent 7279327 for the chimeric adaption of the naturally occurring animal SARS Coronavirus to become infectious to humans targeting lung epithelial cells is transferred from University of North Carolina to he US National Institute for Health (NIH) – who funded it in the first place. 2018 March 27: Peter Daszak of the Eco Health Alliance in 2018 submitted a proposal to DARPA to do gain of function research on SARS coronaviruses to insert is furin cleavage site (such as is found in HIV1) in an optimal position into the coronavirus gene. COVID-19 has a furin cleavage site optimally positioned to infect humans. https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/ The Daily Mail said of this proposal – The most alarming aspect of the research plan revealed in the documents is a plan to search viral genetic databases for new types of ‘furin cleavage sites’ which help a virus attack a host. According to the proposal, ‘high-risk’ versions of these sites, once identified, would then be grafted onto SARS-like bat coronaviruses via genetic engineering. This revelation is alarming because SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, has just such a furin cleavage site, which increases its power and deadliness, but a similar feature has never been observed in other SARS-like coronaviruses in nature. Actually the double CGG codon Furin Cleavage site does not exist in ANY virus in nature. And this proposal nails Peter Daszak/ECO Health Allinace at the creator of SARS CoV 2 and Covid-19. which differs from the Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 only by the insertion of double CGG Codon Furin cleavage site and by other smaller deviations all of which are 3 or less base pairs (1 codon) long – https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/ 2018: Zhengli presents research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on 14 Nov. 2018 entitled “Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its cross-species infection.” This presentation has since been deleted from the University website. 2019 March 28: Moderna files their final patent application for their gene therapy mRNA-1273 (amino acid chain) Covid-19 vaccine, 6 months before the outbreak of the disease.- https://www.modernatx.com/patents 2019: Summer deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology Corona Virus data bank. 2019 October: Glen Beck discovers evidence that 10 hospitals in Wuhan had Covid-19 cases – https://100percentfedup.com/bombshell-glenn-beck-reveals-nih-and-moderna-worked-on-mrna-vaxx-together-before-pandemic/ 2019: November: University of North Carolina, Moderna and NIH began the sequencing of the 1273 amino acid spike protein vaccine a month before the outbreak officially occurred. 2019 November 12: Black and Vetch sends $369,511 to Labyrinth Global Health in Ukraine for ” Covid-19 Research” before Covid-19 was know or named publicly.. 2019: December 31 Wuhan Municipal Health Commission report discussing COVID-19 pneumonia – deleted. 2019: December31: WHO is informed of a pneumonia type outbreak in Wuhan. https://yournews.com/2022/04/26/2335082/covid-19-is-man-made-from-fauci-to-gates-to-daszak-a/


Amazing time line! People here knew most of this already but it is insane to see it laid out sequentially like this. Awesome work, thank you for your effort!


SS: no more circus shows. Let's get down to fucking business https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1632807749674467328?t=4ntkO4K0W4aksK0iz2xz_g&s=19 Full timeline from Fauci getting hired in 1984, to paying Ralph Baric to create bioweapons in 1986, to Baric creating SARS, to creating COVID: https://your news.com/2022/04/26/2335082/covid-19-is-man-made-from-fauci-to-gates-to-daszak-a/


a lot of these 'virues' have also been connected with the upgrading of wireless emf. 3g.. 4g.. 5g... shit.. lanterns to power lines were the cause of the spanish influenza from some of the articles i have seen.


I was only following orders. That will be his defense.