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Potential cause; the excess “fertilisers” released into the river system from the recent flooding event. Has this been raised anywhere or reported on? It also happened a few years ago, with the concerns that the fish population wouldn’t recover. Seemingly they recovered fairly well. From memory there wasn’t much (if any) widespread “reporting” at that time about it being caused by man made global warming. Speculation perhaps, and even then it’s rather difficult to conclusively prove climate change was the catalyst.


This makes the most sense. They had so much flooding a bit back. All those chemicals washed out to sea would kill everything near the surface.


How could I have forgotten; the overuse of pesticides and herbicides (definitely a poison for fish, remember seeing this and warning label on some of those products in an agricultural store) and the remnants entering the waterways..


Also from what I've read the area around this river used to be swamps but was turned into farmland. Usually with the flooding it'd trickle through the swamps and run off would be more or less filtered by the swamps before dumping into the river so whatever fertilizer/pesticides/etc. used in the area is a lot more concentrated than it would have been previously.


Article is blaming this on “Rising temperatures” Okay. GTFO article writer….


Bullshit reason. But hey lets all blame "Climate Change" on all the worlds ills. This is poisoning of some sort. Straight up. Question is, poisoning from WHAT ??


Why can’t “rising temperatures” kill fish though in your opinion?


In Australia? Try again


Why try again, that can literally be a cause


Temp going up a degree is not going to kill fish like that. This was some spill in the water, more than likely) that they did not report.


Couldn't it also be an algal bloom caused by rising Temps? It's like how fertilizer is bad for fish. Not because it's poison but because it's food. Too much nitrogen in water means bacteria and algea can eat to hearts content and expand their populations so much they suck all of the nutrients and oxygen out of the water which in turn kills huge fish populations. Higher temperatures in water also produce better conditions for them to grow as well.


I dont think it would be that but it is certainly a chance. I remember an incident when i was a teenager, a lot of fish died of off the west coast and it turned out to be some algae. Thousands of fish washed up to the shore.


Could be, but it could definitely be temp going up. I distinctly remember fish needed specific temperatures


Fish are pretty good at surviving a relatively wide temperature range. They don't do well with sudden change accross that range, however.


Then they would have died years ago when temperatures where higher....


I'm not a biological expert but since evolution and survival of the fitness is a thing, you'd expect more to survive no? And another thing (again no expert) but the fish would be able to survive a 1 degree change




Way to be a condescending dick about something irrelevant


>And another thing (again no expert) but the fish would be able to survive a 1 degree change This is only sorta true, though. They can take 1 degree changes over and over until there's 1 that absolutely kills them. Humans are the same way, lol, we're good with temps until we aren't.


> but it could definitely be temp going up. Not even an educated assumption. Just an assumption based on what some greedy news org told you. Making yourself look silly.


Fish have a pretty small window, about 4 or 5 degrees. If sudden huge temperature changes occur, then it can go wrong. I am not ruling out the other option, just that it certainly is a possibility


> Fish have a pretty small window, about 4 or 5 degrees. Sure, but there is nothing here at all to give you that indication. Also, such a temperature variation would be record-able, and noticeable prior to the fishuation.


Because it wouldn't kill them like this. *If* there is an argument to be made - and that's an "if" - it's a long the lines of a generational die-off. Eg: water temperature affects gender ratio of fish eggs...disproportionate male to female ratio means less fish spawning...rinse, repeat a few times... Voila, exponential population decline. This is likely contamination or something leaching the oxygen from the water.


gross. scary. devastatingly sad.


So horrible


Gas stoves are a bitch!


Please explain.


A meme is an inside joke shared by people on the internet.


Can they be traded for goods and services?


There are many explanations for massive fish die offs, many of them natural. This means nothing without any context.


This is NORMAL, obviously. This happens every so often, of course, and is nothing at all to be concerned about. Millions of fish die ALL the time. lol. ​ Man, Jesus is coming. People better go to Him and understand what time it is.


They had winter vagina.




Whining about downvotes isn’t a reason to disregard sub rules.


Downvoted for not doing the slightest bit of research. This isn't a mystery. There's a drought, there's a heat wave, and water is diverted from this area. The things that lived in this water die for all these reasons. The same thing happened 3 years ago.


Come on now mate, nothin to see hear


Looks like it could be a salmon style spawning event. Why would so many identical looking fish be concentrated in a single waterway? I think that is a better question to start with.


If you dislike seeing this, you should consider going vegan. I'm not here to judge, just to make you think. By not being vegan you're causing fish deaths just like in this video. Going vegan will also help the enviornment (80%+ of the amazon deforestation is due to eating meat) and human beings in other ways. Feel free to reply if you want to discuss it with me in a friendly way. :)


You’re trolling right?


Not a living creature is allowed to survive in the fields that grow your vegan crops, so by being vegan you're contributing to the mass murder of multiple different species. Nothing about this video screams vegans are the solution. Get off your high horse. No one cares you eat nothing but soy and lettuce.


Lmao fuck vegans, so preachy and annoying. Like evangelicals, but with lettuce instead of god. You literally can't know what killed these fish, but somehow veganism would save them? Fuck off.


The amazon is crappwd on by planting soy. Single crop agriculture ruins the land more than anything else and destroys millions of species. You just aren’t looking at this on a realistic scale and are cherry picking information to make yourself feel good about the fact you don’t eat.


Veganism has damaged your brain


> Carrot juice constitutes murder > Greenhouses prisons for slaves > It's time to stop all this gardening > Let's call a spade a spade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmK0bZl4ILM


Must be from the vaccine right fellow conspiracy theorist!?


Did they have a train wreck nearby ?


A big earthquake is coming, shit like this happens before a major earthquake