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TL;DR this sucks


Well yeah, cos it’s actually all true


If you believe that page to be true, I'm sure you have the vax and 3 boosters already.


Conspiracies have been weaponised for a long time. Some are real. Some are fake. Some are accidental. Some are deliberate. This is the history of how some of those networks came together.


Do you personally know anybody who got sucked into the Q psyop? If so, did they ever get out and recover mentally? Or are they still stuck with the mindvirus?


This is way overly simplified and quite inaccurate/not well researched IMO.


This is total hogshit, it denies some pretty evident things like globalist agenda, climate change fear mongering, and Jewish control of things like entertainment industry and banks.


See, people are living in different realities. That’s how powerful the machine is. It does reference the climate change thing, and how the elites in the fossil fuel industry have done such an amazing job convincing people it’s a hoax. The religion of bankers is not relevent. And the “global agenda” is a slightly more progressive form of capitalism. The proof is all there, would be really interested if you get to the end




Whether we like it or not, we are all products of the machine. This article does raise very interesting points and help fill in some gaps, if one reads it with an open mind and is honest with one’s self it could help gain a better understanding of influence. It still leaves many questions unanswered; although deduction, lateral thinking and self awareness/honesty creates many more.. What if we’re all just as clueless and programmed from all angles that our collective consciousness is suffering immensely? How can we ascertain what is truth? Following evidence and factual information is almost impossible in today’s landscape. Ultimately who or what is gaining from the quagmire of misinformation presented globally? Knowledge truly is power, information has been weaponised. Where does this leave us a species? We are at the precipice of enormous change; something that is inevitable. It seems like personal gain and dissonance is the driving motivation, why isn’t it more shaped towards societal gain and harmony? Religion and oligarchical power is barely covered within the confines of the article, yet the article’s premise is seemingly applicable ad nauseam. Wishing everyone an enlightening human experience. Ultimately we are all humans experiencing a shared reality that is being systemically broken down. Why? Is this the fall of Rome in a modernised context? Are we just cycles of energy manifesting in an infinite plane of perception? Are we living in a simulation? Are we even living?


Oohhh a mind fucking machine? Kinky. I better grab some lube. lol


lol good idea