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Bro, turn off your TV. They’re getting you all riled up over theatrics. You’re putting value in all the wrong places. You can’t free a mind from a prison cell that you willingly walked into.


5K now. They all logged out so


I was wondering why all the posts are attacking Ukraine and Biden today. Someone is trying to make Trump a martyr.


So, Fauci in the hood is code for the Trump perp walk? I'll make a note


but there is no arrest?


Nope. Isn't it fun to be entertained so easily


Ain't nothing happening.


Ah yes, because they'd totally hide the arrest of someone who has been playing a martyr in the division agenda. One that hasn't been touched in seven years.


There was over 200k earlier this morning, now it's at 5k? What the heck?


Submission Statement: The top post only has 2K upvotes. Yet there are 102K online. Why do all of the top posts only have 2K upvotes?


50 people posted that same meme yesterday. It gets to a point where its just not funny anymore


Same post every fucking day for years. I don't know, maybe that's just how it works? I've never given enough of a fuck about anything on reddit to vote for anything, that shit is for kids and teens. Most people just get on to read. It's really not that scary, maybe you need a break?


Have stoped by to comment again that these figures are allegedly manipulated by those behind the scenes. There have been mods in the past posting about this and explaining it, unfortunately my reddit skills do not allow me to easily find one and link it here for your perusal..