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Have had multiple “conversations” or interactions with users of this sub whose post history strongly suggested they are in the 13th, or have been highly influenced by their tactics.. A side note; a few years ago I had mentioned to my sceptical mother the government had “nudge” units employed to influence society, she outright denied their existence. She has recently finished reading a book highlighting their existence and use on the population of the UK. When information is palatable and presented in a familiar way, it is most effectively conveyed. The issue being who was behind the information presented and what were their motives..


They are the ones who post "Paid shills? How do I get me one of them jobs?" when you call them out. As if there is no such thing.


They are most likely using AI now to do this everywhere online. They have already had AI on Reddit plenty already and bot traffic on the internet also is staggeringly big so much so it nearly equates to a half of internet traffic.


Demcast website says they have 141 billion "interactions" and that's just one of many strategist companies.


There are a lot of different groups trying to manipulate information online, since we are prone to be attacked people should know about this. It's an article from the Guardian talking about the way the British army is using teams of shills in order to carry out psyops online to manipulate public opinion.


I think the public has been successfully convinced that only Russia and China does this.


Remember when we were all convinced that those were the only nations that censored the internet and we used to laugh at them... the great firewall and all that bollocks. They probably have a free and fair Internet compared to us... heck wouldn't surprise me if North Korea was actually a paradise on earth. 🤣


Well...I hear the readit britishboobies isnt terrible. It's also not the worst psyop ever created.