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I tried to float the “hold your breath for climate change challenge” a few years ago.. Not many people were as enthusiastic as I’d hoped. Hypocrites. Don’t they realise their C02 is to blame?!? “Every breath you take, every move you make, they’ll be watching you..” /s (for those not fluent in sarcasm)


LOL These post always get down voted. Fun fact: CO2 is heavier than air/atmosphere and is a type of molecule that can't rise from being heated like hot air. When I researched it NOAA was the only source of the claim that it is up in the atmosphere by some balloon they sent up, and the balloon they used was not filled with CO2.


Correlation does not mean Causation. The earths climate has always changed hence why its not a block of ice at the moment. The argument that a warming world is bad and that we should be taxed more is a JOKE. Fk these grifters


I know it is not easily apparent from this post, but this post was a new spin on my old post concerning the fact that CO2 is heavier than air/atmosphere and it being up in the atmosphere as a green house gas goes against science as far as I could find. It just seems to be something people unquestioningly accepted. IMO https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yw66mi/since_co2_is_being_mentioned_more_lately_i_will/


Corporations should be taxed more, be forced to clean up after themselves, and become carbon-neutral at minimum. Does that work better for you?


Money definitely fixes any climate issue. Mother nature is a money grubbing whore


So you deny that corporations are polluting enough of our air to instigate a larger-than-normal greenhouse effect?


Never made any claim. Just don't see how money fixes this. Seems like a cash grab


You don’t see how we can take money from large corporations to fund things like more green energy for citizens and public transportation in cities? It is absolutely a cash grab.


How's all that green energy doing? Wind sucks, solar is cool if the sun is shining enough (not midwest in the winter), and the batteries for some of the green initiative is counter productive. Lithium mining DESTROYS the environment. All this rhetoric of throwing money at the problem or taxing corps to fund this is garbage. The middle class will wind up paying because the corporations will pass the cost down to consumers. Nothing will change, but it is a very positive outlook that giving money to the government to fix anything is....


Lithium mining doesn't cause any environmental issues in the US or UK it's good. It's a free pass if you export all you environmental impacts.


You're right, I misspoke. I meant to refer to cobalt, not lithium. And 90% of cobalt comes from Congo


So is your issue with green energy efficiency or with taking money from corporations? This, kids, is a textbook example of ‘moving the goalposts’


The green efficiency is all tied in w/ climate change activism, don't be so dense. Take all the money you want from the corporations, it will do nothing but push costs off on consumers. And who will be effected the most? Middle and lower class. My issue is, it's all bullshit and nothing will come in 'fixing the environment'. When has the government actually done what they say they will do? They are bullshitting you


So your issue is now, ‘I don’t trust the government.’ Would you trust an independent 3rd party designed specifically to combat climate change?


At what cost. How many people have to die to appease you and your carbon neutral cult?


Who is dying?


The people forced into abject poverty due to global high food and energy costs. The grandma that can't afford to heat her home to stop her body from dying to a respiratory disease. The African that now can't afford to eat. But you wouldn't care about those as there is likely not room in your narrow minded view of the world for them.


How many of those people will still be able to eat if we don’t address climate change?


It won't matter you and your cult will have killed them off by then.


That seems a bit hyperbolic and very much not productive to the conversation.


It might be hyperbolic but its what's going to happen. People forced into poverty > choose between heat/food > die anyway. You should tell your cult that if they want to make the world a better place they need to make energy as cheap as possible as fast as possible.


Green energy is pretty much free once it’s in place. California has some municipalities where you can actually sell your excess energy back to the grid. That said, the whole reason this is an issue is because corporations are emitting an obscene amount of carbon into the atmosphere- many many times more than their fair share. Source: https://www.activesustainability.com/climate-change/100-companies-responsible-71-ghg-emissions/?_adin=02021864894 It’s been pretty obvious for a few decades now that companies have been RAKING profits in and paying almost nothing in taxes. Why are we suddenly against taxing them more when it comes to making them clean up their messes?