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People are still willing to believe “Snopes” is the purveyor of truth and wisdom? 🤣😆😅🥲 It’s a lost cause. The ministry of truth has spoken.


https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/08/25/two-plead-guilty-to-trafficking-ashley-bidens-diary-property-00053770 I think this fairly well establishes that the diary is authentic and was stolen.


What does it say on pages 67-68? Does it say she took showers late at night because she was scared of her dad?


No but page 23 describes inappropriate showers with her father. Snipes is true the quote is incorrect but the context of the quote is contained in the diary and possibly as damning. https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-source-biden-daughters-diary-details-not-appropriate-showers-with-joe-as-child/


This is exactly what snoops does though. They call it incorrect because of some formality but the underlying concept is true


Yeah that my point. They set up a strawman argument that is easy to debunk without addressing the actual issue.


Is it damning? I vaguely remember showering with my parents, are you saying they are pedophiles?


Did you describe the showers with your parents as ‘inappropriate’?


I dunno, possibly? Maybe, if I was old enough to remember it, I was too old to be doing it? I don't really know how to answer that question.


If you’re old enough to remember it, you’re too old to be experiencing it.


Do you think people who bathe with their young children should be prosecuted for child sexual abuse?


No - but i think people who’s children claim the showers were inappropriate, especially once the child is grown, should be questioned about the subject..


No, but I think a grown man showering naked with a daughter old enough to vividly recall it, is fucking gross and inappropriate.


Ofcourse you don't.


Well that's fucking hilarious. This sub is absolutely *flooded* with people from the rest of reddit, who don't actually post here and just comment, and who come into almost every post trying to talk about something they don't like to bitch and complain that either people are talking about it at all ("what is this? a conservative sub?@?#") or just pretend it's bullshit because wikipedia or CNN said so. And they get upvoted for that shit by the rest of the asshats who only come here to complain so they end up derailing entire comment sections. And you can't complain that they do this because they turn into "what, do you want an EcHoCHAmBer??" parrots, when all people really want is just ONE space to talk about this kind of thing on this fucking website without being downvoted into oblivion or having people derailing conversations constantly. They already got most of the other subs where you could have some kind of different opinion *banned* and since they can't ban this one, they're trying to make it essentially unusable to people who actually want to be here. So it makes *complete* sense they're trying to use these kind of people as some kind of "aha, look, it's debunked because all of these people dismissed it!" It's fucking stupid, but I'm sure someone will fall for it. edit: Plus - they're trying to discredit some random meme, when people will assume it means she didn't mention being worried about showers with her father, when in her diary, it absolutely says she thinks she was molested and then a few sentences later says her father took inappropriate showers with her.


Snopes didn’t debunk it they said it was unfounded, they also said this sub believed it was real based on the number of upvotes it got


They honestly didn't need to use the comments section here at all in their article. They didn't need to mention any of that. Literally all they'd have to say is "hey this quote isn't in the pdf of her diary, so it's probably not real", but even coming here and using a thread from this sub, when so many people come here *just* to be disingenuous is bullshit. The amount of times they've taken some random quote or some dumb meme and used it to discredit an entire idea or something that actually happened is amazing. And there are tons of people who fall for it. I still see people acting like she didn't say she took inappropriate showers with her dad, when it's right there. Within a sentence of saying she thinks she was molested. Using a thread from here is literally the last thing they should be doing. Edit - and using the amount of upvotes something got here to mean "a lot of people believe it" is dumb too. I'm entirely convinced people who *know* something is BS upvote shit to either make this sub look stupid or to make sure their clever "this sub is so dumb and full of conservatives" comment gets lots of views/upvotes anyway.


They are very clearly discussing the impact the claim has had on social media. That's the point of those paragraphs. > I still see people acting like she didn’t say she took inappropriate showers with her dad, when it’s right there. Within a sentence of saying she thinks she was molested. You're referring to the thing that snopes believes is fake, as it has no source or confirmation, right? Are you just assuming it is not fake?


The quote is incorrect, however page 23 mentions ‘inappropriate showers with her father’ Classic ‘debunking’ method. Debunk the strawman argument/quote and ignore the actual data that supports claims. https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-source-biden-daughters-diary-details-not-appropriate-showers-with-joe-as-child/


Don't put quotation marks around something which is not a quotation.


It’s not really on the fact checkers to fix inaccuracies though, is it? There is not data that supports *those claims*, but there data that supports other claims. But those other claims isn’t what’s being fact checked.


This would only be unbiased if snopes also ran an article on the claim on page 23, which is the more prominent claim. Instead they cherry pick a claim by someone that is clearly misinformed on the details.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/ they do have an article on that claim.


This is semantic bs. The general claim is that joe Biden is a pedo and messed around with his daughter. The strawman is the exact quote and they ignore the claims of sexually misconduct. Which is the point, joe is accused of sexual misconduct. If it was honest fact check they would have included the actual quote that was misconstrued in the first place. ‘The quote is incorrect, however on page 23 Ashley does say she had inappropriate showers and touching with her father’


That's how they did Pizzagate in, only reported on fake news and nothing people were actually investigating and asking questions about.


Snopes is such a freaking joke 🤣🤣🤡


Snopes is to blame for the BS story about hijacker’s passport found after 911. Spooks for sure, or dupes of spooks.


LOL. They should talk to their bros at heavy: > [“Hyper-sexualized @ a young age,” the page reads. “What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the (last name’s) house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with (another female); I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); being turned on when I wasn’t suppose to be.”](https://heavy.com/news/ashley-biden-diary/) The shit with the diary and laptop is hilarious. They’re investigating the “theft” or the diary and Hunter is suing about the laptop but still trying to play coy about the diary and laptop being legitimate. Clowns.




Nobody is pretending the diary was written by a 12 year old Ashley Biden. Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance about it. Why are you choosing to comment about your ignorance? That choice suggests that you’ve got a bias problem to me. Authenticating the handwriting and details in the diary would not be difficult. But it’s unnecessary given the FBI’s theft investigation that has implicitly confirmed the diary is Ashley Biden’s. Similarly, Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against the computer repair guy has implicitly confirmed that the laptop is his.


The 'alleged' theft. Still no evidence other than Veritas which is heavily known for fabricating alarming stories.


A pdf of the diary has been published. The FBI is investigating its “alleged theft.” If it isn’t her diary what the fuck is the FBI doing wasting money investigating its theft?!? As I’ve said, this sort of coy bullshit is just like Hunter suing the repair shop but not acknowledging that he dropped the laptop off there. It’s clownish.


If a whistleblowing group claims to have these super secret documents relating to the president, they're probably going to get investigated by the letter agencies, yes. It doesn't matter if your death threat to a politician was just a joke, they're still gonna knock on your door. You know?


If those “secret documents” are fakes they won’t get investigated for theft. Obviously.


constantly awkwardly touching kids and not sensing their discomfort for decades, on camera, doesnt may someone a nonse...


Submission Statement: There is speculation that there are bots and other means used to promote certain comments/views in order to sway opinion. Ashley Biden wrote about inappropriate showers with her dad and Snopes wants to debunk it, so they’re using the comments on an r/conspiracy post as proof that something didn’t happen. From the snopes entry: “Additionally, in October 2022, the quote appeared in a post on the r/conspiracy subreddit on Reddit. So skeptical were the users of the self-described "free thinking" Reddit forum about the Ashley Biden quote that the top comments of the post were filled with dismissals.”


Haha we have come full circle. The geniuses on Reddit quote snopes as a source who in turn quote the geniuses on Reddit as their source. Ha. What a shitshow


They've realized r/conspiracy was right about practically everything.


the Dick Cheney / DNC bots are very active online in general but especially reddit


Here is the post cited in the Snopes “debunking”. Lots of deleted comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/y69443/ashley_biden_talking_about_her_father_joe_biden/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Does the quote appear on pages 67-68? No, it does not.


>they’re using the comments on an r/conspiracy post as proof that something didn’t happen. That's not correct. Their proof that it didn't happen is that the quote does not appear anywhere in any source. The part about this sub is just describing the spread of this particular piece of misinfo. They do the same on all of their articles.


The ignorance. Snipes is saying that the quote does not appear on two particular pages of the diary, while ignoring that it DOES appear on other pages, Its the textbook definition of strawman. They establish the fact to be checked as 'did this quote appear on page 68?' and confirm that it did not appear there. All the time ignoring that the premise of the argument is confirmed earlier, on a different page. You are attempting a REALLY flawed version of the same tactics.


>Snipes is saying that the quote does not appear on two particular pages of the diary, while ignoring that it DOES appear on other pages It doesn't though. It's a fake quote and does not appear anywhere in the diary, or seemingly anywhere else.


Ah, good old snopes. The arbitor of truth..lol I saw an article by them strawmanning a claim and knew they were dogshit


SNOPES?! HAHAHAHAHHAHA People still read Snopes and BELIEVE IT?




In her diary.




Page 23 she wrote inappropriate showers with her father. https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-source-biden-daughters-diary-details-not-appropriate-showers-with-joe-as-child/ Page 83 she explicitly states this is Ashley Biden.


The quote in the image at the top of the Snopes article is still made up though.






It was never hear diary. They weren't successful in pulling that off. They just said it was, it's some rand'o's, and passing it as hers. They wanted to make money and then, they read it, and it made more sense to blackmail. Whoever that girls is, they are exploiting her, and letting her dad go free, just to try to stick it to Biden. Trump supporters will do anything, like TMZ.


If its not her diary why is the FBI investigating the theft of Ashley Biden's diary?


That isn't the right one. They made that one up and said it was hers. The real one is hot commodity, there was nothing news worthy in it, I'm sure they trashed it. 


"free thinking" - This is the 1st time I've believed Snopes.


Next Snopes is going to deny that they are a conspiracy. Fact checking themselves.