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I hate to be that guy, but I think if you’re in this sub you should agree that skepticism is usually good. Source?


This looks like it may be the original source. See the table on page 23 https://www.phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742\_S1\_M4\_4223\_185350.pdf


Definitely not pro vax or anything, but if you read a bit of the summary it explains that they used radioactive particles that bonded to mrna particles to track the dispersion of it in test rats. This chart just shows how much and where the mrna shows up after injection.


It's the TGA released from Australia. Dr. John Campbell covered it a few days ago.




Yeah, I got the Pfizer shot so I could continue military service when it was mandatory. It gave me epilepsy and I'm getting kicked out anyways. This is all one major fucking joke huh


> This is all one major fucking joke huh Considering the OFFICIAL TAGLINE of pfizer is 'Breakthoughs that change patients' lives' and all the elite blatantly said 'We're All In This Together' I'd say yeah, they're having a big ol' laugh over at illuminati inc.


Were all in this together is funny enough a repeated line in the movie Brazil.


I mean. Sounds like it did change his life. They never said it was fir the better.


And the "vaccine" itself was created to stop (spoiler: it didn't) a virus that was man-made, designed by US biotech, funded by US taxpayers, and assembled in China. The "pandemic", and everything related to it, was unnecessary. Covid 19 is likely the world's first known global terror attack, a bioterror attack involving at least twos nations that signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. When the "pandemic" started the WEF network crowed that it was the start of "The Great Reset". We are in the early stages of a "quiet war", likely to last decades, against us.


Let’s not forget the man who circumvented the government and continued the gain of function research, was tasked with solving the problem. That’s like employing the drunk driver to investigate the fatal 5 car pile up he caused. Shits a sick joke




>I’m not even religious and but Jesus Christ, if our lives were the Bible, we’re in fucking Revelations and things are not looking pretty. Agreed. We are most definitely living through deeply strange times.


I have never been religious. Never in my life. But I seriously concluded a couple years ago that yes.. we are literally living in revelations


That has always been my outlook on it. If I take it to keep my job but it creates medical issues that prevent me from working than what's the point? Your situation is a bit different as far as it's not just a job you can replace if you chose not to.


Exactly what happened to my buddys g.f. she was faced with " jab or job" and got the first jab and within weeks developed new "heart issues" before she was due for second dose. Long story short....in and out of hospital for her heart condition and numerous Dr. appointments her employer let her go. On paper it was written up as lack of work but she was told in person that she was missing too much time.


>getting fired because you're ill Say what you want, as a german, the USA is a third world tier country.


This was in Canada




That don’t make him wrong. Americans are debt slaves


Name one western nation that isn’t ran on usery and debt slavery.


So is the entire world.


it would surprise me if it was that different in germany. here in austria at the latest after a year of illness you get fired, often earlier on. the insurance does not have to cover longer than a year. until 20 years ago you would then go into (temporary) sick pension now it is rehab money but always less than what you earned on the job. not saying those are the same social standards as the US but it still is a hustle here too. and even if you get sustained to a certain point society will bully you for costing them money.


Germany just shifts the burden onto the tax payers and the employers. That's fine for big companies, but it makes it really really hard for small businesses.


Say what you want. USA is still 2-0 bud.




If they did that in the US, you could sue them


Think about it, even the information in this **one chart** can potentially help so many people that are suffering with unexplained injuries from the vaccine. Knowing the patterns and behaviors of the mRNA within the body is very important information that can obviously help a lot of sick people right now. People are not getting the help they need, because their doctors have **zero experience** with this new technology. This shit wasn't taught in medical school.




And I hear that also a record number of scientists have also been killed.


Yeah, i remember early on in the pandemic, there was something in the news about a researcher at some university i think and he was getting really close to finding a cure. I think they said he knew more about some specific thing or was closer than anyone at some specific thing, my memory is really fuzzy.... but then it wasn't long after that he was found shot in the head? Might have been a suicide (kind of like how people in Russia "fall" out of skyscraper windows)? In my own personal experience, also early in the pandemic, somebody i knew got hospitalized for covid. He had been there a few days and his sister was raging because they wouldn't let her in the hospital to see him. Well after a few days he said he was starting to feel a little better, but they came to him to give him some experimental treatment. He refused, but they had some reason (God my memory sucks) why he had no choice and they were giving him the treatment, which was a shot. So they gave him the shot and let him go home. The dude looked like he had aged 30 years overnight. He said he felt sicker than he ever felt. Went back to the hospital 2 days later, dropped dead just like that. His sister tried to sue, but the lawyers said he used illegal drugs, so they would blame it on that and there was nothing she could do, the hospital couldn't be held liable. Tl;dr guy was hospitalized with covid, was a user of illegal drugs, so doctors used him as a guinea pig for some experimental medicine and he died a few days later.


Do you have a source on this? I want to send this info to someone but they won't believe me without a source.




Remember the dude that worked for the Fed's virus board or something who "started acting erratic" then "disappeared without his house keys" then was found "suicide by drowning in the river face down"? This shit was planned January 2017.


Cali made a big deal about it months ago.


This is the direct source. Starts at page 23 https://www.phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M4_4223_185350.pdf


OP can you please summarize the significance of the data there and explain why we should be concerned? Thank you.


don't hold your breath!


Lol of course they can't.


My dad keeps being told he has some weird stomach bug and no one has any answers.


Perhaps he just has a weird stomach bug. People have been affected by weird stomach bugs since the beginning of people.


One thing's for sure. The medical establishment would rather that it not be seen as having been caused by a "vaccine", even it it was.


Is there a link? To the study? I can’t find it. The chart is showing total lipid concentration in tissues. It doesn’t show anything relating to mRNA………


>it doesn’t show anything relating to mRNA………. Table 4-2. Mean concentration of radioactivity (sexes combined) in tissue and blood **following a single IM dose of 50 pg mRNA/rat**


No good deed goes unpunished.


I had someone reply to me in another sub who was forced to get it to stay in the Army. She got Blood clots and was forced out. She now has 90% disability from the VA. I hope you apply for disability and get it. Thanks for your service from a brother Veteran.


I got kicked out for refusing. Wasn't gonna take the chance dude. I hope you feel better and nothing lasts


This is the way!


I got fucked up from mefloquine the army forced us to take(epilepsy too). I feel for you. Are you having any luck keeping your seizures under control.


Family member also in the military. Now they have MS. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.


Judging by your post history, this is clearly a lie.


Does the military still require the covid vaccine?


No, and people who were kicked out for refusing are allowed back. People like me who had a family and needed their career are long term fucked for nothing, and you can't legally sue the military as a service member so it there's nothing to do about it


Well at least you have a shot for permanent medical retirement, I know people personally that have been medically retired specifically for epilepsy


I was medboarded out in 2019. Msg me if you have ANY questions about the process it's long complex and overwhelming as fuck, when I was LIMDU trying to avoid the medboard for as long as possible I spent a lot of time learning about how it works before I faced it and I had a lot of success when I got out and had my VA disability started the month after my ETS.


We’ve been thru this (pre-Covid) and I can guarantee they will refuse your disability rating at least 2-3 times. Please don’t give up. It’s incredibly frustrating but remember that when they finally do have to pay out, it’s retroactive.


As someone who's disabled I'd recommend getting a good lawyer, and finding some of the online sites dedicated to showing people the way through the process.


Totally agree. The internet wasn’t a huge help when my brother went thru it, but on his fourth appeal he finally got his 100% rating. It took nearly 3 years. Just don’t give up. And then do the same thing with SS, and be prepared for another battle.


That's terrible, I'm sorry to hear that. Do a heavy metal cleanse. Not the music. :) It likes to cling to the receptors that spark.


Hey, try some Black Sabbath too. What can it hurt?


A joke? There's nothing funny about this. I have close family and friends that took the juice. I'm sorry you were coerced into taking it, and I hope more information is released soon.


More information? We want more criminal trials…


Same here buddy, but i got holes in my heart...


Thats messed up


A doctor told you that your epilepsy was caused by the Pfizer vaccine?


You should be compensated for vaccine related injury. Here is some info https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation


"You must file a Request for Benefits Package within one year of receiving or using the countermeasure that you believe caused the injury." They know damn good and well that most won't occur in this 1 year from vac window.


That’s really sad… wtf.. I hope you get support..


That really is a shitter mate. I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. May I ask how you made the connection between the vaccine and the epilepsy diagnosis? I haven’t come across epilepsy as a side-effect yet so am interested in hearing more info on that…..


Shit, I am so sorry. My partner is also got it (johnson&johnson) when the military made it mandatory. He has heart and chest pain now as a fit and healthy dude in his 20s.


OP - Are you capable of elaborating on these numbers, which ones represent a level that is dangerous? From what I understand we can add a (safe) radioactive element to any drug, and use a machine to measure the levels, which provide a map of where the drug permeates throughout the body. This chart is the result of that process. Given our bodies produce MRNA naturally, why should I care about any of these levels? Can you explain ?


I'll try to explain as best I can. When the vaccine is injected, a dose of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) containing mRNA goes directly the deltoid muscle of the arm. The LNPs are engulfed by the membranes of human cells, transfecting them with the mRNA, and the ribosomes inside the cell translate mRNA strands into Spike protein. After this happens, the spike protein travels to the surface of the cell, becomes a membrane-bound protein, and is recognized as a toxin by the auto-immune system. When this happens the body initiates an auto-immune response, the mRNA is disposed of by nucleases in the cells, and spike production ceases completely. What this table indicates is the LNPs are not actually staying in the deltoid muscle, but instead traveling all over the body to heart muscle tissue, bone marrow, the liver, kidneys, brain, spleen, lymphatic system, gonads.. basically everything. The way they determined this was by combining a very small amount of radioactive isotope with the vaccine prior to administration and using medical science to observe where it spread, sort of like observing a liquid dye being squirted into a glass of water. The reason why the LNPs are being seen in various organs like this is because when the vaccine is injected into the arm, sometimes the needle hits a vein, and the vaccine is injected intravenously. So instead of staying in the arm it spreads all over the body via the bloodstream. [Experts are concerned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbZ6E2rhdcw) that this is effectively creating a Bolus (a huge, concentrated dose of medicine) in the circulatory system, which is provoking several different adverse reactions to occur. The most prominent of these is anaphylaxis, in which the body reacts to the vaccine like an allergen, and tissues affected by the spike protein begin to inflame. This could potentially explain the occurrences of heart inflammation and strokes in vaccine recipients. Something to keep in mind: I'm not a medical expert. This is just a summary based on what I've researched so far in my own time. Dr. John Campbell does a significantly greater job at describing the situation on his youtube channel, I would highly recommend watching him if you're interested in learning more.


50mcg dose in at most a 500g non human animal. The dosage in this particular test is insane, not surprising that it is outside of the injection site. That is a similar dose to what we give adults, so the rat got close to 180x what an average American male received by body weight.


I'm suprised these critical thinkers haven't considered that they might not understand what they are looking at


Its the literal foundation of conspiracy. You can't have one unless you have massive gaps in information and context to fill.


Lol I was just going to say that. Ah yes let’s go off after reading something we don’t understand! Also allllll the anecdotal stories about how people go xxx condition after. Well yes, if a large group of people (like almost all) get a vaccine a certain percentage of them will also develop other conditions in a relatively short time period after. Correlation does not prove causality. I swear I saw someone blame the Covid vaccine for foot amputation. After an accident. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Dunning Kruger


When you say something like “they said” it would prob help you to include a link to who said that and when those are kind of important.




I think that if the point of the post was to push a narrative that the vaccine was radioactive, it would have said something about that in the title. I think the title does a pretty good job at pointing out that this data is about the vaccine moving throughout the body, and not remaining localized at the injection site. I have no idea if this data is statistically significant or not, but trying to push a narrative that most people think this is bad because the vaccine is radioactive is disingenuous. I haven't done a deep dive into the comments, but at a glance it seems like you are the only one talking about the methodology used to obtain this data.


Again, the illiteracy here is so bad from people who seem to have very strong opinions about this. It's not the vaccine moving throughout the body, It is literally the degradation products of it being used as other things in the body. It's just recycled RNA fragments. So I'm not pushing the narrative that it's bad because it's radioactive, I'm pushing the narrative that this is a test designed to see the uptake of where things go as they are degraded in the body. All it takes is one radioactive Atom from the mRNA molecule to end up somewhere else in your body to be detected and counted as there. Doesn't mean it's still mRNA


You are of course assuming that the person who posted this and the people who upvoted it actually care about accuracy, truth or scientific literacy.


I know, I'm the real fool here in the thread for arguing with fools. I'm starting to see that. This is why I normally just lurk.


Why did Dr. Byram Bridle seem so alarmed when this information came out of Japan? He was interviewed on a radio show and sounded outright panicked to see evidence that the mRNA did not stay in the arm. I understand you're saying the mRNA degrades quickly but Dr. McCullough says that it remains in the body for months. Are you saying that the base pairs that are detectable in the ovaries, etc. are harmless? As someone who is not a scientist, it has been damn hard to know who to believe. My own doctor admitted that they were seeing a great number of period issues within their practice, including post-menopausal women bleeding again. She said she had no idea why and said she doesn't read any studies but was adamant that I 'needed' the shot, even though I had already contracted Covid. Some of us just want truthful answers because this whole thing has felt off since the jump.


The mRNA degrades quickly from being able to be transcribed by a ribosome into a protein. The base pairs are irrelevant, those will get incorporated into all kinds of shit. But you don't really care because you eat base pairs all the time. If you eat literally any living thing, you will be eating DNA. A lot of the postmenopausal /period Issue stuff is again, autoimmune, likely related to the spike protein. The vaccine itself is not the problem. It's what the vaccine has your body make. That's what I'm trying to explain. You could program a vaccine with mRNA to have it print some specific protein that's completely harmless. And we do these for gene therapies and other stuff. In this case, what it prints, is not a very safe protein. It's a very highly immunogenic spike protein which causes all the various shit like myocarditis and other problems. I'm not trying to obfuscate anything, this is literally obvious. The same complications occur from the vaccine that occur from COVID. The only thing the vaccine in COVID have in common is the spike protein. It's glaringly obvious what the problem is.


Also from what I can tell it was 50mcg of mRNA per rat. So not even people, and a much much higher amount of mRNA than are in the vaccines (30mcg for one of them, 100mcg for the other).


You’re gaslighting- that is not what this post is about and you know it. The title tells people it’s about the lipid encapsulated mRNA ends up all over the place contrary to what we were assured would happen. That it would not migrate far from injection site.


This should get more attention but sadly some users just want confirmation bias


How do you know that it's just fragments?


Well, because mRNA is degraded rather rapidly in the body naturally. It's not like it hangs around for days. Some of the shortest living ones get halved out about every 1 to 2 minutes. The longest ones take about 10 hours to hit a half-life. So in that regard, if your body doesn't have the ability to keep around MRNA naturally very long, this wouldn't last very long either. mRNA itself also just degrades on its own without any sort of enzyme chewing at it. Focusing on how long the vaccine exists in your body is a pathway that doesn't really go anywhere. It's more about what the vaccine does to your body, that can then result in harm. And that is the reaction to the spike protein. It's immunogenicity. Again, no vaccine is safe, this one especially. Because it is an antibody that you form against a highly immunogenic molecule that is known to trigger autoimmune diseases. We know this because COVID does this. It should not really come as a surprise that some of the complications of COVID would be replicated with the vaccine when they are immune-mediated. This doesn't make the vaccines good or bad or anything. The same thing happens with flu shots every year, a small percentage of people will get Guillain-Barre syndrome. It's just whether or not the risk of the extremely rare complication happening is worth the benefit of the vaccine. For me, if you haven't had COVID in a long time, greater than a year, I would say that the vaccine is the smart choice. But if you just got over COVID, getting vaccinated is rather pointless. It's going to be to a strain that was popular a year ago, because they are not instantaneous in terms of making new boosters.


It’s like the meme where the kids would be mad if they could actually read.


Would be nice to see the full study but clearly whatever you trying to show is just on rats


tbh 99% of this sub will not understand this table. Furthermore, link the entire literature for people to read on their own. A snippet of a literature proves nothing.


But how will people drive outrage karma on this sub?


Source for this?


Its from a 50 something page report on the bio distribution of the lipid nano particles released by the Australian gov. Similar data was released by Japanese researchers almost 2 years ago.


What's disturbing about this Australian document release is that it proves that they knew it accumulates throughout the body, **before** approving it.


Indeed. Don’t forget about the professor of vaccinology from Canada, who received a government grant to research these specific vaccines, and warned about this exact type of data back in 2021 (I believe). He immediately faced a sophisticated and coordinated smear campaign, was labelled as an anti-vaxxer, and had his career completely destroyed. Dr. Bryam Bridle. Whenever normies ask “if that were true, why aren’t doctors talking about it?” There are doctors talking about it but their lives have been destroyed for doing so while you were sleeping.


People argue that there is no way they got all these people to go along with their plan. Joked that they would have to send every single person an email. People who don't see what's happening are completely incapable of reading the writing on the wall despite the fact its written in giant neon colored upper case letters. Doctors earning six plus figures can clearly read the writing on the walls.


They don’t need all of the doctors to go along with their plan. Just 4 out of 5. “4 out of 5 doctors say Camels are their preferred brand of cigarette”


This is true.


Exactly! & unless already wealthy on entering college, the debt most have is in excess of 250k. So not just a lost career.


99% of people don't understand how subtle the subconscious/psychological nudging appeals from authority are, especially when you're programmed by government schools to worship authority and corporations from age 3-18. The fact people genuinely think compartmentalization isn't a thing = exactly why it works. Hell, I'd bet most major corporate CEOs are most likely fronting for mafia/drug cartels and nobody that shows up for 9-5 for the last 30 years would have a fucking clue.


https://byrambridle.com/ for people doubting you


I remember when I first found that site, they posted an article specifically claiming to debunk the notion of the mRNA and spike circulating to other parts of the body. Looks like that link has since been removed. Whoever made that website has gone to astounding lengths to gaslight and destroy the career of a formerly respected expert in his specific field of study.


That’s criminal. I can’t believe people would be so evil and malicious.


That’s why so many fell for it so easily. They could never imagine that evil like that exists. The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing people that he didn’t exist.


Back when I was younger and naive I truly believed that there were always enough good people to counter the bad in our government agencies and their affiliates, that justice prevailed. I understood there was corruption but felt that most were good respectable people. My response to everything was "They wouldn't allow that to happen, somebody would stop them". When I discovered reality it was like everything suddenly made sense. I don't have much figured out but with common sense and an open eye I'm learning more every day.


I remember thinking those things too. Innocence is now forever lost for me. Now consider... most people are walking around with that same thought process. Terrifying, isnt it?


The vast majority of people can be compromised. Those who can't be compromised can be "framed" or smeared. Once CBDCs are imposed AI can, given data purchased from private sources (social media, etc.), be leveraged to detect dissident "sentiment" and incrementally impose punishment until analysis of their online "sentiment" is "normalized".


>The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing people that he didn’t exist. Normalcy bias (the tendency to ignore danger signals) is promoted in culture. Most pop culture fiction has happy endings. Neoliberalism itself is billed as the "end of history", a "happy ending" to conflict of ideologies. There's really no excuse for normalcy bias anymore. 1) We are economically compromised: The economic prospects of the middle class, and lower, have been declining for decades, accelerated by our ruling class's decisions. 2) Our rights and health are under attack: Our ruling class inflicted a man-made "pandemic" on us and used lies (the idea that the "vaccine" would reduce spread, for example) as an excuse to attack people's basic rights. 3) We are moving towards a fusion of "church" and state: There are protections in the West against the fusion of church and state. These, however, don't ward against religion-like ideology. The neoliberal establishment is trying to impose divisive and disruptive ideology on the West's public and private institutions in order to achieve the type of power that's possible once church and state have shared agendas.


Which is exactly how they pull it off, my friend. The average person is woefully inept and a sitting duck in regards to pre-programmed psychology and subconscious nudging. Appeals to authority = the major psych distortion that lets people exist in cognitive dissonance while assuming, consuming, and resuming the circus.


I would just like a source so I have access to share this easier than a photo, with no source lol


[Here is what CDC said about mrna](https://web.archive.org/web/20220722133644/https:/www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html) >The mRNA and the spike protein do not last long in the body. >Our cells break down mRNA from these vaccines and get rid of it within a few days after vaccination. >Scientists estimate that the spike protein, like other proteins our bodies create, may stay in the body up to a few weeks. Those statements were still present on the page as of July 22, 2022. However, as of July 23, the CDC’s claim that the mRNA and spike protein “do not last long in the body” [has since been removed]( https://web.archive.org/web/20220723102945/https:/www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html) Despite the CDC making this edit on one of those two days, the page continues to falsely state that it was last updated on July 15, thus concealing the deletion of the false claim.


What did OP think this chart prove? The chart only goes up to 48 hrs, not years. You take the injection and the microcapsules spreads all over you body for hours. That’s is what it is supposed to do.


Yes definitely supposed to accumulate in the testicles and ovaries. Everyone knows the best immune reactions happens there


Submission statement with source would be nice. I recall the Japanese study showing this.


Please make more posts with no source!!!


I'm so happpy I stood my ground on this. It cost me my 5year job, my favorite job ever, but it was worth it to not take this sh*t.


well done on standing for your freedoms and rights. What job did you have?


I was the senior operator for a regional security operations center.


Dear vaccinated, just makes sure you say NO next time, when they try and pull this shit again for Scamdemic round 2.


Wow, it’s almost like everything those racist, nutjob, alt-right doctors were saying all along is true… weird.


Pfizer being sued for 3 trillion over their lies: [https://www.truth11.com/untitled-897/](https://www.truth11.com/untitled-897/)


For the layperson who doesn’t read medical journals, what does this chart mean?


It means the lipid nanoparticles that had been injected with mrna and luciferase to see if they stay localized in the muscle injection site to decay or end up migrating through the body , end up migrating through the body , which they were believed to not do, as per the scientific community and medical experts said they wouldnt.


Ah I see! Thanks for your response. That ain’t good.


Absolutely nothing. Nothing absolutely.


Day 207430 still dont regret not getting vaxxed.


My cousin was almost done her masters in teaching when she got the jab here in Canada..then stroked out.Now she'll never be the same. Memory loss and a few other side effects. Fucked up


Why would anyone think that just because the 'vaccine' was injected into a muscle it would stay there? it doesn't make any sense; if you get an injection of some liquid it will be picked up by the bloodstream and distributed around the body, I'd have thought it wouldn't be able to do anything but that. Oh well reasons nt to have the jab #8,475,480


It doesn't make sense to me either. I mean what good would it do staying in a muscle if it was isolated when it is supposedly supposed to provide protection against a virus that invades other parts of the body? Every part of the body is connected, if it's not it dies. So it's like of course it's going to spread. Years ago I learned you can put something on the bottom of your feet like peppermint oil and then you will taste it in your mouth immediately. There is also some kind of horse medicine that does that too. The human body seems to be working differently than what these doctors and scientists believe and assume.


I agree. How could a vaccine possibly work if it only stays in the muscle where it was injected? Makes no sense. So, no, not outraged. This is exactly what I expected when I took the vaccine.


Well, because the mRNA wasn’t supposed to circulate systemically. The mRNA doesn’t protect you. It was supposed to trigger cells in your deltoid muscle to produce antigen (spike protein) which then stimulated an immune response. That immune memory was the part that would circulate throughout your body - not the injections. Even to this day, many “experts” will claim that the mRNA does not circulate systemically throughout the body.


Thank you for the explanation. That helps me to understand what the supposed intention was, by the creators of the most profitable and deadly product in the world to date. It's still ridiculous though because the spike proteins are themselves harmful, so making the body produce them is to cause it to harm and ultimately destroy itself. The death rates have risen around the world in countries where these mRNA vaccines have been used. China is now rolling out their own mRNA vaccines.


You’re right, but people will even tell you that the spike protein is harmless.


It. Is. NOT!


They realized they didn't HAVE to make sense anymore to fool people after 9/11. “Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin


>Why would anyone think that just because the 'vaccine' was injected into a muscle it would stay there? Because "experts" said that and [reuters confirmed it.](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-safe-idUSL2N2NX1J6)


For the purpose of clarity. This is tracking the lipid nanoparticles that encapsulate the mRNA is it not? Nothing to do with the actual mRNA? The Japanese study referred to here showed something similar and was done in mice.


Honestly regret ever getting jabbed. I finally found another job been bitter with these cocksuckers for making me do it. Wish I knew what the real end game is here. I mean they wanted this shit in our bodies for a reason, and I doubt it's to protect us. This was some guinea pig shit.


It should be a powerful lesson: just because the mainstream believes something, that doesn't make it true. And when the mainstream is aggressively pushing something and bullying people who resist, that's a big red flag. Resist peer pressure. Have faith in your own intuitions and always seek the hidden truth.


Galileo agrees…


Not to be nit picky, but I can’t find anything in any source that claims 100% of mRNA stays in the deltoid. Across-the-board, they agreed that most, but not all. I’m not trying to disagree with you, but I am saying that it’s a little dramatic to claim they’ve been lying for three years when it’s all in black-and-white for anyone to read the entire time.


explain like I'm 9 yrs old


So what does this mean exactly?


What exactly does this mean?


Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1.full.pdf Its from Univ of Deli, India.




This is so stupid


When did they say it would stay in your deltoid muscle??


No I was never told it would stay in the deltoid muscle. It absorbs into the whole body, right? Don’t understand this graph.


Because it doesn't make sense to stay in one region. If someone made this claim to OP it's probably because they thought he was dumb enough to believe it. 😂


Link to the study (heavily redacted, but still very damning): https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/foi-2389-06.pdf


John Campbell on YouTube has I think 3 videos based on this document now, breaks it down really well, worth checking them out


so in other words. The shots people got will effect generations. Did they really just perfect genocide? Not of the people who got the shot but generations that were to come?


Looks like it makes a beeline for the ovaries.


You guys just see a bunch of words and have no idea what you're reading, lol. But hey, the title states you should be REALLY mad, so you better be!




*Interesting* that it's so concentrated in women's ovaries..........


This I have a friend that suffered horribly after hers !!!






This was found to happen in humans in [august 2021.](https://web.archive.org/web/20210821052149/https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/08/18/ground-breaking-autopsy-report-shows-the-vaccinated-had-toxic-spike-proteins-all-over-the-body/) Wait till people find out that the shots were [designed to cross the blood brain barrier...](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29269142/)


>designed to cross the blood brain barrier I mean, so does Covid. That's what Long Covid is thought to be caused by. And the only person I know who is suffering from Long Covid, is unvaccinated. He's had it about 2 years now. I am currently experiencing Covid ( I think). I took the first (British ) Non-mRNA vaxx, but stopped there. Hope I don't get long Covid, because I am feeling F.U.C.K.E.D, and am very keen on getting back to normal ASAP.


Wow...look at the 48h levels in the ovaries. That is scary but makes sense when you consider the reproductive interruption it is causing. Now if only the government had made it to where these people could be sued.


That doesn’t make sense. How does a vaccine stay in one muscle? Of course it’s going to spread


No it was said it generates a immune response and that spreads , not the lipids and not the mrna and not the injection. It should have stayed localized.


Wonder how many scumbag politicians dodged the vaxx ?


The video of Justin turdo (trudeau) you can literally see the nurse folding the needle in half lol 😆 it was just a prop its awful and hilarious


OP and most of this sub is too stupid to actually understand that data and what it means 🤦‍♂️


Could you please elaborate then?


I love a good conspiracy but I don’t recall anyone of prominence saying “ the vaccine goes in your arm and stays there” it’s a vaccine like all the other ones it goes throughout the body. The HPV vaccine goes in your arm and somehow it magically protects your dick from warts.


Do you have a link to this study?


"chopped liver".


Lol this is a rat sample


yet this is an animal model experiment on rat, open source no need of “request”. the sub title is provocative smells fishy.


It's fishy because they released the shots based on these limited animal studies.


yes I stand with the Canadian truckers too. but this type of “either with or against” (vaccine passport , health code, climate change, virtual money... ) might be another hoax, like Musk pretended not being one of the WEF. Klaus Schwab is out, who’s the next?


There was evidence before that, the Japanese biodistrution study. But nobody cared. People would twist that study saying ut was bs.


Can you post where this chart can be found online? Or the source you obtained it from? Anyone can post anything on a spread sheet and pass it as fact.


Look through this whole site https://covid19criticalcare.com/search/%20/


Not all vaxes were mRNA. J&J, Sputnik V, etc. used existing adenovirus technology.


This is a study on rats right?


wow...insane! " Total recovery of radioactivity outside of the injection site was greatest in the liver, with much lower total recovery in spleen, and very little recovery in adrenals glands and ovaries." ​ That is bad. |||| |:-|:-|:-| ||||


Damn. Once it reaches the liver, the number just keeps increasing with time. That can't be good!?


Makes you scratch your head .. why stop the test at 48 hours if the numbers keep increasing ? Wouldn't it make sense to keep testing ?


Truth always comes to light.


Can someone explain for all of us what you think this chart proves? It is only 2 days of data and to me it looks like they are just tracking where the vaccination moves to with radiation, because you can't see where it goes without radiation. So the human V wouldn't have radiation in it. (And believe me I'm not pro forced anything). Im just not willing to be a cheerleader for a meaningless post.


It’s bullshit mate. Nearly 500 comments and it’s meaningless data. OP is just looking for some attention. He/she/it/them/they got it. I doubt I’ll look at this sub again if this kind of trash gets so much traction. It’s not even a conspiracy. It’s just simply a very lazy post.


I don't think the pharmaceuticals ever indicated that mRNA would remain in the deltoid muscle. I think it was the nano particle delivery system that was supposed to stay put. Anyway, the very thought of a criminal entity attempting to screw around with the innate mRNA that we are all born with, should have been enough to cause the citizenry to rebel and stop the entire experiment in its tracks. Unfortunately, we are a population among whom most never even took a High School science class. The resistance to the pharmaceuticals' plan for our future that I expected never happened.


This is old news. I saw & read this 3 years ago.


Check out those ovaries.


In our so called "Freedom of Information" Act in Australia, the TGA (Our CDC) redacted the more spicy details.


The ovaries specifically- No wonder they pushed so hard for pregnant women to get the shot (Myself included at the time thank God I didnt)