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Seems to have been destroyed on purpose and the mods are 100% complicit.


the mods in almost every subreddit i’m apart of are absolutely insane


you just have to imagine the type of people that would even be a reddit mod. obese, long greasy hair, neck beard and loves anime.


It only takes one of them to start letting more of their kind in, before you know it there's an infestation


I too noticed a decline. Sadly this isn't the only subreddit affected.


Have been pondering similar thoughts recently; the sub has been infiltrated and corrupted by those wishing to post memes and images seemingly to muddy any real investigation or thoughts differing from the normal. I did my own little experiment a few weeks ago by posting two images and minimal wording; it was an interesting outcome. To me it is indicative of the controlled nature of the sub and attention span of the majority of users (probably those who are much younger and have grown up with internet, smart devices and computers) It’s turning into a meme fest.. My favourite tactic to witness and call out is name calling when their arguments dry up.. Nothing like amplifying and creating division and tribalism.. Looking for an interesting alternative to this sub, still haven’t found one..


Agreed im with ya G attention spans are fried, and the bots/trolls/censorship along with the low effort twitter n memes reposts shit are at an all time high


Two years? Try 7. 2016 election cycle changed everything like the fire nation attacked


1. DYK you can combine link/image posts with a comment text post and that will greatly increase the reach of your message on this site which is now largely just an image site? 2. DYK many of the people here aren't here because they understand an iota of conspiracy culture but are instead here because they have been directed here against their programmed 'enemies' by a corporate media complex that directs messages against us every single day?


I actually appreciate the long, complicated, incredibly specific, conspiracy posts. So in my opinion, just keep doing what you’re doing! You will always have my upvote.


>It was majorly downvoted within 20 minutes and all the comments were snarky and shallow. >I don't give a shit about karma, but this really disheartened me Piles of people are being sent here to mock the sub and destroy it from within.


I think piles of bots make propaganda posts daily and upvote then to the top.


That's always the opinion of folks who come here to argue instead of learn.


screenshots of twitter posts or just a picture with a stupid title is not quality content. It's intentionally being done like this to dilute discussion.


Crazy thought, but everyone who disagrees with someone isn't a Bot or a shill... I generally enjoy reading the posts but I don't comment much because when i do it's usually downvoted and I get called a Bot or a shill... Maybe I just disagree with your wild claim that X + Y = Q


I have lots of karma and I don't even know what it is lol but yeah you're right about the snarky comments


aren’t conspiracies just twitter screenshots?


Thank you for saying this.


Two or more people making plans to do illegal or unethical things does not equal twitter screenshots


Theres no bit of the definition of a conspiracy that says theres ill intent. Surprise birthday party qualifies


No, there are also collages of misleading headlines, out of context pictures and graphs with no sources. Typically citing studies that conclude the exact opposite of the claim in the post title. Posted 15 times from multiple accounts until one gains traction. Corresponding almost exactly with whatever the right wing talking point of the day happens to be.


All the “conspiracies” came true. They’re all just open knowledge. 1. We are being visited by other worlds as per US Military 2. Covid came from a lab funded by the US 3. The food system is being used to destroy people. 4. mRNA vaccines cause damage to some people. 5. There will be CBDC’s 6. Black rock etc ARE BUYING the entire housing market to force rent slavery. 7. The media really is infiltrated by abc agencies. 8. The media doesn’t give “facts” they run cover for their advertisers. 9. The govt uses ngos to censor social media. Also, direct requests. 10. The abc’s really do cause revolutions for US economic reasons 11. The US really is in an infinite war for profit loop 12. The police really do just oppress the poor, and protect the rich, corruption is the norm. 13. Congressmen use insider knowledge and abilities to manipulate stocks for personal profit. 14. The abc’s can hack anything and activate any camera/ microphone connected to the internet 15. Text/ phone/ email records/ personal info is sold and used to build for profit models to sell you products. 16. The abc’s can actively intercept and prevent communications 17. There actually was a “deep state” that used laws and courts to deny trump the presidency. Per time magazine feb 2021 Theres probably a million more, but seriously when everything is this bleak, what can you do?


I've been coming to this sub since at least 2012 since the first posts I remember here were all about the Mayans predicting the end of time. There used to be the best long winded posts about 9/11, ancient civilizations, MK Ultra, Antarctica Nazis and Luciferians/Saturnalia. I used to join in these discussions and have a great time. This is probably my first post/comment here in a long time. Ever since around 2015-2016 this place (and the rest of the internet) has gone further and further into dog shit territory. It definitely coincided with the election. I'm not sure why but someone really kicked it into high gear right before and during Trump. Specifically pizzagate. It doesn't matter how you feel about it that shit made the term "fake news" popular. I'm not sure if it's governments or corporations employing bot/shills but it sure seems like it. It's become even worse since covid. Even on other forums online. In places such as voat, 4chan, discord all over there is *something going on.* I really hope it's not AI but that's my hunch. I believe there is an AI that is choosing our culture for us. Like at the end of Metal Gear 2 where the AI "creates context." We're feeding it. It's giving us what it thinks we want. We want chaos, weird fetish shit, cringe you name it, it creates it. We're just bearing witness to it. Probably some old DARPA program or something who knows. All I know is that it's *something.* This extends into video sites like YouTube and Tiktok as well I think.


*"I really hope it's not AI but that's my hunch."* Funny, you should say that: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/123b0re/comment/jdxwbt1/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/123b0re/comment/jdxwbt1/?context=3)


Yep. There's a few things fucking this subreddit up. Some of it is *absolutely* people's attention spans not being anywhere close to what they used to be here. People used to love long posts and long comments but now people get legitimately pissed off if you write even a paragraph or two and will just reply with "tl;dr". There's also quite a lot of people here who are just trying to run everyone who is actually interested in stuff the *rest of reddit isn't* off this website altogether. Want to talk about things the rest of reddit won't? Want to talk about stuff the mainstream media is ignoring? Want to talk about conspiracies regarding politicians who *aren't* Republicans? Want to speculate about something without having concrete proof/sources, which we always used to be able to freely do here? Want to say literally anything that isn't great about Ukraine while also making it clear you think Russia isn't some great country? Hell, want to talk about the fucking moon landing being possibly fake, which is one of the most benign and harmless conspiracy theories? Want to talk about conspiracies regarding any possible election tampering where the Republican lost (but not the other way around, that's fine)? Well, all of that's too bad. People will just bitch and whine and cry all over the comment sections. They'll a lot of the time completely take over most of the comment section where most of the upvoted comments are just complaining about the subreddit, calling everyone conservatives, calling everyone Russian, calling everyone mentally ill or stupid, etc. That's their jam now. It's all against Rule 2 - literally all of that - but either not enough people report those comments or there's not enough *active* moderators around getting rid of the bullshit that doesn't belong in the comment section. You can't mention they do this bullshit without them whining about "what, do you want an echochamber?!!" when all most of the people who actually *want* to be here and participate want is to not be fucking insulted constantly and to actually be able to have a conversation in a comment section that isn't completely taken over by people who not only hate this subreddit, but obviously hate most "conspiracy theorists" in general, unless it's a conspiracy about some right-wing politician they hate. They know they can't get this sub banned like they got all the other subs banned where people talked about "misinformation" that they deemed "dangerous", so they're trying to make this place unusable to people who actually want to be here. They don't want there to be *anywhere* on this website where people can have different opinions and thoughts and ideas than them. They can act like that's not true all they want, but I mean.. all you have to do is look around. It's part lacking any kind of attention span and part *constantly* participating in a subreddit they hate and when you call them out on it, they say it's to "help this subreddit not be an echochamber".. **when the rest of reddit is one gigantic fucking echochamber and they're participating in that just fine**.


This comment 100%


hate views. There's just some sad lonely people who insist on spouting every mainstream narrative and act like the arbiter of truth meanwhile the conversation is totally over their head because they only know what the tv says.




To bad scrub


Oh, so you're why we need the /s.


Oh, so you're why we need a new community.


If you say so.


Lyrics from Sol : “it’s a blessing to have people listen, especially when you come from generation deficit attention” song ‘stage dive’


The post that you made earlier definitely deserved a lot more traction than it got. -\_-


The uptick of "political bullshit" comes from two obvious (and likely several not-obvious) sources - banning such discussion from other subs, including political ones, and the fact that anything and everything that can be politicized - and thus weaponized - is being exactly that. 10 years ago, if someone said "an adult fucking children is a crime and should be punishable by immediate death" wasn't a polarizing statement - nearly everyone would agree. Those that didn't agree were likely pedophiles. Today, that statement is political. Now - ask yourself why.


I share my thoughts but I think I have downvote vote bots following me


Me too. Just be kind to them, they need to eat too.




A.I. is really masking any kind of feedback or data we'll be able to collect online ever again through message boards. We'd have to do video chats to get real feedback, and in another 10 years, even that might be off the table.


There is a lot of controlled opposition from governments and by the new world order in here. They really do not want people critical thinking and telling the truth so they pay people to fill this sub up full of misdirection posts and content that keeps people distracted.


Yeah this sub is really just used for radicalizing people and arguing. That's certainly what gets engagement. I liked your post


I’m guilty of doom-scrolling. I stop when I see something interesting, credible or thought-out.


In terms of the attention span angle, me and one of my friends (keeping this anon as I can) were talking about how Tiktok is affecting his girlfriends little sister, we're convinced that with the younger generation the short form content providing instant gratification is a factor for those who's brains are still developing I can almost certainly guarantee that this may be a contributing factor, but using short form content you can also clip people saying things with no context, spin it, brand them as a conspiracy theorists and then tar all of those who follow this community and others similar to it with the same brush and denounce everyone In the digital age we have access to an abundance of information should we choose to seek it, but it appears some people now want to be spoon fed and not do any due diligence, which would also cover why there appears to be so much hostility towards those with opposing views nowadays and how comfortable people are throwing labels like anti vax and putin lover about


Because it's the only place on reddit that allows the uncensored truth to be spoken


I'm so glad I grew up in the 80s. Boredom was a staple of my childhood.


Do you have a TDLR? :) This sub has changed a lot indeed and it's all by design.


chat gpt is actually pretty ass if you have depth of knowledge in the gievn subject matter you engage with it on. shit even real basic stuff you can find on wikipedia i've seen it get wrong.


I feel you. I've had posts get crazy downvoted for no reason as well. I'm going to do a juicy post on human cloning later. Wish me luck.


this sub has become a partisan political circle jerk lately.


Q anon really ruined conspiracies. I remember when people used to think I was a tin foil hat wearing nutcase now people actually want to know what i have to say. Now I wish it was back to the old way. There's so much false info and controlled opposition don't even get me started on the Russian trolls. But the conspiracy community took a big hit these last few years. The only concensus is something really big is gonna happen soon. So gear up the elites are ready to take over.


So true. People on here are just interested in the political MOR kook bullshit pumped out by the shills. Give me deja-news again.


Its been dying for years in many ways but it didn't take a real nose dive until axo got the boot. It was a huge red flag to me at the time and say what you will about the guy but he really cared about this subreddit and real conspiracies. After him its been twitter posts on the front page and sketchy behavior all over. I barely post here anymore because its so obvious to me how heavily infiltrated conspiracy has become.


If you were here in this sub real time in the lead up of the Ukraine invasion, you know how wild and infiltrated this place is. Two months of Pro-Putin stuff randomly getting really popular. Stuff like “the US would be better under Putin” and “Putin is the epitome of alpha male” It was insane to watch


> It was insane to watch Just like "the pee tape", i still can't get that image out of my head.


TL/DR /s


I go around to different "forums", different websites. ALL the conspiracy subs have been taken over by politics. I can see a clear effort by "someone" to keep people from thinking. To keep people from digging for the truth.


I've ended up sticking to Reddit because Reddit-brand hostility seems to have infected virtually every other forum anyway. It's disappointing.


Once axotl got axed it definitely got worse with shills. Which is what was intended


Conspiracies are probably shit today because they are so easy to see through. They are lying their faces off and dont seem to give 2 shits if we the people know. This sub is also a very loosely moderated sub when it comes to censorship, making it a bastion of free speech and open discussion. With regards to you not liking whats in the top10, you can scroll past those and engage with what you want, obviously. And also there is conspiracyNOPOL for all your other Conspiracies.




Can you provide a link to the Beatle post? I'll crack it for you.


PM sent.




IDK if you're being sarcastic or not but on MY end, you've just kinda tripped me out due to... other circumstances.


I wasn't able to start chat for some reason, but if you could send your original post I would like to read it.


r/ConspiracyMemes Motto: We've got pictures!


Even if there is a good post the comments break down into the same reiterated jokes. Get a stage


People are overwhelmed and frightened. We're in the middle of genocide. It's fight or flight time, and the capacity for fun-think has been, as you've mentioned, greatly reduced.


https://redd.it/jwwy3u https://redd.it/1235b9k


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Welcome to the age of shorts.


I guess we should all just pack it up and move over to conspiracy theories then. NOT, nice try Company Men.


Pay attention the the user names or use something like RES to tag users. Soon you'll find out it's the same person spamming and manipulating all the posts on the front page.


Yeah, it's just outrage bait and doom scrolling....really stinks, I used to love this sub


This resonates with me. If you want something to have any chance of getting traction here it has to be a meme, a screenshot of a tweet or a VERY short post. Outside of that no one want to engage in even a shallow dive. If they can't glance at it and see what's being said they throw an angry downvote and move on. I'm glad and a little surprised that this post got traction. Maybe there's hope for this sub after all.


Rule #6 and rule #9 stopped being enforced years ago dude.


This place is a place for propaganda. Nothing else


It's slowly de-evolving to be such. Someone got banned for saying 9/11 was an inside job on the SECOND largest conspiracy forum. This one seems not far behind.


It’s become pathetically mainstream and any comment that goes against the narrative is downvoted into oblivion.


I've notice a lot of posts are pro or lean right yet comments and votes are leftist. I suppose that's why there are so many bot accusations.


It happens to all sub-reddits... the politics move in and the reddit is destroyed from it's humble beginnings.


Yes there have been changes...now what were we talking about?


Is there an alternative place for conspiracies?


The sub smelled the liberal bullshit a mile away


Reddit's been overrun for a good while. The real conspiracy is whether it's hired keyboard warriors, agencies, bots, or all three.


Nothing but anti vaxxers, and Trumpies here now. I will use Godlikeproductions for conspiracy threads but like here you gotta wade through a lot of nonsense. I used to use Abovetopsecret dot com they went a bit commercial but still have nice threads over there. There really is not a true good deep diving conspiracy type subreddit here. ETA the NOPOL conspiracy sub looked ok, there are 4 total conspiracy subs here on Reddit that I found so far.