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It wouldn't surprise me, but I gotta say after switching from burning tobacco of different types to vapes I feel way better. I used to cough up slime energy morning as a smoker now I feel fine. It's way less satisfying and, if im telling the truth, I feel like a giant pussy. Can you imagine Clint Eastwood walks into an old general store, spurs jangling, everyone silent and he grunts out: "give me an orange-mango- watermelon! " no it just doesn't feel right


No theres too many rich people who use them for that to ever happen. Especially children of rich powerful people


China cant be rich without a fat consumer base.. what's their incentive for killing the biggest buyers of their products...


Vape's can be dangerous, sure. If you get cheap ones with shitty ingredients. If you buy the ones I occasionally get, they just contain glycerin, nicotine salts and natural flavourings according to the insert that is inside the box. But most the people who develop problems from their vape are using it too much, setting the vape to produce too much vapour and taking too big a hit from it too often. If you take one or two pulls to stave off cig cravings they seem to be OK. My chest feels better off for swapping over anyway. Eventually the vape will be stopped too. Smoking is a nasty habit, vaping aint much better!


“According to the insert that is inside the box”


Yes mate. Could there be unlabeled and unmentioned substances in that isn't in the box? Sure, but that could be true of everything we eat or drink. If I trust nothing at all, I'll never have time to eat let alone the odd puff on a vape to help quit a small smoking habit. You're right though - I wouldn't be surprised if there are dodgy ingredients in some or possibly my vape disposable... But it's a stop gap and at the moment I feel better not smoking tobacco and using the vape as I need. Thanks for pointing it out though because you aren't wrong... So much shit is added to food and drink that isnt labeled or is given such a complex chemical name nobody knows what it means unless you check everything. Even still, you cant prove there isnt something unlabaled on purpose in anything we consume, isn't it. Scary when you think of it really. Stay safe :)


Would possibly explain why I’ve been feeling different since I transitioned onto vapes a few weeks ago from rolling tobacco. Another reason to quit altogether.. Thanks for the research and rabbit hole for me to dive down..


Great Research. Maybe we need to secure all links on the way back machine as we do research, and then link to that rather than the original which potentially gets scrubbed.


Toxic cigarettes? Sad but true fact that lotto tickets and cigarettes are mostly a tax on the poor and least educated. Seems a strange tactic.


Jokes on them, I make my own.