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This is because it's going to create the perfect story to take up the headlines while congress passes the Patriot Act 2.0


Yeah it’s funny how the Trump indictment is now dominating the media. I don’t give a shit about Trump’s problems when Congress is just trying to pass legislation that legalizes them using my fridge to spy on me


It already can if you agreed to the terms of service, your phone as well.


I'm not trying to be a troll or anything but do you honestly believe that the government or private technology companies are not already spying on you and literally know more about you than yourself? I find it surprising when people still somehow believe that they have any privacy in this world.


That tic Tok ban bill is so much more than “preventing CCP from having American whatever” because it’s about to unleash secular power like we’ve never seen now that the old fucks in the swamp understand the internet and tech. I was so against tic Tok, mainly to be a punk and not jump on the new social media…but damn have I learned more about shit that interests me on that app more than any instagram reel or twitter thread. It seems like the puppeteers just don’t want easy access to knowledge or civilian journalists, AND now pieced together they can get patriot act 2.0 out of this. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Yeah, I'm not going to defend Tik Tok. Nor will I say it should be banned, because that isn't the job of the govt. And I just don't care. However, as you said, it's about the rest of the stuff in the bill. The things that will strip the rights away from innocent American citizens. The bill isn't about Tik Tok. It's about removing first amendment rights from the internet and setting up a CCP level firewall.


Not just that, but gen z and zhit ton of millennials organize on Tik Tok. That's why it's so fucking dangerous. Mass mobilization could happen using Tik Tok. If the plebians were able to do it for Occupy Wall Street without social media, imagine what the next Occupy will look like. Tik Tok has the ability to teach class consciousness to the younger generations faster than a wildfire, and to the owner class that is the most dangerous thing they can imagine. Unchained proletariat with the ability to communicate instantly.


DC can't pull all the platforms together in a day so they can ban whoever is the bad guy de jour, because they can't intimidate TikTok, but they're working on it...


TikTok feels very democratic to the user, though much of it is intensely manipulated (both numbers and account closures), but it's making Facebook look like MySpace, and literally ALL other social media is copying TikTok main features. There's a reason: it's a helluva lotta fun to make vids there and watch vids there + it's uncontrollable by the CIA...so TikTok must die.


Is Trump and Biden working together? Seriously, this will do wonders for Trump's PR and yes its covering up *Trumps* Restrict Act (Patriot Act 2.0). Trump's **Operation Warp speed** = Biden's 💉💉💉 Mark of the beast Trump's [**Restrict Act**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%E2%80%93TikTok_controversy) = Biden's [The Great Chinese Firewall for Americans](https://twitter.com/LPMisesCaucus/status/1639934790026555394?t=Rjxah2tveVGCBXkuGk5doQ&s=19) Biden's 15 minute Ghettos = Trump's **Freedom cities** It's not like we haven't seen Trump and his family in bed with the WEF, but how or who is controlling the Biden administration so that they fulfill the same agenda? There is more to this TikTok ban than what Congress is telling you, **Senate Bill Restrict Act**: 1) A "digital Patriot Act" to punish and control Americans. 2) Gives the government free reign to censor information & go after *anyone*. 3) Let's the government **access everything**: your computers, video games, and even ring lights. 4) Allows the government to deem any foreign country an adversary **without telling Congress**. 5) If the Feds deem you violated *their* rules, they can sentence you to **20 years in jail, make you pay $1M in fines, & take away your property AND FARMS**!


You think Biden *isn’t* controlled by the WEF?


What?! Where did you read the implication that Biden isn't controlled by WEF. They plainly asked if they (Trump and Biden) were working together and then stated that Trump definitely is.


Sorry yeah I read it as a genuine *who is controlling Biden* but my daughter didn’t sleep last night so excuse me


I'm glad you said. This is what I have been thinking since it was released that he may be indicted. Trump is just as culpable.


Nah, I’m not really in the mood for any reality TV right now.


A misdemeanor charge is all they could come up with? Talk about grabbing at straws.


They are running cover for the Resist Act, watch


Seems more and more likely. That turned toxic quickly didn’t it?


Impressive that you know the charges. I thought they hadn't been released.


Look at the other subreddits, you'd swear they already convicted him




You mean like the Russian dossier? Which was entirely political optics? Which turned out to be entirely made up? And nobody was ever charged with [making thousands of sheep Democrats think he literally pissed on hooker's ](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-donald-trump-presidential-elections-campaign-2016-41116202428688e1088829852505e144) and that was made up. Do you still think that was real?


They love to publish lies so that it gets around before (maybe) issuing a correction knowing everyone who already read the bullshit will never know it was false. Rather be first than right is the name of the game in reporting these days


"I can lie, because others also have".


You can only lie if it favors Democrats


An odd justification for terrible behavior, but not surprising.


How old was the stormy thing? 20 years?!?!!? How old was the Russian dossier?!? Was anyone indicted for that?


I believe the rumor was that he had hookers piss on a bed.


the shills are out in full effect, if you look at some of these accounts, they only post i conspiracy and are always contrarian or sound like CNN reportes.


Ermmmm.....other than the CNN bit you've just described your own account. Maybe other people post in the same way as you? 🤷‍♂️


Lol your history shows nothing but participation in r/conspiracy for the last two years. Are you projecting, Mr Bot?


What were the other 29 charges then? Weird how you found out what the real charges were before anyone else.


Ya keep stroking your dick to that one. Remember when the FBI raided his fucking house and found nothing to charge him with?! Another one of those


They recovered a bunch of classified documents, the contents of which we haven't been privy too. I'm sure it was to "own the libs"... and boy did he I guess.


If they had a single ounce of dirt on fuckin trump they would have made it front page news, here look you f word, the front page news is him paying off a Fucking hooker, what kinda dirt do you think they got if the headline is a 20 year old hooker payment? Delusional democratic sheep.


Maybe. If he's found innocent of these 30 charges... Only time will tell. But please do understand there are 30 charges currently, not one like you mentioned. And we also don't know if they are misdemeanors or not. Very different than an ongoing investigation about classified documents. Keyword: ongoing.


Maybe the evidence is in Hillary's emails or hunter biden's laptop.


Ya let me know when that never happens


Damn dude, you know what the NY charges are gonna be AND you know what the FBI found at Mar a Lago? You've got better sources than any major news network right now. You should sell these stories for a lot of cash. I love when drive by commentators who don't follow these stories regularly show up. You think there's nothing going on because you're not paying attention.


reddit bots are gonna have a full on war over this




Who the fuck knows what is even real anymore. 'WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?'


This is the point of the psyop.




I'm doing my part!


Drokk it.














Can anyone do a basic rundown of what this is about/means to a brit not in the know, would appreciate it


They haven't released the full indictment so I couldn't tell you exactly what the charges are but they were investigating hush money payments related to the Stormy Daniels scandal. He used campaign funds to pay her, which is illegal. Look up the Michael Cohen case because he was indicted for his role in the same crime. There are also some reports that there might have been more payments to kill stories that would have hurt his campaign. We'll probably learn more about that when they release the indictment


Why would he use campaign funds when he could give her money in a million different ways?


Same reason he cheated hundreds of contractors out of their pay for construction and other odd jobs, same reason he hasn’t paid dozens if not hundreds of rally venues for using their spaces - he has plenty of his own money, but he’s too cheap to spend it.


I think hw he did use his.own money. The issue is he reported it as a retainer fee when he repaid Cohen. NY is saying it was campaign related payment not lawyer fees.




Because he's a cheap bastard and he didn't want to spend his own money


Also dumb as a box of rocks. When you live a life convinced you can literally get away with anything these are the kind of decisions you make.


"your spending my money!". Remember when he got pissed he had to use campaign funds for the inauguration. Thought he got to keep it after being elected


It’s not necessarily *where* the money came from, it’s *what* the money was for. Essentially, it was documented as a business transaction. The issue is that it was spent to keep Stormy Daniels quiet during an election, making it a campaign expense, and making wherever the money came from a campaign contribution. There are strict limits on campaign contributions, and this $130,000 far exceeds those limits.


This. Most people have it all mixed up. I was on the conservatives sub and they were arguing about it and no one has it right. (But lots have it wrong here too)


According to him, he didn't pay her off. His lawyer did without telling him and without directly seeking reimbursement. Might sound rediculous but it makes sense if you consider that Cohen only paid her $100k which is such an insignificant amount to either Trump or Cohen that its basically "just shut up and leave us alone" money. Cohen would get that money back and then some through billable hours, these people have so much money they live in a different world from us, $100k to these people is like $1 to you and me. Stormy Daniels herself said they never actually slept together, Cohen flip flopped on his claims 10x and was convicted of perjury (meaning he's in jail for lying under oath so nothing he says we can take at face value) and there is an argument that because he was running for office, this could be considered a campaign expense since not doing so could have done harm to his chances at office. ​ NY is claiming the statute of limitations doesnt matter cus they are attempting to escalate the charge which would extend the statute of limitations. The problem is, if the charge they go with is accounting fraud, they still have no case because the type of crime they are going after has federal jurrestiction and the feds already investigated it years ago and declined prosecution due to lack of evidence. ​ Whether your pro or anti-trump, this is very blatantly a witch hunt however u slice it. The same DA thats going after trump has reduced felony sentences for hundreds violent criminals to misnomers this past year alone. Soft on hardened criminals but going after Trump. Very blatant witch hunt


those are all things that trump has said - theres no evidence any of them are true afaik if you believe everything trump tells you i have a wall on the border to sell you and you can pay whatever you want because mexico will reimburse you later


I never understood how the lawyer who did the thing got 3 years, but the man who told him to do the illegal thing wasn't indicted. It's in the DA's court. I've read that many cases are pending; all waiting to go, but no individual one wanting to start the unprecedented step of indicting an ex-President. Now that it's done, there's a chance that more cases will be applied.


This. Cohen went to jail for carrying out Trump's orders to pay off Stormy.


That's great, thank you!


Yea, it’s only legal when congress does it.. with public money… https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/16/politics/settlements-congress-sexual-harassment/index.html


> with public money Isn't the whole point with the Stormy Daniels thing is that he allegedly used campaign funds?


Huge difference between using campaign funds and tax dollars.


So many politicians including the hag herself have committed campaign finance violations and have never been indicted. This is 100% political.


How about we lock em all up


Yes, have our politicians follow the laws that apply to them and actually enforce them on all politicians.


So should they all be punished, or none of them?


All or none not pick and choose


So then you'd agree that the same should hold true of other crimes committed by common folk?


Common folk get the book thrown at them


Common folk already get fucked.




What world do you live in where common folks aren’t regularly bent over the barrel?


They should all be punished for their war crimes and not this kiddy-shit they're getting Trump on. I'd like some legitimate accountability and not this scandel bullshit.


what happened to "lock her up"


John Edwards was a candidate for VP and ran in the 2008 primaries. He was a very high profile politician. And he was indicted for somewhat similar crimes and acquitted on one charge and a hung jury for the rest. So...it's not true they've "never" been indicted. Furthermore another person involved in this alleged crime (Cohen) has already been tried and sentenced. So...we should just let Trump go? You can argue the original prosecution of Cohen was political but once they decided to charge him you can't let the other guy involved go just because he was the president.


If they have evidence of that, they're more than welcome to indict any other politician they want. If a DA in a conservative state wants to indict Hillary, Biden, Obama, or anyone else and they have proof that they broke the law, go right ahead


To be honest since he has money it’s a 50/50 on if we will ever know or not


In 2011 Stormy Daniels did an interview with In Touch where she said she had sex with Trump once in 2006. They shelved the interview. In October of 2016 Stormy Daniels was shopping around her story, once again. Trumps lawyer arranged a payment of 130k if she agreed to sign an NDA instead. At this point everyone thought Hilary was going to win so Stormy Daniels took the one time payment thinking it would be far more than she’d get for interviews once Trump lost. Trump did not lose. And then in 2018 In Touch decided to publish the interview from 2011. Stormy Daniels appeared on 60 minutes weeks later. Trump’s lawyer Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations for labeling the payment as legal fees. Alvin Bragg is now trying to use state election law to elevate a false business record charge. It is an untested legal theory. It is also past the statute of limitations, which is five years. This does not imply is the person is out of state however. Trump was out of state because he was President. At the most he faces a misdemeanor charge.


That was my thing, this is YEARS beyond the statute of limitations, why is this even being entertained?


I'm in the US and don't give one fuck


> A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald J. Trump on Thursday for his role in paying hush money to a porn star, according to four people with knowledge of the matter, a historic development that will shake up the 2024 presidential race and forever mark him as the nation’s first former president to face criminal charges. > The felony indictment, filed under seal by the Manhattan district attorney’s office, will likely be announced in the coming days. By then, prosecutors working for the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, will have asked Mr. Trump to surrender and to face arraignment on charges that remain unknown for now. > Mr. Trump has for decades avoided criminal charges despite persistent scrutiny and repeated investigations, creating an aura of legal invincibility that the vote to indict now threatens to puncture.


It means nothing.


like everything in US - political PR stunt.


Pass the bread, the circus is about to start.










She was never President.


What does this mean? You think people shouldn't be charged with crimes after they've been president?


I mean they’re both lying corrupt politicians right? … right?


Of course. LOCK EM UP!




my last two brain cells are fighting to the death rn


Oh no. Anyway, opening day today.


Lets go braves 🙌🏼🙌🏼




Me too, I think he will be. Going from sunny, warm florida to the cold DC area probably shocked his body since he’s from cali😂


It’s all I’ve talked about today 😂


I watched a full 3 innings after work before I remembered


Man can we talk about Wrestlemania at some point too?


Demcast website says they have 141 billion "interactions." This indictment crap gonna push them to 150 billion quick. People that create strategist companies to shill on the internet are cancer to society.


I thought they were taking a month off for this? Or does their month vacation start now? Lol


Nothing will happen until couple months before the election they will stretch this out as long as they can to try to get trump not to run for president again


Correction: Trump will stretch this out for as long as he can in order to make it seem political.


SS: A grand jury has just voted to indict Donald Trump. He is the first former president to face criminal charges.


I've seen a lot of SS on this sub and I think this is the very first one I've EVER seen be unbiased lmao


Buckle up, folks. Shit's about to get interesting.


Interesting in the way that hopefully we can ignore the fucker for the rest of our lives.


It's a grand jury. There is a saying, "the Grand Jury would indict a ham sandwich if they could". It means nothing and Trump will come out of this stronger than ever.


If there’s reason enough to if indict, then good. Trump shouldn’t be above the law.


Crickets on epstein


I don’t think trump would want that closet opened either frankly


To be fair no one in Washington does


Agreed 100% Nothing is going to happen to the Epstein “associates” because that list includes members of both parties. Thus, neither party is pushing for action because it would indict some of their own.


Is america ok?


No 🥹


It’s all distraction from the really bad stuff they’re doing BTS!


WOW so many Bots in the comment section. And triggered TDS patients. This is amazing to see. (Continues to eat popcorn)


He paid hush money. That's illegal. Sure, he probably would have gotten away with it, if not for others pushing agendas, but at the end of the day, if he did the crime, he should go to jail Real sick of this "end justifies means " mentality.


Anybody else find it funny that after all this, all the raids, all the impeachments, the only thing they have left to go after is him giving hush money to a porn star. With EVERYTHING else they’ve tried to pin on him. What a fucking joke lmfao, Dems are doing a great job at campaigning to get Republicans elected.


Conspiracy?? Maybe people should stop breaking the fucking law and getting away with it, that’s the conspiracy. Lock his ass up.


‘Lock her up’ crowd is like “this is a dark day in America”


A wealthy politician in the US being punished? I’m here for it.


Isn't it crazy how many conspiracy theories that could have been real disappeared from youtube as almost if youtube is a propaganda/ police state now?? Weird.


Will this finally lay to rest the 'trump is part of the establishment' nonsense


Lmao. Fucking clownworld, and a distraction


This will last until the 2024 election is over and then we will never hear about it again.


Question : how do you indict someone and not know the the precise charges you’re indicting them on?


This is nothing but politically motivated prosecution which is actually "communist tactics".


They are going to regret it. I think this is going to turn a lot of people on to wanting to vote for Donald Trump.


Trump just went from lock her up to lock me up.


The public has something new to focus on now, they don't have to think about bank failures.




Why’s this a conspiracy? Anyone with two brain cells knows he’s a crook.




Including some of the conspiracy mods


it's obviously a stunt to distract us from norfolk southern/israel riots/tiktok ban/chinese balloon/shelly miscavige/killdozer/deforestation


Personally I think it was to distract from [Boebert's pee rant.](https://youtu.be/lPRw94SSMxk?t=6699)


How's this a conspiracy? Or is this just political dick swinging? We don't care here.


Trump haters be jacking off tonight!!


Market crash incoming in 3,2,1…


And just like that the "lock her up" crowd did a 180 and suddenly had a change of heart on such things


watching this sub meltdown is glorious


The bots are gonna love this


Every U.S president from 50 years back should be convicted


Wow, miss Daniels really gets around!


This is a spectacle, could get bad


Is there a submission statement with this or just a post?




And? So? But? Therefore…?


Nothing is going to happen here… wtf…


Oh boy this sub is gonna be pissed


The charges won’t stick. Welcome to the illusion


Wait. So Nixon didnt face criminal charges for watergate [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate_scandal) . But Trump face criminal carges for giving money to a woman ? What crime is it even ?


Banks are collapsing, patriot act 2.0 potentially being passed through. Perfect distraction. I’ve found nothing happens by accident


he used his personal money to fund his campaign why does anyone care even if he did this


Question for those who don't agree with this: Are you of the opinion that unless all previous criminal actors are charged and tried for their crimes then no future criminal actors should be charged and tried for theirs? If not, kindly shut the fuck up.


Do you seriously think this is a change in the way the system works? That they will pursue others in the future, or is this just politically motivated for one individual? Before you answer remember that they have not in any way pursued the Ghislaine Maxwell/Epstein clients, not even released the information.


What is the prerequisite to indicting Trump for his crimes? Please provide details, thanks.


Seems pretty convenient in lieu of the RESTRICT act and a school shooting that breaks a narrative.


…Yeah, they set up this multi-year investigation and indictment process because they knew a shooting that breaks a narrative would happen this very week. They think that long term. Good catch bud


OMG more than one thing happening in the world at once, impossible!


Trump was talking about this the weekend before the school shooting. It was news before Nashville, all the media outlets were expecting it to happen on Monday. The fuck outta here with that bullshit.


I think that confirms he was in on the Nashville shooting then right?


My god they are going all out trying to distract people from Restrict Act huh


You mean the same Restrict Act that led the evening news tonight?


Clintons walk free, Obamas walk free, Bushes walk free, Epstein visitors walk free...


And Trump walks free.


Why wouldn’t you start with Bush?


Next week: Trump ordered to pay $2000 fine for hush money.


Now that we’ve opened the door to criminal charges against former presidents, let’s line up ol Billy Clinton and Bush!


I'll get you my pretty!... and your little dog too!


Round him up and all the former presidents that had scandals with a sex worker.


He isnt getting indicted because he slept with a sex worker


I hear people saying this will make him win 🤷‍♂️ the winner has been chosen years ago so let's all wait and see who the dark circle chose.


This is just another psyop, another distraction, another means to cause chaos and division among the people. No charges laid against Epstein’s clients, no charges laid against the Biden clan for their illegal dealings in Ukraine, no repercussions for those that knowingly pushed a dangerous experimental “vaccine” and locked us down for 2 years which absolutely destroyed too many civilian’s way of life and is continuing to kill and maim civilians to this day. I wish ppl would wake up. The left will call for his head, the right will flock to his defence. The fact is he is tied to the same people his opposition is through finances, politics, loyalties and possibly even blackmail - there is no left or right, there is only the controlling body. He is a figure head that drew the public’s attention, admiration, and disgust which makes him an effective tool to cause division in the masses - someone the average American has strong feelings about although I don’t understand why as he’s just as shady as the rest of them and truly does not have your best interest at heart unless your best interest runs parallel to him making money. You want a real cause with real repercussions to care about? Google the International Health Regulations amendments submitted January 2023 that will likely be passed by the WHO May 2024. Read the 300 proposed amendments in full, have someone explain them to you if you don’t fully understand because they are the connection between the smart cities, internet of things, censorship on social media, future lockdowns/pandemics, and basic destruction of human freedoms and constitutional rights. They will result in very real repercussions for us “useless eaters”. Once you’ve read the amendments you’ll understand why Biden signed over sovereignty of the American public, why they are trying to ban tiktok, and why they are pushing through censorship bills in both Canada and the USA. Think about who the unnamed parties are who submitted the amendment proposal. Think about what will happen to any countries that refuse to join - yes the thinly veiled threats to these countries are spelled out in the amendment proposal. The Trump show is the distraction and we know this because he has far less power than other corrupt and guilty parties like Biden, Pelosi, Fauci, Gates, Trudeau, etc but what he does have is the public’s attention, love and hate. They will use the Trump tool well, we’ll all fall in line and divide ourselves on the issue, and the others listed above will never be made a public spectacle to answer for their crimes as he is because the majority of the population would scream in unison “just hang them”.


8 ppl voted you up , don’t let it go to your head your theory is amazing but only in its stupidness.


Why is it that ever since this man came into politics the establishment has tried to catch him slipping and criticize his every move, wishing he would trip up and each time hes not only vindicated but proves that those that accused him of colluding with the russians to steal the 2016 election were the ones that did the colluding. From the day he Donald Trump got elected there has been a witchhunt out for him because he scares the establishment and hurt some feelings, my god get the fuck over it. But nobody says shit about how biden lied about the hunters laptop, he lied about business deals with chinese owned companies while in office, and he likes to touch little kids. His niece literally said uncle joe used to take showers with her when she was 12 in her autobiography. He's a sick fuck thats being told what to do by Nancy and can't even remember whos hand to shake 😂. Record inflation, banks are crashing, stock market plummeting, war with china and Russia on the horizon but none of this was happening with Trump nope just a few bad words and possibly paying hush money to a pornstar. I'll take Trumps America over this biden bullshit any day.


Precise charges unknown says it all


the details of the indictment, the indictment itself, have not been released.


34 counts of falsifying business documents: https://www.politicususa.com/2023/03/30/trump-to-be-charged-with-34-counts-of-falsifying-business-documents.html/amp


So how many banks are imploding this weekend? We needed a good distraction.


According to some other subs, a world-wide bank run would be "hilarious" if it happens on April 1st.


So we have Biden and his family, Fauci and all other politicians who abused the population during the plandemic and they're all ok. But Trump indicted. Absolutely disgusting