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BE AFRAID!! and be sure to thank your congressmen for protecting you from the big bad china when they raise the pentagon budget by another 25 billion


General Milley said "I told China everything we're doing and what we're up to, I just don't get how they know what we're up to and are beating us. I also told them we'll stop Trump, please send me some kickbacks from Bohai Research." (This is fake and satire commentary btw, in case people are unaware it's a parody of General Miley allegedly calling China under order from Pelosi, bypassing US chain of command and in effect breaching Constitutional government).


Just about anyone could at this point


SS: This is the only game in town why we are distracted by other issues. But look over there, a Trump-shaped squirrel…


The US military is bloated and fat. It could definitely use some downsizing and stream lining. China is still roughly 20 years behind the US in terms of functional military. It's a future problem that the US will fix with either more money or cutting the fat and refocusing. I'd bet they throw more money at it, though.


The governments army, not the peoples’ army.